Update languages/ja.json
@ -416,8 +416,8 @@
"Don't Show for 1 Week": "一週間これを表示しない",
"Don't show this anymore": "今後これを表示しない",
"Don't Stretch Monitors": "Don't Stretch Monitors",
"Done!": "Done!",
"Done": "Done",
"Done!": "Done",
"Done": "Done!",
"DontAddToPreset": "Don't Add to Preset",
"donut": "ドーナッツ",
"Double Quote Directory": "ダブルクォートディレクトリ <small>空白を含むディレクトリの使用は、カメラ機能を阻害します。</small>",
@ -1255,457 +1255,457 @@
"pizza": "ピザ",
"Plain": "プレーン",
"Play": "再生",
"Playback": "Playback",
"Please Check Your Settings": "Please Check Your Settings",
"Please Wait for Completion": "Please Wait for Completion, Depending on the number of files selected this may take some time.",
"Playback": "再生",
"Please Check Your Settings": "設定をチェックしてください",
"Please Wait for Completion": "Please Wait for Completion",
"Please Wait or Click to Stop Checking": "Please Wait or Click to Stop Checking",
"Please Wait...": "Please Wait...",
"Plugin Manager": "Plugin Manager",
"Plugin": "Plugin",
"Points": "Points",
"Points": "ポイント",
"Pop": "新しいウィンドウ",
"Popout Monitor on Event": "Popout Monitor on Event",
"Port": "Port",
"Port": "ポート",
"Pose": "Pose",
"Poseidon": "Poseidon",
"Position X": "Position X",
"Position Y": "Position Y",
"Position X": "X座標",
"Position Y": "Y座標",
"possibleInternalError": "Possible Internal Error",
"postDataBroken": "Check the format of the JSON. Ensure it is stringified and defined under 'data'",
"potted plant": "potted plant",
"Power Video Viewer": "Power Video Viewer",
"Power Viewer": "Power Viewer",
"powerVideoEventLimit": "You have set a high event limit. Are you sure you want to make this request?",
"Preferences": "Preferences",
"potted plant": "鉢植え",
"Power Video Viewer": "パワービデオビューワー",
"Power Viewer": "パワービューア",
"powerVideoEventLimit": "イベントの上限を設定しました。操作を実行しますか?",
"Preferences": "環境設定",
"Prefix": "Prefix",
"Preset Name": "Preset Name",
"Preset": "Preset",
"Preset": "プリセット",
"Presets": "プリセット",
"Preview": "Preview",
"Previous Video": "Previous Video",
"Primary Engine": "Primary Engine",
"Primary Input": "Primary Input",
"Primary Input": "プライマリインプット",
"privateKey": "Private Key",
"Privileges": "Privileges",
"Probe Size": "Probe Size",
"Process Already Running": "Process Already Running",
"Process Crashed for Monitor": "Process Crashed for Monitor",
"Process Not Running": "Process Not Running",
"Privileges": "権限",
"Probe Size": "プローブサイズ",
"Process Already Running": "プロセスがすでに起動しています。",
"Process Crashed for Monitor": "モニターのプロセスがクラッシュ",
"Process Not Running": "プロセスが実行されていません。",
"Process Started": "Process Started",
"Process Unexpected Exit": "Process Unexpected Exit",
"Process Unexpected Exit": "プロセスが想定外の振舞い",
"Processor": "Processor",
"Profile": "Profile",
"Profile": "プロファイル",
"Protocol": "Protocol",
"PTZ Tracking Target": "PTZ Tracking Target",
"PTZ Tracking": "PTZ Tracking",
"Public on ShinobiHub": "Public on ShinobiHub",
"PTZ Tracking Target": "PTZ 追尾 ターゲット",
"PTZ Tracking": "PTZ 追尾",
"Public on ShinobiHub": "Shinobiハブ上に公開",
"PushoverNotEnabledText": "Pushover notifications are not enabled. Enable Pushover notifications in Account Settings.",
"PushoverNotifyErrorText": "An error occurred while sending Pushover notification",
"qsv": "qsv",
"Quality": "Quality",
"Query": "Query",
"Quick Settings": "Quick Settings",
"Query": "クエリ",
"Quick Settings": "クイック設定",
"Quick Sync Video": "Quick Sync Video",
"RAM": "RAM",
"Range or Single": "Range or Single",
"Range or Single": "レンジまたはシングル",
"Raspberry Pi": "Raspberry Pi",
"Rate": "Rate <small>(FPS)</small>",
"Rate": "レート <small>(FPS)</small>",
"Raw H.264 Stream": "Raw H.264 Stream",
"Raw": "Raw",
"Reason": "Reason",
"Reboot Camera": "Reboot Camera",
"Reboot": "Reboot",
"rebootingCamera": "Rebooting Camera",
"Recent Events": "Recent Events",
"Recent Videos": "Recent Videos",
"Reason": "要因",
"Reboot Camera": "カメラを再起動",
