feat(network-details): add list of containers in network (#302)
- shows all containers currently connected to the network - abillity to disconect a container from the network - fix error when a container is not connected to any networkspull/407/head
@ -65,3 +65,34 @@
<div class="row" ng-if="!(network.Containers | emptyobject)">
<div class="col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12">
<rd-widget-header icon="fa-server" title="Containers in network"></rd-widget-header>
<rd-widget-body classes="no-padding">
<table class="table">
<th>Container Name</th>
<th>IPv4 Address</th>
<th>IPv6 Address</th>
<tr ng-repeat="container in containersInNetwork">
<td><a ui-sref="container({id: container.Id})">{{ container.Name }}</a></td>
<td>{{ container.IPv4Address || '-' }}</td>
<td>{{ container.IPv6Address || '-' }}</td>
<td>{{ container.MacAddress || '-' }}</td>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" ng-click="containerLeaveNetwork(network, container.Id)"><i class="fa fa-trash space-right" aria-hidden="true"></i>Leave Network</button>
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
angular.module('network', [])
.controller('NetworkController', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'Network', 'Messages',
function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, Network, Messages) {
.controller('NetworkController', ['$scope', '$state', '$stateParams', 'Network', 'Container', 'ContainerHelper', 'Messages',
function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, Network, Container, ContainerHelper, Messages) {
$scope.removeNetwork = function removeNetwork(networkId) {
@ -19,12 +19,53 @@ function ($scope, $state, $stateParams, Network, Messages) {
Network.get({id: $stateParams.id}, function (d) {
$scope.network = d;
}, function (e) {
Messages.error("Failure", e, "Unable to retrieve network info");
$scope.containerLeaveNetwork = function containerLeaveNetwork(network, containerId) {
Network.disconnect({id: $stateParams.id}, { Container: containerId, Force: false }, function (d) {
if (d.message) {
Messages.send("Error", {}, d.message);
} else {
Messages.send("Container left network", $stateParams.id);
$state.go('network', {id: network.Id}, {reload: true});
}, function (e) {
Messages.error("Failure", e, "Unable to disconnect container from network");
function getNetwork() {
Network.get({id: $stateParams.id}, function (d) {
$scope.network = d;
}, function (e) {
Messages.error("Failure", e, "Unable to retrieve network info");
function getContainersInNetwork(network) {
if (network.Containers) {
filters: {network: [$stateParams.id]}
}, function (containersInNetworkResult) {
if ($scope.containersToHideLabels) {
containersInNetworkResult = ContainerHelper.hideContainers(containersInNetworkResult, $scope.containersToHideLabels);
var containersInNetwork = [];
containersInNetworkResult.forEach(function(container) {
var containerInNetwork = network.Containers[container.Id];
containerInNetwork.Id = container.Id;
$scope.containersInNetwork = containersInNetwork;
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ angular.module('portainer.services', ['ngResource', 'ngSanitize'])
return $resource(Settings.url + '/containers/:id/:action', {
name: '@name'
}, {
query: {method: 'GET', params: {all: 0, action: 'json'}, isArray: true},
query: {method: 'GET', params: {all: 0, action: 'json', filters: '@filters' }, isArray: true},
get: {method: 'GET', params: {action: 'json'}},
stop: {method: 'POST', params: {id: '@id', t: 5, action: 'stop'}},
restart: {method: 'POST', params: {id: '@id', t: 5, action: 'restart'}},
Reference in New Issue