var fs = require('fs'); var os = require('os'); var moment = require('moment') var exec = require('child_process').exec; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn; var execSync = require('child_process').execSync; module.exports = function(s,config,lang,app){ const { modifyConfiguration, updateSystem, getSystemInfo, } = require('./system/utils.js')(config) const { checkSubscription } = require('./basic/utils.js')(process.cwd(),config) /** * API : Superuser : Get Logs */ app.all([config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/logs'], function (req,res){ req.ret={ok:false}; s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ s.getDatabaseRows({ table: 'Logs', groupKey: '$', date:, startDate: req.query.start, endDate: req.query.end, startOperator: req.query.startOperator, endOperator: req.query.endOperator, limit: req.query.limit || 30, },(response) => { response.rows.forEach(function(v,n){ response.rows[n].info = JSON.parse( }) s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ ok: response.ok, logs: response.rows }) }) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Log delete. */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/logs/delete', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ s.knexQuery({ action: "delete", table: "Logs", where: { ke: '$' } },() => { s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ ok : true }) }) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Update Shinobi */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/system/update', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,async (resp) => { s.systemLog(lang['Shinobi Ordered to Update'],{ by: resp.$user.mail, ip: resp.ip }) const didUpdate = await updateSystem() s.systemLog(lang.restartRequired,{ by: resp.$user.mail, ip: resp.ip }) var endData = { ok : true } s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Restart Shinobi */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/system/restart/:script', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ var check = function(x){return req.params.script.indexOf(x)>-1} var endData = { ok : true } if(check('system')){ s.systemLog('Shinobi ordered to restart',{by:resp.$user.mail,ip:resp.ip}) s.ffmpegKill() endData.systemOuput = execSync('pm2 restart '+s.mainDirectory+'/camera.js') } if(check('cron')){ s.systemLog('Shinobi CRON ordered to restart',{by:resp.$user.mail,ip:resp.ip}) endData.cronOuput = execSync('pm2 restart '+s.mainDirectory+'/cron.js') } if(check('logs')){ s.systemLog('Flush PM2 Logs',{by:resp.$user.mail,ip:resp.ip}) endData.logsOuput = execSync('pm2 flush') } s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Get Configuration (conf.json) */ app.get(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/system/configure', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,async (resp) => { var endData = { ok: true, config: JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(s.location.config)), } s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Modify Configuration (conf.json) */':auth/system/configure', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,async (resp) => { var endData = { ok : true } var postBody = s.getPostData(req) if(!postBody){ endData.ok = false endData.msg = lang.postDataBroken }else{ s.systemLog('conf.json Modified',{ by: resp.$user.mail, ip: resp.ip, old: s.parseJSON(fs.readFileSync(s.location.config),{}) }) const configError = await modifyConfiguration(postBody) if(configError)s.systemLog(configError) s.tx({f:'save_configuration'},'$') } s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Activate Key */':auth/system/activate', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,async (resp) => { var endData = { ok : true } const currentConfig = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(s.location.config)) const subscriptionId = s.getPostData(req,'subscriptionId') if(!subscriptionId){ endData.ok = false endData.msg = lang.postDataBroken }else{ s.systemLog('conf.json Modified',{ by: resp.$user.mail, ip: resp.ip, old: currentConfig }) const configError = await modifyConfiguration(Object.assign(currentConfig,{ subscriptionId: subscriptionId, })) if(configError)s.systemLog(configError) s.tx({f:'save_configuration'},'$') } checkSubscription(subscriptionId,function(hasSubcribed){ endData.ok = hasSubcribed config.userHasSubscribed = hasSubcribed s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) }) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Get users in system */ app.all([ config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/accounts/list', config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/accounts/list/:type', ], function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ var endData = { ok : true } const whereQuery = [] switch(req.params.type){ case'admin':case'administrator': whereQuery.push(['details','NOT LIKE','%"sub"%']) break; case'sub':case'subaccount': whereQuery.push(['details','LIKE','%"sub"%']) break; } s.knexQuery({ action: "select", columns: "ke,uid,auth,mail,details", table: "Users", where: whereQuery },(err,users) => { endData.users = users s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) }) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Save Superuser Preferences */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/accounts/saveSettings', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ var endData = { ok : true } var form = s.getPostData(req) if(form){ const configPath = config.thisIsDocker ? "/config/super.json" : s.location.super; var currentSuperUserList = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath)) var currentSuperUser = {} var currentSuperUserPosition = -1 //find this user in current list currentSuperUserList.forEach(function(user,pos){ if(user.mail === resp.