"Reboot": "再起動",
"rebootingCamera": "カメラ再起動中",
"Recent Events": "最近のイベント",
"Recent Videos": "最近のビデオ",
"Recipient ID": "Recipient ID",
"Recommended": "Recommended",
"Reconnect Stream": "Reconnect Stream",
"Record File Type": "Record File Type",
"Record Height": "Record Height",
"Record Video Filter": "Record Video Filter",
"Record Width": "Record Width",
"Record": "Record",
"Reconnect Stream": "ストリーム再接続",
"Record File Type": "録音ファイルのタイプ",
"Record Height": "録画の高さ",
"Record Video Filter": "ビデオ録画のフィルター",
"Record Width": "録画の幅",
"Record": "録画",
"Recorded Buffer": "Recorded Buffer",
"Recording Flags": "Recording Flags",
"Recording Flags": "録画フラグ",
"Recording FPS Change on Start": "Recording FPS Change on Start",
"Recording FPS": "Recording FPS",
"Recording Segment Interval": "Recording Segment Interval <small>in minutes</small>",
"Recording Timeout": "Recording Timeout <small>in Minutes</small>",
"Recording Timestamp": "Recording Timestamp",
"Recording Watermark": "Recording Watermark",
"Recording": "Recording",
"RecordingText": "It is recommended that you set <b>Record File Type</b> to <b class=\"h_t_input h_t_jpeg h_t_socket\">WebM</b><b class=\"h_t_input h_t_mjpeg h_t_h264 h_t_hls h_t_mp4 h_t_local\">MP4</b> and <b>Video Codec</b> to <b class=\"h_t_input h_t_jpeg h_t_socket\">libvpx</b><b class=\"h_t_input h_t_h264 h_t_hls h_t_mp4\">copy or </b><b class=\"h_t_input h_t_mjpeg h_t_h264 h_t_hls h_t_mp4 h_t_local\">libx264</b> because your <b>Input Type</b> is set to <b class=\"h_t_text\"></b>.",
"Refresh": "更新",
"refrigerator": "refrigerator",
"Region Editor": "Region Editor",
"Region Name": "Region Name",
"Region": "Region",
"RegionNote": "When adding points click on the edge of the polygon. Right click a point to remove.",
"Regions": "Regions",
"Registered Servers": "Registered Servers",
"Registered": "Registered",
"Remember Me": "Remember Me",
"Remember Positions": "Remember Positions",
"remote": "remote",
"Recording FPS": "録画フレームレートFPS",
"Recording Segment Interval": "録画セグメントの間隔 <small>分</small>",
"Recording Timeout": "録画タイムアウト <small>分</small>",
"Recording Timestamp": "録画タイムスタンプ",
"Recording Watermark": "録画透かし",
"Recording": "録画",
"RecordingText": " <b>入力タイプ</b> が <b class=\"h_t_text\"></b> に設定されているので、<b>録音ファイルのタイプ</b> を <b class=\"h_t_input h_t_jpeg h_t_socket\">WebM</b><b class=\"h_t_input h_t_mjpeg h_t_h264 h_t_hls h_t_mp4 h_t_local\">MP4</b>に<b>ビデオコーデックを</b> to <b class=\"h_t_input h_t_jpeg h_t_socket\">libvpx</b><b class=\"h_t_input h_t_h264 h_t_hls h_t_mp4\">にコピーまたは</b><b class=\"h_t_input h_t_mjpeg h_t_h264 h_t_hls h_t_mp4 h_t_local\">libx264</b> に設定することを推奨します。",
"Refresh": "Refresh",
"refrigerator": "冷蔵庫",
"Region Editor": "リージョンのエディタ",
"Region Name": "リージョン名",
"Region": "リージョン",
"RegionNote": "ポイントを追加するときは、ポリゴンのエッジをクリックします。削除するポイントを右クリックします。",
"Regions": "リージョン",
"Registered Servers": "登録済のサーバー",
"Registered": "登録済",
"Remember Me": "ログイン情報を記憶",
"Remember Positions": "モニター配置を記憶",
"remote": "遠隔",
"Request": "Request",
"Require Object to be in Region": "Require Object to be in Region",
"Reset Form": "Reset Form",
"Reset Timer": "Reset Timer",
"Reset Timer": "タイマーのリセット",
"Reset": "Reset",
"Resolution": "Resolution",
"Restart Core": "Restart Core",
"Restart CRON": "Restart CRON",
"Restart": "Restart",
"Restarting Process": "Restarting Process",
"Resolution": "解像度",
"Restart Core": "コアの再起動",
"Restart CRON": "CRONの再起動",
"Restart": "再起動",
"Restarting Process": "プロセスの再起動",
"Restarting": "Restarting",
"restartRequired": "Restart of Shinobi Core is required for changes to take effect.",
"Retry Connection": "Retry Connection <small>Number of times allowed to fail</small>",
"Retrying...": "Retrying...",
"Right Stop": "Right Stop <small>URL Address</small>",
"Right": "Right <small>URL Address</small>",
"Retry Connection": "再接続 <small>回数許されな</small>",
"Retrying...": "リトライ動作中に---",
