1184 lines
26 KiB
1184 lines
26 KiB
* Created by delian on 3/12/14.
* This module provides encoding and decoding of the AMF0 and AMF3 format
const Logger = require('./node_core_logger');
const amf3dRules = {
0x00: amf3decUndefined,
0x01: amf3decNull,
0x02: amf3decFalse,
0x03: amf3decTrue,
0x04: amf3decInteger,
0x05: amf3decDouble,
0x06: amf3decString,
0x07: amf3decXmlDoc,
0x08: amf3decDate,
0x09: amf3decArray,
0x0A: amf3decObject,
0x0B: amf3decXml,
0x0C: amf3decByteArray //,
// 0x0D: amf3decVecInt,
// 0x0E: amf3decVecUInt,
// 0x0F: amf3decVecDouble,
// 0x10: amf3decVecObject,
// 0x11: amf3decDict // No dictionary support for the moment!
const amf3eRules = {
'string': amf3encString,
'integer': amf3encInteger,
'double': amf3encDouble,
'xml': amf3encXmlDoc,
'object': amf3encObject,
'array': amf3encArray,
'sarray': amf3encArray,
'binary': amf3encByteArray,
'true': amf3encTrue,
'false': amf3encFalse,
'undefined': amf3encUndefined,
'null': amf3encNull
const amf0dRules = {
0x00: amf0decNumber,
0x01: amf0decBool,
0x02: amf0decString,
0x03: amf0decObject,
// 0x04: amf0decMovie, // Reserved
0x05: amf0decNull,
0x06: amf0decUndefined,
0x07: amf0decRef,
0x08: amf0decArray,
// 0x09: amf0decObjEnd, // Should never happen normally
0x0A: amf0decSArray,
0x0B: amf0decDate,
0x0C: amf0decLongString,
// 0x0D: amf0decUnsupported, // Has been never originally implemented by Adobe!
// 0x0E: amf0decRecSet, // Has been never originally implemented by Adobe!
0x0F: amf0decXmlDoc,
0x10: amf0decTypedObj,
0x11: amf0decSwitchAmf3
const amf0eRules = {
'string': amf0encString,
'integer': amf0encNumber,
'double': amf0encNumber,
'xml': amf0encXmlDoc,
'object': amf0encObject,
'array': amf0encArray,
'sarray': amf0encSArray,
'binary': amf0encString,
'true': amf0encBool,
'false': amf0encBool,
'undefined': amf0encUndefined,
'null': amf0encNull
function amfType(o) {
let jsType = typeof o;
if (o === null) return 'null';
if (jsType == 'undefined') return 'undefined';
if (jsType == 'number') {
if (parseInt(o) == o) return 'integer';
return 'double';
if (jsType == 'boolean') return o ? 'true' : 'false';
if (jsType == 'string') return 'string';
if (jsType == 'object') {
if (o instanceof Array) {
if (o.sarray) return 'sarray';
return 'array';
return 'object';
throw new Error('Unsupported type!')
