- purpose is to clean dash2 code and make it usable for a transform to dash3 while only taking the pieces we want.
- this should also make it easier for developers to understand frontend structure.
- Audio Detector measures decibels (dB). Section can be found under Motion Detection.
- Regions can now be used with Object detection alone, find the option the Object Detection section.
- Scheduling System will allow automatically activating Monitor States based on time. GUI will be posted in the next commit.
+ Update Installers
+ Update framework.sql
+ `npm test` will run the test
+ Minor Bug Fixes
- Unlike /configureMonitor/ this method, /monitorSates/, can take single veriables for a monitor edit.
+ clean /configureMonitor/'s addEdit portion and make it a separate function
+ add "raw" catch. if "raw" not found another database init will be requested
+ fix "undefined" monitor status for Disabled monitors on Shinobi start
+ fix color threshold save for region editor
+add fallback for snapBuffer failure
+ make cron video deletes happen in bulk rather than 1 query per video
+ clear eventBaseRecording timeout to avoid fallback action after success
+make non-python yolo show object detection section, remove python-yolo
+ Allow global designation for Backblaze B2, Amazon S3, and WebDAV
+ allow frame transfer to plugin by "File in RAM" (experimental and currently only works with yolo and dlib)
+ API method for account save/edit
+ Add C++ based Dlib plugin (face-recognition)
+ allow choosing tiny or regular weights for yolo
- remove old python-dlib plugin because it is just bad (yucky python)
- run test with "node test.js" or "npm test" inside the Shinobi directory
- minor readability cleanup
+ show Object Detection section with yolo plugin
+ prettify Video Grid css
+ make thumbnail load recursive instead of at once
- simple view with thumbnails to see your listing of videos.
- dashboard v3 will have a more refined version of this that includes event counts for each video
- snapshot will be created on first user entry and stored in temp directory if JPEG API is disabled
+ Fix "File Delete Error" caused by permission issue+++
- viewer count detection added for : mjpeg, poseidon over http, flv over http, h265 over http, and raw h264
- with it you can detect when a stream is opened without the websocket connection
+ move web stream paths to their own file "webServerStreamPaths.js"
- Update API to allow request on "all"
- Update superAuth
- add temporary superSessionKey to use REST API in Superuser dashboard
- fix favicon in Superuser panel
- make some UI adjustments in Superuser panel
- split up "checkMaximumSensitivity", "checkTriggerThreshold", and "filterTheNoise" for easier reading
- merge some "$.zO.e.on change" functions
+ remove old ffmpegLocation.js