"Right Stop": "右停止 <small>のURLアドレス</small>",
"Right": "右記 <small>のURLアドレス</small>",
"Room ID": "Room ID",
"Rotate": "Rotate",
"Rotate": "回転",
"RTMP Stream Flags": "RTMP Stream Flags",
"RTMP Stream": "RTMP Stream",
"RTSP Transport": "RTSP Transport",
"RTSP Transport": "RTSPトランスポート",
"Rule": "Rule",
"Rule": "ルール",
"Run Installer": "Run Installer",
"S3-Based Network Storage": "S3-Based Network Storage",
"sandwich": "sandwich",
"Saturday": "Saturday",
"Save as": "Save as",
"S3-Based Network Storage": "S3ベースのネットワークストレージ",
"sandwich": "サンドイッチ",
"Saturday": "土曜",
"Save as": "名前を付けて保存",
"Save Built Video on Completion": "Save Built Video on Completion",
"Save Changes": "Save Changes",
"Save Compressed Video on Completion": "完成時に圧縮されたビデオを保存する",
"Save Directory": "Save Directory",
"Save Events to SQL": "Save Events to SQL",
"Save Events": "Save Events",
"Save Changes": "変更を保存",
"Save Compressed Video on Completion": "完了時に圧縮されたビデオを保存する",
"Save Directory": "保存ディレクトリ",
"Save Events to SQL": "イベントをSQLで保存",
"Save Events": "イベントを保存",
"Save Frames to Events": "Save Frames to Events",
"Save Links to Database": "Save Links to Database",
"Save Log in SQL": "Save Log in SQL <small>This can fill up quickly.</small>",
"Save New": "Save New",
"Save": "Save",
"Saved Filters": "Saved Filters",
"Saved Logs": "Saved Logs",
"Saved Presets": "Saved Presets",
"Saved Schedules": "Saved Schedules",
"Save Links to Database": "データベースへのリンクを保存",
"Save Log in SQL": "ログの保存アプリケーションで <small>この事がございます。</small>",
"Save New": "新規保存",
"Save": "保存",
"Saved Filters": "保存したフィルター",
"Saved Logs": "保存したログ",
"Saved Presets": "保存したプリセット",
"Saved Schedules": "保存したスケジュール",
"Saved": "Saved",
"Scan Settings": "Scan Settings",
"Scan Settings": "スキャンの設定",
"Schedule Configuration Not Found": "Schedule Configuration Not Found",
"Schedule": "Schedule",
"Schedules": "Schedules",
"scissors": "scissors",
"Schedule": "スケジュール",
"Schedules": "スケジュール",
"scissors": "ハサミ",
"Search Base": "Search Base",
"Search Filter": "Search Filter",
"Search Images": "Search Images",
"Search Object Tags": "オブジェクトを探す",
"Search Settings": "ビデオを検索",
"Search": "Search",
"Second stream in feed": "Second stream in feed",
"Secure": "Secure",
"Search": "検索",
"Second stream in feed": "フィードの二番目のストリーム",
"Secure": "セキュア",
"Select a Monitor": "Select a Monitor",
"Select atleast one monitor to delete": "Select atleast one monitor to delete.",
"Selected": "Selected",
"Send Frames": "Send Frames <small>Push frames to be analyzed</small>",
"Send Notification": "Send Notification",
"Send to": "Send to",
"Select atleast one monitor to delete": "削除するモニターを少なくても一つ選択してください",
"Selected": "選択",
"Send Frames": "送信フレーム <small>プするフレームの解析</small>",
"Send Notification": "通知を送信する",
"Send to": "送る",
"Separate with commas, no spaces": "Separate with commas, no spaces",
"separateByCommasOrRange": "Separate by Commas or a Range",
"September": "September",
"September": "9月",
"Server URL": "Server URL",
"Session Key": "Session Key",
"Set Home Position (ONVIF-only)": "Set Home Position (ONVIF-only)",
"Set Home": "Set Home",
"Set Mode": "Set Mode",
"Set to Watch Only": "Set to Watch Only",
"setMaxStorageAmountText": "You should set your Max Storage Amount in your Account Settings located on the left. Find the option under the Profile section. Default is 10 GB.",
"Settings Changed": "Settings Changed",
"Settings": "Settings",
"SettingsChangedText": "Your settings have been saved and applied. Some settings may require a refresh of this page.",
"Session Key": "セッションキー",
"Set Home Position (ONVIF-only)": "ホームポジションの設定(ONVIFのみ)",
"Set Home": "ホームを設定",
"Set Mode": "モード設定",
"Set to Watch Only": "閲覧限定に設定",
"setMaxStorageAmountText": "最大ストレージ容量は、左側にある「アカウント設定」で設定してください。「プロファイル」の項目の下にオプションがあります。デフォルトは10GBです。",
"Settings Changed": "設定変更",
"Settings": "設定",
