+ YoloV3 Plugin updated
+ OpenALPR Plugin updated
+ Dlib Plugin updated
- These plugins were updated because they are capable of at least 5fps to 10fps in detection speed with an NVIDIA GPU
- pluginBase.js is now included with all the basic functions to start a plugin for Shinobi
- Only modified detector functions are placed inside each plugin's initiator script.
+ Allow global designation for Backblaze B2, Amazon S3, and WebDAV
+ allow frame transfer to plugin by "File in RAM" (experimental and currently only works with yolo and dlib)
+ API method for account save/edit
+ Add C++ based Dlib plugin (face-recognition)
+ allow choosing tiny or regular weights for yolo
- remove old python-dlib plugin because it is just bad (yucky python)
- run test with "node test.js" or "npm test" inside the Shinobi directory
- minor readability cleanup
+ show Object Detection section with yolo plugin
+ prettify Video Grid css
+ make thumbnail load recursive instead of at once
+ cleanup some comments functions
+ move some functions to startup.js
+ add ability to search videos with "startFrom" and "startTo" instead of "start" and "end"
- Appears to only work with CPU regardless of output showing CUDA compilation. An issue has been opened for this. Please refer to module repo for more info https://github.com/rcaceiro/node-yolo
- simple view with thumbnails to see your listing of videos.
- dashboard v3 will have a more refined version of this that includes event counts for each video
- "config.cron.deleteOrphans" has been removed. It has been replace by a one-time-run at startup with "config.insertOrphans". As the variable name suggests, instead of deleting, it will insert videos found without a database row.
- By default "config.orphanedVideoCheckMax" will only check up to 20 video. You can raise this value to any number you choose but be careful as it will check that number of videos on every start.
- this function also runs if a camera exits unexpectedly.
- snapshot will be created on first user entry and stored in temp directory if JPEG API is disabled
+ Fix "File Delete Error" caused by permission issue+++