var fs = require("fs") var Discord = require("discord.js") module.exports = function(s,config,lang){ //discord bot if(config.discordBot === true){ try{ s.discordMsg = function(data,files,groupKey){ if(!data)data = {}; var bot =[groupKey].discordBot if(!bot){ s.userLog({ke:groupKey,mid:'$USER'},{type:lang.DiscordFailedText,msg:lang.DiscordNotEnabledText}) return } var sendBody = Object.assign({ color: 3447003, title: 'Alert from Shinobi', description: "", fields: [], timestamp: new Date(), footer: { icon_url: config.iconURL, text: "Shinobi Systems" } },data) var discordChannel = bot.channels.get([groupKey].init.discordbot_channel) if(discordChannel && discordChannel.send){ discordChannel.send({ embed: sendBody, files: files }).catch(err => { if(err){ s.userLog({ke:groupKey,mid:'$USER'},{type:lang.DiscordErrorText,msg:err})[groupKey].discordBot = null s.loadGroupApps({ke:groupKey}) } }) }else{ s.userLog({ ke: groupKey, mid: '$USER' },{ type: lang.DiscordErrorText, msg: 'Check the Channel ID' }) } } var onEventTriggerBeforeFilterForDiscord = function(d,filter){ filter.discord = true } var onEventTriggerForDiscord = function(d,filter){ // d = event object //discord bot if(filter.discord &&[].discordBot && d.mon.details.detector_discordbot === '1' && ![].activeMonitors[].detector_discordbot){ var detector_discordbot_timeout if(!d.mon.details.detector_discordbot_timeout||d.mon.details.detector_discordbot_timeout===''){ detector_discordbot_timeout = 1000*60*10; }else{ detector_discordbot_timeout = parseFloat(d.mon.details.detector_discordbot_timeout)*1000*60; } //lock mailer so you don't get emailed on EVERY trigger event.[].activeMonitors[].detector_discordbot = setTimeout(function(){ //unlock so you can mail again. clearTimeout([].activeMonitors[].detector_discordbot); delete([].activeMonitors[].detector_discordbot); },detector_discordbot_timeout) var files = [] var sendAlert = function(){ s.discordMsg({ author: { name:[].rawMonitorConfigurations[].name, icon_url: config.iconURL }, title: lang.Event+' - '+d.screenshotName, description: lang.EventText1+' '+d.currentTimestamp, fields: [], timestamp: d.currentTime, footer: { icon_url: config.iconURL, text: "Shinobi Systems" } },files, } if(d.mon.details.detector_discordbot_send_video === '1'){ s.mergeDetectorBufferChunks(d,function(mergedFilepath,filename){ s.discordMsg({ author: { name:[].rawMonitorConfigurations[].name, icon_url: config.iconURL }, title: filename, fields: [], timestamp: d.currentTime, footer: { icon_url: config.iconURL, text: "Shinobi Systems" } },[ { attachment: mergedFilepath, name: filename } ], }) } s.getRawSnapshotFromMonitor(d.mon,{ secondsInward: d.mon.details.snap_seconds_inward },function(data){ if(data[data.length - 2] === 0xFF && data[data.length - 1] === 0xD9){ d.screenshotBuffer = data files.push({ attachment: d.screenshotBuffer, name: d.screenshotName+'.jpg' }) } sendAlert() }) } } var onTwoFactorAuthCodeNotificationForDiscord = function(r){ // r = user if(r.details.factor_discord === '1'){ s.discordMsg({ author: { name: r.lang['2-Factor Authentication'], icon_url: config.iconURL }, title: r.lang['Enter this code to proceed'], description: '**'+s.factorAuth[][r.uid].key+'** '+r.lang.FactorAuthText1, fields: [], timestamp: new Date(), footer: { icon_url: config.iconURL, text: "Shinobi Systems" } },[], } } var loadDiscordBotForUser = function(user){ ar=JSON.parse(user.details); //discordbot if(![].discordBot && config.discordBot === true && ar.discordbot === '1' && ar.discordbot_token !== '' ){[].discordBot = new Discord.Client()[].discordBot.on('ready', () => { s.userLog({ ke:, mid: '$USER' },{ type: lang.DiscordLoggedIn, msg:[].discordBot.user.tag }) })[].discordBot.login(ar.discordbot_token) } } var unloadDiscordBotForUser = function(user){ if([].discordBot &&[].discordBot.destroy){[].discordBot.destroy() delete([].discordBot) } } var onDetectorNoTriggerTimeoutForDiscord = function(e){ //e = monitor object var currentTime = new Date() if(e.details.detector_notrigger_discord === '1'){ var html = '*'+lang.NoMotionEmailText2+' ' + (e.details.detector_notrigger_timeout || 10) + ' '+lang.minutes+'.*\n' html += '**' + lang['Monitor Name'] + '** : ' + '\n' html += '**' + lang['Monitor ID'] + '** : ' + '\n' html += currentTime s.discordMsg({ author: { name:[].rawMonitorConfigurations[].name, icon_url: config.iconURL }, title: lang['\"No Motion"\ Detector'], description: html, fields: [], timestamp: currentTime, footer: { icon_url: config.iconURL, text: "Shinobi Systems" } },[], } } s.loadGroupAppExtender(loadDiscordBotForUser) s.unloadGroupAppExtender(unloadDiscordBotForUser) s.onTwoFactorAuthCodeNotification(onTwoFactorAuthCodeNotificationForDiscord) s.onEventTrigger(onEventTriggerForDiscord) s.onEventTriggerBeforeFilter(onEventTriggerBeforeFilterForDiscord) s.onDetectorNoTriggerTimeout(onDetectorNoTriggerTimeoutForDiscord) }catch(err){ console.log(err) console.log('Could