"SettingsChangedText": "設定が保存され、適用されました。一部の設定では、このページの更新が必要になる場合があります。",
"SFTP (SSH File Transfer)": "SFTP (SSH File Transfer)",
"SFTP Error": "SFTP Error",
"SFTP Error": "SFTP エラー",
"Sharpness": "Sharpness",
"sheep": "sheep",
"Sharpness": "シャープネス",
"sheep": "羊",
"Shinobi Ordered to Update": "Shinobi Update Completed",
"Shinobi Streamer": "Shinobi Streamer",
"Shinobi Streamer": "Shinobiストリーマ",
"Shinobi": "Shinobi",
"ShinobiHub": "ShinobiHub",
"Show Logs": "Show Logs",
"ShinobiHub": "Shinobiハブ",
"Show Logs": "ログを表示",
"Show Matrices": "Show Matrices",
"Show Matrix": "Show Matrix",
"Show Regions of Interest": "Show Regions of Interest",
"Show Stream HUD": "Show Stream HUD",
"Show Thumbnails in Video List": "Show Thumbnails in Video List",
"Silent": "Silent",
"Simple": "Simple",
"sink": "sink",
"Size (mb)": "Size (mb)",
"Show Thumbnails in Video List": "ビデオリストにサムネイルを表示",
"Silent": "サイレント",
"Simple": "シンプルな",
"sink": "シンク",
"Size (mb)": "サイズ(mb)",
"Size": "Size",
"sizePurgeLockedText": "The Size Purge Lock (deleteOverMax) appears to have failed to unlock. Unlocking now...",
"skateboard": "skateboard",
"skateboard": "スケートボード",
"Skip Ping": "Skip Ping",
"skipPingText1": "Try setting \"Skip Ping\" to Yes.",
"skis": "skis",
"Snapshot Flags": "Snapshot Flags",
"Snapshot": "Snapshot",
"Snapshots": "Snapshots",
"snowboard": "snowboard",
"sorryNo": "Sorry, No",
"sorryNothingWasFound": "Sorry, nothing was found.",
"Sort By": "Sort By",
"skipPingText1": "\"Skip Ping\"を\"Yes\"に設定してください。",
"skis": "スキー",
"Snapshot Flags": "スナップショットフラグ",
"Snapshot": "スナップショット",
"Snapshots": "スナップショット",
"snowboard": "スノーボード",
"sorryNo": "Sorry",
"sorryNothingWasFound": "何も見つかりませんでした。",
"Sort By": "並べ替え",
"Space Used": "Space Used",
"spoon": "spoon",
"sports ball": "sports ball",
"Start Recording": "Start Recording",
"Start Time cannot be empty.": "Start Time cannot be empty.",
"Start Time": "Start Time",
"Start": "Start",
"Started Building": "Started Building",
"Started": "Started",
"spoon": "スプーン",
"sports ball": "スポーツ用ボール",
"Start Recording": "録画を開始",
"Start Time cannot be empty.": "開始時刻を空白にすることはできません。",
"Start Time": "開始時間",
"Start": "開始",
"Started Building": "ビルドを開始しました",
"Started": "開始",
"Starting": "Starting",
"startUpText0": "Checking Disk Used..",
"startUpText1": "Completed Checking Disk Used.",
"startUpText2": "all users checked, wait to close open files and remove files over user limit",
"startUpText3": "waiting to give unfinished video check some time. 3 seconds.",
"startUpText4": "Starting Monitors... Please Wait...",
"startUpText5": "Shinobi is ready.",
"startUpText6": "Orphaned Videos Found and Inserted",
"startUpText0": "使用ディスクの確認中",
"startUpText1": "使用ディスクの確認が完了しました。",
"startUpText2": "すべてのユーザーが確認されました。開いているファイルを閉じるのを待ち、ユーザー制限を超えたファイルを削除。",
"startUpText3": "ビデオチェックの完了を待機中。3秒",
"startUpText4": "モニターを起動中... お待ちください...",
"startUpText5": "Shinobiの準備が整いました。",
"startUpText6": "属性のないビデオを発見、属性を挿入",
"State Configuration has no monitors associated": "State Configuration has no monitors associated",
"State Configuration Not Found": "State Configuration Not Found",
"Status Changed": "Status Changed",
"Status Indicator": "Status Indicator",
"Status Indicator": "ステータスインジケータ",
"Stop Command": "Stop Command",
"stop sign": "stop sign",
"Stop URL": "Stop URL",
"Stop": "Stop",
"stop sign": "停止信号",
"Stop URL": "URLを停止",
"Stop": "停止",
"Stopped": "停止",
"Stopping": "停止中",
"Storage Location": "Storage Location",
"Storage Use": "Storage Use",
"Storage Use": "使用ストレージ",
"Stream Channel": "Stream Channel",
"Stream Channels": "Stream Channels",
"Stream Flags": "Stream Flags",
"Stream in Background": "Stream in Background",
"Stream Flags": "ストリームフラグ",
"Stream in Background": "バックグラウンドの起動",
"Stream Key": "Stream Key",
"Stream Timestamp": "Stream Timestamp",
"Stream to YouTube Flags": "Stream to YouTube Flags",
