var fs = require('fs') var exec = require('child_process').exec module.exports = function(s,config,lang,app,io){ const base64Prefix = '=?UTF-8?B?'; function isBase64String(theString){ return theString.startsWith(base64Prefix) } function convertBase64ToTextString(theString){ let data = theString.replace(base64Prefix,''); let buff = Buffer.from(data, 'base64'); let text = buff.toString('ascii'); return text } const { triggerEvent, } = require('./events/utils.js')(s,config,lang) if(config.dropInEventServer === true){ if(config.dropInEventForceSaveEvent === undefined)config.dropInEventForceSaveEvent = true if(config.dropInEventDeleteFileAfterTrigger === undefined)config.dropInEventDeleteFileAfterTrigger = true var fileQueueForDeletion = {} var fileQueue = {} var search = function(searchIn,searchFor){ return searchIn.indexOf(searchFor) > -1 } var getFileNameFromPath = function(filePath){ fileParts = filePath.split('/') return fileParts[fileParts.length - 1] } var clipPathEnding = function(filePath){ var newPath = filePath + '' if (newPath.substring(newPath.length-1) == "/"){ newPath = newPath.substring(0, newPath.length-1); } return newPath; } var processFile = function(filePath,monitorConfig){ var ke = var mid = monitorConfig.mid var filename = getFileNameFromPath(filePath) if(search(filename,'.jpg') || search(filename,'.jpeg')){ var snapPath = s.dir.streams + ke + '/' + mid + '/s.jpg' fs.rm(snapPath,function(err){ fs.createReadStream(filePath).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(snapPath)) triggerEvent({ id: mid, ke: ke, details: { confidence: 100, name: filename, plug: "dropInEvent", reason: "ftpServer" }, },config.dropInEventForceSaveEvent) }) }else{ var reason = "ftpServer" if(search(filename,'.mp4')){ fs.stat(filePath,function(err,stats){ if(err)return; var startTime = stats.ctime var endTime = stats.mtime var shinobiFilename = s.formattedTime(startTime) + '.mp4' var recordingPath = s.getVideoDirectory(monitorConfig) + shinobiFilename var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(recordingPath) fs.createReadStream(filePath).pipe(writeStream) writeStream.on('finish', () => { s.insertCompletedVideo([].rawMonitorConfigurations[monitorConfig.mid],{ file: shinobiFilename, events: [ { id: mid, ke: ke, time: new Date(), details: { confidence: 100, name: filename, plug: "dropInEvent", reason: "ftpServer" } } ], },function(){ }) }) }) } var completeAction = function(){ triggerEvent({ id: mid, ke: ke, details: { confidence: 100, name: filename, plug: "dropInEvent", reason: reason }, },config.dropInEventForceSaveEvent) } if(search(filename,'.txt')){ fs.readFile(filePath,{encoding: 'utf-8'},function(err,data){ if(data){ reason = data.split('\n')[0] || filename }else if(filename){ reason = filename } completeAction() }) }else{ completeAction() } } } var onFileOrFolderFound = function(filePath,deletionKey,monitorConfig){ fs.stat(filePath,function(err,stats){ if(!err){ if(stats.isDirectory()){ fs.readdir(filePath,function(err,files){ if(files){ files.forEach(function(filename){ onFileOrFolderFound(clipPathEnding(filePath) + '/' + filename,deletionKey,monitorConfig) }) }else if(err){ console.log(err) } }) }else{ if(!fileQueue[filePath]){ processFile(filePath,monitorConfig) if(config.dropInEventDeleteFileAfterTrigger){ clearTimeout(fileQueue[filePath]) fileQueue[filePath] = setTimeout(function(){ exec('rm -rf ' + filePath,function(err){ delete(fileQueue[filePath]) }) },1000 * 60 * 5) } } } if(config.dropInEventDeleteFileAfterTrigger){ clearTimeout(fileQueueForDeletion[deletionKey]) fileQueueForDeletion[deletionKey] = setTimeout(function(){ exec('rm -rf ' + deletionKey,function(err){ delete(fileQueueForDeletion[deletionKey]) }) },1000 * 60 * 5) } } }) } var createDropInEventsDirectory = function(){ if(!config.dropInEventsDir){ config.dropInEventsDir = s.dir.streams + 'dropInEvents/' } s.dir.dropInEvents = s.checkCorrectPathEnding(config.dropInEventsDir) //dropInEvents dir if(!fs.existsSync(s.dir.dropInEvents)){ fs.mkdirSync(s.dir.dropInEvents) } } var getDropInEventDir = function(monitorConfig){ var ke = var mid = monitorConfig.mid var groupEventDropDir = s.dir.dropInEvents + ke var monitorEventDropDir = groupEventDropDir + '/' + mid + '/' return monitorEventDropDir } var onMonitorStop = function(monitorConfig){ var ke = var mid = monitorConfig.mid if([].activeMonitors[monitorConfig.mid].dropInEventWatcher){[].activeMonitors[monitorConfig.mid].dropInEventWatcher.close() delete([].activeMonitors[monitorConfig.mid].dropInEventWatcher) var monitorEventDropDir = getDropInEventDir(monitorConfig) s.file('deleteFolder',monitorEventDropDir + '*') } } var createDropInEventDirectory = function(e,callback){ var directory = s.dir.dropInEvents + + '/' fs.mkdir(directory,function(err){ s.handleFolderError(err) directory = s.dir.dropInEvents + + '/' + ( || e.mid) + '/' fs.mkdir(directory,function(err){ s.handleFolderError(err) exec('rm -rf "' + directory + '*"',function(){}) callback(err,directory) }) }) } var onMonitorInit = function(monitorConfig){ var ke = var mid = monitorConfig.mid var groupEventDropDir = s.dir.dropInEvents + ke createDropInEventDirectory(monitorConfig,function(err,monitorEventDropDir){}) } // FTP Server if(config.ftpServer === true){ createDropInEventsDirectory() if(!config.ftpServerPort)config.ftpServerPort = 21 if(!config.ftpServerUrl)config.ftpServerUrl = `${config.ftpServerPort}` if(!config.ftpServerPasvUrl)config.ftpServerPasvUrl = config.ftpServerUrl.replace(/.*:\/\//, '').replace(/:.*/, ''); if(!config.ftpServerPasvMinPort)config.ftpServerPasvMinPort = 10050; if(!config.ftpServerPasvMaxPort)config.ftpServerPasvMaxPort = 10100; config.ftpServerUrl = config.ftpServerUrl.replace('{{PORT}}',config.ftpServerPort) const FtpSrv = require('ftp-srv') const ftpServer = new FtpSrv({ url: config.ftpServerUrl, // pasv_url must be set to enable PASV; ftp-srv uses its known IP if given, // and smart clients will ignore the IP anyway. Some Dahua IP cams require PASV mode. // ftp-srv just wants an IP only (no protocol or port) pasv_url: config.ftpServerPasvUrl, pasv_min: config.ftpServerPasvMinPort, pasv_max: config.ftpServerPasvMaxPort, greeting: "Shinobi FTP dropInEvent Server says hello!", log: require('bunyan').createLogger({ name: 'ftp-srv', level: 100 }), }) ftpServer.on('login', ({connection, username, password}, resolve, reject) => { s.basicOrApiAuthentication(username,password,function(err,user){ if(user){ connection.on('STOR', (error, fileName) => { if(!fileName)return; var pathPieces = fileName.replace(s.dir.dropInEvents,'').split('/') var ke = pathPieces[0] var mid = pathPieces[1] var firstDroppedPart = pathPieces[2] var monitorEventDropDir = s.dir.dropInEvents + ke + '/' + mid + '/' var deleteKey = monitorEventDropDir + firstDroppedPart onFileOrFolderFound(monitorEventDropDir + firstDroppedPart,deleteKey,Object.assign({},[ke].rawMonitorConfigurations[mid])) }) resolve({root: s.dir.dropInEvents +}) }else{ // reject(new Error('Failed Authorization')) } }) }) ftpServer.on('client-error', ({connection, context, error}) => { console.log('client-error',error) }) ftpServer.listen().then(() => { s.systemLog(`FTP Server running on port ${config.ftpServerPort}...