not start Discord bot, please run "npm install discord.js" inside the Shinobi folder.') s.discordMsg = function(){} } } // mailing with nodemailer try{ if(config.mail){ if(config.mail.from === undefined){config.mail.from = '"ShinobiCCTV" '} s.nodemailer = require('nodemailer').createTransport(config.mail); } var onDetectorNoTriggerTimeoutForEmail = function(e){ //e = monitor object if(config.mail && e.details.detector_notrigger_mail === '1'){ s.sqlQuery('SELECT mail FROM Users WHERE ke=? AND details NOT LIKE ?',[,'%"sub"%'],function(err,r){ r = r[0] var mailOptions = { from: config.mail.from, // sender address to: r.mail, // list of receivers subject: lang.NoMotionEmailText1+' '' ('')', // Subject line html: ''+lang.NoMotionEmailText2+' ' + (e.details.detector_notrigger_timeout || 10) + ' '+lang.minutes+'.', } mailOptions.html+='
'+lang['Monitor Name']+' : ''
' mailOptions.html+='
'+lang['Monitor ID']+' : ''
' s.nodemailer.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => { if (error) { s.systemLog('detector:notrigger:sendMail',error) s.tx({f:'error',ff:'detector_notrigger_mail',,,error:error},'GRP_'; return ; } s.tx({f:'detector_notrigger_mail',,,info:info},'GRP_'; }) }) } } var onTwoFactorAuthCodeNotificationForEmail = function(r){ // r = user object if(r.details.factor_mail !== '0'){ var mailOptions = { from: config.mail.from, to: r.mail, subject: r.lang['2-Factor Authentication'], html: r.lang['Enter this code to proceed']+' '+s.factorAuth[][r.uid].key+'. '+r.lang.FactorAuthText1, }; s.nodemailer.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => { if (error) { s.systemLog(r.lang.MailError,error) return } }) } } var onFilterEventForEmail = function(x,d){ // x = filter function // d = filter event object if(x === 'email'){ if(d.videos && d.videos.length > 0){ d.mailOptions = { from: config.mail.from, // sender address to: d.mail, // list of receivers subject: lang['Filter Matches']+' : ', // Subject line html: lang.FilterMatchesText1+' '+d.videos.length+' '+lang.FilterMatchesText2, }; if(d.execute&&d.execute!==''){ d.mailOptions.html+='
'+lang.Executed+' : '+d.execute+'
' } if(d.delete==='1'){ d.mailOptions.html+='
'+lang.Deleted+' : '+lang.Yes+'
' } d.mailOptions.html+='
'+lang.Query+' : '+d.query+'
' d.mailOptions.html+='
'+lang['Filter ID']+' : ''
' s.nodemailer.sendMail(d.mailOptions, (error, info) => { if (error) { s.tx({f:'error',ff:'filter_mail',,error:error},'GRP_'; return ; } s.tx({f:'filter_mail',,info:info},'GRP_'; }) } } } var onEventTriggerBeforeFilterForEmail = function(d,filter){ filter.mail = true } var onEventTriggerForEmail = function(d,filter){ if(filter.mail && config.mail && ![].activeMonitors[].detector_mail && d.mon.details.detector_mail === '1'){ s.sqlQuery('SELECT mail FROM Users WHERE ke=? AND details NOT LIKE ?',[,'%"sub"%'],function(err,r){ r=r[0]; var detector_mail_timeout if(!d.mon.details.detector_mail_timeout||d.mon.details.detector_mail_timeout===''){ detector_mail_timeout = 1000*60*10; }else{ detector_mail_timeout = parseFloat(d.mon.details.detector_mail_timeout)*1000*60; } //lock mailer so you don't get emailed on EVERY trigger event.[].activeMonitors[].detector_mail=setTimeout(function(){ //unlock so you can mail again. clearTimeout([].activeMonitors[].detector_mail); delete([].activeMonitors[].detector_mail); },detector_mail_timeout); var files = [] var mailOptions = { from: config.mail.from, // sender address to: r.mail, // list of receivers subject: lang.Event+' - '+d.screenshotName, // Subject line html: ''+lang.EventText1+' '+d.currentTimestamp+'.', attachments: files } var sendMail = function(){ Object.keys(d.details).forEach(function(v,n){ mailOptions.html+='
'+v+' : '+d.details[v]+'
' }) s.nodemailer.sendMail(mailOptions, (error, info) => { if (error) { s.systemLog(lang.MailError,error) return false; } }) } if(d.mon.details.detector_mail_send_video === '1'){ s.mergeDetectorBufferChunks(d,function(mergedFilepath,filename){ fs.readFile(mergedFilepath,function(err,buffer){ if(buffer){ s.nodemailer.sendMail({ from: config.mail.from, to: r.mail, subject: filename, html: '', attachments: [ { filename: filename, content: buffer } ] }, (error, info) => { if (error) { s.systemLog(lang.MailError,error) return false; } }) } }) }) } if(d.screenshotBuffer){ files.push({ filename: d.screenshotName + '.jpg', content: d.screenshotBuffer }) sendMail() }else{ s.getRawSnapshotFromMonitor(d.mon,{ secondsInward: d.mon.details.snap_seconds_inward },function(data){ d.screenshotBuffer = data files.push({ filename: d.screenshotName + '.jpg', content: data }) sendMail() }) } }) } } s.onTwoFactorAuthCodeNotification(onTwoFactorAuthCodeNotificationForEmail) s.onEventTriggerBeforeFilter(onEventTriggerBeforeFilterForEmail) s.onEventTrigger(onEventTriggerForEmail) s.onFilterEvent(onFilterEventForEmail) s.onDetectorNoTriggerTimeout(onDetectorNoTriggerTimeoutForEmail) }catch(err){ console.log(err) } }