"Stream to YouTube": "Stream to YouTube",
"Stream Type": "Stream Type",
"Stream Watermark": "Stream Watermark",
"Stream": "Stream",
"Streamed Logs": "Streamed Logs",
"Streamer": "Streamer",
"Streams": "Streams",
"StreamText": "<p>This section will designate the primary method of streaming out and its settings. This stream will be displayed in the dashboard. If you choose to use HLS, JPEG, or MJPEG then you can consume the stream through other programs.</p><p class=\"h_st_input h_st_jpeg\">Using JPEG stream essentially turns off the primary stream and uses the snapshot bin to get frames.</p>",
"Stream Timestamp": "ストリームタイムスタンプ",
"Stream to YouTube Flags": "ストリームをYouTubeフラグに",
"Stream to YouTube": "ストリームをYouTubeに",
"Stream Type": "ストリームタイプ",
"Stream Watermark": "ストリーム透かし",
"Stream": "ストリーム",
"Streamed Logs": "ストリーミングログ",
"Streamer": "ストリーマ",
"Streams": "ストリーム",
"StreamText": "\"Skip Ping\"を\"Yes\"に設定してください。",
"Sub-Accounts": "サブアカウント",
"subAccountManager": "Sub-Account Manager",
"subAccountManager": "サブアカウントの設定",
"Subdivision": "Subdivision",
"Substream Process": "Substream Process",
"Substream": "Substream",
"substreamConnectionText": "You can leave the Connection detail as-is if you want it to use the main Connection information set above.",
"SubstreamNotConfigured": "Substream not configured. Open your Monitor Settings and configure it.",
"substreamOutputText": "Here you can set the On-Demand Stream's configuration. Learn about <a href='https://hub.shinobi.video/articles/view/Eug1dxIdhwY6zTw' target='_blank'>latency of Stream types here.</a>",
"substreamText": "This is an On-Demand method of viewing the Live Stream. You can make it so the viewing process is available only when someone is watching or to be used for switching between Low and High Resolution.",
"Subtitle": "Subtitle",
"Substream Process": "サブストリーム処理",
"Substream": "サブストリーム",
"substreamConnectionText": "上記で設定するメインとなるストリームの設定を利用する場合、接続の詳細をそのままにしておくことができます。",
"SubstreamNotConfigured": "サブストリームが設定されていません。モニター設定を開いて、サブストリームを設定してください。",
"substreamOutputText": "ここでは、オンデマンドストリームの構成を設定します。ストリームタイプのレイテンシーについてはこちら <a href='https//hub.shinobi.video/articles/view/Eug1dxIdhwY6zTw' target='_blank'> </a>",
"substreamText": "ライブストリームのオンデマンドでの閲覧です。これは、ライブ閲覧や低解像度と高解像度の切替えに限定して利用します。",
"Subtitle": "サブタイトル",
"Success": "Success",
"suitcase": "suitcase",
"Sunday": "Sunday",
"superAdminText": "\"super.json\" does not exist. Please rename \"super.sample.json\" to \"super.json\".",
"superAdminTitle": "Shinobi : Super User",
"suitcase": "スーツケース",
"Sunday": "日曜",
"superAdminText": "\"super.json\"は存在しません。\"super.sample.json\"を\"super.json\"にリネームしてください。",
"superAdminTitle": "Shinobi スーパーアドミン",
"Superuser Logs": "Superuser Logs",
"Superuser": "Superuser",
"surfboard": "surfboard",
"Switch on for Still Image": "Switch on for Still Image",
"System Level": "System Level",
"Superuser": "スーパーユーザー",
"surfboard": "サーフボード",
"Switch on for Still Image": "静止画像のスイッチオン",
"System Level": "システムレベル",
"System": "System",
"TCP": "TCP",
"teddy bear": "teddy bear",
"Telegram": "Telegram",
"tennis racket": "tennis racket",
"Text Box Color": "Text Box Color",
"Text Color": "Text Color",
"teddy bear": "ぬいぐるみ",
"Telegram": "テレグラム",
"tennis racket": "テニスラケット",
"Text Box Color": "テキストボックスの色",
"Text Color": "テキストの色を設定",
"Text criteria unsupported for Object Count tests, Ignoring Conditional": "Text criteria unsupported for Object Count tests, Ignoring Conditional",
"Themes": "Themes",
"There are no monitors that you can view with this account.": "There are no monitors that you can view with this account.",
"Themes": "テーマ",
"There are no monitors that you can view with this account.": "このアカウントで表示できるモニターはありません.",
"Threads": "Threads",
"Thumbnail": "Thumbnail",
"Thursday": "Thursday",
"tie": "tie",
"Thursday": "木曜",
"tie": "ネクタイ",
"Tile Size": "Tile Size",
