const fs = require('fs-extra'); const express = require('express') const unzipper = require('unzipper') const spawn = require('child_process').spawn const exec = require('child_process').execSync const treekill = require('tree-kill'); const { Worker } = require('worker_threads'); module.exports = async (s,config,lang,app,io,currentUse) => { const { fetchDownloadAndWrite } = require('../basic/utils.js')(process.cwd(),config) const { currentPluginCpuUsage, currentPluginGpuUsage, currentPluginFrameProcessingCount, } = currentUse; const { activateClientPlugin, initializeClientPlugin, deactivateClientPlugin, } = require('./utils.js')(s,config,lang) const { triggerEvent, } = require('../events/utils.js')(s,config,lang) const runningPluginWorkers = {} const runningInstallProcesses = {} const modulesBasePath = process.cwd() + '/plugins/' const extractNameFromPackage = (filePath) => { const filePathParts = filePath.split('/') const packageName = filePathParts[filePathParts.length - 1].split('.')[0] return packageName } const getModulePath = (name) => { return modulesBasePath + name + '/' } const getModuleConfiguration = (moduleName) => { var moduleConfig = {} const modulePath = modulesBasePath + moduleName if(fs.existsSync(modulePath + '/conf.json')){ moduleConfig = getModuleProperties(moduleName,'conf') }else{ if(fs.existsSync(modulePath + '/conf.sample.json')){ moduleConfig = getModuleProperties(moduleName,'conf.sample') }else{ moduleConfig = { plug: moduleName.replace('shinobi-',''), type: 'detector' } } } return moduleConfig } const getModule = (moduleName) => { const modulePath = modulesBasePath + moduleName const stats = fs.lstatSync(modulePath) var newModule; if(stats.isDirectory()){ newModule = { name: moduleName, path: modulePath + '/', size: stats.size, lastModified: stats.mtime, created: stats.ctime, } var hasInstaller = false if(!fs.existsSync(modulePath + '/index.js')){ hasInstaller = true newModule.noIndex = true } //package.json if(fs.existsSync(modulePath + '/package.json')){ hasInstaller = true = getModuleProperties(moduleName) }else{ = { name: moduleName } } //conf.json newModule.config = getModuleConfiguration(moduleName) newModule.hasInstaller = hasInstaller newModule.installerRunning = !!runningInstallProcesses[moduleName] } return newModule } const getModules = (asArray) => { const foundModules = {} fs.readdirSync(modulesBasePath).forEach((moduleName) => { foundModules[moduleName] = getModule(moduleName) }) return asArray ? Object.values(foundModules) : foundModules } const downloadModule = (downloadUrl,packageName) => { const downloadPath = modulesBasePath + packageName try{ fs.mkdirSync(downloadPath) }catch(err){ s.debugLog(err) } return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { fs.mkdir(downloadPath, () => { fetchDownloadAndWrite(downloadUrl,downloadPath + '.zip', 1) .then((readStream) => { readStream.pipe(unzipper.Parse()) .on('entry', async (file) => { if(file.type === 'Directory'){ try{ fs.mkdirSync(modulesBasePath + file.path, { recursive: true }) }catch(err){ } }else{ const content = await file.buffer(); fs.writeFile(modulesBasePath + file.path,content,(err) => { if(err)console.log(err) }) } }) .promise() .then(() => { fs.remove(downloadPath + '.zip', () => {}) resolve() }) .catch(reject) }) }) }) } const getModuleProperties = (name,file) => { const modulePath = getModulePath(name) const propertiesPath = modulePath + `${file ? file : 'package'}.json` const properties = fs.existsSync(propertiesPath) ? s.parseJSON(fs.readFileSync(propertiesPath)) : { name: name } return properties } const installModule = (name) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(!runningInstallProcesses[name]){ //depending on module this may only work for Ubuntu const modulePath = getModulePath(name) const properties = getModuleProperties(name); const installerPath = modulePath + `` const propertiesPath = modulePath + 'package.json' var installProcess const tempRunPath = `${process.cwd()}/plugin-install-${name}.sh` if(fs.existsSync(installerPath)){ // check for (ubuntu only) fs.writeFileSync(tempRunPath,`cd "${modulePath}" && sh && echo "Done!"`) }else if(fs.existsSync(propertiesPath)){ // no found, check for package.json and do `npm install --unsafe-perm` fs.writeFileSync(tempRunPath,`cd "${modulePath}" && npm install && echo "Done!"