module.exports = function(s){ s.location = { super : s.mainDirectory+'/super.json', config : s.mainDirectory+'/conf.json', languages : s.mainDirectory+'/languages' } try{ var config = require(s.location.config) }catch(err){ var config = {} } if(!config.productType){ config.productType = 'CE' } //config defaults if(config.cpuUsageMarker === undefined){config.cpuUsageMarker='%Cpu'} if(config.customCpuCommand === undefined){config.customCpuCommand=null} if(config.autoDropCache === undefined){config.autoDropCache=false} if(config.doSnapshot === undefined){config.doSnapshot=true} if(config.restart === undefined){config.restart={}} if(config.systemLog === undefined){config.systemLog=true} if(config.deleteCorruptFiles === undefined){config.deleteCorruptFiles=true} if(config.restart.onVideoNotExist === undefined){config.restart.onVideoNotExist=true} if(config.ip === undefined||config.ip===''||config.ip.indexOf('')>-1){config.ip='localhost'}else{config.bindip=config.ip}; if(config.cron === undefined)config.cron={}; if(config.cron.enabled === undefined)config.cron.enabled=true; if(config.cron.deleteOld === undefined)config.cron.deleteOld=true; if(config.cron.deleteNoVideo === undefined)config.cron.deleteNoVideo=true; if(config.cron.deleteNoVideoRecursion === undefined)config.cron.deleteNoVideoRecursion=false; if(config.cron.deleteOverMax === undefined)config.cron.deleteOverMax=true; if(config.cron.deleteOverMaxOffset === undefined)config.cron.deleteOverMaxOffset=0.9; if(config.cron.deleteLogs === undefined)config.cron.deleteLogs=true; if(config.cron.deleteEvents === undefined)config.cron.deleteEvents=true; if(config.cron.deleteFileBinsOverMax === undefined)config.cron.deleteFileBins=true; if(config.deleteFileBins === undefined)config.deleteFileBinsOverMax=true; if(config.cron.interval === undefined)config.cron.interval=1; if(config.databaseType === undefined){config.databaseType='mysql'} if(config.pluginKeys === undefined)config.pluginKeys={}; if(config.databaseLogs === undefined){config.databaseLogs=false} if(config.useUTC === undefined){config.useUTC=false} if(config.iconURL === undefined){config.iconURL = ""} if(config.pipeAddition === undefined){config.pipeAddition=10}else{config.pipeAddition=parseInt(config.pipeAddition)} if(config.hideCloudSaveUrls === undefined){config.hideCloudSaveUrls = true} if(config.insertOrphans === undefined){config.insertOrphans = true} if(config.orphanedVideoCheckMax === undefined){config.orphanedVideoCheckMax = 2} if(config.detectorMergePamRegionTriggers === undefined){config.detectorMergePamRegionTriggers = false} if(config.probeMonitorOnStart === undefined){config.probeMonitorOnStart = true} if(config.showLoginTypeSelector === undefined){config.showLoginTypeSelector = true} //Child Nodes if(config.childNodes === undefined)config.childNodes = {}; //enabled if(config.childNodes.enabled === undefined)config.childNodes.enabled = false; //mode, set value as `child` for all other machines in the cluster if(config.childNodes.mode === undefined)config.childNodes.mode = 'master'; //child node connection port if(config.childNodes.port === undefined)config.childNodes.port = 8288; //child node connection key if(config.childNodes.key === undefined)config.childNodes.key = [ '3123asdasdf1dtj1hjk23sdfaasd12asdasddfdbtnkkfgvesra3asdsd3123afdsfqw345' ]; if(!config.timeZones){ config.timeZones = [ { "text": "UTC−12:00, Y", "value": -720 }, { "text": "UTC−11:00, X", "value": -660 }, { "text": "UTC−10:00, W", "value": -600 }, { "text": "UTC−09:30, V†", "value": -570 }, { "text": "UTC−09:00, V", "value": -540 }, { "text": "UTC−08:00, U", "value": -480 }, { "text": "UTC−07:00, T", "value": -420 }, { "text": "UTC−06:00, S", "value": -360 }, { "text": "UTC−05:00, R", "value": -300 }, { "text": "UTC−04:00, Q", "value": -240 }, { "text": "UTC−03:30, P†", "value": -210 }, { "text": "UTC−03:00, P", "value": -180 }, { "text": "UTC−02:00, O", "value": -120 }, { "text": "UTC−01:00, N", "value": -60 }, { "text": "UTC±00:00, Z", "value": 0, "selected": true }, { "text": "UTC+01:00, A", "value": 60 }, { "text": "UTC+02:00, B", "value": 120 }, { "text": "UTC+03:00, C", "value": 180 }, { "text": "UTC+03:30, C†", "value": 210 }, { "text": "UTC+04:00, D", "value": 240 }, { "text": "UTC+04:30, D†", "value": 270 }, { "text": "UTC+05:00, E", "value": 300 }, { "text": "UTC+05:30, E†", "value": 330 }, { "text": "UTC+05:45, E*", "value": 345 }, { "text": "UTC+06:00, F", "value": 360 }, { "text": "UTC+06:30, F†", "value": 390 }, { "text": "UTC+07:00, G", "value": 420 }, { "text": "UTC+08:00, H", "value": 480 }, { "text": "UTC+08:45, H*", "value": 525 }, { "text": "UTC+09:00, I", "value": 540 }, { "text": "UTC+09:30, I†", "value": 570 }, { "text": "UTC+10:00, K", "value": 600 }, { "text": "UTC+10:30, K†", "value": 630 }, { "text": "UTC+11:00, L", "value": 660 }, { "text": "UTC+12:00, M", "value": 720 }, { "text": "UTC+12:45, M*", "value": 765 }, { "text": "UTC+13:00, M†", "value": 780 }, { "text": "UTC+14:00, M†", "value": 840 } ] } if(config.cron.key === 'change_this_to_something_very_random__just_anything_other_than_this'){ console.error('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') console.error('!! Change your cron key in your conf.json. !!') console.error(`!! If you're running Shinobi remotely you should do this now. !!`) console.error('!! You can do this in the Super User panel or from terminal. !!') console.error('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!') } return config }