// AMF3 implementation
* AMF3 Decode undefined value
* @returns {{len: number, value: undefined}}
function amf3decUndefined() {
return { len: 1, value: undefined }
* AMF3 Encode undefined value
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encUndefined() {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
return buf;
* AMF3 Decode null
* @returns {{len: number, value: null}}
function amf3decNull() {
return { len: 1, value: null }
* AMF3 Encode null
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encNull() {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
return buf;
* AMF3 Decode false
* @returns {{len: number, value: boolean}}
function amf3decFalse() {
return { len: 1, value: false }
* AMF3 Encode false
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encFalse() {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
return buf;
* AMF3 Decode true
* @returns {{len: number, value: boolean}}
function amf3decTrue() {
return { len: 1, value: true }
* AMF3 Encode true
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encTrue() {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
return buf;
* Generic decode of AMF3 UInt29 values
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: number}}
function amf3decUI29(buf) {
let val = 0;
let len = 1;
let b;
do {
b = buf.readUInt8(len++);
val = (val << 7) + (b & 0x7F);
} while (len < 5 || b > 0x7F);
if (len == 5) val = val | b; // Preserve the major bit of the last byte
return { len: len, value: val }
* Generic encode of AMF3 UInt29 value
* @param num
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encUI29(num) {
let len = 0;
if (num < 0x80) len = 1;
if (num < 0x4000) len = 2;
if (num < 0x200000) len = 3;
if (num >= 0x200000) len = 4;
let buf = Buffer.alloc(len);
switch (len) {
case 1:
buf.writeUInt8(num, 0);
case 2:
buf.writeUInt8(num & 0x7F, 0);
buf.writeUInt8((num >> 7) | 0x80, 1);
case 3:
buf.writeUInt8(num & 0x7F, 0);
buf.writeUInt8((num >> 7) & 0x7F, 1);
buf.writeUInt8((num >> 14) | 0x80, 2);
case 4:
buf.writeUInt8(num & 0xFF, 0);
buf.writeUInt8((num >> 8) & 0x7F, 1);
buf.writeUInt8((num >> 15) | 0x7F, 2);
buf.writeUInt8((num >> 22) | 0x7F, 3);
return buf;
* AMF3 Decode an integer
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: number}}
function amf3decInteger(buf) { // Invert the integer
let resp = amf3decUI29(buf);
if (resp.value > 0x0FFFFFFF) resp.value = (resp.value & 0x0FFFFFFF) - 0x10000000;
return resp;
* AMF3 Encode an integer
* @param num
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encInteger(num) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
buf.writeUInt8(0x4, 0);
return Buffer.concat([buf, amf3encUI29(num & 0x3FFFFFFF)]); // This AND will auto convert the sign bit!
* AMF3 Decode String
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: (*|String)}}
function amf3decString(buf) {
let sLen = amf3decUI29(buf);
let s = sLen & 1;
sLen = sLen >> 1; // The real length without the lowest bit
if (s) return { len: sLen.value + 5, value: buf.slice(5, sLen.value + 5).toString('utf8') };
throw new Error("Error, we have a need to decode a String that is a Reference"); // TODO: Implement references!
* AMF3 Encode String
* @param str
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encString(str) {
let sLen = amf3encUI29(str.length << 1);
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
buf.writeUInt8(0x6, 0);
return Buffer.concat([buf, sLen, Buffer.from(str, 'utf8')]);
* AMF3 Decode XMLDoc
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: (*|String)}}
function amf3decXmlDoc(buf) {
let sLen = amf3decUI29(buf);
let s = sLen & 1;
sLen = sLen >> 1; // The real length without the lowest bit
if (s) return { len: sLen.value + 5, value: buf.slice(5, sLen.value + 5).toString('utf8') };
throw new Error("Error, we have a need to decode a String that is a Reference"); // TODO: Implement references!
* AMF3 Encode XMLDoc
* @param str
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encXmlDoc(str) {
let sLen = amf3encUI29(str.length << 1);
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
buf.writeUInt8(0x7, 0);
return Buffer.concat([buf, sLen, Buffer.from(str, 'utf8')]);
* AMF3 Decode Generic XML
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: (*|String)}}
function amf3decXml(buf) {
let sLen = amf3decUI29(buf);
let s = sLen & 1;
sLen = sLen >> 1; // The real length without the lowest bit
if (s) return { len: sLen.value + 5, value: buf.slice(5, sLen.value + 5).toString('utf8') };
throw new Error("Error, we have a need to decode a String that is a Reference"); // TODO: Implement references!
* AMF3 Encode Generic XML
* @param str
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encXml(str) {
let sLen = amf3encUI29(str.length << 1);
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
buf.writeUInt8(0x0B, 0);
return Buffer.concat([buf, sLen, Buffer.from(str, 'utf8')]);
* AMF3 Decide Byte Array
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: (Array|string|*|Buffer|Blob)}}
function amf3decByteArray(buf) {
let sLen = amf3decUI29(buf);
let s = sLen & 1; // TODO: Check if we follow the same rule!
sLen = sLen >> 1; // The real length without the lowest bit
if (s) return { len: sLen.value + 5, value: buf.slice(5, sLen.value + 5) };
throw new Error("Error, we have a need to decode a String that is a Reference"); // TODO: Implement references!
