diff --git a/libs/customAutoLoad.js b/libs/customAutoLoad.js
index 4d52869b..a5253210 100644
--- a/libs/customAutoLoad.js
+++ b/libs/customAutoLoad.js
@@ -1,8 +1,208 @@
 var fs = require('fs')
-var express = require('express')
+var spawn = require('child_process').spawn
 module.exports = function(s,config,lang,app,io){
     const modulesBasePath = s.mainDirectory + '/libs/customAutoLoad/'
-    const initializeModules = () => {
+    const searchText = function(searchFor,searchIn){
+        return searchIn.indexOf(searchFor) > -1
+    }
+    const extractNameFromPackage = (filePath) => {
+        const filePathParts = filePath.split('/')
+        const packageName = filePathParts[filePathParts.length - 1].split('.')[0]
+        return packageName
+    }
+    const getModulePath = (name) => {
+        return modulesBasePath + name + '/'
+    }
+    const getModules = () => {
+        const foundModules = {}
+        fs.readdirSync(modulesBasePath).forEach((moduleName) => {
+            const modulePath = getModulePath(moduleName)
+            const isDirectory = fs.lstatSync(modulePath).isDirectory()
+            foundModules[moduleName] = {
+                moduleName: moduleName,
+                path: modulePath,
+                isDirectory: isDirectory,
+            }
+            if(isDirectory){
+                if(!fs.existsSync(modulePath + 'index.js')){
+                    foundModules[moduleName].noIndex = true
+                }
+                if(!fs.existsSync(modulePath + 'package.json')){
+                    foundModules[moduleName].properties = getModuleProperties(moduleName)
+                }
+            }else{
+                foundModules[moduleName].isIgnitor = (moduleName.indexOf('.js') > -1)
+                foundModules[moduleName].properties = {
+                    name: moduleName
+                }
+            }
+        })
+        return foundModules
+    }
+    const downloadModule = (downloadUrl,packageRoot,packageName) => {
+         return fetch(downloadUrl).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(modulesBasePath + (packageName ? packageName : extractNameFromPackage(downloadUrl))))
+    }
+    const getModuleProperties = (name) => {
+        const modulePath = getModulePath(name)
+        const propertiesPath = modulePath + 'package.json'
+        const properties = fs.existsSync(propertiesPath) ? s.parseJSON(fs.readFileSync(propertiesPath)) : {
+            name: name
+        }
+        return properties
+    }
+    const installModule = async (name) => {
+        //depending on module this may only work for Ubuntu
+        const modulePath = getModulePath(name)
+        const properties = getModuleProperties(name);
+        const installerPath = modulePath + `INSTALL.sh`
+        const propertiesPath = modulePath + 'package.json'
+        // check for INSTALL.sh (ubuntu only)
+        if(fs.existsSync(installerPath)){
+            const installProcess = spawn(`sh`,installerPath)
+            installProcess.stderr.on('data',(data) => {
+                console.log(data.toString())
+            })
+            installProcess.stdout.on('data',(data) => {
+                console.log(data.toString())
+            })
+        }else if(fs.existsSync(propertiesPath)){
+            // no INSTALL.sh found, check for package.json and do `npm install --unsafe-perm`
+            const installProcess = spawn(`npm`,['install','--unsafe-perm'])
+            installProcess.stderr.on('data',(data) => {
+                console.log(data.toString())
+            })
+            installProcess.stdout.on('data',(data) => {
+                console.log(data.toString())
+            })
+        }
+    }
+    const loadModule = (module) => {
+        const moduleName = module.name
+        s.customAutoLoadModules[moduleName] = {}
+        var customModulePath = modulesBasePath + '/' + moduleName
+        if(module.isIgnitor){
+            s.customAutoLoadModules[moduleName].type = 'file'
+            try{
+                require(customModulePath)(s,config,lang,app,io)
+            }catch(err){
+                s.systemLog('Failed to Load Module : ' + moduleName)
+                s.systemLog(err)
+            }
+        }else if(module.isDirectory){
+            s.customAutoLoadModules[moduleName].type = 'folder'
+            try{
+                require(customModulePath)(s,config,lang,app,io)
+                fs.readdir(customModulePath,function(err,folderContents){
+                    folderContents.forEach(function(name){
+                        switch(name){
+                            case'web':
+                                var webFolder = s.checkCorrectPathEnding(customModulePath) + 'web/'
+                                fs.readdir(webFolder,function(err,webFolderContents){
+                                    webFolderContents.forEach(function(name){
+                                        switch(name){
+                                            case'libs':
+                                            case'pages':
+                                                if(name === 'libs'){
+                                                    if(config.webPaths.home !== '/'){
+                                                        app.use('/libs',express.static(webFolder + '/libs'))
+                                                    }
+                                                    app.use(s.checkCorrectPathEnding(config.webPaths.home)+'libs',express.static(webFolder + '/libs'))
+                                                    app.use(s.checkCorrectPathEnding(config.webPaths.admin)+'libs',express.static(webFolder + '/libs'))
+                                                    app.use(s.checkCorrectPathEnding(config.webPaths.super)+'libs',express.static(webFolder + '/libs'))
+                                                }
+                                                var libFolder = webFolder + name + '/'
+                                                fs.readdir(libFolder,function(err,webFolderContents){
+                                                    webFolderContents.forEach(function(libName){
+                                                        var thirdLevelName = libFolder + libName
+                                                        switch(libName){
+                                                            case'js':
+                                                            case'css':
+                                                            case'blocks':
+                                                                fs.readdir(thirdLevelName,function(err,webFolderContents){
+                                                                    webFolderContents.forEach(function(filename){
+                                                                        var fullPath = thirdLevelName + '/' + filename
+                                                                        var blockPrefix = ''
+                                                                        switch(true){
+                                                                            case searchText('super.',filename):
+                                                                                blockPrefix = 'super'
+                                                                            break;
+                                                                            case searchText('admin.',filename):
+                                                                                blockPrefix = 'admin'
+                                                                            break;
+                                                                        }
+                                                                        switch(libName){
+                                                                            case'js':
+                                                                                s.customAutoLoadTree[blockPrefix + 'LibsJs'].push(filename)
+                                                                            break;
+                                                                            case'css':
+                                                                                s.customAutoLoadTree[blockPrefix + 'LibsCss'].push(filename)
+                                                                            break;
+                                                                            case'blocks':
+                                                                                s.customAutoLoadTree[blockPrefix + 'PageBlocks'].push(fullPath)
+                                                                            break;
+                                                                        }
+                                                                    })
+                                                                })
+                                                            break;
+                                                            default:
+                                                                if(libName.indexOf('.ejs') > -1){
+                                                                    s.customAutoLoadTree.pages.push(thirdLevelName)
+                                                                }
+                                                            break;
+                                                        }
+                                                    })
+                                                })
+                                            break;
+                                        }
+                                    })
+                                })
+                            break;
+                            case'languages':
+                                var languagesFolder = s.checkCorrectPathEnding(customModulePath) + 'languages/'
+                                fs.readdir(languagesFolder,function(err,files){
+                                    if(err)return console.log(err);
+                                    files.forEach(function(filename){
+                                        var fileData = require(languagesFolder + filename)
+                                        var rule = filename.replace('.json','')
+                                        if(config.language === rule){
+                                            lang = Object.assign(lang,fileData)
+                                        }
+                                        if(s.loadedLanguages[rule]){
+                                            s.loadedLanguages[rule] = Object.assign(s.loadedLanguages[rule],fileData)
+                                        }else{
+                                            s.loadedLanguages[rule] = Object.assign(s.copySystemDefaultLanguage(),fileData)
+                                        }
+                                    })
+                                })
+                            break;
+                            case'definitions':
+                                var definitionsFolder = s.checkCorrectPathEnding(customModulePath) + 'definitions/'
+                                fs.readdir(definitionsFolder,function(err,files){
+                                    if(err)return console.log(err);
+                                    files.forEach(function(filename){
+                                        var fileData = require(definitionsFolder + filename)
+                                        var rule = filename.replace('.json','').replace('.js','')
+                                        if(config.language === rule){
+                                            s.definitions = s.mergeDeep(s.definitions,fileData)
+                                        }
+                                        if(s.loadedDefinitons[rule]){
+                                            s.loadedDefinitons[rule] = s.mergeDeep(s.loadedDefinitons[rule],fileData)
+                                        }else{
+                                            s.loadedDefinitons[rule] = s.mergeDeep(s.copySystemDefaultDefinitions(),fileData)
+                                        }
+                                    })
+                                })
+                            break;
+                        }
+                    })
+                })
+            }catch(err){
+                s.systemLog('Failed to Load Module : ' + moduleName)
+                s.systemLog(err)
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    const initializeAllModules = async () => {
         s.customAutoLoadModules = {}
         s.customAutoLoadTree = {
             pages: [],
@@ -16,186 +216,19 @@ module.exports = function(s,config,lang,app,io){
             superLibsJs: [],
             superLibsCss: []
-        var search = function(searchFor,searchIn){return searchIn.indexOf(searchFor) > -1}
-            if(!err && folderContents){
