process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) { console.error('Uncaught Exception occured!'); console.error(err.stack); }); var configLocation = __dirname+'/../conf.json'; var fs = require('fs'); var jsonfile = require("jsonfile"); var config = jsonfile.readFileSync(configLocation); var processArgv = process.argv.splice(2,process.argv.length) var arguments = {}; processArgv.forEach(function(val) { var theSplit = val.split('='); var index = (theSplit[0] || '').trim(); var value = theSplit[1]; if(index.indexOf('addToConfig') > -1 || index == 'addToConfig'){ try{ value = JSON.parse(value) config = Object.assign(config,value) }catch(err){ console.log('Not a valid Data set. "addToConfig" value must be a JSON string. You may need to wrap it in singles quotes.') } }else{ if(value==='DELETE'){ delete(config[index]) }else{ try{ config[index] = JSON.parse(value); }catch(err){ config[index] = value; } } } console.log(index + ': ' + value); }); jsonfile.writeFile(configLocation,config,{spaces: 2},function(){ console.log('Changes Complete. Here is what it is now.') console.log(JSON.stringify(config,null,2)) })