* AMF3 Encode Byte Array
* @param str
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encByteArray(str) {
let sLen = amf3encUI29(str.length << 1);
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
buf.writeUInt8(0x0C, 0);
return Buffer.concat([buf, sLen, (typeof str == 'string') ? Buffer.from(str, 'binary') : str]);
* AMF3 Decode Double
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: (*|Number)}}
function amf3decDouble(buf) {
return { len: 9, value: buf.readDoubleBE(1) }
* AMF3 Encode Double
* @param num
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encDouble(num) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(9);
buf.writeUInt8(0x05, 0);
buf.writeDoubleBE(num, 1);
return buf;
* AMF3 Decode Date
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: (*|Number)}}
function amf3decDate(buf) { // The UI29 should be 1
let uTz = amf3decUI29(buf);
let ts = buf.readDoubleBE(uTz.len);
return { len: uTz.len + 8, value: ts }
* AMF3 Encode Date
* @param ts
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3encDate(ts) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
buf.writeUInt8(0x8, 0);
let tsBuf = Buffer.alloc(8);
tsBuf.writeDoubleBE(ts, 0);
return Buffer.concat([buf, amf3encUI29(1), tsBuf]); // We always do 1
* AMF3 Decode Array
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: *}}
function amf3decArray(buf) {
let count = amf3decUI29(buf.slice(1));
let obj = amf3decObject(buf.slice(count.len));
if (count.value % 2 == 1) throw new Error("This is a reference to another array, which currently we don't support!");
return { len: count.len + obj.len, value: obj.value }
* AMF3 Encode Array
function amf3encArray() {
throw new Error('Encoding arrays is not supported yet!'); // TODO: Implement encoding of arrays
* AMF3 Decode Object
* @param buf
function amf3decObject(buf) {
let obj = {};
let pos = 0;
return obj;
* AMF3 Encode Object
* @param o
function amf3encObject(o) {
// AMF0 Implementation
* AMF0 Decode Number
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: (*|Number)}}
function amf0decNumber(buf) {
return { len: 9, value: buf.readDoubleBE(1) }
* AMF0 Encode Number
* @param num
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0encNumber(num) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(9);
buf.writeUInt8(0x00, 0);
buf.writeDoubleBE(num, 1);
return buf;
* AMF0 Decode Boolean
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: boolean}}
function amf0decBool(buf) {
return { len: 2, value: (buf.readUInt8(1) != 0) }
* AMF0 Encode Boolean
* @param num
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0encBool(num) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(2);
buf.writeUInt8(0x01, 0);
buf.writeUInt8((num ? 1 : 0), 1);
return buf;
* AMF0 Decode Null
* @returns {{len: number, value: null}}
function amf0decNull() {
return { len: 1, value: null }
* AMF0 Encode Null
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0encNull() {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
buf.writeUInt8(0x05, 0);
return buf;
* AMF0 Decode Undefined
* @returns {{len: number, value: undefined}}
function amf0decUndefined() {
return { len: 1, value: undefined }
* AMF0 Encode Undefined
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0encUndefined() {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
buf.writeUInt8(0x06, 0);
return buf;
* AMF0 Decode Date
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: (*|Number)}}
function amf0decDate(buf) {
// let s16 = buf.readInt16BE(1);
let ts = buf.readDoubleBE(3);
return { len: 11, value: ts }
* AMF0 Encode Date
* @param ts
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0encDate(ts) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(11);
buf.writeUInt8(0x0B, 0);
buf.writeInt16BE(0, 1);
buf.writeDoubleBE(ts, 3);
return buf;
* AMF0 Decode Object
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: {}}}
function amf0decObject(buf) { // TODO: Implement references!
