const fs = require('fs'); const exec = require('child_process').exec; const execSync = require('child_process').execSync; const spawn = require('child_process').spawn; const treekill = require('tree-kill'); module.exports = (s,config,lang) => { const { mergeDeep, validateIntValue, } = require('../common.js') const getPossibleWarnings = require('./possibleWarnings.js') const activeProbes = {} const runFFprobe = (url,auth,callback,forceOverlap,customInput) => { var endData = {ok: false, result: {}} if(!url){ endData.error = 'Missing URL' callback(endData) return } if(!forceOverlap && activeProbes[auth]){ endData.error = 'Account is already probing' callback(endData) return } activeProbes[auth] = 1 var stderr = '' var stdout = '' const probeCommand = splitForFFPMEG(`${customInput ? customInput + ' ' : ''}-analyzeduration 10000 -probesize 10000 -v quiet -print_format json -show_format -show_streams -i "${url}"`) var processTimeout = null var ffprobeLocation = config.ffmpegDir.split('/') ffprobeLocation[ffprobeLocation.length - 1] = 'ffprobe' ffprobeLocation = ffprobeLocation.join('/') const probeProcess = spawn(ffprobeLocation, probeCommand) const finishReponse = () => { delete(activeProbes[auth]) if(!stdout){ endData.error = stderr }else{ endData.ok = true endData.result = s.parseJSON(stdout) } endData.probe = probeCommand callback(endData) } probeProcess.stderr.on('data',function(data){ stderr += data.toString() }) probeProcess.stdout.on('data',function(data){ stdout += data.toString() }) probeProcess.on('close',function(){ clearTimeout(processTimeout) finishReponse() }) processTimeout = setTimeout(() => { treekill( finishReponse() },4000) } const probeMonitor = (monitor,timeoutAmount,forceOverlap) => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { const inputTypeIsH264 = monitor.type === 'h264' const protocolIsRtsp = monitor.protocol === 'rtsp' const rtspTransportIsManual = monitor.details.rtsp_transport && monitor.details.rtsp_transport !== 'no' const url = s.buildMonitorUrl(monitor); runFFprobe(url,`${}${monitor.mid}`,(response) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(response) },timeoutAmount || 1000) },forceOverlap, inputTypeIsH264 && protocolIsRtsp && rtspTransportIsManual ? `-rtsp_transport ${monitor.details.rtsp_transport}` : null) }) } const getStreamInfoFromProbe = (probeResult) => { const streamIndex = { video: [], audio: [], all: [] } const streams = probeResult.streams || [] streams.forEach((stream) => { try{ const codecType = stream.codec_type || 'video' if(!streamIndex[codecType])streamIndex[codecType] = [] const simpleInfo = { fps: eval(stream.r_frame_rate) || '', width: stream.coded_width, height: stream.coded_height, streamType: stream.codec_type, codec: (stream.codec_name || '').toLowerCase(), } streamIndex.all.push(simpleInfo) streamIndex[codecType].push(simpleInfo) }catch(err){ s.debugLog(err) } }) if( === 0){{ streamType: 'video', codec: 'unknown', }) } return streamIndex } const createWarningsForConfiguration = (monitor,probeResult) => { const warnings = [] const possibleWarnings = getPossibleWarnings(monitor,probeResult,config,lang) possibleWarnings.forEach((warning) => { if(warning.isTrue)warnings.push(warning) }) return warnings } const buildMonitorConfigPartialFromWarnings = (warnings) => { var configPartial = {} warnings.forEach((warning) => { if(warning.automaticChange)configPartial = mergeDeep(configPartial,warning.automaticChange) }) return configPartial } const repairConfiguration = (monitor,probeResult) => { const warnings = createWarningsForConfiguration(monitor,probeResult) const configPartial = buildMonitorConfigPartialFromWarnings(warnings) return mergeDeep(monitor,configPartial) } const applyPartialToConfiguration = (activeMonitor,configPartial) => { Object.keys(configPartial).forEach((key) => { if(key !