var fs = require('fs') var exec = require('child_process').exec module.exports = function(s,config,lang,app,io){ const base64Prefix = '=?UTF-8?B?'; function isBase64String(theString){ return theString.startsWith(base64Prefix) } function convertBase64ToTextString(theString){ let data = theString.replace(base64Prefix,''); let buff = Buffer.from(data, 'base64'); let text = buff.toString('ascii'); return text } async function copyFileAsync(filePath, snapPath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const readStream = fs.createReadStream(filePath); const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(snapPath); readStream.on('error', reject); writeStream.on('error', reject); writeStream.on('finish', resolve); readStream.pipe(writeStream); }); } const { triggerEvent, } = require('./events/utils.js')(s,config,lang) const { deleteFilesInFolder, } = require('./basic/utils.js')(process.cwd(), config) if(config.dropInEventServer === true){ if(config.dropInEventForceSaveEvent === undefined)config.dropInEventForceSaveEvent = true if(config.dropInEventDeleteFileAfterTrigger === undefined)config.dropInEventDeleteFileAfterTrigger = true var fileQueueForDeletion = {} var fileQueue = {} var search = function(searchIn,searchFor){ return searchIn.indexOf(searchFor) > -1 } var getFileNameFromPath = function(filePath){ fileParts = filePath.split('/') return fileParts[fileParts.length - 1] } var clipPathEnding = function(filePath){ var newPath = filePath + '' if (newPath.substring(newPath.length-1) == "/"){ newPath = newPath.substring(0, newPath.length-1); } return newPath; } var processFile = function(filePath,monitorConfig){ var ke = var mid = monitorConfig.mid var filename = getFileNameFromPath(filePath) if(search(filename,'.jpg') || search(filename,'.jpeg')){ var snapPath = s.dir.streams + ke + '/' + mid + '/s.jpg' fs.rm(snapPath,async function(err){ await copyFileAsync(filePath, snapPath) triggerEvent({ id: mid, ke: ke, details: { confidence: 100, name: filename, plug: "dropInEvent", reason: "ftpServer" }, },config.dropInEventForceSaveEvent) }) }else{ var reason = "ftpServer" if(search(filename,'.mp4')){ fs.stat(filePath,function(err,stats){ if(err)return; var startTime = stats.ctime var endTime = stats.mtime var shinobiFilename = s.formattedTime(startTime) + '.mp4' var recordingPath = s.getVideoDirectory(monitorConfig) + shinobiFilename var writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(recordingPath) fs.createReadStream(filePath).pipe(writeStream) writeStream.on('finish', () => { s.insertCompletedVideo([].rawMonitorConfigurations[monitorConfig.mid],{ file: shinobiFilename, events: [ { id: mid, ke: ke, time: new Date(), details: { confidence: 100, name: filename, plug: "dropInEvent", reason: "ftpServer" } } ], },function(){ }) }) }) } var completeAction = function(){ triggerEvent({ id: mid, ke: ke, details: { confidence: 100, name: filename, plug: "dropInEvent", reason: reason }, },config.dropInEventForceSaveEvent) } if(search(filename,'.txt')){ fs.readFile(filePath,{encoding: 'utf-8'},function(err,data){ if(data){ reason = data.split('\n')[0] || filename }else if(filename){ reason = filename } completeAction() }) }else{ completeAction() } } } var onFileOrFolderFound = function(filePath,deletionKey,monitorConfig){ fs.stat(filePath,function(err,stats){ if(!err){ if(stats.isDirectory()){ fs.readdir(filePath,function(err,files){ if(files){ files.forEach(function(filename){ onFileOrFolderFound(clipPathEnding(filePath) + '/' + filename,deletionKey,monitorConfig) }) }else if(err){ console.log(err) } }) }else{ if(!fileQueue[filePath]){ processFile(filePath,monitorConfig) if(config.dropInEventDeleteFileAfterTrigger){ clearTimeout(fileQueue[filePath]) fileQueue[filePath] = setTimeout(function(){ fs.rm(filePath, { recursive: true },(err) => { delete(fileQueue[filePath]) }) },1000 * 60 * 5) } } } if(config.dropInEventDeleteFileAfterTrigger){ clearTimeout(fileQueueForDeletion[deletionKey]) fileQueueForDeletion[deletionKey] = setTimeout(function(){ fs.rm(filePath, { recursive: true },(err) => { delete(fileQueueForDeletion[deletionKey]) }) },1000 * 60 * 5) } } }) } var createDropInEventsDirectory = function(){ try{ if(!config.dropInEventsDir){ config.dropInEventsDir = s.dir.streams + 'dropInEvents/' } s.dir.dropInEvents = s.checkCorrectPathEnding(config.dropInEventsDir) //dropInEvents dir if(!fs.existsSync(s.dir.dropInEvents)){ fs.mkdirSync(s.dir.dropInEvents) } }catch(err){ console.error(err) } } var getDropInEventDir = function(monitorConfig){ var ke = var mid = monitorConfig.mid var groupEventDropDir = s.dir.dropInEvents + ke var monitorEventDropDir = groupEventDropDir + '/' + mid + '/' return monitorEventDropDir } var onMonitorStop = function(monitorConfig){ var ke = var mid = monitorConfig.mid if([].activeMonitors[monitorConfig.mid].dropInEventWatcher){[].activeMonitors[monitorConfig.mid].dropInEventWatcher.close() delete([].activeMonitors[monitorConfig.mid].dropInEventWatcher) var monitorEventDropDir = getDropInEventDir(monitorConfig) s.file('deleteFolder',monitorEventDropDir + '*') } } var createDropInEventDirectory = function(e,callback){ var directory = s.dir.dropInEvents + + '/' fs.mkdir(directory,function(err){ s.handleFolderError(err) directory = s.dir.dropInEvents + + '/' + ( || e.mid) + '/' fs.mkdir(directory,function(err){ s.handleFolderError(err) deleteFilesInFolder(directory) callback(err,directory) }) }) } var onMonitorInit = function(monitorConfig){ var ke = var mid = monitorConfig.mid var groupEventDropDir = s.dir.dropInEvents + ke createDropInEventDirectory(monitorConfig,function(err,monitorEventDropDir){}) } // FTP Server createDropInEventsDirectory() if(config.ftpServer === true){ try{ const FtpSrv = require('ftp-srv') console.error('WARNING : FTP Server is enabled.') if(!config.ftpServerPort)config.ftpServerPort = 21 if(!config.ftpServerUrl)config.ftpServerUrl = `${config.ftpServerPort}` if(!config.ftpServerPasvUrl)config.ftpServerPasvUrl = config.ftpServerUrl.replace(/.*:\/\//, '').replace(/:.*/, ''); if(!config.ftpServerPasvMinPort)config.ftpServerPasvMinPort = 10050; if(!config.ftpServerPasvMaxPort)config.ftpServerPasvMaxPort = 10100; config.ftpServerUrl = config.ftpServerUrl.replace('{{PORT}}',config.ftpServerPort) const ftpServer = new FtpSrv({ url: config.ftpServerUrl, // pasv_url must be set to enable PASV; ftp-srv uses its known IP if given, // and smart clients will ignore the IP anyway. Some Dahua IP cams require PASV mode. // ftp-srv just wants an IP only (no protocol or port) pasv_url: config.ftpServerPasvUrl, pasv_min: config.ftpServerPasvMinPort, pasv_max: config.ftpServerPasvMaxPort, greeting: "Shinobi FTP dropInEvent Server says hello!", log: require('bunyan').createLogger({ name: 'ftp-srv', level: 100 }), }) ftpServer.on('login', ({connection, username, password}, resolve, reject) => { s.basicOrApiAuthentication(username,password,function(err,user){ if(user){ connection.on('STOR', (error, fileName) => { if(!fileName)return; var pathPieces = fileName.replace(s.dir.dropInEvents,'').split('/') var ke = pathPieces[0] var mid = pathPieces[1] var firstDroppedPart = pathPieces[2] var monitorEventDropDir = s.dir.dropInEvents + ke + '/' + mid + '/' var deleteKey = monitorEventDropDir + firstDroppedPart fs.mkdir(pathPieces.join('/'), { recursive: true }, (err) => { onFileOrFolderFound(monitorEventDropDir + firstDroppedPart,deleteKey,Object.assign({},[ke].rawMonitorConfigurations[mid])) }) }) resolve({root: s.dir.dropInEvents +}) }else{ // reject(new Error('Failed Authorization')) } }) }) ftpServer.on('client-error', ({connection, context, error}) => { console.log('client-error',error) }) ftpServer.listen().then(() => { s.systemLog(`FTP Server running on port ${config.ftpServerPort}...