msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: openhab-habpanel\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Crowdin-Project: openhab-habpanel\n"
"X-Crowdin-Language: no\n"
"X-Crowdin-File: /master/web/assets/i18n/admin/admin.pot\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Last-Translator: openhab-bot\n"
"Language-Team: Norwegian\n"
"Language: no_NO\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2019-06-16 09:54\n"

#. Save button in the dashboard designer
msgctxt ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Lagre"

#. Run button in the dashboard designer
msgctxt ""
msgid "Run"
msgstr "Kjør"

#. Add widget button in the dashboard designer
msgctxt "designer.addwidget"
msgid "Add Widget"
msgstr "Legg til Widget"

#. Tutorial text with arrow when on an empty dashboard
msgctxt "designer.addwidget.hint"
msgid "Add some widgets"
msgstr "Legg til noen widgets"

#. Header of the custom widget section (beware, it might overlap the cogs icon on the right)
msgctxt "designer.addwidget.customwidgets"
msgid "Custom widgets"
msgstr "Spesialtilpasset widgets"

#. Open widget gallery
msgctxt "designer.addwidget.getmore"
msgid "Get more..."
msgstr "Hent fler..."

#. Tooltip when hovering the "Get more" menu entry
msgctxt "designer.addwidget.getmore.tooltip"
msgid "Open the widget gallery to import more widgets"
msgstr "Åpne widgetgalleriet for å importere flere widgets"

#. Edit option in a widget placeholder context menu (3-dot icon)
msgctxt "designer.contextmenu.edit"
msgid "Edit..."
msgstr "Rediger..."

#. Copy/move option in a widget placeholder context menu (3-dot icon)
msgctxt "designer.contextmenu.copymove"
msgid "Copy/move to..."
msgstr "Kopier/flytt til..."

#. Delete option in a widget placeholder context menu (3-dot icon)
msgctxt "designer.contextmenu.delete"
msgid "Delete"
msgstr "Slett"

#. Title of copy/move widget dialog
msgctxt "designer.copymove.header"
msgid "Copy/move {{widgetName}}"
msgstr "Kopier/Flytt {{widgetName}}"

#. Alongside the dropdown dashboard selection
msgctxt "designer.copymove.todashboard"
msgid "To dashboard"
msgstr "Gå til dashbord"

#. Move button
msgctxt "designer.copymove.move"
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Flytt"

#. Copy button
msgctxt "designer.copymove.copy"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopier"

#. Default name of a newly created widget
msgctxt "designer.newwidget.defaultname"
msgid "New Widget"
msgstr "Ny Widget"

msgctxt "designer.serversavefailed"
msgid "Server save failed!"
msgstr "Lagring til server mislyktes!"

#. Title of the dashboard settings dialog
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.dialog.title"
msgid "Dashboard Settings"
msgstr "Dashboard innstillinger"

#. Tab header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.tile"
msgid "Menu tile"
msgstr "Menyen fliser"

#. Textbox header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.tile.background_image_url"
msgid "Background Image URL"
msgstr "URL til bakgrunnsbilde"

#. Color picker header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.tile.title_text_color"
msgid "Title Text color"
msgstr "Titteltekst farge"

#. Checkbox header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.tile.click_feedback"
msgid "Click feedback"
msgstr "Klikk for tilbakemelding"

#. Checkbox label
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.tile.click_feedback.description"
msgid "Don't brighten tile on click/tap"
msgstr "Ikke opplys flisen ved klikk/trykk"

#. Tab header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.advanced"
msgid "Advanced"
msgstr "Avansert"

#. Alert display at the top
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.advanced.warning"
msgid "These options are currently experimental, unstable or targeted at advanced users! Use at your own risk."
msgstr "Disse alternativene er for tiden eksperimentelle."

#. Tab header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.customwidgets"
msgid "Custom widgets"
msgstr "Spesialtilpasset widgets"

#. Alert displayed at the top
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.customwidgets.warning"
msgid "This feature is currently experimental, and targeted at advanced users! Use at your own risk."
msgstr "Disse alternativene er eksperimentell, ustabil eller rettet mot erfarne brukere! Bruk på eget ansvar."

