541 lines
16 KiB
541 lines
16 KiB
var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
var cssnano = require('cssnano');
module.exports = function (grunt) {
grunt.registerTask('default', ['eslint', 'build']);
grunt.registerTask('build', [
grunt.registerTask('build-webapp', [
grunt.registerTask('release-linux-386', [
grunt.registerTask('release-linux-amd64', [
grunt.registerTask('release-linux-arm', [
grunt.registerTask('release-linux-arm64', [
grunt.registerTask('release-linux-ppc64le', [
grunt.registerTask('release-windows-amd64', [
grunt.registerTask('release-darwin-amd64', [
grunt.registerTask('lint', ['eslint']);
grunt.registerTask('run', ['if:linuxAmd64BinaryNotExist', 'build', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:run']);
grunt.registerTask('run-dev', ['if:linuxAmd64BinaryNotExist', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:run', 'watch:build']);
grunt.registerTask('clear', ['clean:app']);
// Print a timestamp (useful for when watching)
grunt.registerTask('timestamp', function () {
// Project configuration.
distdir: 'dist',
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
config: {
dev: {
options: {
variables: {
'environment': 'development'
prod: {
options: {
variables: {
'environment': 'production'
src: {
js: ['app/**/*.js', '!app/**/*.spec.js'],
jsTpl: ['<%= distdir %>/templates/**/*.js'],
jsVendor: [
'assets/js/legend.js' // Not a bower package
html: ['index.html'],
tpl: ['app/components/**/*.html', 'app/directives/**/*.html'],
css: ['assets/css/app.css'],
cssVendor: [
clean: {
all: ['<%= distdir %>/*'],
app: ['<%= distdir %>/*', '!<%= distdir %>/portainer'],
tmpl: ['<%= distdir %>/templates'],
tmp: ['<%= distdir %>/js/*', '!<%= distdir %>/js/app.*.js', '<%= distdir %>/css/*', '!<%= distdir %>/css/app.*.css']
useminPrepare: {
dev: {
src: '<%= src.html %>',
options: {
root: '<%= distdir %>',
flow: {
steps: {
js: ['concat'],
css: ['concat']
release: {
src: '<%= src.html %>',
options: {
root: '<%= distdir %>'
filerev: {
files: {
src: ['<%= distdir %>/js/*.js', '<%= distdir %>/css/*.css']
usemin: {
html: ['<%= distdir %>/index.html']
copy: {
bundle: {
files: [
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/',
src: ['app.js'],
expand: true,
cwd: '.tmp/concat/js/'
dest: '<%= distdir %>/css/',
src: ['app.css'],
expand: true,
cwd: '.tmp/concat/css/'
assets: {
files: [
{dest: '<%= distdir %>/fonts/', src: '*.{ttf,woff,woff2,eof,svg}', expand: true, cwd: 'bower_components/bootstrap/fonts/'},
{dest: '<%= distdir %>/fonts/', src: '*.{ttf,woff,woff2,eof,svg}', expand: true, cwd: 'bower_components/font-awesome/fonts/'},
{dest: '<%= distdir %>/fonts/', src: '*.{ttf,woff,woff2,eof,svg}', expand: true, cwd: 'bower_components/rdash-ui/dist/fonts/'},
dest: '<%= distdir %>/images/',
src: ['**'],
expand: true,
cwd: 'assets/images/'
{dest: '<%= distdir %>/ico', src: '**', expand: true, cwd: 'assets/ico'}
html2js: {
app: {
options: {
base: '.'
src: ['<%= src.tpl %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/templates/app.js',
module: '<%= pkg.name %>.templates'
concat: {
css: {
src: ['<%= src.cssVendor %>', '<%= src.css %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/css/<%= pkg.name %>.css'
dist: {
options: {
process: true
src: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.jsTpl %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/<%= pkg.name %>.js'
vendor: {
src: ['<%= src.jsVendor %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/vendor.js'
index: {
src: ['index.html'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/index.html',
options: {
process: true
angular: {
src: ['bower_components/angular/angular.min.js',
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/angular.js'
uglify: {
dist: {
src: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.jsTpl %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/<%= pkg.name %>.js'
vendor: {
options: {
preserveComments: 'some' // Preserve license comments
src: ['<%= src.jsVendor %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/vendor.js'
angular: {
options: {
preserveComments: 'some' // Preserve license comments
src: ['<%= concat.angular.src %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/angular.js'
postcss: {
build: {
options: {
processors: [
autoprefixer({browsers: 'last 2 versions'}), // add vendor prefixes
cssnano() // minify the result
src: '<%= distdir %>/css/<%= pkg.name %>.css',
dest: '<%= distdir %>/css/app.css'
watch: {
all: {
files: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.css %>', '<%= src.tpl %>', '<%= src.html %>'],
tasks: ['default', 'timestamp']
build: {
files: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.css %>', '<%= src.tpl %>', '<%= src.html %>'],
tasks: ['build', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:run', 'shell:cleanImages']
* Why don't we just use a host volume
* http.FileServer uses sendFile which virtualbox hates
* Tried using a host volume with -v, copying files with `docker cp`, restating container, none worked
* Rebuilding image on each change was only method that worked, takes ~4s per change to update
buildSwarm: {
files: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.css %>', '<%= src.tpl %>', '<%= src.html %>'],
tasks: ['build', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:runSwarm', 'shell:cleanImages']
buildSsl: {
files: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.css %>', '<%= src.tpl %>', '<%= src.html %>'],
tasks: ['build', 'shell:buildImage', 'shell:runSsl', 'shell:cleanImages']
eslint: {
src: ['gruntfile.js', '<%= src.js %>'],
options: {
configFile: '.eslintrc.yml'
shell: {
buildImage: {
command: 'docker build --rm -t portainer -f build/linux/Dockerfile .'