-                folderContents.forEach(function(filename){
-                    s.customAutoLoadModules[filename] = {}
-                    var customModulePath = modulesBasePath + '/' + filename
-                    if(filename.indexOf('.js') > -1){
-                        s.customAutoLoadModules[filename].type = 'file'
-                        try{
-                            require(customModulePath)(s,config,lang,app,io)
-                        }catch(err){
-                            console.log('Failed to Load Module : ' + filename)
-                            console.log(err)
-                        }
-                    }else{
-                        if(fs.lstatSync(customModulePath).isDirectory()){
-                            s.customAutoLoadModules[filename].type = 'folder'
-                            try{
-                                require(customModulePath)(s,config,lang,app,io)
-                                fs.readdir(customModulePath,function(err,folderContents){
-                                    folderContents.forEach(function(name){
-                                        switch(name){
-                                            case'web':
-                                                var webFolder = s.checkCorrectPathEnding(customModulePath) + 'web/'
-                                                fs.readdir(webFolder,function(err,webFolderContents){
-                                                    webFolderContents.forEach(function(name){
-                                                        switch(name){
-                                                            case'libs':
-                                                            case'pages':
-                                                                if(name === 'libs'){
-                                                                    if(config.webPaths.home !== '/'){
-                                                                        app.use('/libs',express.static(webFolder + '/libs'))
-                                                                    }
-                                                                    app.use(s.checkCorrectPathEnding(config.webPaths.home)+'libs',express.static(webFolder + '/libs'))
-                                                                    app.use(s.checkCorrectPathEnding(config.webPaths.admin)+'libs',express.static(webFolder + '/libs'))
-                                                                    app.use(s.checkCorrectPathEnding(config.webPaths.super)+'libs',express.static(webFolder + '/libs'))
-                                                                }
-                                                                var libFolder = webFolder + name + '/'
-                                                                fs.readdir(libFolder,function(err,webFolderContents){
-                                                                    webFolderContents.forEach(function(libName){
-                                                                        var thirdLevelName = libFolder + libName
-                                                                        switch(libName){
-                                                                            case'js':
-                                                                            case'css':
-                                                                            case'blocks':
-                                                                                fs.readdir(thirdLevelName,function(err,webFolderContents){
-                                                                                    webFolderContents.forEach(function(filename){
-                                                                                        var fullPath = thirdLevelName + '/' + filename
-                                                                                        var blockPrefix = ''
-                                                                                        switch(true){
-                                                                                            case search('super.',filename):
-                                                                                                blockPrefix = 'super'
-                                                                                            break;
-                                                                                            case search('admin.',filename):
-                                                                                                blockPrefix = 'admin'
-                                                                                            break;
-                                                                                        }
-                                                                                        switch(libName){
-                                                                                            case'js':
-                                                                                                s.customAutoLoadTree[blockPrefix + 'LibsJs'].push(filename)
-                                                                                            break;
-                                                                                            case'css':
-                                                                                                s.customAutoLoadTree[blockPrefix + 'LibsCss'].push(filename)
-                                                                                            break;
-                                                                                            case'blocks':
-                                                                                                s.customAutoLoadTree[blockPrefix + 'PageBlocks'].push(fullPath)
-                                                                                            break;
-                                                                                        }
-                                                                                    })
-                                                                                })
-                                                                            break;
-                                                                            default:
-                                                                                if(libName.indexOf('.ejs') > -1){
-                                                                                    s.customAutoLoadTree.pages.push(thirdLevelName)
-                                                                                }
-                                                                            break;
-                                                                        }
-                                                                    })
-                                                                })
-                                                            break;
-                                                        }
-                                                    })
-                                                })
-                                            break;
-                                            case'languages':
-                                                var languagesFolder = s.checkCorrectPathEnding(customModulePath) + 'languages/'
-                                                fs.readdir(languagesFolder,function(err,files){
-                                                    if(err)return console.log(err);
-                                                    files.forEach(function(filename){
-                                                        var fileData = require(languagesFolder + filename)
-                                                        var rule = filename.replace('.json','')
-                                                        if(config.language === rule){
-                                                            lang = Object.assign(lang,fileData)
-                                                        }
-                                                        if(s.loadedLanguages[rule]){
-                                                            s.loadedLanguages[rule] = Object.assign(s.loadedLanguages[rule],fileData)
-                                                        }else{
-                                                            s.loadedLanguages[rule] = Object.assign(s.copySystemDefaultLanguage(),fileData)
-                                                        }
-                                                    })
-                                                })
-                                            break;
-                                            case'definitions':
-                                                var definitionsFolder = s.checkCorrectPathEnding(customModulePath) + 'definitions/'
-                                                fs.readdir(definitionsFolder,function(err,files){
-                                                    if(err)return console.log(err);
-                                                    files.forEach(function(filename){
-                                                        var fileData = require(definitionsFolder + filename)
-                                                        var rule = filename.replace('.json','').replace('.js','')
-                                                        if(config.language === rule){
-                                                            s.definitions = s.mergeDeep(s.definitions,fileData)
-                                                        }
-                                                        if(s.loadedDefinitons[rule]){
-                                                            s.loadedDefinitons[rule] = s.mergeDeep(s.loadedDefinitons[rule],fileData)
-                                                        }else{
-                                                            s.loadedDefinitons[rule] = s.mergeDeep(s.copySystemDefaultDefinitions(),fileData)
-                                                        }
-                                                    })
-                                                })
-                                            break;
-                                        }
-                                    })
-                                })
-                            }catch(err){
-                                console.log('Failed to Load Module : ' + filename)
-                                console.log(err)
-                            }
-                        }
+            if(!err && folderContents.length > 0){
+                getModules().forEach((module) => {
+                    if(module.properties.disabled){
+                        return;
+                    loadModule(module)
-    const extractNameFromPackage = (filePath) => {
-        const filePathParts = filePath.split('/')
-        const packageName = filePathParts[filePathParts.length - 1].split('.')[0]
-        return packageName
-    }
-    const getModulePath = (name) => {
-        return modulesBasePath + name + '/'
-    }
-    const getModules = async (showInstalledOnly) => {
-        const foundModules = {}
-        fs.readdirSync(modulesBasePath).forEach((moduleName) => {
-            const modulePath = getModulePath(moduleName)
-            const isDirectory = fs.statSync(modulePath).isDirectory()
-            foundModules[moduleName] = {
-                moduleName: moduleName,
-                path: modulePath,
-                isDirectory: isDirectory,
-            }
-            if(isDirectory){
-                if(!fs.existsSync(modulePath + 'index.js')){
-                    foundModules[moduleName].noIndex = true
-                }
-                // is folder
-            }else{
-                // is igniter
-            }
-        })
-        return foundModules
-    }
-    const downloadModule = (downloadUrl,packageRoot,packageName) => {
-         return fetch(downloadUrl).pipe(fs.createWriteStream(modulesBasePath + packageName ? packageName : extractNameFromPackage(downloadUrl)))
-    }
-    const getModuleProperties = async (name) => {
-        const modulePath = getModulePath(name)
-        const propertiesPath = modulePath + 'package.json'
-        return properties = fs.existsSync(propertiesPath) ? s.parseJSON(fs.readFileSync(propertiesPath)) : {
-            "name": name
-        }
-    }
-    const installModule = async (name) => {
-        //depending on module this may only work for Ubuntu
-        const properties = await getModuleProperties(name);
-        // check for INSTALL.js (dynamic installer)
-        // check for INSTALL.sh (ubuntu only)
-    }
-    initializeModules();
+    initializeAllModules();