`) }else{ fs.writeFileSync(tempRunPath,`echo "No Installer Found"`) } installProcess = spawn(`sh`,[tempRunPath]) fs.rm(tempRunPath,function(err){s.debugLog(err)}) if(installProcess){ const sendData = (data,channel) => { const clientData = { f: 'plugin-info', module: name, process: 'install-' + channel, data: data, } s.tx(clientData,'$') s.debugLog(clientData) } installProcess.stderr.on('data',(data) => { sendData(data.toString(),'stderr') }) installProcess.stdout.on('data',(data) => { sendData(data.toString(),'stdout') }) installProcess.on('exit',(data) => { sendData('#END_PROCESS','stdout') runningInstallProcesses[name] = null; }) runningInstallProcesses[name] = installProcess } resolve() }else{ resolve(lang['Already Installing...']) } }) } const runModuleCommand = (name,scriptName) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if(!runningInstallProcesses[name]){ //depending on module this may only work for Ubuntu const modulePath = getModulePath(name) const properties = getModuleProperties(name); const theCmd = properties.addCmd[scriptName].cmd var installProcess const tempRunPath = `${process.cwd()}/plugin-install-${name}.sh` fs.writeFileSync(tempRunPath,`cd "${modulePath}" && ${theCmd}`) installProcess = spawn(`sh`,[tempRunPath]) fs.rm(tempRunPath,function(err){s.debugLog(err)}) if(installProcess){ const sendData = (data,channel) => { const clientData = { f: 'plugin-info', module: name, process: 'install-' + channel, data: data, } s.tx(clientData,'$') s.debugLog(clientData) } installProcess.stderr.on('data',(data) => { sendData(data.toString(),'stderr') }) installProcess.stdout.on('data',(data) => { sendData(data.toString(),'stdout') }) installProcess.on('exit',(data) => { sendData('#END_PROCESS','stdout') runningInstallProcesses[name] = null; }) runningInstallProcesses[name] = installProcess } resolve() }else{ resolve(lang['Already Installing...']) } }) } const enableModule = (name,status) => { // set status to `false` to enable const modulePath = getModulePath(name) const confJson = getModuleConfiguration(name) const confPath = modulePath + 'conf.json' confJson.enabled = status; fs.writeFileSync(confPath,s.prettyPrint(confJson)) } const deleteModule = (name) => { // requires restart for changes to take effect try{ const modulePath = modulesBasePath + name fs.remove(modulePath, (err) => { if(err)console.log(err) }) return true }catch(err){ console.log(err) return false } } const unloadModule = (moduleName) => { const worker = runningPluginWorkers[moduleName] if(worker){ worker.terminate() runningPluginWorkers[moduleName] = null } } const onWorkerMessage = (pluginName,type,data) => { switch(type){ case'ocv': switch(data.f){ case'trigger': triggerEvent(data) break; case's.tx': s.tx(, break; case'log': s.systemLog('PLUGIN : '+data.plug+' : ',data) break; case's.sqlQuery': s.sqlQuery(data.query,data.values) break; case's.knexQuery': s.knexQuery(data.options) break; } break; case'cpuUsage': currentPluginCpuUsage[pluginName] = data break; case'gpuUsage': currentPluginGpuUsage[pluginName] = data break; case'processCount': currentPluginFrameProcessingCount[pluginName] = data break; } } const loadModule = (shinobiModule) => { const moduleName = const moduleConfig = shinobiModule.config const modulePlugName = moduleConfig.plug const customModulePath = modulesBasePath + '/' + moduleName const worker = new Worker(customModulePath + '/' +,{ workerData: {ok: true} }); initializeClientPlugin(moduleConfig) activateClientPlugin(moduleConfig,(data) => { worker.postMessage(data) }) worker.on('message', (data) =>{ onWorkerMessage(modulePlugName, }); worker.on('error', (err) =>{ console.error(err) }); worker.on('exit', (code) => { if (code !== 0){ s.debugLog(`Worker (Plugin) stopped with exit code ${code}`); } deactivateClientPlugin(modulePlugName) }); runningPluginWorkers[moduleName] = worker } const moveModuleToNameInProperties = (modulePath,packageRoot) => { return new Promise((resolve,reject) => { const packageRootParts = packageRoot.split('/') const filename = `dl_${packageRootParts[packageRootParts.length - 1]}` fs.move(modulePath + packageRoot,modulesBasePath + filename,(err) => { if(packageRoot){ fs.remove(modulePath, (err) => { if(err)console.log(err) resolve(filename) }) }else{ resolve(filename) } }) }) } const initializeAllModules = async () => { fs.readdir(modulesBasePath,function(err,folderContents){ if(!err && folderContents.length > 0){ var moduleList = getModules(true) moduleList.forEach((shinobiModule) => { if(!shinobiModule || !shinobiModule.config.enabled){ return; } loadModule(shinobiModule) }) }else{ fs.mkdir(modulesBasePath,() => {}) } }) } /** * API : Superuser : Custom Auto Load Package Download. */ app.get(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/plugins/list', async (req,res) => { s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ ok: true, modules: getModules() }) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Custom Auto Load Package Download. */':auth/plugins/download', async (req,res) => { s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { try{ const url = req.body.downloadUrl const packageRoot = req.body.packageRoot || '' const packageName = req.body.packageName || extractNameFromPackage(url) const modulePath = getModulePath(packageName) await downloadModule(url,packageName) s.debugLog('Downloaded',packageName,url) const newName = await moveModuleToNameInProperties(modulePath,packageRoot) const properties = getModuleProperties(newName) s.debugLog('properties',properties) s.debugLog('moveModuleToNameInProperties',newName) const chosenName = newName ? newName : packageName enableModule(chosenName,false) s.debugLog('Plugin Ready to Use!',newName,url) s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ ok: true, moduleName: chosenName, newModule: getModule(chosenName) }) }catch(err){ console.error(err) s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ ok: false, error: err }) } },res,req) }) // /** // * API : Superuser : Custom Auto Load Package Update. // */ //':auth/plugins/update', async (req,res) => { // s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { // try{ // const url = req.body.downloadUrl // const packageRoot = req.body.packageRoot || '' // const packageName = req.body.packageName || extractNameFromPackage(url) // const modulePath = getModulePath(packageName) // await downloadModule(url,packageName) // const properties = getModuleProperties(packageName) // const newName = await moveModuleToNameInProperties(modulePath,packageRoot,properties) // const chosenName = newName ? newName : packageName // // enableModule(chosenName,true) // s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ // ok: true, // moduleName: chosenName, // newModule: getModule(chosenName) // }) // }catch(err){ // s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ // ok: false, // error: err // }) // } // },res,req) // }) /** * API : Superuser : Custom Auto Load Package Install. */':auth/plugins/install', (req,res) => { s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { const packageName = req.body.packageName const cancelInstall = req.body.cancelInstall === 'true' ? true : false const response = {ok: true} if(runningInstallProcesses[packageName] && cancelInstall){ treekill(runningInstallProcesses[packageName].pid) }else if(cancelInstall){ // response.msg = '' }else{ const error = await installModule(packageName) if(error){ response.ok = false response.msg = error } } s.closeJsonResponse(res,response) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Custom Auto Load Package Install. */':auth/plugins/run', (req,res) => { s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { const packageName = req.body.packageName const scriptName = req.body.scriptName const response = {ok: true} if(runningInstallProcesses[packageName]){ treekill(runningInstallProcesses[packageName].pid) }else{ const error = await runModuleCommand(packageName,scriptName) if(error){ response.ok = false response.msg = error } } s.closeJsonResponse(res,response) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Interact with Installer */':auth/plugins/command', (req,res) => { s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { const packageName = req.body.packageName const command = req.body.command || '' const response = {ok: true} try{ runningInstallProcesses[packageName].stdin.write(`${command}\n`) }catch(err){ response.ok = false response.msg = err } s.closeJsonResponse(res,response) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Update Plugin conf.json */':auth/plugins/configuration/update', (req,res) => { s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { const response = {ok: true} const packageName = req.body.packageName const configPath = modulesBasePath + packageName + '/conf.json' const newPluginConfig = s.parseJSON(req.body.config) || {} try{ await fs.promises.writeFile(configPath,s.prettyPrint(newPluginConfig)) }catch(err){ response.ok = false response.msg = err } s.closeJsonResponse(res,response) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Get Plugin conf.json */ app.get(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/plugins/configuration', (req,res) => { s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { const response = {ok: true} const packageName = req.query.packageName const modulePath = modulesBasePath + packageName try{ const shinobiModule = getModule(packageName) response.config = shinobiModule.config }catch(err){ response.ok = false response.msg = err } s.closeJsonResponse(res,response) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Custom Auto Load Package set Status (Enabled or Disabled). */':auth/plugins/status', (req,res) => { s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { const status = req.body.status const packageName = req.body.packageName const selection = status == 'true' ? true : false const theModule = getModule(packageName) enableModule(packageName,selection) if(theModule.config.hotLoadable === true){ if(!selection){ loadModule(theModule) }else{ unloadModule(packageName) } } s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ok: true, status: selection}) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Custom Auto Load Package Delete */':auth/plugins/delete', async (req,res) => { s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { const packageName = req.body.packageName const response = deleteModule(packageName) s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ok: response}) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Custom Auto Load Package Reload All */':auth/plugins/reloadAll', async (req,res) => { s.superAuth(req.params, async (resp) => { await initializeAllModules(); s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ok: true}) },res,req) }) s.onProcessReady(async () => { // Initialize Modules on Start await initializeAllModules(); }) }