49 lines
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49 lines
1.6 KiB
package edgejobs
import (
httperror "github.com/portainer/libhttp/error"
portainer "github.com/portainer/portainer/api"
type edgeJobFileResponse struct {
FileContent string `json:"FileContent"`
// @id EdgeJobFile
// @summary Fetch a file of an EdgeJob
// @description **Access policy**: administrator
// @tags edge_jobs
// @security ApiKeyAuth
// @security jwt
// @produce json
// @param id path string true "EdgeJob Id"
// @success 200 {object} edgeJobFileResponse
// @failure 500
// @failure 400
// @failure 503 "Edge compute features are disabled"
// @router /edge_jobs/{id}/file [get]
func (handler *Handler) edgeJobFile(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) *httperror.HandlerError {
edgeJobID, err := request.RetrieveNumericRouteVariableValue(r, "id")
if err != nil {
return httperror.BadRequest("Invalid Edge job identifier route variable", err)
edgeJob, err := handler.DataStore.EdgeJob().EdgeJob(portainer.EdgeJobID(edgeJobID))
if handler.DataStore.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) {
return httperror.NotFound("Unable to find an Edge job with the specified identifier inside the database", err)
} else if err != nil {
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to find an Edge job with the specified identifier inside the database", err)
edgeJobFileContent, err := handler.FileService.GetFileContent(edgeJob.ScriptPath, "")
if err != nil {
return httperror.InternalServerError("Unable to retrieve Edge job script file from disk", err)
return response.JSON(w, &edgeJobFileResponse{FileContent: string(edgeJobFileContent)})