* chore(build-system): update dev-toolkit * chore(build-system): update dev-toolkit * chore(build-system): update dev-toolkit Dockerfile * chore(build-system): update gruntfile * chore(build-system): gruntfile update * chore(build-system): better support for private git repositories * Update toolkit.Dockerfile * merge develop into toolkit-update * merge develop into toolkit-updatepull/5546/head
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script used to init the Portainer development environment inside the dev-toolkit image
RCol="$ESeq"'0m' # Text Reset
# Regular Bold Underline High Intensity BoldHigh Intens Background High Intensity Backgrounds
Bla="$ESeq"'0;30m'; BBla="$ESeq"'1;30m'; UBla="$ESeq"'4;30m'; IBla="$ESeq"'0;90m'; BIBla="$ESeq"'1;90m'; On_Bla="$ESeq"'40m'; On_IBla="$ESeq"'0;100m';
Red="$ESeq"'0;31m'; BRed="$ESeq"'1;31m'; URed="$ESeq"'4;31m'; IRed="$ESeq"'0;91m'; BIRed="$ESeq"'1;91m'; On_Red="$ESeq"'41m'; On_IRed="$ESeq"'0;101m';
Gre="$ESeq"'0;32m'; BGre="$ESeq"'1;32m'; UGre="$ESeq"'4;32m'; IGre="$ESeq"'0;92m'; BIGre="$ESeq"'1;92m'; On_Gre="$ESeq"'42m'; On_IGre="$ESeq"'0;102m';
Yel="$ESeq"'0;33m'; BYel="$ESeq"'1;33m'; UYel="$ESeq"'4;33m'; IYel="$ESeq"'0;93m'; BIYel="$ESeq"'1;93m'; On_Yel="$ESeq"'43m'; On_IYel="$ESeq"'0;103m';
Blu="$ESeq"'0;34m'; BBlu="$ESeq"'1;34m'; UBlu="$ESeq"'4;34m'; IBlu="$ESeq"'0;94m'; BIBlu="$ESeq"'1;94m'; On_Blu="$ESeq"'44m'; On_IBlu="$ESeq"'0;104m';
Pur="$ESeq"'0;35m'; BPur="$ESeq"'1;35m'; UPur="$ESeq"'4;35m'; IPur="$ESeq"'0;95m'; BIPur="$ESeq"'1;95m'; On_Pur="$ESeq"'45m'; On_IPur="$ESeq"'0;105m';
Cya="$ESeq"'0;36m'; BCya="$ESeq"'1;36m'; UCya="$ESeq"'4;36m'; ICya="$ESeq"'0;96m'; BICya="$ESeq"'1;96m'; On_Cya="$ESeq"'46m'; On_ICya="$ESeq"'0;106m';
Whi="$ESeq"'0;37m'; BWhi="$ESeq"'1;37m'; UWhi="$ESeq"'4;37m'; IWhi="$ESeq"'0;97m'; BIWhi="$ESeq"'1;97m'; On_Whi="$ESeq"'47m'; On_IWhi="$ESeq"'0;107m';
printSection() {
echo -e "${BIYel}>>>> ${BIWhi}${1}${RCol}"
info() {
echo -e "${BIWhi}${1}${RCol}"
success() {
echo -e "${BIGre}${1}${RCol}"
error() {
echo -e "${BIRed}${1}${RCol}"
errorAndExit() {
echo -e "${BIRed}${1}${RCol}"
exit 1
display_configuration() {
info "Portainer dev-toolkit container configuration"
info "Go version"
/usr/local/go/bin/go version
info "Node version"
node -v
info "Yarn version"
yarn -v
info "Docker version"
docker version
main() {
[[ -z $PUSER ]] && errorAndExit "Unable to find PUSER environment variable. Please ensure PUSER is set before running this script."
[[ -z $PUID ]] && errorAndExit "Unable to find PUID environment variable. Please ensure PUID is set before running this script."
[[ -z $PGID ]] && errorAndExit "Unable to find PGID environment variable. Please ensure PGID is set before running this script."
[[ -z $DOCKERGID ]] && errorAndExit "Unable to find DOCKERGID environment variable. Please ensure DOCKERGID is set before running this script."
if [[ -f "${SETUP_FILE}" ]]; then
info "Portainer dev-toolkit container already configured."
info "Creating user group..."
groupadd -g $PGID $PUSER
info "Creating user..."
useradd -l -u $PUID -g $PUSER $PUSER
info "Setting up home..."
install -d -m 0755 -o $PUSER -g $PUSER /home/$PUSER
info "Configuring Docker..."
groupadd -g $DOCKERGID docker
usermod -aG docker $PUSER
info "Configuring Go..."
echo "PATH=\"$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin\"" > /etc/environment
info "Configuring Git..."
su $PUSER -c "git config --global url.git@github.com:.insteadOf https://github.com/"
info "Configuring SSH..."
mkdir /home/$PUSER/.ssh
cp /host-ssh/* /home/$PUSER/.ssh/
chown -R $PUSER:$PUSER /home/$PUSER/.ssh
touch "${SETUP_FILE}"
success "Portainer dev-toolkit container successfully configured."
su $PUSER -s "$@"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
FROM ubuntu
FROM ubuntu:20.04
# Expose port for the Portainer UI and Edge server
@ -18,9 +18,26 @@ RUN apt-get update --fix-missing && apt-get install -qq \
apt-utils \
curl \
build-essential \
nodejs \
git \
wget \
apt-transport-https \
ca-certificates \
gnupg-agent \
# Install Docker CLI
RUN curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | apt-key add - \
&& add-apt-repository \
"deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu \
$(lsb_release -cs) \
stable" \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y docker-ce-cli
# Install NodeJS
RUN curl -fsSL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_14.x | bash - \
&& apt-get install -y nodejs
# Install Yarn
RUN curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add - \
@ -33,8 +50,8 @@ RUN cd /tmp \
&& tar -xf ${GO_VERSION}.tar.gz \
&& mv go /usr/local
# Configure Go
ENV PATH "$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin"
# Copy run script
COPY run.sh /
RUN chmod +x /run.sh
# Confirm installation
RUN go version && node -v && yarn -v
ENTRYPOINT ["/run.sh"]
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ var arch = os.arch();
if (arch === 'x64') arch = 'amd64';
var portainer_data = '${PORTAINER_DATA:-/tmp/portainer}';
var portainer_root = process.env.PORTAINER_PROJECT ? process.env.PORTAINER_PROJECT : process.env.PWD;
module.exports = function (grunt) {
loadGruntTasks(grunt, {
@ -174,7 +175,7 @@ function shell_build_binary_azuredevops(p, a) {
function shell_run_container() {
return [
'docker rm -f portainer',
'docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -v $(pwd)/dist:/app -v ' +
'docker run -d -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -v ' + portainer_root + '/dist:/app -v ' +
portainer_data +
':/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:z -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/alternative.sock:z -v /tmp:/tmp --name portainer portainer/base /app/portainer',
Reference in New Issue