let obj = {};
let iBuf = buf.slice(1);
let len = 1;
// Logger.debug('ODec',iBuf.readUInt8(0));
while (iBuf.readUInt8(0) != 0x09) {
// Logger.debug('Field', iBuf.readUInt8(0), iBuf);
let prop = amf0decUString(iBuf);
// Logger.debug('Got field for property', prop);
len += prop.len;
if(iBuf.length < prop.len) {
if (iBuf.slice(prop.len).readUInt8(0) == 0x09) {
// Logger.debug('Found the end property');
} // END Object as value, we shall leave
if (prop.value == '') break;
let val = amf0DecodeOne(iBuf.slice(prop.len));
// Logger.debug('Got field for value', val);
obj[prop.value] = val.value;
len += val.len;
iBuf = iBuf.slice(prop.len + val.len);
return { len: len, value: obj }
* AMF0 Encode Object
function amf0encObject(o) {
if (typeof o !== 'object') return;
let data = Buffer.alloc(1);
data.writeUInt8(0x03, 0); // Type object
let k;
for (k in o) {
data = Buffer.concat([data, amf0encUString(k), amf0EncodeOne(o[k])]);
let termCode = Buffer.alloc(1);
termCode.writeUInt8(0x09, 0);
return Buffer.concat([data, amf0encUString(''), termCode]);
* AMF0 Decode Reference
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: string}}
function amf0decRef(buf) {
let index = buf.readUInt16BE(1);
return { len: 3, value: 'ref' + index }
* AMF0 Encode Reference
* @param index
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0encRef(index) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(3);
buf.writeUInt8(0x07, 0);
buf.writeUInt16BE(index, 1);
return buf;
* AMF0 Decode String
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: (*|string|String)}}
function amf0decString(buf) {
let sLen = buf.readUInt16BE(1);
return { len: 3 + sLen, value: buf.toString('utf8', 3, 3 + sLen) }
* AMF0 Decode Untyped (without the type byte) String
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: (*|string|String)}}
function amf0decUString(buf) {
let sLen = buf.readUInt16BE(0);
return { len: 2 + sLen, value: buf.toString('utf8', 2, 2 + sLen) }
* Do AMD0 Encode of Untyped String
* @param s
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0encUString(str) {
let data = Buffer.from(str, 'utf8');
let sLen = Buffer.alloc(2);
sLen.writeUInt16BE(data.length, 0);
return Buffer.concat([sLen, data]);
* AMF0 Encode String
* @param str
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0encString(str) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(3);
buf.writeUInt8(0x02, 0);
buf.writeUInt16BE(str.length, 1);
return Buffer.concat([buf, Buffer.from(str, 'utf8')]);
* AMF0 Decode Long String
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: (*|string|String)}}
function amf0decLongString(buf) {
let sLen = buf.readUInt32BE(1);
return { len: 5 + sLen, value: buf.toString('utf8', 5, 5 + sLen) }
* AMF0 Encode Long String
* @param str
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0encLongString(str) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(5);
buf.writeUInt8(0x0C, 0);
buf.writeUInt32BE(str.length, 1);
return Buffer.concat([buf, Buffer.from(str, 'utf8')]);
* AMF0 Decode Array
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: ({}|*)}}
function amf0decArray(buf) {
// let count = buf.readUInt32BE(1);
let obj = amf0decObject(buf.slice(4));
return { len: 5 + obj.len, value: obj.value }
* AMF0 Encode Array
function amf0encArray(a) {
let l = 0;
if (a instanceof Array) l = a.length; else l = Object.keys(a).length;
Logger.debug('Array encode', l, a);
let buf = Buffer.alloc(5);
buf.writeUInt8(8, 0);
buf.writeUInt32BE(l, 1);
let data = amf0encObject(a);
return Buffer.concat([buf, data.slice(1)]);
* AMF0 Encode Binary Array into binary Object
* @param aData
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0cnletray2Object(aData) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(1);
buf.writeUInt8(0x3, 0); // Object id
return Buffer.concat([buf, aData.slice(5)]);
* AMF0 Encode Binary Object into binary Array
* @param oData
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0cnvObject2Array(oData) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(5);
let o = amf0decObject(oData);
let l = Object.keys(o).length;
buf.writeUInt32BE(l, 1);
return Buffer.concat([buf, oData.slice(1)]);
* AMF0 Decode XMLDoc
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: *, value: (*|string|String)}}
function amf0decXmlDoc(buf) {
let sLen = buf.readUInt16BE(1);
return { len: 3 + sLen, value: buf.toString('utf8', 3, 3 + sLen) }
* AMF0 Encode XMLDoc
* @param str
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0encXmlDoc(str) { // Essentially it is the same as string
let buf = Buffer.alloc(3);
buf.writeUInt8(0x0F, 0);
buf.writeUInt16BE(str.length, 1);
return Buffer.concat([buf, Buffer.from(str, 'utf8')]);
* AMF0 Decode Strict Array
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: Array}}
function amf0decSArray(buf) {
let a = [];
let len = 5;
let ret;
for (let count = buf.readUInt32BE(1); count; count--) {
ret = amf0DecodeOne(buf.slice(len));
len += ret.len;
return { len: len, value: amf0markSArray(a) }
* AMF0 Encode Strict Array
* @param a Array
function amf0encSArray(a) {
Logger.debug('Do strict array!');
let buf = Buffer.alloc(5);
buf.writeUInt8(0x0A, 0);
buf.writeUInt32BE(a.length, 1);
let i;
for (i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
buf = Buffer.concat([buf, amf0EncodeOne(a[i])]);
return buf;
function amf0markSArray(a) {
Object.defineProperty(a, 'sarray', { value: true });
return a;
* AMF0 Decode Typed Object
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: ({}|*)}}
function amf0decTypedObj(buf) {
let className = amf0decString(buf);
let obj = amf0decObject(buf.slice(className.len - 1));
obj.value.__className__ = className.value;
return { len: className.len + obj.len - 1, value: obj.value }
* AMF0 Decode Switch AMF3 Object
* @param buf
* @returns {{len: number, value: ({}|*)}}
function amf0decSwitchAmf3(buf) {
let r = amf3DecodeOne(buf.slice(1));
return r;
* AMF0 Encode Typed Object
function amf0encTypedObj() {
throw new Error("Error: SArray encoding is not yet implemented!"); // TODO: Error
* Decode one value from the Buffer according to the applied rules
* @param rules
* @param buffer
* @returns {*}
function amfXDecodeOne(rules, buffer) {
if (!rules[buffer.readUInt8(0)]) {
Logger.error('Unknown field', buffer.readUInt8(0));
return null;
return rules[buffer.readUInt8(0)](buffer);
* Decode one AMF0 value
* @param buffer
* @returns {*}
function amf0DecodeOne(buffer) {
return amfXDecodeOne(amf0dRules, buffer);
* Decode one AMF3 value
* @param buffer
* @returns {*}
function amf3DecodeOne(buffer) {
return amfXDecodeOne(amf3dRules, buffer);
* Decode a whole buffer of AMF values according to rules and return in array
* @param rules
* @param buffer
* @returns {Array}
function amfXDecode(rules, buffer) {
// We shall receive clean buffer and will respond with an array of values
let resp = [];
let res;
for (let i = 0; i < buffer.length;) {
res = amfXDecodeOne(rules, buffer.slice(i));
i += res.len;
resp.push(res.value); // Add the response
return resp;
* Decode a buffer of AMF3 values
* @param buffer