buildLinuxAmd64Binary: {
command: [
'docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/api:/src portainer/golang-builder /src/cmd/portainer',
'shasum api/cmd/portainer/portainer > portainer-checksum.txt',
'mkdir -p dist',
'mv api/cmd/portainer/portainer dist/'
].join(' && ')
buildLinux386Binary: {
command: [
'docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/api:/src -e BUILD_GOOS="linux" -e BUILD_GOARCH="386" portainer/golang-builder:cross-platform /src/cmd/portainer',
'shasum api/cmd/portainer/portainer-linux-386 > portainer-checksum.txt',
'mkdir -p dist',
'mv api/cmd/portainer/portainer-linux-386 dist/portainer'
].join(' && ')
buildLinuxArmBinary: {
command: [
'docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/api:/src -e BUILD_GOOS="linux" -e BUILD_GOARCH="arm" portainer/golang-builder:cross-platform /src/cmd/portainer',
'shasum api/cmd/portainer/portainer-linux-arm > portainer-checksum.txt',
'mkdir -p dist',
'mv api/cmd/portainer/portainer-linux-arm dist/portainer'
].join(' && ')
buildLinuxArm64Binary: {
command: [
'docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/api:/src -e BUILD_GOOS="linux" -e BUILD_GOARCH="arm64" portainer/golang-builder:cross-platform /src/cmd/portainer',
'shasum api/cmd/portainer/portainer-linux-arm64 > portainer-checksum.txt',
'mkdir -p dist',
'mv api/cmd/portainer/portainer-linux-arm64 dist/portainer'
].join(' && ')
buildLinuxPpc64leBinary: {
command: [
'docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/api:/src -e BUILD_GOOS="linux" -e BUILD_GOARCH="ppc64le" portainer/golang-builder:cross-platform /src/cmd/portainer',
'shasum api/cmd/portainer/portainer-linux-ppc64le > portainer-checksum.txt',
'mkdir -p dist',
'mv api/cmd/portainer/portainer-linux-ppc64le dist/portainer'
].join(' && ')
buildDarwinAmd64Binary: {
command: [
'docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/api:/src -e BUILD_GOOS="darwin" -e BUILD_GOARCH="amd64" portainer/golang-builder:cross-platform /src/cmd/portainer',
'shasum api/cmd/portainer/portainer-darwin-amd64 > portainer-checksum.txt',
'mkdir -p dist',
'mv api/cmd/portainer/portainer-darwin-amd64 dist/portainer'
].join(' && ')
buildWindowsAmd64Binary: {
command: [
'docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/api:/src -e BUILD_GOOS="windows" -e BUILD_GOARCH="amd64" portainer/golang-builder:cross-platform /src/cmd/portainer',
'shasum api/cmd/portainer/portainer-windows-amd64 > portainer-checksum.txt',
'mkdir -p dist',
'mv api/cmd/portainer/portainer-windows-amd64 dist/portainer.exe'
].join(' && ')
run: {
command: [
'docker stop portainer',
'docker rm portainer',
'docker run --privileged -d -p 9000:9000 -v /tmp/portainer:/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --name portainer portainer --no-analytics'
cleanImages: {
command: 'docker rmi $(docker images -q -f dangling=true)'
'if': {
linuxAmd64BinaryNotExist: {
options: {
executable: 'dist/portainer'
ifFalse: ['shell:buildLinuxAmd64Binary']
linux386BinaryNotExist: {
options: {
executable: 'dist/portainer'
ifFalse: ['shell:buildLinux386Binary']
linuxArmBinaryNotExist: {
options: {
executable: 'dist/portainer'
ifFalse: ['shell:buildLinuxArmBinary']
linuxArm64BinaryNotExist: {
options: {
executable: 'dist/portainer'
ifFalse: ['shell:buildLinuxArm64Binary']
linuxPpc64leBinaryNotExist: {
options: {
executable: 'dist/portainer'
ifFalse: ['shell:buildLinuxPpc64leBinary']
darwinAmd64BinaryNotExist: {
options: {
executable: 'dist/portainer'
ifFalse: ['shell:buildDarwinAmd64Binary']
windowsAmd64BinaryNotExist: {
options: {
executable: 'dist/portainer.exe'
ifFalse: ['shell:buildWindowsAmd64Binary']
replace: {
concat: {
options: {
patterns: [
replacement: '<%= grunt.config.get("environment") %>'
match: 'CONFIG_GA_ID',
replacement: '<%= pkg.config.GA_ID %>'
files: [
expand: true,
flatten: true,
src: ['.tmp/concat/js/app.js'],
dest: '.tmp/concat/js'