"Time Created": "作成時刻",
"Time Left": "Time Left",
"Time Occurred": "Time Occurred",
"Time-lapse Tool": "Time-lapse Tool",
"Time Left": "残り時間",
"Time Occurred": "発生時刻",
"Time-lapse Tool": "タイムラプスツール",
"Time-lapse": "タイムラプス",
"Time": "Time",
"Timed": "Timed",
"Timelapse Frames Share": "Timelapse Frames Share",
"Timelapse Frames Share": "タイムラプスフレームの共有",
"Timelapse Frames Video": "Timelapse Frames Video",
"Timelapse Frames": "Timelapse Frames",
"Timelapse Video Build Complete": "Timelapse Video Build Complete",
"Timelapse Watermark": "Timelapse Watermark",
"Timelapse": "タイムラプス",
"Timeout Reset on Next Event": "Timeout Reset on Next Event",
"Timeout Reset on Next Motion": "Timeout Reset on Next Motion",
"Timeout": "Timeout",
"Timeout Reset on Next Motion": "次の動作でタイムアウトリセット",
"Timeout": "タイムアウト",
"Timezone Offset": "Timezone Offset",
"Timezone": "Timezone",
"TimeZone": "TimeZone",
"Title": "Title",
"toaster": "toaster",
"Today": "本日",
"Toggle Sidebar": "Toggle Sidebar",
"Toggle Substream": "Toggle Substream",
"toilet": "toilet",
"Timezone": "時間帯/タイムゾーン",
"TimeZone": "時間帯/タイムゾーン",
"Title": "タイトル",
"toaster": "トースター",
"Today": "今日",
"Toggle Sidebar": "サイドバーの切り替え",
"Toggle Substream": "サブストリームの切り替え",
"toilet": "トイレ",
"Token": "Token",
"tokenNotUserBound": "This Login Handle is not linked to a user on this server!",
"tokenNotUserBoundPt2": "Type your credentials then use the Google Sign-In button to link quickly.",
"toothbrush": "toothbrush",
"Top Left": "Top Left",
"Top Right": "Top Right",
"total": "total",
"traffic light": "traffic light",
"Train": "Train",
"train": "train",
"TrainConfirm": "Are you sure you want to begin training? This can take more than 12 hours with over 500 images. This will consume a large amount of resources, like RAM and/or CPU.",
"tokenNotUserBound": "このログインハンドルは、このサーバーのユーザーとリンクしていません。",
"tokenNotUserBoundPt2": "認証情報を入力し、Googleサインインボタンを使って素早くリンクすることができます。",
"toothbrush": "歯ブラシ",
"Top Left": "左上",
"Top Right": "右上",
"total": "合計",
"traffic light": "信号機",
"Train": "電車",
"train": "電車",
"TrainConfirm": "Are you sure you want to begin training? This can take more than 12 hours with over 500 images. This will consume a large amount of resources",
"TrainConfirmStop": "Are you sure you want to stop training?",
"Trainer Engine": "Trainer Engine",
"Trigger Blocked": "Trigger Blocked",
"Trigger Camera Groups": "Trigger Camera Groups",
"Trigger Camera Groups": "カメラをグループでトリガー",
"Trigger Event": "Trigger Event",
"Trigger Group to Record": "Trigger Group to Record",
"Trigger Record": "Trigger Record",
"Trigger Successful": "Trigger Successful",
"Trigger Threshold": "Trigger Threshold",
"truck": "truck",
"Tuesday": "Tuesday",
"Turn Speed": "Turn Speed",
"Trigger Group to Record": "録画をグループでトリガー",
"Trigger Record": "録画をトリガー",
"Trigger Successful": "トリガー成功",
"Trigger Threshold": "トリガーしきい値",
"truck": "トラック",
"Tuesday": "火曜",
"Turn Speed": "ターンスピード",
"TV Channel Group": "TV Channel Group",
"TV Channel ID": "TV Channel ID",
"TV Channel": "TV Channel",
"tv": "tv",
"Type": "Type",
"tv": "テレビ",
"Type": "タイプ",
"UDP": "UDP",
"umbrella": "umbrella",
"Unable to Launch": "Unable to Launch",
"UnabletoLaunchText": "Please save new monitor first. Then attempt to launch the region editor.",
"umbrella": "傘",
"Unable to Launch": "開始できません",
"UnabletoLaunchText": "保存しておいてください新しいモニターします。 その試みを開始、地域のエディタです。",
"Unarchive": "Unarchive",
"Uncommon Objects": "Uncommon Objects",
"Uncommon Objects": "共通オブジェクトではありません",
"undoAllUnsaveChanges": "Are you sure you want to do this? This will undo all unsaved changes.",
"unexpectedExitText": "Information about this exit will be found before this log. Additionally here is the ffmpeg command that was used when the process crashed.",
"Uniform": "Uniform",
"Unlink Login": "Unlink Login?",
"Unlink": "Unlink",
"Unlinked": "Unlinked",
