A fork of the amazing UI for Docker by Michael Crosby and Kevan Ahlquist (https://github.com/kevana/ui-for-docker) using the rdash-angular theme (https://github.com/rdash/rdash-angular).
UI For Docker is a web interface for the Docker Remote API. The goal is to provide a pure client side implementation so it is effortless to connect and manage docker.
By default UI For Docker connects to the Docker daemon with`/var/run/docker.sock`. For this to work you need to bind mount the unix socket into the container with `-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock`.
### Change address/port UI For Docker is served on
UI For Docker listens on port 9000 by default. If you run UI For Docker inside a container then you can bind the container's internal port to any external address and port: