
333 lines
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var gruntfile_cfg = {};
var loadGruntTasks = require('load-grunt-tasks');
var os = require('os');
var arch = os.arch();
if (arch === 'x64') arch = 'amd64';
module.exports = function(grunt) {
loadGruntTasks(grunt, {
pattern: ['grunt-*', 'gruntify-*']
grunt.registerTask('default', ['eslint', 'build']);
grunt.registerTask('before-copy', [
grunt.registerTask('after-copy', [
grunt.registerTask('build-webapp', [
2017-01-02 18:47:12 +00:00
grunt.registerTask('build', [
'shell:buildBinary:linux:' + arch,
'shell:downloadDockerBinary:linux:' + arch,
grunt.task.registerTask('release', 'release:<platform>:<arch>', function(p, a) {
grunt.task.run(['config:prod', 'clean:all', 'shell:buildBinary:' + p + ':' + a, 'shell:downloadDockerBinary:' + p + ':' + a, 'before-copy', 'copy:assets', 'after-copy']);
grunt.task.registerTask('devopsbuild', 'devopsbuild:<platform>:<arch>', function(p, a) {
grunt.task.run(['config:prod', 'clean:all', 'shell:buildBinaryOnDevOps:' + p + ':' + a, 'shell:downloadDockerBinary:' + p + ':' + a, 'before-copy', 'copy:assets', 'after-copy']);
grunt.registerTask('lint', ['eslint']);
grunt.registerTask('run-dev', ['build', 'shell:run:' + arch, 'watch:build']);
grunt.registerTask('clear', ['clean:app']);
// Load content of `vendor.yml` to src.jsVendor, src.cssVendor and src.angularVendor
grunt.registerTask('vendor', function() {
var vendorFile = grunt.file.readYAML('vendor.yml');
for (var filelist in vendorFile) {
if (vendorFile.hasOwnProperty(filelist)) {
var list = vendorFile[filelist];
// Check if any of the files is missing
for (var itemIndex in list) {
if (list.hasOwnProperty(itemIndex)) {
var item = 'node_modules/' + list[itemIndex];
if (!grunt.file.exists(item)) {
grunt.fail.warn('Dependency file ' + item + ' not found.');
list[itemIndex] = item;
// If none is missing, save the list
grunt.config('src.' + filelist + 'Vendor', list);
// Project configuration.
root: 'dist',
distdir: 'dist/public',
shippedDockerVersion: '18.09.0',
shippedDockerVersionWindows: '17.09.0-ce',
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
config: gruntfile_cfg.config,
src: gruntfile_cfg.src,
clean: gruntfile_cfg.clean,
useminPrepare: gruntfile_cfg.useminPrepare,
filerev: { files: { src: ['<%= distdir %>/js/*.js', '<%= distdir %>/css/*.css'] } },
usemin: { html: ['<%= distdir %>/index.html'] },
copy: gruntfile_cfg.copy,
eslint: gruntfile_cfg.eslint,
html2js: gruntfile_cfg.html2js,
concat: gruntfile_cfg.concat,
uglify: gruntfile_cfg.uglify,
postcss: gruntfile_cfg.postcss,
watch: gruntfile_cfg.watch,
shell: gruntfile_cfg.shell,
replace: gruntfile_cfg.replace
var autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
var cssnano = require('cssnano');
gruntfile_cfg.config = {
dev: { options: { variables: { 'environment': 'development' } } },
prod: { options: { variables: { 'environment': 'production' } } }
gruntfile_cfg.src = {
js: ['app/**/__module.js', 'app/**/*.js', '!app/**/*.spec.js'],
jsTpl: ['<%= distdir %>/templates/**/*.js'],
html: ['index.html'],
tpl: ['app/**/*.html'],
css: ['assets/css/app.css', 'app/**/*.css']
gruntfile_cfg.clean = {
all: ['<%= root %>/*'],
app: ['<%= distdir %>/*', '!<%= distdir %>/../portainer*', '!<%= distdir %>/../docker*'],
tmpl: ['<%= distdir %>/templates'],
tmp: ['<%= distdir %>/js/*', '!<%= distdir %>/js/app.*.js', '<%= distdir %>/css/*', '!<%= distdir %>/css/app.*.css']
gruntfile_cfg.useminPrepare = {
dev: {
src: '<%= src.html %>',
options: {
root: '<%= distdir %>',
flow: {
steps: {
js: ['concat'],
css: ['concat']
release: {
src: '<%= src.html %>',
options: {
root: '<%= distdir %>',
dest: '<%= distdir %>'
gruntfile_cfg.copy = {
bundle: {
files: [
{ dest: '<%= distdir %>/js/', src: ['app.js'], expand: true, cwd: '.tmp/concat/js/' },
{ dest: '<%= distdir %>/css/', src: ['app.css'], expand: true, cwd: '.tmp/concat/css/' }
assets: {
files: [
{ dest: '<%= distdir %>/fonts/', src: '*.{ttf,woff,woff2,eof,svg}', expand: true, cwd: 'node_modules/bootstrap/fonts/' },
{ dest: '<%= distdir %>/fonts/', src: '*.{ttf,woff,woff2,eof,eot,svg}', expand: true, cwd: 'node_modules/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free-webfonts/webfonts/' },
{ dest: '<%= distdir %>/fonts/', src: '*.{ttf,woff,woff2,eof,svg}', expand: true, cwd: 'node_modules/rdash-ui/dist/fonts/' },
{ dest: '<%= distdir %>/images/', src: '**', expand: true, cwd: 'assets/images/' },
{ dest: '<%= distdir %>/ico', src: '**', expand: true, cwd: 'assets/ico' },
{ dest: '<%= root %>/', src: 'templates.json', cwd: '' }
gruntfile_cfg.eslint = {
src: ['gruntfile.js', '<%= src.js %>'],
options: { configFile: '.eslintrc.yml' }
gruntfile_cfg.html2js = {
app: {
options: { base: '.' },
src: ['<%= src.tpl %>'],
dest: '<%= distdir %>/templates/app.js',
module: '<%= pkg.name %>.templates'
gruntfile_cfg.concat = {
vendor: {
files: {
'<%= distdir %>/css/<%= pkg.name %>.css': ['<%= src.cssVendor %>', '<%= src.css %>'],
'<%= distdir %>/js/vendor.js': ['<%= src.jsVendor %>'],
'<%= distdir %>/js/angular.js': ['<%= src.angularVendor %>']
dist: {
options: { process: true },
files: {
'<%= distdir %>/js/<%= pkg.name %>.js': ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.jsTpl %>'],
'<%= distdir %>/index.html': ['index.html']
gruntfile_cfg.uglify = {
dist: {
files: { '<%= distdir %>/js/<%= pkg.name %>.js': ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.jsTpl %>'] }
vendor: {
options: { preserveComments: 'some' }, // Preserve license comments
files: {
'<%= distdir %>/js/vendor.js': ['<%= src.jsVendor %>'],
'<%= distdir %>/js/angular.js': ['<%= src.angularVendor %>']
gruntfile_cfg.postcss = {
build: {
options: {
processors: [
autoprefixer({ browsers: 'last 2 versions' }), // add vendor prefixes
cssnano() // minify the result
src: '.tmp/concat/css/app.css',
dest: '<%= distdir %>/css/app.css'
gruntfile_cfg.watch = {
build: {
files: ['<%= src.js %>', '<%= src.css %>', '<%= src.tpl %>', '<%= src.html %>'],
tasks: ['build']
gruntfile_cfg.replace = {
concat: {
options: {
patterns: [
{ match: 'ENVIRONMENT', replacement: '<%= grunt.config.get("environment") %>' },
2018-03-13 05:36:53 +00:00
{ match: 'CONFIG_GA_ID', replacement: '<%= pkg.config.GA_ID %>' },
{ match: /..\/webfonts\//g, replacement: '../fonts/' }
files: [
expand: true,
flatten: true,
src: ['.tmp/concat/js/app.js'],
dest: '.tmp/concat/js'
2018-03-13 05:36:53 +00:00
expand: true,
flatten: true,
src: ['.tmp/concat/css/app.css'],
dest: '.tmp/concat/css'
function shell_buildBinary(p, a) {
var binfile = 'dist/portainer-' + p + '-' + a;
if (p === 'linux') {
return [
'if [ -f ' + (binfile) + ' ]; then',
'echo "Portainer binary exists";',
'build/build_binary.sh ' + p + ' ' + a + ';',
].join(' ');
} else {
return [
'powershell -Command "& {if (Get-Item -Path ' + binfile + '.exe -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue) {',
'Write-Host "Portainer binary exists"',
'} else {',
'& ".\\build\\build_binary.ps1" -platform ' + p + ' -arch ' + a + '',
].join(' ');
function shell_buildBinaryOnDevOps(p, a) {
if (p === 'linux') {
return 'build/build_binary_devops.sh ' + p + ' ' + a + ';';
} else {
return 'powershell -Command ".\\build\\build_binary_devops.ps1 -platform ' + p + ' -arch ' + a + '"';
function shell_run(arch) {
return [
'docker rm -f portainer',
'docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v $(pwd)/dist:/app -v /tmp/portainer:/data -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:z --name portainer portainer/base /app/portainer-linux-' + arch + ' --no-analytics --template-file /app/templates.json'
function shell_downloadDockerBinary(p, a) {
var ps = { 'windows': 'win', 'darwin': 'mac' };
var as = { 'amd64': 'x86_64', 'arm': 'armhf', 'arm64': 'aarch64' };
var ip = ((ps[p] === undefined) ? p : ps[p]);
var ia = ((as[a] === undefined) ? a : as[a]);
var binaryVersion = ((p === 'windows' ? '<%= shippedDockerVersionWindows %>' : '<%= shippedDockerVersion %>'));
if (p === 'linux') {
return [
'if [ -f dist/docker ]; then',
'echo "Docker binary exists";',
'build/download_docker_binary.sh ' + ip + ' ' + ia + ' ' + binaryVersion + ';',
].join(' ');
} else {
return [
'powershell -Command "& {if (Get-Item -Path dist/docker.exe -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue) {',
'Write-Host "Docker binary exists"',
'} else {',
'& ".\\build\\download_docker_binary.ps1" -docker_version ' + binaryVersion + '',
].join(' ');
gruntfile_cfg.shell = {
buildBinary: { command: shell_buildBinary },
buildBinaryOnDevOps: { command: shell_buildBinaryOnDevOps },
run: { command: shell_run },
downloadDockerBinary: { command: shell_downloadDockerBinary }