`) }).catch(function(err){ s.systemLog(err) }) }catch(err){ console.error(err.message) console.error('Could not start FTP Server, please run "npm install ftp-srv" inside the Shinobi folder.') console.error('The ftp-srv Module is known to have possible vulnerabilities. Due to the nature of the vulnerability you should be unaffected unless the FTP Port is public facing. Use at your own risk.') } } //add extensions s.onMonitorInit(onMonitorInit) s.onMonitorStop(onMonitorStop) } // SMTP Server // allow starting SMTP server without dropInEventServer if(config.smtpServer === true){ if(config.smtpServerHideStartTls === undefined)config.smtpServerHideStartTls = null var SMTPServer = require("smtp-server").SMTPServer; if(!config.smtpServerPort && (config.smtpServerSsl && config.smtpServerSsl.enabled !== false || config.ssl)){config.smtpServerPort = 465}else if(!config.smtpServerPort){config.smtpServerPort = 25} config.smtpServerOptions = config.smtpServerOptions ? config.smtpServerOptions : {} var smtpOptions = Object.assign({ logger: config.debugLog || config.smtpServerLog, hideSTARTTLS: config.smtpServerHideStartTls, onAuth(auth, session, callback) { var username = auth.username var password = auth.password s.basicOrApiAuthentication(username,password,function(err,user){ if(user){ callback(null, {user:}) }else{ callback(new Error(lang.failedLoginText2)) } }) }, onRcptTo(address, session, callback) { var split = address.address.split('@') var monitorId = split[0] var ke = session.user if([ke] &&[ke].activeMonitors[monitorId] &&[ke].activeMonitors[monitorId].isStarted === true){ session.monitorId = monitorId }else{ return callback(new Error(lang['No Monitor Exists with this ID.'])) } callback() }, onData(stream, session, callback) { if(session.monitorId){ var ke = session.user var monitorId = session.monitorId var details =[ke].rawMonitorConfigurations[monitorId].details var reasonTag = '' var text = '' stream.on('data',function(data){ text += data.toString() }) // print message to console stream.on("end", function(){ var contentPart = text.split('--PartBoundary12345678') contentPart.forEach(function(part){ var parsed = {} var lines = part.split(/\r?\n/) lines.forEach(function(line,n){ var pieces = line.split(':') if(pieces[1]){ var nextLine = lines[n + 1] var keyName = pieces[0].trim().toLowerCase() pieces.shift() var parsedValue = pieces.join(':') parsed[keyName] = parsedValue } }) if(parsed['content-type'] && parsed['content-type'].indexOf('image/jpeg') > -1){ // console.log(lines) } if(reasonTag)return; if(parsed['alarm event']){ reasonTag = parsed['alarm event'] }else if(parsed.subject){ const subjectString = parsed.subject; reasonTag = isBase64String(subjectString) ? convertBase64ToTextString(subjectString) : subjectString } }) triggerEvent({ id: monitorId, ke: ke, details: { confidence: 100, name: 'smtpServer', plug: "dropInEvent", reason: reasonTag || 'smtpServer' }, },config.dropInEventForceSaveEvent) callback() }) }else{ callback() } } },config.smtpServerOptions) if(config.smtpServerSsl && config.smtpServerSsl.enabled !== false || config.ssl && config.ssl.cert && config.ssl.key){ var key = config.ssl.key || fs.readFileSync(config.smtpServerSsl.key) var cert = config.ssl.cert || fs.readFileSync(config.smtpServerSsl.cert) smtpOptions = Object.assign(smtpOptions,{ secure: true, key: config.ssl.key, cert: config.ssl.cert }) } var server = new SMTPServer(smtpOptions) server.listen(config.smtpServerPort,function(){ s.systemLog(`SMTP Server running on port ${config.smtpServerPort}...`) }) } require('./dropInEvents/mqtt.js')(s,config,lang,app,io) }