* @returns {Array}
function amf3Decode(buffer) {
return amfXDecode(amf3dRules, buffer);
* Decode a buffer of AMF0 values
* @param buffer
* @returns {Array}
function amf0Decode(buffer) {
return amfXDecode(amf0dRules, buffer);
* Encode one AMF value according to rules
* @param rules
* @param o
* @returns {*}
function amfXEncodeOne(rules, o) {
// Logger.debug('amfXEncodeOne type',o,amfType(o),rules[amfType(o)]);
let f = rules[amfType(o)];
if (f) return f(o);
throw new Error('Unsupported type for encoding!');
* Encode one AMF0 value
* @param o
* @returns {*}
function amf0EncodeOne(o) {
return amfXEncodeOne(amf0eRules, o);
* Encode one AMF3 value
* @param o
* @returns {*}
function amf3EncodeOne(o) {
return amfXEncodeOne(amf3eRules, o);
* Encode an array of values into a buffer
* @param a
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf3Encode(a) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(0);
a.forEach(function (o) {
buf = Buffer.concat([buf, amf3EncodeOne(o)]);
return buf;
* Encode an array of values into a buffer
* @param a
* @returns {Buffer}
function amf0Encode(a) {
let buf = Buffer.alloc(0);
a.forEach(function (o) {
buf = Buffer.concat([buf, amf0EncodeOne(o)]);
return buf;
const rtmpCmdCode = {
"_result": ["transId", "cmdObj", "info"],
"_error": ["transId", "cmdObj", "info", "streamId"], // Info / Streamid are optional
"onStatus": ["transId", "cmdObj", "info"],
"releaseStream": ["transId", "cmdObj", "streamName"],
"getStreamLength": ["transId", "cmdObj", "streamId"],
"getMovLen": ["transId", "cmdObj", "streamId"],
"FCPublish": ["transId", "cmdObj", "streamName"],
"FCUnpublish": ["transId", "cmdObj", "streamName"],
"onFCPublish": ["transId", "cmdObj", "info"],
"connect": ["transId", "cmdObj", "args"],
"call": ["transId", "cmdObj", "args"],
"createStream": ["transId", "cmdObj"],
"close": ["transId", "cmdObj"],
"play": ["transId", "cmdObj", "streamName", "start", "duration", "reset"],
"play2": ["transId", "cmdObj", "params"],
"deleteStream": ["transId", "cmdObj", "streamId"],
"closeStream": ["transId", "cmdObj"],
"receiveAudio": ["transId", "cmdObj", "bool"],
"receiveVideo": ["transId", "cmdObj", "bool"],
"publish": ["transId", "cmdObj", "streamName", "type"],
"seek": ["transId", "cmdObj", "ms"],
"pause": ["transId", "cmdObj", "pause", "ms"]
const rtmpDataCode = {
"@setDataFrame": ["method", "dataObj"],
"onMetaData": ["dataObj"],
"|RtmpSampleAccess": ["bool1", "bool2"],
* Decode a data!
* @param dbuf
* @returns {{cmd: (*|string|String|*), value: *}}
function decodeAmf0Data(dbuf) {
let buffer = dbuf;
let resp = {};
let cmd = amf0DecodeOne(buffer);
if(cmd) {
resp.cmd = cmd.value;
buffer = buffer.slice(cmd.len);
if (rtmpDataCode[cmd.value]) {
rtmpDataCode[cmd.value].forEach(function (n) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
let r = amf0DecodeOne(buffer);
if(r) {
buffer = buffer.slice(r.len);
resp[n] = r.value;
} else {
Logger.error('Unknown command', resp);
return resp
* Decode a command!
* @param dbuf
* @returns {{cmd: (*|string|String|*), value: *}}
function decodeAMF0Cmd(dbuf) {
let buffer = dbuf;
let resp = {};
let cmd = amf0DecodeOne(buffer);
resp.cmd = cmd.value;
buffer = buffer.slice(cmd.len);
if (rtmpCmdCode[cmd.value]) {
rtmpCmdCode[cmd.value].forEach(function (n) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
let r = amf0DecodeOne(buffer);
buffer = buffer.slice(r.len);
resp[n] = r.value;
} else {
Logger.error('Unknown command', resp);
return resp
* Encode AMF0 Command
* @param opt
* @returns {*}
function encodeAMF0Cmd(opt) {
