force image format for image in Email Notifcation (Discord as well)

- This should hopefully fix users with broken images in their email notifications.
-- Audio was not being stripped and was being encoded with the frame (JPEG cannot hold audio, duh)
-- image2 format specified
Moe 2020-07-25 22:40:35 -07:00
parent ba5743e380
commit 7d07124ac5
1 changed files with 1 additions and 1 deletions

View File

@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ module.exports = function(s,config,lang){
var snapBuffer = []
var temporaryImageFile = streamDir + s.gid(5) + '.jpg'
var iconImageFile = streamDir + 'icon.jpg'
var ffmpegCmd = s.splitForFFPMEG(`-loglevel warning -re -probesize 100000 -analyzeduration 100000 ${inputOptions.join(' ')} -i "${url}" ${outputOptions.join(' ')} -vf "fps=1" -vframes 1 "${temporaryImageFile}"`)
var ffmpegCmd = s.splitForFFPMEG(`-loglevel warning -re -probesize 100000 -analyzeduration 100000 ${inputOptions.join(' ')} -i "${url}" ${outputOptions.join(' ')} -f image2 -an -vf "fps=1" -vframes 1 "${temporaryImageFile}"`)
fs.writeFileSync([].activeMonitors[].sdir + 'snapCmd.txt',JSON.stringify({
cmd: ffmpegCmd,
temporaryImageFile: temporaryImageFile,