#. Checkbox header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.customwidgets.usecustomwidget"
msgid "Use a custom widget"
msgstr "Bruk en egendefinert widget"

#. Dropdown header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.customwidgets.customwidget"
msgid "Custom Widget"
msgstr "Spesialtilpasset widgets"

#. Accordion header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.customwidgets.tile"
msgid "Main menu tile"
msgstr "Hovedmenyen fliser"

#. Checkbox label
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.customwidgets.tile.description"
msgid "Replace the tile contents by a custom widget"
msgstr "Erstatt flis innholdet av en egendefinert widget"

#. Accordion header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.customwidgets.drawer"
msgid "Drawer"
msgstr "Skuff"

#. Checkbox label
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.customwidgets.drawer.description"
msgid "Replace the contents of the drawer menu by a custom widget"
msgstr "Erstatte innholdet i skuffen menyen med en egendefinert widget"

#. Accordion header
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.customwidgets.header"
msgid "Dashboard header"
msgstr "Dashboard topptekst"

#. Checkbox label
msgctxt "dashboard.settings.customwidgets.header.description"
msgid "Replace the contents of the dashboard header by a custom widget"
msgstr "Erstatt innholdet i hodet av dashboard med en egendefinert widget"

#. Displayed in the item picker when no item selected
msgctxt "itempicker.placeholder"
msgid "Search or select an openHAB item"
msgstr "Søk eller velg et openHAB element"

#. Icon picker dropdown placeholder
msgctxt "iconpicker.selecticonset"
msgid "Select icon set"
msgstr "Velg ikongruppe"

#. Icon picker dropdown entry
msgctxt "iconpicker.customicon"
msgid "Custom icon"
msgstr "Tilpasset ikon"

#. Icon picker dropdown entry
msgctxt "iconpicker.customurl"
msgid "Custom URL"
msgstr "Tilpasset nettadresse"

#. Icon picker dropdown entry
msgctxt "iconpicker.none"
msgid "(none)"
msgstr "(Ingen)"

#. Appears when focusing the icon textbox when the "Custom icon" iconset is selected
msgctxt "iconpicker.customicontooltip"
msgid "Type the name of a <a href='' target='_blank'>registered icon</a> (only SVG supported)<br />Examples: <em>switch</em>, <em>temperature</em> or an additional icon in your configuration's <code>icons/classic</code> folder"
msgstr "Skriv navnet på et <a href='' target='_blank'>registrert ikon</a> (bare SVG støttes)<br />eksempler: <em>bytte</em>, <em>temperatur</em> eller et ekstra ikon i konfigurasjonens <code>ikoner/classic</code> -mappen"

#. Screen title
msgctxt "settings.header"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Innstillinger"

#. Header of the storage section
msgctxt ""
msgid "Current storage configuration"
msgstr "Gjeldende lagringskonfigurasjon"

#. Radio button for local storage
msgctxt ""
msgid "Local storage"
msgstr "Lokal lagring"

#. Explanation of the "local storage only" option
msgctxt ""
msgid "The configuration is saved for this browser and device only. It will be kept as long as you don't clean up the browser's historical data."
msgstr "Konfigurasjonen lagres for denne nettleseren og enheten. Det vil bli holdt så lenge du ikke rydde opp i nettleserens historiske data."

#. Link below the "local storage" option
msgctxt ""
msgid "Edit the local panel configuration (experts only)"
msgstr "Redigere lokale panelet konfigurasjonen (bare for eksperter)"

#. Prefix of a panel configuration before its name
msgctxt ""
msgid "Panel configuration:"
msgstr "Panel konfigurasjonen:"

#. Prefix of the last synced line, before the date
msgctxt ""
msgid "Last synced on"
msgstr "Sist synkronisert"

#. Displayed before the list of dashboard the panel configuration contains
msgctxt ""
msgid "Contains:"
msgstr "Inneholder:"

#. Link to create a panel configuration from the current configuration
msgctxt ""
msgid "Save the current configuration to a new panel configuration"
msgstr "Lagre gjeldende konfigurasjon til en ny panel-konfigurasjon"

#. Title of the dialog box when creating a new panel configuration
msgctxt ""
msgid "New panel configuration"
msgstr "Ny panel konfigurasjon"

#. Message of the dialog box when creating a new panel configuration
msgctxt ""
msgid "Please choose a name for the new panel configuration (letters and digits only please):"
msgstr "Velg et navn for den nye panel konfigurasjonen (bokstaver og sifre Vennligst):"