let data = amf0EncodeOne(opt.cmd);
if (rtmpCmdCode[opt.cmd]) {
rtmpCmdCode[opt.cmd].forEach(function (n) {
if (opt.hasOwnProperty(n))
data = Buffer.concat([data, amf0EncodeOne(opt[n])]);
} else {
Logger.error('Unknown command', opt);
// Logger.debug('Encoded as',data.toString('hex'));
return data
function encodeAMF0Data(opt) {
let data = amf0EncodeOne(opt.cmd);
if (rtmpDataCode[opt.cmd]) {
rtmpDataCode[opt.cmd].forEach(function (n) {
if (opt.hasOwnProperty(n))
data = Buffer.concat([data, amf0EncodeOne(opt[n])]);
} else {
Logger.error('Unknown data', opt);
// Logger.debug('Encoded as',data.toString('hex'));
return data
* @param dbuf
* @returns {{}}
function decodeAMF3Cmd(dbuf) {
let buffer = dbuf;
let resp = {};
let cmd = amf3DecodeOne(buffer);
resp.cmd = cmd.value;
buffer = buffer.slice(cmd.len);
if (rtmpCmdCode[cmd.value]) {
rtmpCmdCode[cmd.value].forEach(function (n) {
if (buffer.length > 0) {
let r = amf3DecodeOne(buffer);
buffer = buffer.slice(r.len);
resp[n] = r.value;
} else {
Logger.error('Unknown command', resp);
return resp
* Encode AMF3 Command
* @param opt
* @returns {*}
function encodeAMF3Cmd(opt) {
let data = amf0EncodeOne(opt.cmd);
if (rtmpCmdCode[opt.cmd]) {
rtmpCmdCode[opt.cmd].forEach(function (n) {
if (opt.hasOwnProperty(n))
data = Buffer.concat([data, amf3EncodeOne(opt[n])]);
} else {
Logger.error('Unknown command', opt);
return data
module.exports = {
decodeAmf3Cmd: decodeAMF3Cmd,
encodeAmf3Cmd: encodeAMF3Cmd,
decodeAmf0Cmd: decodeAMF0Cmd,
encodeAmf0Cmd: encodeAMF0Cmd,
decodeAmf0Data: decodeAmf0Data,
encodeAmf0Data: encodeAMF0Data,
amfType: amfType,
amf0Encode: amf0Encode,
amf0EncodeOne: amf0EncodeOne,
amf0Decode: amf0Decode,
amf0DecodeOne: amf0DecodeOne,
amf3Encode: amf3Encode,
amf3EncodeOne: amf3EncodeOne,
amf3Decode: amf3Decode,
amf3DecodeOne: amf3DecodeOne,
amf0cnvA2O: amf0cnletray2Object,
amf0cnvO2A: amf0cnvObject2Array,
amf0markSArray: amf0markSArray,
amf0decArray: amf0decArray,
amf0decBool: amf0decBool,
amf0decDate: amf0decDate,
amf0decLongString: amf0decLongString,
amf0decNull: amf0decNull,
amf0decNumber: amf0decNumber,
amf0decObject: amf0decObject,
amf0decRef: amf0decRef,
amf0decSArray: amf0decSArray,
amf0decString: amf0decString,
amf0decTypedObj: amf0decTypedObj,
amf0decUndefined: amf0decUndefined,
amf0decXmlDoc: amf0decXmlDoc,
amf0encArray: amf0encArray,
amf0encBool: amf0encBool,
amf0encDate: amf0encDate,
amf0encLongString: amf0encLongString,
amf0encNull: amf0encNull,
amf0encNumber: amf0encNumber,
amf0encObject: amf0encObject,
amf0encRef: amf0encRef,
amf0encSArray: amf0encSArray,
amf0encString: amf0encString,
amf0encTypedObj: amf0encTypedObj,
amf0encUndefined: amf0encUndefined,
amf0encXmlDoc: amf0encXmlDoc,
amf3decArray: amf3decArray,
amf3decByteArray: amf3decByteArray,
amf3decDate: amf3decDate,
amf3decDouble: amf3decDouble,
amf3decFalse: amf3decFalse,
amf3decInteger: amf3decInteger,
amf3decNull: amf3decNull,
amf3decObject: amf3decObject,
amf3decString: amf3decString,
amf3decTrue: amf3decTrue,
amf3decUI29: amf3decUI29,
amf3decUndefined: amf3decUndefined,
amf3decXml: amf3decXml,
amf3decXmlDoc: amf3decXmlDoc,
amf3encArray: amf3encArray,
amf3encByteArray: amf3encByteArray,
amf3encDate: amf3encDate,
amf3encDouble: amf3encDouble,
amf3encFalse: amf3encFalse,
amf3encInteger: amf3encInteger,
amf3encNull: amf3encNull,
amf3encObject: amf3encObject,
amf3encString: amf3encString,
amf3encTrue: amf3encTrue,
amf3encUI29: amf3encUI29,
amf3encUndefined: amf3encUndefined,
amf3encXml: amf3encXml,
amf3encXmlDoc: amf3encXmlDoc