#!/bin/tcsh echo "=========================================================" echo "==== Shinobi : The Open Source CCTV and NVR Solution ====" echo "=========================================================" echo "This script should run as root inside your jail from the root" echo "of the cloned git repository." echo "To answer yes type the letter (y) in lowercase and press ENTER." echo "Default is no (N). Skip any components you already have or don't need." echo "=============" echo "Shinobi - Do you want to Install Node.js?" echo "(y)es or (N)o" set nodejsinstall = $< if ( $nodejsinstall == "y" ) then pkg install -y node npm endif echo "=============" echo "Shinobi - Do you want to Install FFMPEG?" echo "(y)es or (N)o" set ffmpeginstall = $< if ( $ffmpeginstall == "y" ) then pkg install -y ffmpeg libav x264 x265 endif echo "=============" echo "Shinobi - Database Installation" echo "WARNING - This requires an existing and running mariadb service." echo "(y)es or (N)o" set mysqlagreeData = $< if ( $mysqlagreeData == "y" ) then echo "What is your SQL Username?" set sqluser = $< echo "What is your SQL Password?" set sqlpass = $< echo "What is your SQL Host?" set sqlhost = $< echo "Installing mariadb client..." pkg install -y mariadb102-client echo "Installing database schema..." mysql -h $sqlhost -u $sqluser -p$sqlpass -e "source sql/user.sql" || true mysql -h $sqlhost -u $sqluser -p$sqlpass -e "source sql/framework.sql" || true echo "Shinobi - Use the /super endpoint to create your super user." endif echo "=============" echo "Shinobi - Install NPM Libraries" npm i npm -g npm install --unsafe-perm sudo npm audit fix --force echo "=============" echo "Shinobi - Install PM2" npm install pm2 -g if (! -e "./conf.json" ) then cp conf.sample.json conf.json endif if (! -e "./super.json" ) then echo "Default Superuser : admin@shinobi.video" echo "Default Password : admin" cp super.sample.json super.json endif echo "Shinobi - Start Shinobi?" echo "(y)es or (N)o" set startShinobi = $< if ( $startShinobi == "y" ) then set PM2BIN="$PWD/node_modules/pm2/bin" $PM2BIN/pm2 start camera.js $PM2BIN/pm2 start cron.js $PM2BIN/pm2 save $PM2BIN/pm2 list endif echo "Shinobi - Start on boot?" echo "(y)es or (N)o" set startupShinobi = $< if ( $startupShinobi == "y" ) then set PM2BIN="$PWD/node_modules/pm2/bin" $PM2BIN/pm2 startup rcd endif echo "Shinobi - Finished"