"Up Stop": "Up Stop <small>URL Address</small>",
"Up": "Up <small>URL Address</small>",
"Update to Development": "Update to Development",
"Update to Master": "Update to Master",
"Update": "Update",
"updateCamerasInternalSettings": "Update Camera's Internal Settings?",
"updateKeyText1": "\"updateKey\" is missing from \"conf.json\", cannot do updates this way until you add it.",
"updateKeyText2": "\"updateKey\" is incorrect.",
"updateNotice1": "Updating Shinobi means overwriting files. If you have modified any files yourself you should update Shinobi manually. Your configurations and video files will not be modified.",
"Upload Bandwidth": "Upload Bandwidth",
"Upload File": "Upload File",
"Uploaded Only": "Uploaded Only",
"Uploaders": "Uploaders",
"URL Stop Timeout": "URL Stop Timeout <small>Run stop URL after X milliseconds</small>",
"Unlink Login": "ログインを解除する",
"Unlink": "リンク解除",
"Unlinked": "リンク解除済",
"Up Stop": "最大停止 <small>のURLアドレス</small>",
"Up": "Up <small>URLアドレス</small>",
"Update to Development": "開発に更新",
"Update to Master": "マスターに更新",
"Update": "アップデート",
"updateCamerasInternalSettings": "カメラの内部設定を更新しますか?",
"updateKeyText1": "\"updateKey\"が\"conf.json\"にありません。追加するまで、この方法で更新を行うことはできません。",
"updateKeyText2": "\"updateKey\"が間違っています。",
"updateNotice1": "Shinobiの更新とは、ファイルを上書きすることを意味します。自分でファイルを変更した場合は、Shinobiを手動で更新する必要があります。構成とビデオファイルは変更されません。",
"Upload Bandwidth": "アップロード帯域",
"Upload File": "ファイルのアップロード",
"Uploaded Only": "アップロード限定",
"Uploaders": "アップローダー",
"URL Stop Timeout": "URLを停止タイムアウトの <small>実行を停止URLの後にXをミリ秒</small>",
"URL": "URL",
"US": "US",
"Use Built-In": "Use Built-In",
"Use Camera Timestamps": "Use Camera Timestamps",
"US": "アメリカ",
"Use Built-In": "ビルトイン機能を使用",
"Use Camera Timestamps": "カメラのタイムスタンプを使う",
"Use coProcessor": "Use coProcessor",
"Use Global Amazon S3 Video Storage": "Use Global Amazon S3 Video Storage",
"Use Global Backblaze B2 Video Storage": "Use Global Backblaze B2 Video Storage",
"Use Global Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Video Storage": "Use Global Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Video Storage",
"Use Global WebDAV Video Storage": "Use Global WebDAV Video Storage",
"Use HTML5 Play Method": "Use HTML5 Play Method",
"Use Max Storage Amount": "Use Max Storage Amount",
"Use Raw Snapshot": "Use Raw Snapshot",
"Use Substream": "Use Substream",
"UseCount": "UseCount",
"User Log": "User Log",
"User Not Found": "User Not Found",
"Username": "Username",
"useSubStreamOnlyWhenWatching": "Only When Watching, Use Substream",
"UTCDateTime": "Date",
"Use Global Amazon S3 Video Storage": "グローバルAmazonS3ビデオストレージを使用",
"Use Global Backblaze B2 Video Storage": "GlobalBackblazeB2ビデオストレージを使用",
"Use Global Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Video Storage": "グローバルWasabiHotクラウドストレージビデオストレージを使用",
"Use Global WebDAV Video Storage": "GlobalWebDAVビデオストレージを使用",
"Use HTML5 Play Method": "HTML5 の再生メソッドを使用",
"Use Max Storage Amount": "最大ストレージ量を使用する",
"Use Raw Snapshot": "生スナップショットを利用してください。",
"Use Substream": "サブストリームを利用してください。",
"UseCount": "使用回数",
"User Log": "ユーザーログ",
"User Not Found": "ユーザーが見つかりません",
"Username": "ユーザー名",
"useSubStreamOnlyWhenWatching": "閲覧中に限定してサブストリームを利用してください。",
"UTCDateTime": "UTC 時刻",
"vaapi": "vaapi (VA-API)",
"Value": "Value",
"vase": "vase",
"Value": "値",
"vase": "花瓶",
"vda": "vda (Apple VDA Hardware Acceleration)",
"vdpau": "vdpau",
"Video and Time Span (Minutes)": "Video and Time Span (Minutes)",
"Video and Time Span (Minutes)": "ビデオの長さ(分)",
"Video Bit Rate": "Video Bit Rate",
"Video Codec": "Video Codec",
"Video Configuration": "Video Configuration",
"Video Filter": "Video Filter",
"Video Finished": "Video Finished",
"Video Length (minutes) and Motion Count per video": "Video Length (minutes) and Motion Count per video",
"Video Limit": "映像の制限",
"Video Record Rate": "Video Record Rate",
