175 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable File
175 lines
5.4 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env sh
READMEMD="$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)/README.md"
cat <<EOF > "$READMEMD"
# Classic Icon Set
This is a modernized version of the original icon set from openHAB 1.x.
The set is provided with the distribution in both the PNG and SVG file format.
for icon in $(ls icons/*.png | sort -V); do
name=$(basename "$icon")
echo "Adding icon '$name'"
if [ "$name" = "none.png" ] || [ "$name" = "none.svg" ]; then continue; fi
allIcons=${allIcons:: -1}
cat <<EOF >> "$READMEMD"
{% assign allIconsStr = "$allIcons" %}
{% assign allIcons = allIconsStr | split: ',' %}
{% for icon in allIcons %}
{% assign iconLower = icon | downcase | split: "." %}
{% assign iconWithoutExt = iconLower[0] %}
{% assign allIconsWithoutExtensionStr = allIconsWithoutExtensionStr | append: iconWithoutExt | append: ',' %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign allIconsWithoutExtension = allIconsWithoutExtensionStr | split: ',' %}
## Places
{% for category in site.data.categories_places %}
{% assign categoryNamesStr = categoryNamesStr | append: category.name | downcase | append: ',' %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign placesCategoryNames = categoryNamesStr | split: ',' %}
<div id="iconset-preview-locations" class="icons">
{% for category in placesCategoryNames %}
{% assign iconSrc = base | append: "/img/icon_no_category.png" %}
{% if allIconsWithoutExtension contains category %}
{% assign iconSrc = "icons/" | append: category | append: ".png" %}
{% endif %}
<img src="{{iconSrc}}" alt="{{category}}" title="{{category}}">
{% endfor %}
## Things
{% assign categoryNamesStr = "" %}
{% for category in site.data.categories_thing %}
{% assign categoryNamesStr = categoryNamesStr | append: category.name | downcase | append: ',' %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign thingCategoryNames = categoryNamesStr | split: ',' %}
<div id="iconset-preview-things" class="icons">
{% for category in thingCategoryNames %}
{% assign iconSrc = base | append: "/img/icon_no_category.png" %}
{% if allIconsWithoutExtension contains category %}
{% assign iconSrc = "icons/" | append: category | append: ".png" %}
{% endif %}
{% assign altText = "" %}
{% for i in allIcons %}
{% assign prefix = category | append: "-" %}
{% if i contains prefix %}
{% assign iWithoutExt = i | split: "." %}
{% assign altText = altText | append: iWithoutExt[0] | append: " " %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<img src="{{iconSrc}}" alt="{{altText}}" title="{{altText}}">
{% endfor %}
## Channels
{% for category in site.data.categories %}
{% assign typesStr = typesStr | append: category.type | append: ',' %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign types = typesStr | split: ',' | uniq %}
{% for type in types %}
#### {{type}}
{% assign channelCategoryNamesStr = "" %}
{% for category in site.data.categories %}
{% if category.type == type %}
{% assign channelCategoryNamesStr = channelCategoryNamesStr | append: category.name | downcase | append: ',' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% assign channelCategoryNames = channelCategoryNamesStr | split: ',' %}
{% assign channelCategories = channelCategories | concat: channelCategoryNames %}
<div id="iconset-preview-channels" class="icons">
{% for channelCategory in channelCategoryNames %}
{% assign iconSrc = base | append: "/img/icon_no_category.png" %}
{% if allIconsWithoutExtension contains channelCategory %}
{% assign iconSrc = "icons/" | append: channelCategory | append: ".png" %}
{% endif %}
{% assign altText = "" %}
{% for i in allIcons %}
{% assign prefix = channelCategory | append: "-" %}
{% if i contains prefix %}
{% assign iWithoutExt = i | split: "." %}
{% assign altText = altText | append: iWithoutExt[0] | append: " " %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<img src="{{iconSrc}}" alt="{{altText}}" title="{{altText}}">
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
## Other Icons
{% assign allCategories = thingCategoryNames | concat: channelCategories | concat: placesCategoryNames | sort | uniq %}
<div id="iconset-preview-other" class="icons">
{% for icon in allIcons %}
{% assign categoryLower = icon | downcase | split: "." %}
{% assign plainCategory = categoryLower[0] %}
{% assign otherIcon = true %}
{% for catWithIcon in allCategories %}
{% if catWithIcon.size <= plainCategory.size %}
{% assign plainCategoryStart = plainCategory | truncate: catWithIcon.size, "" %}
{% if plainCategoryStart == catWithIcon %}
{% assign otherIcon = false %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if otherIcon == false %}
{% continue %}
{% endif %}
{% unless icon contains "-" %}
{% assign altText = "" %}
{% for i in allIcons %}
{% assign prefix = plainCategory | append: "-" %}
{% if i contains prefix %}
{% assign iWithoutExt = i | split: "." %}
{% assign altText = altText | append: iWithoutExt[0] | append: " " %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<img src="icons/{{icon}}" alt="{{altText}}" title="{{altText}}">
{% endunless %}
{% endfor %}
echo "Finished."