#. Panel name (section header)
msgctxt ""
msgid "Panel name"
msgstr "Panel navn"

#. Placeholder inside the text box
msgctxt ""
msgid "Replaces 'HABPanel' in the side drawer when set"
msgstr "Erstatter 'HABPanel' i side menyen når valgt"

#. Appearance (section header)
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.header"
msgid "Appearance"
msgstr "Utseende"

#. Dropown menu header
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.theme"
msgid "Theme"
msgstr "Tema"

#. Alert banner displayed when the browsers doesn't support themes (CSS variables)
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.theme.not_supported"
msgid "Themes are not compatible with this browser."
msgstr "Temaer er ikke kompatible med denne nettleseren."

#. Setting header
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.additional_stylesheet"
msgid "Additional stylesheet (optional)"
msgstr "Flere stilark (valgfritt)"

#. Placeholder inside the text box
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.additional_stylesheet.hint"
msgid "Relative URL only; example: /static/example.css"
msgstr "Relativ URL-adresse. eksempel: /static/example.css"

#. Setting header
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.background_image"
msgid "Background image (optional)"
msgstr "Bakgrunnsbilde (valgfritt)"

#. Placeholder inside the text box
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.background_image.hint"
msgid "Example: //"
msgstr "Eksempel: //"

#. Setting header
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.drawer_heading_image"
msgid "Drawer heading image (optional)"
msgstr "Meny overskrift bilde (valgfritt)"

#. Placeholder inside the text box
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.drawer_heading_image.hint"
msgid "Example: //"
msgstr "Eksempel: //"

#. Checkbox
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.prevent_scrolling"
msgid "Prevent scrolling (when not editing)"
msgstr "Forhindre scrolling (når en ikke redigerer)"

#. Checkbox
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.hide_drawer_footer"
msgid "Hide the drawer's footer"
msgstr "Skjul menyens bunntekst"

#. Checkbox
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.hide_toolbar_buttons"
msgid "Hide toolbar buttons:"
msgstr "Skjul verktøylinjeknapper:"

#. Checkbox
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.show_clock"
msgid "Show a clock on the header"
msgstr "Vis en klokke i overskriften"

#. Textbox setting header, only displayed when the "Show a clock on the header" option is checked
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.show_clock.header_format"
msgid "Header clock format"
msgstr "Klokke format i overskrift"

#. Textbox placeholder, only displayed when the "Show a clock on the header" option is checked
msgctxt "settings.panel.appearance.show_clock.header_format.hint"
msgid "Default: shortTime, use AngularJS date format"
msgstr "Standard: shortTime, bruk AngularJS dato format"

#. Custom widgets settings (section header)
msgctxt "settings.panel.customwidgets.header"
msgid "Custom Widgets"
msgstr "Tilpassede Widgets"

#. Big "manage" button label (a > suffix is added)
msgctxt "settings.panel.customwidgets.manage"
msgid "Manage"
msgstr "Administrer"

#. Voice support (section header) - formerly (<=2.2.0) : "Voice feedback"
msgctxt "settings.panel.voicesupport.header"
msgid "Voice Support"
msgstr "Stemmestøtte"

#. Dropdown header - formerly (<=2.2.0) : "Voice"
msgctxt "settings.panel.voicesupport.speech_synthesis_voice"
msgid "Speech synthesis voice"
msgstr "Talesyntese stemme"

#. Displayed below the voice dropdown
msgctxt "settings.panel.voicesupport.speech_synthesis_voice.hint"
msgid "Available voices depend on the operating system and browser environments."
msgstr "Tilgjengelige stemmer avhenger av operativsystem og nettleser miljøer."

