"Can View Videos and Events":"Can View Videos and Events",
"Can Delete Videos and Events":"Can Delete Videos and Events",
"Saved Filters":"Saved Filters",
"Filter Name":"Filter Name",
"Find Where":"Find Where",
"Sort By":"Sort By",
"Start Time":"Start Time",
"End Time":"End Time",
"Monitor ID":"Monitor ID",
"File Type":"File Type",
"Video Status":"Video Status",
"Equal to":"Equal to",
"Not Equal to":"Not Equal to",
"Greater Than or Equal to":"Greater Than or Equal to",
"Greater Than":"Greater Than",
"Less Than":"Less Than",
"Less Than or Equal to":"Less Than or Equal to",
"Not Matches":"Not Matches",
"Not In":"Not In",
"Action for Selected":"Action for Selected",
"Email Details":"Email Details",
"Delete Matches":"Delete Matches",
"Delete selected":"Delete selected",
"Execute Command":"Execute Command",
"for Global Access":"for Global Access",
"Don't show this anymore":"Don't show this anymore",
"Chat on Discord":"Chat on Discord",
"All Monitors":"All Monitors",
"Motion Meter":"Motion Meter",
"FFmpegTip":"FFprobe is a simple multimedia streams analyzer. You can use it to output all kinds of information about an input including duration, frame rate, frame size, etc.",
"Complete Stream URL":"Complete Stream URL",
"ONVIF Scanner":"ONVIF Scanner",
"Scan Settings":"Scan Settings",
"ONVIFnote":"Discover ONVIF devices on networks outside your own or leave it blank to scan your current network. <br>Username and Password can be left blank.",
"Range or Single":"Range or Single",
"IP Address":"IP Address",
"Camera Username":"Camera Username",
"Camera Password":"Camera Password",
"Found Devices":"Found Devices",
"Switch on for Still Image":"Switch on for Still Image",
"Live Stream Toggle":"Live Stream Toggle",
"RegionNote":"Points are only saved when you press <b>Save</b> on the <b>Monitor Settings</b> window.",
"Points":"Points <small>When adding points click on the edge of the polygon.</small>",
"Region Name":"Region Name",
"Account Info":"Account Info",
"blankPassword":"Leave blank to keep same password",
"ImportMultiMonitorConfigurationText":"Doing this will overrwrite any monitors with IDs existing in the import file.",
"ImportMonitorConfigurationText":"Doing this will overrwrite any changes currently not saved. Imported changes will only be applied when you press <b>Save</b>.",
"Paste JSON here.":"Paste JSON here.",
"Delete Monitor":"Delete Monitor",
"DeleteMonitorText":"Do you want to delete this monitor? You cannot recover it. The files for this ID will remain in the filesystem. If you choose to recreate a monitor with the same ID the videos and events will become visible in the dashboard.",
"DeleteMonitorsText":"Do you want to delete these monitors? You cannot recover them. The files for these IDs will remain in the filesystem. If you choose to recreate a monitor with one of the IDs the videos and events will become visible in the dashboard.",
"Invalid JSON":"Invalid JSON",
"InvalidJSONText":"Please ensure this is a valid JSON string for Shinobi monitor configuration.",
"Passwords don't match":"Passwords don't match",
"No Events found for this video":"No Events found for this video",
"Video and Time Span (Minutes)":"Video and Time Span (Minutes)",
"Video Length (minutes) and Motion Count per video":"Video Length (minutes) and Motion Count per video",
"Counts of Motion":"Counts of Motion",
"Unable to Launch":"Unable to Launch",
"UnabletoLaunchText":"Please save new monitor first. Then attempt to launch the region editor.",
"NoVideosFoundForDateRange":"No Videos found in this date range. Try setting the start date further back.",
"monitorEditFailedMaxReached":"Your account has reached the maximum number of cameras that can be created. Speak to an administrator if you would like this changed.",