== 'details'){ activeMonitor[key] = configPartial[key] }else{ const details = s.parseJSON(configPartial.details) Object.keys(details).forEach((key) => { activeMonitor.details[key] = details[key] }) } }) } const validateDimensions = (oldWidth,oldHeight) => { const width = validateIntValue(oldWidth) const height = validateIntValue(oldHeight) return { videoWidth: width, videoHeight: height, } } const sanitizedFfmpegCommand = (e,ffmpegCommandString) => { var sanitizedCmd = `${ffmpegCommandString}` if(e.details.muser && e.details.mpass){ sanitizedCmd = ffmpegCommandString .replace(`//${e.details.muser}:${e.details.mpass}@`,'//') .replace(`=${e.details.muser}`,'=USERNAME') .replace(`=${e.details.mpass}`,'=PASSWORD') }else if(e.details.muser){ sanitizedCmd = ffmpegCommandString.replace(`//${e.details.muser}:@`,'//').replace(`=${e.details.muser}`,'=USERNAME') } return sanitizedCmd } const createPipeArray = function(e, amountToAdd){ const stdioPipes = []; var times = amountToAdd ? amountToAdd + config.pipeAddition : config.pipeAddition; if(e.details && e.details.stream_channels){ times += e.details.stream_channels.length } for(var i=0; i < times; i++){ stdioPipes.push('pipe') } return stdioPipes } const splitForFFPMEG = function(ffmpegCommandAsString) { return ffmpegCommandAsString.replace(/\s+/g,' ').trim().match(/\\?.|^$/g).reduce((p, c) => { if(c === '"'){ p.quote ^= 1; }else if(!p.quote && c === ' '){ p.a.push(''); }else{ p.a[p.a.length-1] += c.replace(/\\(.)/,"$1"); } return p; }, {a: ['']}).a } //check local ffmpeg const checkForWindows = function(){ s.debugLog('ffmpeg.js : checkForWindows') const ffmpegPath = s.mainDirectory + '/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe' const hasFfmpeg = s.isWin && fs.existsSync(ffmpegPath) const response = { ok: hasFfmpeg } if (hasFfmpeg) { config.ffmpegDir = ffmpegPath } return response } //check local ffmpeg const checkForUnix = function(){ s.debugLog('ffmpeg.js : checkForUnix') const response = { ok: false } if(s.isWin === false){ if (fs.existsSync('/usr/bin/ffmpeg')) { response.ok = true config.ffmpegDir = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg' }else{ if (fs.existsSync('/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg')) { response.ok = true config.ffmpegDir = '/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg' } } } return response } //check node module : ffmpeg-static const checkForNpmStatic = function(){ s.debugLog('ffmpeg.js : checkForNpmStatic') const response = { ok: false } try{ var staticFFmpeg = require('ffmpeg-static'); staticFFmpeg = staticFFmpeg.path ? staticFFmpeg.path : staticFFmpeg if (fs.statSync(staticFFmpeg)) { response.ok = true config.ffmpegDir = staticFFmpeg }else{ response.msg = `"ffmpeg-static" from NPM has failed to provide a compatible library or has been corrupted. Run "npm uninstall ffmpeg-static" to remove it. Run "npm install ffbinaries" to get a different static FFmpeg downloader.` } }catch(err){ response.error = err response.msg = 'No "ffmpeg-static".' } return response } //check node module : ffbinaries const checkForFfbinary = function(){ s.debugLog('ffmpeg.js : checkForFfbinary') const response = { ok: false } return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { try{ ffbinaries = require('ffbinaries') var ffbinaryDir = s.mainDirectory + '/ffmpeg/' if (!fs.existsSync(ffbinaryDir + 'ffmpeg')) { console.log('ffbinaries : Downloading FFmpeg. Please Wait...'); ffbinaries.downloadBinaries(['ffmpeg', 'ffprobe'], { destination: ffbinaryDir, version : '4.2' },function () { config.ffmpegDir = ffbinaryDir + 'ffmpeg' response.msg = 'ffbinaries : FFmpeg Downloaded.' response.ok = true resolve(response) }) }else{ response.msg = 'ffbinaries : Found.' response.ok = true config.ffmpegDir = ffbinaryDir + 'ffmpeg' resolve(response) } }catch(err){ response.msg = `No "ffbinaries". Continuing. Run "npm install ffbinaries" to get this static FFmpeg downloader.