2021-04-27 06:02:26 +00:00
var fs = require ( "fs" )
module . exports = function ( s , config , lang ) {
//telegram bot
if ( config . telegramBot === true ) {
const TelegramBot = require ( 'node-telegram-bot-api' ) ;
try {
const sendMessage = async function ( sendBody , files , groupKey ) {
var bot = s . group [ groupKey ] . telegramBot
if ( ! bot ) {
s . userLog ( { ke : groupKey , mid : '$USER' } , { type : lang . NotifyErrorText , msg : lang . DiscordNotEnabledText } )
const chatId = s . group [ groupKey ] . init . telegrambot _channel
if ( bot && bot . sendMessage ) {
try {
await bot . sendMessage ( chatId , ` ${ sendBody . title } ${ sendBody . description ? '\n' + sendBody . description : '' } ` )
if ( files ) {
files . forEach ( async ( file ) => {
switch ( file . type ) {
case 'video' :
await bot . sendVideo ( chatId , file . attachment )
break ;
case 'photo' :
await bot . sendPhoto ( chatId , file . attachment )
break ;
} )
} catch ( err ) {
s . userLog ( { ke : groupKey , mid : '$USER' } , { type : lang . NotifyErrorText , msg : err } )
} else {
s . userLog ( {
ke : groupKey ,
mid : '$USER'
} , {
type : lang . NotifyErrorText ,
msg : lang [ "Check the Recipient ID" ]
} )
const onEventTriggerBeforeFilterForTelegram = function ( d , filter ) {
filter . telegram = true
const onEventTriggerForTelegram = async ( d , filter ) => {
const monitorConfig = s . group [ d . ke ] . rawMonitorConfigurations [ d . id ]
// d = event object
//telegram bot
if ( filter . telegram && s . group [ d . ke ] . telegramBot && monitorConfig . details . notify _telegram === '1' && ! s . group [ d . ke ] . activeMonitors [ d . id ] . detector _telegrambot ) {
var detector _telegrambot _timeout
if ( ! monitorConfig . details . detector _telegrambot _timeout || monitorConfig . details . detector _telegrambot _timeout === '' ) {
detector _telegrambot _timeout = 1000 * 60 * 10 ;
} else {
detector _telegrambot _timeout = parseFloat ( monitorConfig . details . detector _telegrambot _timeout ) * 1000 * 60 ;
s . group [ d . ke ] . activeMonitors [ d . id ] . detector _telegrambot = setTimeout ( function ( ) {
clearTimeout ( s . group [ d . ke ] . activeMonitors [ d . id ] . detector _telegrambot ) ;
s . group [ d . ke ] . activeMonitors [ d . id ] . detector _telegrambot = null
} , detector _telegrambot _timeout )
if ( monitorConfig . details . detector _telegrambot _send _video === '1' ) {
// change to function that captures on going video capture, waits, grabs new video file, slices portion (max for transmission) and prepares for delivery
s . mergeDetectorBufferChunks ( d , function ( mergedFilepath , filename ) {
sendMessage ( {
title : filename ,
} , [
type : 'video' ,
attachment : mergedFilepath ,
name : filename
] , d . ke )
} )
const { screenShot , isStaticFile } = await s . getRawSnapshotFromMonitor ( monitorConfig , {
secondsInward : monitorConfig . details . snap _seconds _inward
} )
if ( screenShot ) {
d . screenshotBuffer = screenShot
sendMessage ( {
title : lang . Event + ' - ' + d . screenshotName ,
description : lang . EventText1 + ' ' + d . currentTimestamp ,
} , [
type : 'photo' ,
attachment : screenShot ,
name : d . screenshotName + '.jpg'
] , d . ke )
const onTwoFactorAuthCodeNotificationForTelegram = function ( r ) {
// r = user
if ( r . details . factor _telegram === '1' ) {
sendMessage ( {
title : r . lang [ 'Enter this code to proceed' ] ,
description : '**' + s . factorAuth [ r . ke ] [ r . uid ] . key + '** ' + r . lang . FactorAuthText1 ,
} , [ ] , r . ke )
const loadTelegramBotForUser = function ( user ) {
const userDetails = s . parseJSON ( user . details ) ;
if ( ! s . group [ user . ke ] . telegramBot &&
config . telegramBot === true &&
userDetails . telegrambot === '1' &&
userDetails . telegrambot _token !== ''
) {
s . group [ user . ke ] . telegramBot = new TelegramBot ( userDetails . telegrambot _token , { polling : false } ) ;
const unloadTelegramBotForUser = function ( user ) {
if ( s . group [ user . ke ] . telegramBot && s . group [ user . ke ] . telegramBot . destroy ) {
s . group [ user . ke ] . telegramBot . destroy ( )
delete ( s . group [ user . ke ] . telegramBot )
