- The return of vis.js for the Power Video Viewer. Now you are able to view multiple monitor's videos at a single time. Control speed
+ move confirm window js
+ remove some extra files
- Calculate Max Storage Amount for Videos and Timelapse Frames separately
- Split Max Storage Amount by percentage for Videos and Timelapse Frames
- Fix order of operations for on start monitor load and orphan check
- move some extender definitions to extenders.js
- Slim Power Video Viewer event bars
- Add hours to date range selector for Timelapse Jpeg
- Add ability to pacakge with `pkg`
- Add Max Storage Amount for each `addStorage` storage array per user
- Fix `uploaders/s3based.js` variable names
- Update Timelapse.jpeg video builder
- Allow rendering a separate page upon login for Sub-Accounts
- Add Branding Engine
- Lock PM2 install to 3.0.0 (newer versions cannot catch `uncaughtException`.
- Update macOS installer
- Update OpenALPR (CPU) installer
- Add Portuguese Language
- Fix Language Selector
- Lay-In ability to create Matrix from Pam-Diff detection blob
- createEventBasedRecording called for Traditional Recording labelled 5 seconds before real time to capture event
- fix NaN for new user created in Superuser
- count space used for Timelapse Frames and Files tables (does not purge Timelapse data yet)
- Update TimelapseJpeg, lay-in MP4 builder, many fixes, additonal page
- add `impervious` to gitignore in `web/libs` for custom static files
- Fix delete button for quick video list
- Fix Super form appearance
- rewrite of forms in JSON allow auto-generating the necessary fields on almost any template with a lot more ease
- remove ejs files for uploaders and make fields generate by JSON as well
+ activate separated css files
- In Global Detector Settings you can now find the option to trigger other cameras when a particular monitor has been triggered.
+ Remember monitor order in dashboard list
+ Allow sending frames to Plugin based detection with Primary Send Frames off.
+ minor clean up
Use position rather than offset to get top of monitor, since we want it relative to the canvas.
Also, don’t subtract header height since it’s not in the canvas.
- purpose is to clean dash2 code and make it usable for a transform to dash3 while only taking the pieces we want.
- this should also make it easier for developers to understand frontend structure.
- Unlike /configureMonitor/ this method, /monitorSates/, can take single veriables for a monitor edit.
+ clean /configureMonitor/'s addEdit portion and make it a separate function
+ add "raw" catch. if "raw" not found another database init will be requested
+ fix "undefined" monitor status for Disabled monitors on Shinobi start
+ fix color threshold save for region editor
+add fallback for snapBuffer failure
+ make cron video deletes happen in bulk rather than 1 query per video
+ clear eventBaseRecording timeout to avoid fallback action after success
+make non-python yolo show object detection section, remove python-yolo
+ Allow global designation for Backblaze B2, Amazon S3, and WebDAV
+ allow frame transfer to plugin by "File in RAM" (experimental and currently only works with yolo and dlib)
+ API method for account save/edit
+ Add C++ based Dlib plugin (face-recognition)
+ allow choosing tiny or regular weights for yolo
- remove old python-dlib plugin because it is just bad (yucky python)
- run test with "node test.js" or "npm test" inside the Shinobi directory
- minor readability cleanup
+ show Object Detection section with yolo plugin
+ prettify Video Grid css
+ make thumbnail load recursive instead of at once
- simple view with thumbnails to see your listing of videos.
- dashboard v3 will have a more refined version of this that includes event counts for each video
- snapshot will be created on first user entry and stored in temp directory if JPEG API is disabled
+ Fix "File Delete Error" caused by permission issue+++
- viewer count detection added for : mjpeg, poseidon over http, flv over http, h265 over http, and raw h264
- with it you can detect when a stream is opened without the websocket connection
+ move web stream paths to their own file "webServerStreamPaths.js"
- split up "checkMaximumSensitivity", "checkTriggerThreshold", and "filterTheNoise" for easier reading
- merge some "$.zO.e.on change" functions
+ remove old ffmpegLocation.js
- WebDAV saving has been updated to work with the new "Cloud Videos" listing method.
- WebDAV folder structure will now be created automatically
+ remove some whtie spaces from settings.ejs