DIR=`dirname $0` INSTALLERS_DIR="$DIR/../../INSTALL" if ! [ -x "$(command -v dos2unix)" ]; then echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Installing dos2unix" apt install dos2unix -y fi echo "-----------------------------------" if ! [ -x "$(command -v alpr)" ]; then echo "Installing OpenALPR" echo "Do you want to Install OpenALPR with CUDA enabled?" echo "(Y)es or (n)o?" echo "Press [ENTER] for default (Yes)" read openalprcudaenabled if [ "$openalprcudaenabled" = "n" ] || [ "$openalprcudaenabled" = "N" ]; then sed -i -e 's/detector = lbpgpu/detector = lbpcpu/g' "$DIR/openalpr.conf" dos2unix $INSTALLERS_DIR/openalpr-cpu-easy.sh sh $INSTALLERS_DIR/openalpr-cpu-easy.sh else sed -i -e 's/detector = lbpcpu/detector = lbpgpu/g' "$DIR/openalpr.conf" dos2unix $INSTALLERS_DIR/openalpr-gpu-easy.sh sh $INSTALLERS_DIR/openalpr-gpu-easy.sh fi else echo "OpenALPR found... : $(alpr --version)" fi echo "-----------------------------------" if [ ! -e "$DIR/conf.json" ]; then echo "Creating conf.json" cp $DIR/conf.sample.json $DIR/conf.json else echo "conf.json already exists..." fi echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Adding Random Plugin Key to Main Configuration" node $DIR/../../tools/modifyConfigurationForPlugin.js openalpr key=$(head -c 64 < /dev/urandom | sha256sum | awk '{print substr($1,1,60)}') echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Installing Modules.." apt install node-pre-gyp -y npm install nopt npmlog rimraf semver -g npm install npm uninstall nopt npmlog rimraf semver -g echo "Finding and Fixing Module Vulnerabilities.." npm audit fix --force echo "Shinobi - Do you want to start the plugin?" echo "(Y)es or (n)o?" echo "Press [ENTER] for default (Yes)" read startplugin if [ "$startplugin" = "n" ] || [ "$startplugin" = "N" ]; then echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Start the plugin with pm2 like so :" echo "pm2 start $DIR/shinobi-openalpr.js" echo "-----------------------------------" echo "Start the plugin without pm2 :" echo "node $DIR/shinobi-openalpr.js" else pm2 start shinobi-openalpr.js pm2 save fi