const onDetectorNoTriggerTimeoutForTelegram = function ( e ) {
//e = monitor object
var currentTime = new Date ( )
if ( e . details . detector _notrigger _telegram === '1' ) {
var html = '*' + lang . NoMotionEmailText2 + ' ' + ( e . details . detector _notrigger _timeout || 10 ) + ' ' + lang . minutes + '.*\n'
html += '**' + lang [ 'Monitor Name' ] + '** : ' + e . name + '\n'
html += '**' + lang [ 'Monitor ID' ] + '** : ' + e . id + '\n'
html += currentTime
sendMessage ( {
title : lang [ '\"No Motion"\ Detector' ] ,
description : html ,
} , [ ] , e . ke )
const onMonitorUnexpectedExitForTelegram = ( monitorConfig ) => {
if ( monitorConfig . details . notify _telegram === '1' && monitorConfig . details . notify _onUnexpectedExit === '1' ) {
const ffmpegCommand = s . group [ monitorConfig . ke ] . activeMonitors [ monitorConfig . mid ] . ffmpeg
const description = lang [ 'Process Crashed for Monitor' ] + '\n' + ffmpegCommand
const currentTime = new Date ( )
sendMessage ( {
title : lang [ 'Process Unexpected Exit' ] + ' : ' + monitorConfig . name ,
description : description ,
} , [ ] , monitorConfig . ke )
s . loadGroupAppExtender ( loadTelegramBotForUser )
s . unloadGroupAppExtender ( unloadTelegramBotForUser )
s . onTwoFactorAuthCodeNotification ( onTwoFactorAuthCodeNotificationForTelegram )
s . onEventTrigger ( onEventTriggerForTelegram )
s . onEventTriggerBeforeFilter ( onEventTriggerBeforeFilterForTelegram )
s . onDetectorNoTriggerTimeout ( onDetectorNoTriggerTimeoutForTelegram )
s . onMonitorUnexpectedExit ( onMonitorUnexpectedExitForTelegram )
s . definitions [ "Monitor Settings" ] . blocks [ "Notifications" ] . info [ 0 ] . info . push (
"name" : "detail=notify_telegram" ,
"field" : "Telegram" ,
"description" : "" ,
"default" : "0" ,
"example" : "" ,
"selector" : "h_det_telegram" ,
"fieldType" : "select" ,
"possible" : [
"name" : lang . No ,
"value" : "0"
} ,
"name" : lang . Yes ,
"value" : "1"
} ,
s . definitions [ "Monitor Settings" ] . blocks [ "Notifications" ] . info . push ( {
"evaluation" : "$user.details.use_telegrambot !== '0'" ,
isFormGroupGroup : true ,
"name" : "Telegram" ,
"color" : "blue" ,
"section-class" : "h_det_telegram_input h_det_telegram_1" ,
"info" : [
"name" : "detail=detector_telegrambot_send_video" ,
"field" : lang [ "Attach Video Clip" ] + ` ( ${ lang [ 'on Event' ] } ) ` ,
"description" : "" ,
"default" : "0" ,
"example" : "" ,
"fieldType" : "select" ,
"possible" : [
"name" : lang . No ,
"value" : "0"
} ,
"name" : lang . Yes ,
"value" : "1"
} ,
"name" : "detail=detector_telegrambot_timeout" ,
"field" : lang [ 'Allow Next Alert' ] + ` ( ${ lang [ 'on Event' ] } ) ` ,
"description" : "" ,
"default" : "10" ,
"example" : "" ,
"possible" : ""
} ,
} )
2021-04-27 06:11:43 +00:00
s . definitions [ "Account Settings" ] . blocks [ "2-Factor Authentication" ] . info . push ( {
"name" : "detail=factor_telegram" ,
"field" : 'Telegram' ,
"default" : "1" ,
"example" : "" ,
"fieldType" : "select" ,
"possible" : [
"name" : lang . No ,
"value" : "0"
} ,
"name" : lang . Yes ,
"value" : "1"
} )
2021-04-27 06:02:26 +00:00
s . definitions [ "Account Settings" ] . blocks [ "Telegram" ] = {
"evaluation" : "$user.details.use_telegrambot !== '0'" ,
"name" : "Telegram" ,
"color" : "blue" ,
"info" : [
"name" : "detail=telegrambot" ,
"selector" : "u_telegram_bot" ,
"field" : lang . Enabled ,
"default" : "0" ,
"example" : "" ,
"fieldType" : "select" ,
"possible" : [
"name" : lang . No ,
"value" : "0"
} ,
"name" : lang . Yes ,
"value" : "1"
} ,
hidden : true ,
"name" : "detail=telegrambot_token" ,
"fieldType" : "password" ,
"field" : lang . Token ,
"form-group-class" : "u_telegram_bot_input u_telegram_bot_1" ,
"description" : "" ,
"default" : "" ,
"example" : "" ,
"possible" : ""
} ,
hidden : true ,
"name" : "detail=telegrambot_channel" ,
"placeholder" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ,
"field" : lang [ "Recipient ID" ] ,
"form-group-class" : "u_telegram_bot_input u_telegram_bot_1" ,
"description" : "" ,
"default" : "" ,
"example" : "" ,
"possible" : ""
} catch ( err ) {
console . log ( err )
console . log ( 'Could not start Telegram bot, please run "npm install node-telegram-bot-api" inside the Shinobi folder.' )