$user.mail){ currentSuperUser = user currentSuperUserPosition = pos } }) var logDetails = { by : resp.$user.mail, ip : resp.ip } //check if pass and pass_again match, if not remove password if(form.pass !== '' && form.pass === form.pass_again){ form.pass = s.createHash(form.pass) }else{ delete(form.pass) } //delete pass_again from object delete(form.pass_again) //set new values currentSuperUser = Object.assign(currentSuperUser,form) //reset email and log change of email if(form.mail !== resp.$user.mail){ logDetails.newEmail = form.mail logDetails.oldEmail = resp.$user.mail } //log this change s.systemLog('super.json Modified',logDetails) //modify or add account in temporary master list if(currentSuperUserList[currentSuperUserPosition]){ currentSuperUserList[currentSuperUserPosition] = currentSuperUser }else{ currentSuperUserList.push(currentSuperUser) } //update master list in system const configData = JSON.stringify(currentSuperUserList,null,3); fs.writeFile(configPath, configData, () => { s.tx({f: 'save_preferences'},'$') }); }else{ endData.ok = false endData.msg = lang.postDataBroken } s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Create Admin account (Account to manage cameras) */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/accounts/registerAdmin', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ var endData = { ok : false } var close = function(){ s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) } var isCallbacking = false var form = s.getPostData(req) if(form){ if(form.mail !== '' && form.pass !== ''){ if(form.pass === form.password_again || form.pass === form.pass_again){ isCallbacking = true s.knexQuery({ action: "select", columns: "*", table: "Users", where: [ ['mail','=',form.mail] ] },(err,r) => { if(r&&r[0]){ //found address already exists endData.msg = lang['Email address is in use.']; }else{ //create new //user id form.uid = s.gid() //check to see if custom key set if(!{ = s.gid() }else{ =[`~!@#$%^&*()_|+\-=?;:'",.<>\{\}\[\]\\\/]/gi, '').trim() } if(![]){ endData.ok = true //check if "details" is object if(form.details instanceof Object){ form.details = JSON.stringify(form.details) } //write user to db s.knexQuery({ action: "insert", table: "Users", insert: { ke:, uid: form.uid, mail: form.mail, pass: s.createHash(form.pass), details: form.details } }); s.tx({f:'add_account',details:form.details,,uid:form.uid,mail:form.mail},'$') endData.user = Object.assign(form,{}) //init user s.loadGroup(form) }else{ endData.msg = lang["Group with this key exists already"] } } close() }) }else{ endData.msg = lang["Passwords Don't Match"] } }else{ endData.msg = lang['Email and Password fields cannot be empty'] } }else{ endData.msg = lang.postDataBroken } if(isCallbacking === false)close() },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Edit Admin account (Account to manage cameras) */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/accounts/editAdmin', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ var endData = { ok : false } var close = function(){ s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) } var form = s.getPostData(req) if(form){ var account = s.getPostData(req,'account') s.knexQuery({ action: "select", columns: "*", table: "Users", where: [ ['mail','=',account.mail] ] },(err,r) => { if(r && r[0]){ r = r[0] var details = JSON.parse(r.details) if(form.pass && form.pass !== ''){ if(form.pass === form.password_again || form.pass_again){ form.pass = s.createHash(form.pass); }else{ endData.msg = lang["Passwords Don't Match"] close() return } }else{ delete(form.pass); } delete(form.password_again); delete(form.pass_again); delete(; form.details = s.stringJSON(Object.assign(details,s.parseJSON(form.details))) s.knexQuery({ action: "update", table: "Users", update: form, where: [ ['mail','=',account.mail], ] },(err,r) => { if(err){ console.log(err) endData.error = err endData.msg = lang.AccountEditText1 }else{ endData.ok = true s.tx({f:'edit_account',form:form,,uid:account.uid},'$') delete([].init); s.loadGroupApps(account) } close() }) }else{ endData.msg = lang['User Not Found'] close() } }) }else{ endData.msg = lang.postDataBroken close() } },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Delete Admin account (Account to manage cameras) */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/accounts/deleteAdmin', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ var endData = { ok : true } var close = function(){ s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) } var account = s.getPostData(req,'account') s.knexQuery({ action: "delete", table: "Users", where: { ke:, uid: account.uid, mail: account.mail, } }) s.knexQuery({ action: "delete", table: "API", where: { ke:, uid: account.uid, } }) if(s.getPostData(req,'deleteSubAccounts',false) === '1'){ s.knexQuery({ action: "delete", table: "Users", where: { ke:, } }) } if(s.getPostData(req,'deleteMonitors',false) == '1'){ s.knexQuery({ action: "select", columns: "*", table: "Monitors", where: { ke:, } },(err,monitors) => { if(monitors && monitors[0]){ monitors.forEach(function(monitor){'stop',monitor) }) s.knexQuery({ action: "delete", table: "Monitors", where: { ke:, } }) } }) } if(s.getPostData(req,'deleteVideos',false) == '1'){ s.knexQuery({ action: "delete", table: "Videos", where: { ke:, } }) fs.rm(,function(err){ s.debugLog(err) }) } if(s.getPostData(req,'deleteEvents',false) == '1'){ s.knexQuery({ action: "delete", table: "Events", where: { ke:, } }) } s.tx({f:'delete_account',,uid:account.uid,mail:account.mail},'$') close() },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Get Entire System */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/export/system', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ s.systemLog('Copy of the Database Exported',{ by: resp.