#. Test button below the voice selection - make the voice say "habpanel 1 2 3"
msgctxt "settings.panel.voicesupport.speech_synthesis_voice.test"
msgid "Test"
msgstr "Test"

#. Checkbox
msgctxt "settings.panel.voicesupport.floating_speech_button"
msgid "Display a floating speech button at the bottom of the screen"
msgstr "Vise en flytende taleknapp nederst på skjermen"

#. Dropdown header
msgctxt "settings.panel.voicesupport.speech_synthesis_item"
msgid "Speak the new value of the following item when it changes:"
msgstr "Les opp den nye verdien for følgende item når denne endres:"

#. Section header
msgctxt "settings.panel.dashboard_control.header"
msgid "Switch dashboard with item value"
msgstr "Bytt dashboard med item verdi"

#. Dropdown header
msgctxt "settings.panel.dashboard_control.item"
msgid "When this item changes to a dashboard's name, switch to it:"
msgstr "Når dette item endres til et dashboard navn, bytt til det:"

#. Local panel configuration editor header
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.title"
msgid "Local panel configuration editor"
msgstr "Lokal editor for panelkonfigurasjon"

#. Displayed in a tooltip when hovering the exclamation mark in the local panel config editor
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.warning"
msgid "This is the raw configuration object representing your current configuration. Be careful while editing it by hand!"
msgstr "Dette er det rå konfigurasjonsobjektet som representerer gjeldende konfigurasjon. Vær forsiktig ved redigering for hånd!"

#. Blue button
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.import"
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Import"

#. Blue button
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.export"
msgid "Export"
msgstr "Eksport"

#. Default label for the white button on the right
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.copy"
msgid "Copy"
msgstr "Kopier"

#. Label displayed on the button for a few seconds after a successful copy to clipboard
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.copied"
msgid "Copied!"
msgstr "Kopiert!"

#. Default label for the red button on the right
msgctxt ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Lagre"

#. Label displayed on the button for a few seconds after a successful save
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.saved"
msgid "Saved!"
msgstr "Lagret!"

#. Label displayed for a few seconds on the copy or save button if an error occurred
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.failed"
msgid "FAILED!"
msgstr "MISLYKTES!"

#. Displayed in a dialog box
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.error.nodashboardsfound"
msgid "No dashboards found!"
msgstr "Ingen dashboards funnet!"

#. Title of a a dialog box
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.parsingerror.dialog.title"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Feil"

#. Message in a dialog box
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.parsingerror.dialog.message"
msgid "Configuration parsing error, nothing has been modified: "
msgstr "Konfigurasjons parsing error, ingenting har blitt endret: "

#. Title of a a dialog box
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.importerror.dialog.title"
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Feil"

#. Message in a dialog box
msgctxt "settings.localconfig.importerror.dialog.message"
msgid "Problem while importing: "
msgstr "Problem under import: "

#. Screen title
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.header"
msgid "Custom widgets"
msgstr "Custom widgets"

#. Prefix displayed before the author's name
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.byauthor"
msgid "by"
msgstr "av"

#. Displayed in a tooltip when hovering the icon indicating a globally provisioned widget
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.globallyprovisioned.hint"
msgid "This widget was provisioned globally via a bundle. It cannot be modified, but may be cloned to an user-defined widget with another name."
msgstr "Denne widgeten ble anskaffet globalt i en pakke. Den kan ikke endres, men kan klones til en bruker-definert widget med et annet navn."

#. Displayed in a tooltip when hovering the icon indicating a user defined widget
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.userdefined.hint"
msgid "This widget has been defined manually in this panel configuration and can be modified."
msgstr "Denne widgeten er definert manuelt i denne panelkonfigurasjonen, og kan endres."

#. Custom widget context menu entry - clone a globally-provisioned widget
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.contextmenu.clone"
msgid "Clone widget..."
msgstr "Klone widget..."

#. Custom widget context menu entry - downloads a widget's .widget.json file
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.contextmenu.exporttofile"
msgid "Export to file"
msgstr "Eksporter til fil"

#. Custom widget context menu entry - opens a forum topic or GitHub readme
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.contextmenu.openhelp"
msgid "Open Help"
msgstr "Åpne hjelp"

#. Custom widget context menu entry - update the widget from its source
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.contextmenu.update"
msgid "Update..."
msgstr "Oppdater..."

#. Blue button opening a dialog
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.newwidget"
msgid "New widget"
msgstr "Ny Widget"

#. Blue button with a dropdown menu
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.importwidget"
msgid "Import widget"
msgstr "Importere widget"

#. Import button menu entry - opens a dialog
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.importwidget.fromfile"
msgid "Import from file..."
msgstr "Importer fra fil..."

#. Import button menu entry - opens a dialog
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.importwidget.fromgallery"
msgid "Import from gallery..."
msgstr "Importer fra galleri..."