"Video Set": "Video Set",
"Video Share": "Video Share",
"Video Status": "Video Status",
"Video stream only from first feed": "Video stream only from first feed",
"Video streams only": "Video streams only",
"Video": "Video",
"videoBuildingText1": "Video is currently building. Check again later.",
"Videos List": "Videos List",
"Video Codec": "ビデオコーデック",
"Video Configuration": "ビデオ設定",
"Video Filter": "ビデオフィルター",
"Video Finished": "ビデオ完了",
"Video Length (minutes) and Motion Count per video": "ビデオの長さ(分)、動体カウント",
"Video Limit": "Video Limit",
"Video Record Rate": "ビデオレート <small>(FPS)</small>",
"Video Set": "ビデオの設定",
"Video Share": "ビデオの共有",
"Video Status": "ビデオの状態",
"Video stream only from first feed": "先頭フィードのビデオストリーム限定",
"Video streams only": "ビデオストリーム限定",
"Video": "ビデオ",
"videoBuildingText1": "ビデオwpビルドしています。後ほどチェックしてください。",
"Videos List": "ビデオリスト",
"Videos Merge": "Videos Merge",
"Videos": "Videos",
"Videos": "ビデオ",
"videotoolbox": "videotoolbox",
"Viewing Server Stats": "Viewing Server Stats",
"Viewing Server Stats": "サーバーの統計情報を表示",
"vp8_cuvid": "VP8 NVENC (NVIDIA HW Accel)",
"vp8_qsv": "VP8 (Quick Sync Video)",
"vp9_cuvid": "VP9 NVENC (NVIDIA HW Accel)",
"wannaReset": "Do you want to Reset?",
"Warning": "Warning",
"Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Upload Error": "Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Upload Error",
"Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage": "Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage",
"Watch Only": "Watch Only",
"Watch-Only": "Watch-Only",
"Watch": "Watch",
"Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Upload Error": "WasabiHotクラウドストレージのアップロードエラー",
"Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage": "Wasabi Hot クラウドストレージ",
"Watch Only": "閲覧限定",
"Watch-Only": "閲覧限定",
"Watch": "閲覧",
"Watching": "Watching",
"Web Page": "Web Page",
"Webdav Error": "Webdav Error",
"Webdav Error": "Webdavエラー",
"WebDAV": "WebDAV",
"WebdavErrorTextCreatingDir": "Cannot create directory.",
"WebdavErrorTextTryCreatingDir": "Cannot save. Trying to create directory.",
"Webhook URL": "Webhook URL",
"Webhook": "Webhook",
"WebdavErrorTextCreatingDir": "ディレクトリの作成ができません。",
"WebdavErrorTextTryCreatingDir": "保存できません。ディレクトリの作成を試みます。",
"Webhook URL": "ウェブフック URL",
"Webhook": "ウェブフック",
"WebM (libvpx)": "WebM(libvpx)",
"Websocket Connected": "Websocket Connected",
"Websocket Disconnected": "Websocket Disconnected",
"Websocket": "Websocket",
"Wednesday": "Wednesday",
"Welcome": "Welcome!",
"When Detector is Off": "When Detector is Off",
"When Detector is On": "When Detector is On",
"WhiteBalance": "White Balance",
"WideDynamicRange": "Wide Dynamic Range",
"Width": "Width",
"willTriggerAnEvent": "will trigger an event",
"wine glass": "wine glass",
"X Point": "X Point",
"Y Point": "Y Point",
"years": "years",
"Wednesday": "水曜",
"Welcome": "ようこそ!",
"When Detector is Off": "検知ディテクターオフ時",
"When Detector is On": "検知ディテクターオン時",
"WhiteBalance": "ホワイトバランス",
"WideDynamicRange": "ワイドダイナミックレンジ",
"Width": "幅",
"willTriggerAnEvent": "イベントを起動する。",
"wine glass": "ワイングラス",
"X Point": "X ポイント",
"Y Point": "Y ポイント",
"years": "年",
"Yes": "Yes",
"yourFileDownloadedShortly": "Please wait. Your file will be downloaded shortly.",
"Z-Wave Manager": "Z-Wave Manager",
"Z-Wave": "Z-Wave",
"zebra": "zebra",
"Zip and Download": "Zip and Download",
"zebra": "シマウマ",
"Zip and Download": "Zipしてダウンロード",
"Zipping Videos": "Zipping Videos",
"Zones": "Zones",
"Zoom In Stop": "Zoom In Stop <small>URL Address</small>",
"Zoom In": "ズームイン",
"Zoom Out Stop": "Zoom Out Stop <small>URL Address</small>",
"Zoom Out": "ズームアウト"
"Zones": "ゾーン",
"Zoom In Stop": "ズームイン停止 <small>のURLアドレス</small>",
"Zoom In": "ズームイン <small>のURLアドレス</small>",
"Zoom Out Stop": "ズームアウト停止 <small>のURLアドレス</small>",
"Zoom Out": "ズームアウト <small>URLアドレス</small>"
Reference in New Issue