$user.mail, ip: resp.ip }) var endData = { ok : true } // var database = s.getPostData(req,'database') endData.database = {} var tableNames = [ 'Users', 'Monitors', 'API', 'Videos', 'Cloud Videos', 'Logs', 'Files', 'Presets', ] var completedTables = 0 var tableExportLoop = function(callback){ var tableName = tableNames[completedTables] if(tableName){ var tableIsSelected = s.getPostData(req,tableName) == 1 if(tableIsSelected){ s.knexQuery({ action: "select", columns: "*", table: tableName },(err,dataRows) => { endData.database[tableName] = dataRows ++completedTables tableExportLoop(callback) }) }else{ ++completedTables tableExportLoop(callback) } }else{ callback() } } tableExportLoop(function(){ s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) }) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Import Entire System */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/import/system', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ var endData = { ok : false } console.log(req.files) // insert data var data = s.getPostData(req) var database = s.getPostData(req,'database') if(data && data.database)database = data.database if(database){ var rowsExistingAlready = {} var countOfRowsInserted = {} var countOfRowsExistingAlready = {} var insertRow = function(tableName,row,callback){ if(!rowsExistingAlready[tableName])rowsExistingAlready[tableName] = [] if(!countOfRowsExistingAlready[tableName])countOfRowsExistingAlready[tableName] = 0 if(!countOfRowsInserted[tableName])countOfRowsInserted[tableName] = 0 var fieldsToCheck = ['ke'] switch(tableName){ case'API': fieldsToCheck = fieldsToCheck.concat([ 'code', 'uid' ]) break; case'Cloud Videos': fieldsToCheck = fieldsToCheck.concat([ 'href', 'mid' ]) break; case'Videos': fieldsToCheck = fieldsToCheck.concat([ 'time', 'mid' ]) break; case'Users': fieldsToCheck = fieldsToCheck.concat([ 'uid', 'mail' ]) break; case'Presets': fieldsToCheck = fieldsToCheck.concat([ 'name', 'type' ]) break; case'Logs': fieldsToCheck = fieldsToCheck.concat([ 'time', 'info', 'mid' ]) break; case'Events': fieldsToCheck = fieldsToCheck.concat([ 'time', 'details', 'mid' ]) break; case'Files': fieldsToCheck = fieldsToCheck.concat([ 'details', 'name', 'mid' ]) break; case'Monitors': fieldsToCheck = fieldsToCheck.concat([ 'host', 'protocol', 'port', 'path', 'mid' ]) break; } const whereQuery = [] fieldsToCheck.forEach(function(key){ whereQuery.push([key,'=',row[key]]) }) s.knexQuery({ action: "select", columns: "*", table: tableName, where: whereQuery },(err,selected) => { if(selected && selected[0]){ selected = selected[0] rowsExistingAlready[tableName].push(selected) callback() }else{ s.knexQuery({ action: "insert", table: tableName, insert: row },(err) => { if(!err){ ++countOfRowsInserted[tableName] } callback() }) } }) } var actionCount = {} var insertTableRows = function(tableName,rows,callback){ if(!actionCount[tableName])actionCount[tableName] = 0 var insertLoop = function(){ var row = rows[actionCount[tableName]] if(row){ insertRow(tableName,row,function(){ ++actionCount[tableName] insertLoop() }) }else{ callback() } } insertLoop() } var databaseTableKeys = Object.keys(database) var completedTables = 0 var tableInsertLoop = function(callback){ var tableName = databaseTableKeys[completedTables] var rows = database[databaseTableKeys[completedTables]] if(tableName){ insertTableRows(tableName,rows,function(){ ++completedTables tableInsertLoop(callback) }) }else{ callback() } } tableInsertLoop(function(){ endData.ok = true endData.tablesInsertedTo = databaseTableKeys endData.countOfRowsInserted = countOfRowsInserted endData.rowsExistingAlready = rowsExistingAlready s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) }) }else{ endData.msg = lang['Database Not Found'] s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) } },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Force Check for Stale Purge Locks */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/system/checkForStalePurgeLocks', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ var endData = { ok : true } s.checkForStalePurgeLocks() s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Get Child Nodes */ app.all(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/getChildNodes', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,function(resp){ var childNodesJson = {} Object.values(s.childNodes).forEach(function(activeNode){ var activeCamerasCount = 0 var activeCameras = {} Object.values(activeNode.activeCameras).forEach(function(monitor){ ++activeCamerasCount if(!activeCameras[])activeCameras[] = {} activeCameras[][monitor.mid] = { name:, mid: monitor.mid, ke:, details: { accelerator: monitor.details.accelerator, auto_host: monitor.details.auto_host, } } }) childNodesJson[activeNode.ip] = { ip: activeNode.ip, cpu: activeNode.cpu, dead: activeNode.dead, countCount: activeNode.countCount, activeMonitorsCount: activeCamerasCount, activeMonitors: activeCameras, } }) var endData = { ok : true, childNodes: childNodesJson, } s.closeJsonResponse(res,endData) },res,req) }) /** * API : Superuser : Get System Info */ app.get(config.webPaths.superApiPrefix+':auth/system/info', function (req,res){ s.superAuth(req.params,async (resp) => { s.closeJsonResponse(res,{ ok: true, info: getSystemInfo(s) }) },res,req) }) }