- purpose is to clean dash2 code and make it usable for a transform to dash3 while only taking the pieces we want.
- this should also make it easier for developers to understand frontend structure.
- Audio Detector measures decibels (dB). Section can be found under Motion Detection.
- Regions can now be used with Object detection alone, find the option the Object Detection section.
- Scheduling System will allow automatically activating Monitor States based on time. GUI will be posted in the next commit.
+ Update Installers
+ Update framework.sql
+ `npm test` will run the test
+ Minor Bug Fixes
- Merge test functions into main app and invoke based on 1 of 2 Methods.
- Method 1 : Add `"testMode":true` to conf.json to start Shinobi in Test Mode.
- Method 2 : run `node camera.js test` in the Shinobi folder.
- CTRL+C to exit process and cleanup test files.
+ Code cleanup and bug fixes (found while testing the codeTester module)
+ Update "Entire System Export"
+ Additional Extenders
+ Make Input Map default "0" instead of "0:0"
+ Remove extra Whitespace from LICENSE and update the "Modification of this Software Product.".
- add `"detectorMergePamRegionTriggers":true` to your conf.json for it to take affect.
- using this can break any Detector Filters that rely on the region name for trigger. If using `equal to` please change to `contains`.
- Unlike /configureMonitor/ this method, /monitorSates/, can take single veriables for a monitor edit.
+ clean /configureMonitor/'s addEdit portion and make it a separate function
+ add "raw" catch. if "raw" not found another database init will be requested
+ fix "undefined" monitor status for Disabled monitors on Shinobi start
+ fix color threshold save for region editor
+add fallback for snapBuffer failure
- make pam-diff static to accomodate additions without creating a new npm repo. Thanks Kevin Godell for the amazing detection engine!
- Learn more about the original pam-diff by Kevin here : https://github.com/kevinGodell/pam-diff
+ make cron video deletes happen in bulk rather than 1 query per video
+ clear eventBaseRecording timeout to avoid fallback action after success
+make non-python yolo show object detection section, remove python-yolo
- opencv4nodejs provides compatible cascades and those are the only ones provided and usable now.
- put face-recognition plugin back to 0.9.3 for compatibility
- fix syntax for extender