diff --git a/docs/v2.0/webhooks/create.md b/docs/v2.0/webhooks/create.md
index 98b4f60..9416db2 100644
--- a/docs/v2.0/webhooks/create.md
+++ b/docs/v2.0/webhooks/create.md
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# Webhooks
-You can use webhooks to cause an action in a service in response to a push event in a repository. Webhooks are POST requests sent to a URL you define in Docker Hub or another registry.
+You can use webhooks to trigger an action in a service in response to a push event in a repository. Webhooks are POST requests sent to a URL you define in Docker Hub or another registry.
## Enable Service Webhook
-To enable a webhook for a service, go to Services, click in the service you want to set up the Weebhook, and enable the toogle Service Webhook.
+To enable a webhook for a service, go to Services, click on the service you want to set up the Webhook for, and enable the toggle Service Webhook.

-After you enable the toggle you will see the URL to configure your webhook in Docker Hub or another repository. do a click in copy to get the full URL.
+After you enable the toggle you will see the URL to configure your webhook in Docker Hub or another repository. Click the copy button to get the full URL.

## Examples
-Here, you can find a few examples to understand how easy is to trigger the webhook.
+Here, you can find a few examples to understand how easy it is to trigger the webhook.
### Redeploy
@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ To see how to complete the configuration in Docker Hub, [click here](https://doc
## :material-note-text: Notes
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+[Contribute to these docs](https://github.com/portainer/portainer-docs/blob/master/contributing.md){target=_blank}