- preQueries are left as-is because they are for older installations. Older installations are expected to be on a MySQL/MariaDB type database. They may be removed in the future.
+ make cron video deletes happen in bulk rather than 1 query per video
+ clear eventBaseRecording timeout to avoid fallback action after success
+make non-python yolo show object detection section, remove python-yolo
- "config.cron.deleteOrphans" has been removed. It has been replace by a one-time-run at startup with "config.insertOrphans". As the variable name suggests, instead of deleting, it will insert videos found without a database row.
- By default "config.orphanedVideoCheckMax" will only check up to 20 video. You can raise this value to any number you choose but be careful as it will check that number of videos on every start.
- this function also runs if a camera exits unexpectedly.