"description":"This is the primary task of the monitor.",
"info":"Inactive monitor, no process will be created in this mode."
"info":"Monitor will only stream, no recording will occur unless otherwise ordered by API or Detector."
"info":"Continuous Recording. Segments are made every 15 minutes by default."
"field":"Monitor ID",
"description":"This is a non-changeable identifier for the monitor. You can duplicate a monitor by double clicking the Monitor ID and changing it.",
"default":"<i>Provided by Server</i>",
"description":"This is the human-readable display name for the monitor.",
"field":"Retry Connection",
"description":"The number of times to retry for network connection between the server and camera before setting the monitor to Disabled. No decimals. Set to 0 to retry forever.",
"description":"Comments you want to leave for this camera.",
"field":"Storage Location",
"description":"Location of where recorded files will be saved. You can configure more locations with the <code>addStorage</code> variable.",
"field":"Input Type",
"description":"The method that will used to consume the video stream.",
"info":"Reading snapshots from a URL and making a stream and/or video from them."
"info":"Similar to JPEG except the frame handling is done by FFMPEG, not Shinobi."
"info":"Reading a high quality video streas that sometimes include audio."
"info":"Reading Capture Cards, Webcams, or Integrated Cameras."
"name":"Shinobi Streamer",
"info":"Continuous Recording. Segments are made every 15 minutes by default."
"description":"Feed the individual pieces required to build a stream URL or provide the full URL and allow Shinobi to parse it for you.",
"field":"Full URL Path",
"description":"The full Stream URL.",
"description":"Hardware Acceleration (HWAccel) for decoding streams.",
"field":"Connection Type",
"description":"The protocol that will used to consume the video stream.",
"info":"Standard connection method."
"info":"Standard connection method with SSL."
"info":"Real Time Streaming Protocol"
"info":"Near restrictionless data transfer method."
"description":"The user login for your camera",
"description":"The password for your camera",
"description":"Connection address",
"description":"Port number that your camera is streaming out on.",
"field":"Force Port",
"description":"Using the default web port can allow automatic switch to other ports for streams like RTSP.",
"description":"The path to your camera",
"field":"Analyzation Duration",
"description":"Specify how many microseconds are analyzed to probe the input. Set to 100000 if you are using RTSP and having stream issues.",
"field":"Probe Size",
"description":"Specify how big to make the analyzation probe for the input. Set to 100000 if you are using RTSP and having stream issues.",
"field":"RTSP Transport",
"description":"The transport protocol your camera will use. TCP is usually the best choice.",
"info":"Let FFMPEG decide. Normally it will try UDP first."
"info":"Set it to this if UDP starts giving undesired results."
"info":"Simulates a streaming MP4 file but using the data of a live stream. Includes Audio. Some browsers can play it like a regular MP4 file. Streams over HTTP or WebSocket."
"info":"Similar method to facebook live streams. <b>Includes audio</b> if input provides it. There is a delay of about 4-6 seconds because this method records segments then pushes them to the client rather than push as while it creates them."
"info":"Sending Base64 encoded frames over WebSocket. This avoids caching but there is no audio."
"info":"Sending FLV encoded frames over WebSocket."
"info":"Using Kevin Godell's custom JavaScript MP4 segmenting engine."
"field":"Check Signal Interval",
"description":"How often your client will check each stream to see if it is alive. This is calculated in minutes.",
"description":"This is for the client side only. It will display in the log thread when client side signal checks occur.",
"info":"No signal check."
"info":"Check signal based on the number of minutes provided."
"description":"Low number means higher quality. Higher number means less quality.",
"field":"Rate (FPS)",
"description":"The speed in which frames are displayed to clients, in Frames Per Second. Be aware there is no default. This can lead to high bandwidth usage.",
"description":"Height of the stream image.",
"description":"Width of the stream image.",
"field":"Video Filter",
"description":"Place FFMPEG video filters in this box to affect the streaming portion. No spaces.",
"Stream - HLS":{
"name":"Stream - HLS",
"field":"Video Codec",
"description":"Video codec for streaming.",
"info":"Let Shinobi choose."
"info":"Let FFMPEG choose."
"info":"Used for WebM video."
"info":"Used for WebM video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video. Has very low CPU usage but cannot use video filters and filesizes may be gigantic. Best to setup your MP4 settings camera-side when using this option."
"field":"Audio Codec",
"description":"Audio codec for streaming.",
"default":"No Audio",
"info":"Let Shinobi choose."
"info":"Let FFMPEG choose."
"name":"No Audio",
"info":"No Audio, this is an option that must be set in some parts of the world due to legal reasons."
"info":"Used for WebM video."
"info":"Used for WebM video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video. Has very low CPU usage but some audio codecs need custom flags like <code>-strict 2</code> for aac."