"a few seconds":"a few seconds",
"a minute":"a minute",
"an hour":"an hour",
"a day":"a day",
"a month":"a month",
"a year":"a year",
"Input Feed":"Input Feed",
"Stream Timestamp":"Stream Timestamp",
"Stream Watermark":"Stream Watermark",
"JPEG API":"JPEG API <small>Snapshot (cgi-bin)</small>",
"Grouping":"Grouping <small>Add groups in <b>Settings</b></small>",
"Detector Grouping":"Detector Grouping <small>Add groups in <b>Settings</b></small>",
"IdentityText1":"This is how the system will identify the data for this stream. You cannot change the <b>Monitor ID</b> once you have pressed save. If you want you can make the <b>Monitor ID</b> more human readable before you continue.",
"IdentityText2":"You can duplicate a monitor by modifying the <b>Monitor ID</b> then pressing save. You <b>cannot</b> use the ID of a monitor that already exists or it will save over that monitor's database information.",
"noSpecialCharacters":"No spaces or special characters.",
"NotesPlacholder":"Comments you want to leave for this cameras settings.",
"InputText1":"This section tells Shinobi how to consume a stream. For optimal performance try tuning your camera's internal settings. Find the following options and set them as shown. To find your camera you can use the <b>built in ONVIF Scanner</b> of Shinobi. Some ONVIF cameras require the use of a management tool to modify their internal settings. If you can't find your cameras you can try <a href=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cloudcamio/odm-v2.2.250.msi\">ONVIF Device Manager for Windows</a>.",
"InputText2":"<ul><li><b>Framerate (FPS) :</b> High : 10 - 15 FPS, Low : 2-5 FPS</li><li><b>I-frame interval :</b> 80</li><li><b>Bit Rate Type :</b> CBR (Constant Bit Rate)</li><li><b>Bit Rate :</b> between 256kbps - 500kbps</li></ul>",
"InputText3":"If you need help figuring out what input type your camera is you can take a look in the <a href=\"http://shinobi.video/docs/cameras\" target=\"_blank\">Camera URLs List</a> on the Shinobi website.",
"StreamText":"<p>This section will designate the primary method of streaming out and its settings. This stream will be displayed in the dashboard. If you choose to use HLS, JPEG, or MJPEG then you can consume the stream through other programs.</p><p class=\"h_st_input h_st_jpeg\">Using JPEG stream essentially turns off the primary stream and uses the snapshot bin to get frames.</p>",
"DetectorText":"<p>When the Width and Height boxes are shown you should set them to 640x480 or below. This will optimize the read speed of frames.</p>",
"RecordingText":"It is recommended that you set <b>Record File Type</b> to <b class=\"h_t_input h_t_jpeg h_t_socket\">WebM</b><b class=\"h_t_input h_t_mjpeg h_t_h264 h_t_hls h_t_mp4 h_t_local\">MP4</b> and <b>Video Codec</b> to <b class=\"h_t_input h_t_jpeg h_t_socket\">libvpx</b><b class=\"h_t_input h_t_h264 h_t_hls h_t_mp4\">copy or </b><b class=\"h_t_input h_t_mjpeg h_t_h264 h_t_hls h_t_mp4 h_t_local\">libx264</b> because your <b>Input Type</b> is set to <b class=\"h_t_text\"></b>.",
"Skip Ping":"Skip Ping",
"Retry Connection":"Retry Connection <small>Number of times allowed to fail</small>",
"Process Crashed for Monitor":"Process Crashed for Monitor",
"FFmpegCantStart":"FFmpeg Couldn't Start",
"FFmpegCantStartText":"The recording engine for this camera could not start. There may be something wrong with your camera configuration. If there are any logs other than this one please post them in the <b>Issues</b> on Github.",
"JPEG Error":"JPEG Error",
"JPEGErrorText":"There was an issue getting data from your camera.",
"Fatal Maximum Reached":"Fatal Maximum Reached, Stopping Camera.",
"FatalMaximumReachedText":"JPEG Error was fatal.",