`) }).catch(function(err){ s.systemLog(err) }) } //add extensions s.onMonitorInit(onMonitorInit) s.onMonitorStop(onMonitorStop) } // SMTP Server // allow starting SMTP server without dropInEventServer if(config.smtpServer === true){ if(config.smtpServerHideStartTls === undefined)config.smtpServerHideStartTls = null var SMTPServer = require("smtp-server").SMTPServer; if(!config.smtpServerPort && (config.smtpServerSsl && config.smtpServerSsl.enabled !== false || config.ssl)){config.smtpServerPort = 465}else if(!config.smtpServerPort){config.smtpServerPort = 25} config.smtpServerOptions = config.smtpServerOptions ? config.smtpServerOptions : {} var smtpOptions = Object.assign({ logger: config.debugLog || config.smtpServerLog, hideSTARTTLS: config.smtpServerHideStartTls, onAuth(auth, session, callback) { var username = auth.username var password = auth.password s.basicOrApiAuthentication(username,password,function(err,user){ if(user){ callback(null, {user:}) }else{ callback(new Error(lang.failedLoginText2)) } }) }, onRcptTo(address, session, callback) { var split = address.address.split('@') var monitorId = split[0] var ke = session.user if([ke] &&[ke].activeMonitors[monitorId] &&[ke].activeMonitors[monitorId].isStarted === true){ session.monitorId = monitorId }else{ return callback(new Error(lang['No Monitor Exists with this ID.'])) } callback() }, onData(stream, session, callback) { if(session.monitorId){ var ke = session.user var monitorId = session.monitorId var details =[ke].rawMonitorConfigurations[monitorId].details var reasonTag = '' var text = '' stream.on('data',function(data){ text += data.toString() }) // print message to console stream.on("end", function(){ var contentPart = text.split('--PartBoundary12345678') contentPart.forEach(function(part){ var parsed = {} var lines = part.split(/\r?\n/) lines.forEach(function(line,n){ var pieces = line.split(':') if(pieces[1]){ var nextLine = lines[n + 1] var keyName = pieces[0].trim().toLowerCase() pieces.shift() var parsedValue = pieces.join(':') parsed[keyName] = parsedValue } }) if(parsed['content-type'] && parsed['content-type'].indexOf('image/jpeg') > -1){ // console.log(lines) } if(reasonTag)return; if(parsed['alarm event']){ reasonTag = parsed['alarm event'] }else if(parsed.subject){ const subjectString = parsed.subject; reasonTag = isBase64String(subjectString) ? convertBase64ToTextString(subjectString) : subjectString } }) triggerEvent({ id: monitorId, ke: ke, details: { confidence: 100, name: 'smtpServer', plug: "dropInEvent", reason: reasonTag || 'smtpServer' }, },config.dropInEventForceSaveEvent) callback() }) }else{ callback() } } },config.smtpServerOptions) if(config.smtpServerSsl && config.smtpServerSsl.enabled !== false || config.ssl && config.ssl.cert && config.ssl.key){ var key = config.ssl.key || fs.readFileSync(config.smtpServerSsl.key) var cert = config.ssl.cert || fs.readFileSync(config.smtpServerSsl.cert) smtpOptions = Object.assign(smtpOptions,{ secure: true, key: config.ssl.key, cert: config.ssl.cert }) } var server = new SMTPServer(smtpOptions) server.listen(config.smtpServerPort,function(){ s.systemLog(`SMTP Server running on port ${config.smtpServerPort}...`) }) } require('./dropInEvents/mqtt.js')(s,config,lang,app,io) }