"field":"HLS Segment Length",
"description":"How long each video segment should be, in minutes. Each segment will be drawn by the client through an m3u8 file. Shorter segments take less space.",
"field":"HLS List Size",
"description":"The number of segments maximum before deleting old segments automatically.",
"field":"HLS Preset",
"description":"Preset flag for certain video encoders. If you find your camera is crashing every few seconds : try leaving it blank.",
"description":"Width of the stream image.",
"description":"Height of the stream image.",
"field":"TV Channel",
"description":"This monitor will have TV Channel features enabled. You will be able to view it in your TV Channel list.",
"field":"TV Channel ID",
"description":"A Custom ID for the Channel.",
"field":"Record File Type",
"description":"The file type for your recorded video file.",
"info":"This file type is playable is almost all modern web browsers, that includes mobile. The filesize just tends to be larger unless you lower the quality."
"info":"Small filesize, low client compatibility. Good for uploading to sites like YouTube."
"field":"Video Codec",
"description":"Video codec for recording.",
"info":"Let Shinobi choose."
"info":"Let FFMPEG choose."
"info":"Used for WebM video."
"info":"Used for WebM video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video. Has very low CPU usage but cannot use video filters and filesizes may be gigantic. Best to setup your MP4 settings camera-side when using this option."
"field":"Audio Codec",
"description":"Audio codec for recording.",
"default":"No Audio",
"info":"Let Shinobi choose."
"info":"Let FFMPEG choose."
"name":"No Audio",
"info":"No Audio, this is an option that must be set in some parts of the world due to legal reasons."
"info":"Used for WebM video."
"info":"Used for WebM video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video."
"info":"Used for MP4 video. Has very low CPU usage but some audio codecs need custom flags like <code>-strict 2</code> for aac."
"description":"Low number means higher quality. Higher number means less quality.",
"description":"Preset flag for certain video encoders. If you find your camera is crashing every few seconds : try leaving it blank.",
"field":"Video Record Rate (FPS)",
"description":"The speed in which frames are recorded to files, Frames Per Second. Be aware there is no default. This can lead to large files. Best to set this camera-side.",
"field":"Record Height",
"description":"Height of the stream image.",
"field":"Record Width",
"description":"Width of the stream image.",
"field":"Recording Segment Interval",
"description":"In minutes. When to slice off and start a new video file.",
"field":"Double Quote Directory",
"description":"Some directories have spaces depending on how you setup your OS.",
"info":"No is the default."
"info":"Using this may crash some cameras."
"field":"Record Video Filter",
"description":"Place FFMPEG video filters in this box to affect the recording portion. No spaces.",
"field":"Font Path",
"description":"Font File to style your timestamp.",
"description":"Use Kevin Godell's Motion Detector. This is built into Shinobi and requires no other configuration to activate.",
"field":"Trigger Record",
"description":"This will order the camera to record if it is set to \"Watch-Only\" when a motion even is detected.",
"field":"Recording Timeout",
"description":"The length of time \"Trigger Record\" will run for. This is read in minutes.",
"field":"Timeout Reset on Next Event",
"description":"If there is an overlap in trigger record should it reset.",
"info":"Finish the current 10 minute order.."
"info":"Reset the timer"
"field":"Save Events to SQL",
"description":"Save Motion Events in SQL. This will allow display of motion over video during the time motion events occured in the Power Viewer.",
"field":"Send Frames",
"description":"Push frames to the connected plugin to be analyzed.",
"field":"Save Frames to Events",
"description":"Save frames to the event row in the database as a base64 string. Enabling this can drain performance.",
"field":"Email on Trigger",
"description":"Recieve an email of an image during a motion event to the master account for the camera group. You must setup SMTP details in conf.json.",
"info":"Finish the current 10 minute order."
"info":"Reset the timer"
"field":"Allow Next Email",
"description":"The amount of time until a trigger is allowed to send another email with motion details and another image.",
"field":"Detector Rate (FPS)",
"description":"How many frames a second to send to the motion detector; 1 is the default.",
"field":"Feed-in Image Width",
"description":"Width of the image being detected. Smaller sizes take less CPU.",
"field":"Feed-in Image Height",
"description":"Height of the image being detected. Smaller sizes take less CPU.",
"field":"Full Frame Detection",
"description":"This will read the entire frame for pixel differences.",
"info":"Makes motion detector do nothing if regions are not specified. Which is a stupid option to have if motion detection is on. One day we will remove this option."
"description":"This can mean multiple things depending on the detector used. Built-In Motion Detection defines this as \"Percentage Changed in View or Region\"",
"description":"An upperbound to indifference. Any value over this amount will be ignored.",
"possible":"Any number."
"field":"Trigger Threshold",
"description":"Minimum number of detections to fire a motion event. Detections must be within the detector the threshold divided by detector fps seconds. For example, if detector fps is 2 and trigger threshold is 3, then three detections must occur within 1.5 seconds to trigger a motion event. This threshold is per detection region.",