123 lines
3.2 KiB
123 lines
3.2 KiB
# See: https://gist.github.com/asukakenji/f15ba7e588ac42795f421b48b8aede63
# For a list of valid GOOS and GOARCH values
# Note: these can be overriden on the command line e.g. `make PLATFORM=<platform> ARCH=<arch>`
PLATFORM=$(shell go env GOOS)
ARCH=$(shell go env GOARCH)
# build target, can be one of "production", "testing", "development"
.PHONY: help build-storybook build-client devops download-binaries tidy clean client-deps
##@ Building
@mkdir -p dist
yarn storybook:build
build: build-server build-client ## Build the server and client
build-client: init-dist client-deps ## Build the client
export NODE_ENV=$(ENV) && yarn build --config $(WEBPACK_CONFIG)
build-server: init-dist ## Build the server binary
./build/build_binary.sh "$(PLATFORM)" "$(ARCH)"
build-image: build ## Build the Portainer image
docker buildx build --load -t portainerci/portainer:$(TAG) -f build/linux/Dockerfile .
devops: clean init-dist download-binaries build-client ## Build the server binary for CI
echo "Building the devops binary..."
@./build/build_binary_azuredevops.sh "$(PLATFORM)" "$(ARCH)"
##@ Dependencies
download-binaries: ## Download dependant binaries
@./build/download_binaries.sh $(PLATFORM) $(ARCH)
tidy: ## Tidy up the go.mod file
cd api && go mod tidy
client-deps: ## Install client dependencies
##@ Cleanup
clean: ## Remove all build and download artifacts
@echo "Clearing the dist directory..."
@rm -rf dist/*
##@ Testing
test-client: ## Run client tests
yarn test
test-server: ## Run server tests
cd api && go test -v ./...
test: test-client test-server ## Run all tests
##@ Dev
dev-client: ## Run the client in development mode
yarn dev
dev-server: build-image ## Run the server in development mode
##@ Format
format-client: ## Format client code
yarn format
format-server: ## Format server code
cd api && go fmt ./...
format: format-client format-server ## Format all code
##@ Lint
lint: lint-client lint-server ## Lint all code
lint-client: ## Lint client code
yarn lint
lint-server: ## Lint server code
cd api && go vet ./...
##@ Extension
dev-extension: build-server build-client ## Run the extension in development mode
make local -f build/docker-extension/Makefile
##@ Docs
docs-deps: ## Install docs dependencies
go install github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag@$(SWAG_VERSION)
docs-build: docs-deps ## Build docs
cd api && swag init -g ./http/handler/handler.go --parseDependency --parseInternal --parseDepth 2 --markdownFiles ./
docs-validate: docs-build ## Validate docs
yarn swagger2openapi --warnOnly api/docs/swagger.yaml -o api/docs/openapi.yaml
yarn swagger-cli validate api/docs/openapi.yaml
docs-clean: ## Clean docs
rm -rf api/docs
docs-validate-clean: docs-validate docs-clean ## Validate and clean docs
##@ Helpers
help: ## Display this help
@awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"} /^[a-zA-Z_-]+:.*?##/ { printf " \033[36m%-15s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2 } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)