` resolve(response) } }) } const checkStaticBuilds = async () => { s.debugLog('ffmpeg.js : checkStaticBuilds') const response = { ok: false, msg: [] } const ffbinaryCheck = await checkForFfbinary() if(!ffbinaryCheck.ok){ // needs ffprobe solution // const npmStaticCheck = checkForNpmStatic() // if(npmStaticCheck.ok){ // response.ok = true // } // if(npmStaticCheck.msg)response.msg.push(npmStaticCheck.msg) }else{ response.ok = true } if(ffbinaryCheck.msg)response.msg.push(ffbinaryCheck.msg) return response } //ffmpeg version const checkVersion = function(callback){ s.debugLog('ffmpeg.js : checkVersion') const response = { ok: false } try{ s.ffmpegVersion = execSync(config.ffmpegDir+" -version").toString().split('Copyright')[0].replace('ffmpeg version','').trim() if(s.ffmpegVersion.indexOf(': 2.')>-1){ s.systemLog('FFMPEG is too old : '+s.ffmpegVersion+', Needed : 3.2+',err) throw (new Error()) }else{ response.ok = true } }catch(err){ console.log('No FFmpeg found.') // process.exit() } return response } //check available hardware acceleration methods const checkHwAccelMethods = function(){ s.debugLog('ffmpeg.js : checkHwAccelMethods') const response = { ok: true } if(config.availableHWAccels === undefined){ const hwAccels = execSync(config.ffmpegDir+" -loglevel quiet -hwaccels").toString().split('\n') hwAccels.shift() availableHWAccels = [] hwAccels.forEach(function(method){ if(method && method !== '')availableHWAccels.push(method.trim()) }) config.availableHWAccels = availableHWAccels config.availableHWAccels = ['auto'].concat(config.availableHWAccels) console.log('Available Hardware Acceleration Methods : ',availableHWAccels.join(', ')) var methods = { auto: {label:lang['Auto'],value:'auto'}, drm: {label:lang['drm'],value:'drm'}, cuvid: {label:lang['cuvid'],value:'cuvid'}, cuda: {label:lang['cuda'],value:'cuda'}, opencl: {label:lang['opencl'],value:'opencl'}, vaapi: {label:lang['vaapi'],value:'vaapi'}, qsv: {label:lang['qsv'],value:'qsv'}, vdpau: {label:lang['vdpau'],value:'vdpau'}, dxva2: {label:lang['dxva2'],value:'dxva2'}, vdpau: {label:lang['vdpau'],value:'vdpau'}, videotoolbox: {label:lang['videotoolbox'],value:'videotoolbox'} } s.listOfHwAccels = [] config.availableHWAccels.forEach(function(availibleMethod){ if(methods[availibleMethod]){ var method = methods[availibleMethod] s.listOfHwAccels.push({ name: method.label, value: method.value, }) } }) } return response } return { ffprobe: runFFprobe, probeMonitor: probeMonitor, getStreamInfoFromProbe: getStreamInfoFromProbe, createWarningsForConfiguration: createWarningsForConfiguration, buildMonitorConfigPartialFromWarnings: buildMonitorConfigPartialFromWarnings, applyPartialToConfiguration: applyPartialToConfiguration, repairConfiguration: repairConfiguration, validateDimensions: validateDimensions, sanitizedFfmpegCommand: sanitizedFfmpegCommand, createPipeArray: createPipeArray, splitForFFPMEG: splitForFFPMEG, checkForWindows: checkForWindows, checkForUnix: checkForUnix, checkForNpmStatic: checkForNpmStatic, checkForFfbinary: checkForFfbinary, checkStaticBuilds: checkStaticBuilds, checkVersion: checkVersion, checkHwAccelMethods: checkHwAccelMethods, } }