docs(faq): add a section about exposed ports in the faq

Anthony Lapenna 2016-10-17 11:50:13 +13:00
parent 76b40e9ae3
commit 856f8706e3
1 changed files with 10 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -70,3 +70,13 @@ You can generate the authentication file using the following command:
docker run --rm httpd htpasswd -nbB <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> /etc/nginx/conf.d/portainer.htpasswd
You can also checkout our pre-configured setup using Docker compose `here <>`_.
Exposed ports in the container view redirects me to, what can I do?
In order for Portainer to be able to redirect you to your Docker host IP address and not the address, you will have
to change the configuration of your Docker daemon and add the ``--ip`` option.
Have a look at the `Docker documentation <>`_ for more details.
Note that you will have to restart your Docker daemon for the changes to be taken in effect.