Face Manager : Add Install rule for Face Manager in Face plugin Installer

- This is a customAutoLoad module, once added Shinobi needs to be restarted.
Moe 2020-04-23 14:33:01 -07:00
parent b54ce6b965
commit b71de38e77
1 changed files with 7 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ echo "----------------------------------------"
echo "-- Installing Face Plugin for Shinobi --"
echo "----------------------------------------"
echo "Are you Installing on an ARM CPU?"
echo "like Jetson Nano or Raspberry Pi B+. Default is No."
echo "like Jetson Nano or Raspberry Pi Model 3 B+. Default is No."
echo "(y)es or (N)o"
read useArm
if [ "$useArm" = "y" ] || [ "$useArm" = "Y" ] || [ "$useArm" = "YES" ] || [ "$useArm" = "yes" ] || [ "$useArm" = "Yes" ]; then
@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ if [ ! -e "./conf.json" ]; then
echo "conf.json already exists..."
if [ ! -e "$DIR/../../libs/customAutoLoad/faceManagerCustomAutoLoadLibrary" ]; then
echo "Installing Face Manager customAutoLoad Module..."
sudo cp -r $DIR/faceManagerCustomAutoLoadLibrary $DIR/../../libs/customAutoLoad/faceManagerCustomAutoLoadLibrary
echo "Face Manager customAutoLoad Module already installed..."
if [ "$INSTALL_WITH_GPU" = "1" ]; then
echo "TensorFlow.js plugin will use GPU"
sed -i 's/"tfjsBuild":"cpu"/"tfjsBuild":"gpu"/g' conf.json