#. Dialog box title
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.add.dialog.title"
msgid "New custom widget"
msgstr "Ny egendefinert widget"

#. Dialog box message
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.add.dialog.message"
msgid "Please choose a short name as an identifier for your widget (for example, 'window-shutter=up-down-button, 'weather-forecast' etc.). If a widget with the same identifier already exists, it will be replaced!"
msgstr "Velg et kort navn som en identifikator for widgeten (for eksempel, \"persienner = opp-ned-knapp\", \"værmelding\" osv.). Hvis en widget med samme identifikator allerede finnes, vil den bli erstattet!"

#. Error message, displayed in an alert box
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.import.nojson"
msgid "The file must have a .json extension!"
msgstr "Filen må være av filtypen .json!"

#. Dialog box title
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.import.dialog.title"
msgid "Import widget"
msgstr "Importer widget"

#. Dialog box message
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.import.dialog.message"
msgid "Please confirm or change the identifier of your widget (avoid spaces and special chars!). If a widget with the same identifier already exists, it will be replaced!"
msgstr "Vennligst bekreft eller endre identiteten til din widget (unngå mellomrom og spesielle tegn!). Dersom en widget med samme identitet eksisterer allerede, vil den bli erstattet!"

#. Prefix of an error message - followed by a technical exception message
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.import.error"
msgid "Widget import error: "
msgstr "Widget importfeil: "

#. Dialog box title
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.update.dialog.title"
msgid "Update widget"
msgstr "Oppdater widget"

#. Dialog box message
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.update.dialog.message"
msgid "This will update widget <id> from <source_url>. Any changes you made will be overwritten! Continue?"
msgstr "Dette vil oppdatere widget <id> fra <source_url>. Endringer du har gjort vil bli overskrevet! Vil du fortsette?"

#. Alert banner message
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.update.error.notemplatefound"
msgid "Couldn't update widget <id> from <source_url>: no template found"
msgstr "Kunne ikke oppdatere widget <id> fra <source_url>: ingen mal funnet"

#. Alert banner message
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.update.error.unknown"
msgid "Couldn't update widget <id> from <source_url>: "
msgstr "Kunne ikke oppdatere widget <id> fra <source_url>: "

#. Alert banner message
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.update.success"
msgid "Widget <id> updated successfully from <source_url>"
msgstr "Widgeten <id> ble vellykket oppdatert fra <source_url>"

#. Dialog box title
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.delete.dialog.title"
msgid "Remove widget"
msgstr "Fjern widget"

#. Dialog box message
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.delete.dialog.message"
msgid "Please confirm you want to delete this widget: "
msgstr "Bekreft at du vil slette denne widget: "

#. Dialog box title
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.clone.dialog.title"
msgid "Clone widget"
msgstr "Klone widget"

#. Dialog box message
msgctxt "customwidgets.list.clone.dialog.message"
msgid "This will clone the globally provisioned widget: <id> to be modified as part of the panel configuration. Enter an unique identifier below - it must be different from the widget being cloned, and should avoid spaces and special chars. If an user-defined widget with the same identifier already exists, it will be replaced!"
msgstr "Dette vil klone den globalt anskaffede widgeten: <id> blir modifisert som en del av panel konfigurasjonen. Skriv inn en unik id under - den må være forskjellig fra widgeten den blir klonet fra, og burde ikke inneholde mellomrom og spesielle tegn. Hvis en bruker-definert widget med samme id allerede eksisterer vil den bli erstattet!"

#. Screen title, followed by the widget name - beware of size!
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.heading"
msgid "Widget:"
msgstr "Widget:"

#. Save button on the right, default label - can be hidden on phones
msgctxt ""
msgid "Save"
msgstr "Lagre"

#. Save button on the right, displayed for a few seconds after a save - can be hidden on phones
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.saved"
msgid "Saved!"
msgstr "Lagret!"

#. Tab header
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.code"
msgid "Code"
msgstr "Kode"

#. Tab header
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Innstillinger"

#. Section header in the Settings tab
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.general"
msgid "General settings"
msgstr "Generelle innstillinger"

#. Textbox header
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.general.display_name"
msgid "Display name"
msgstr "Visningsnavn"

#. Textbox header
msgctxt ""
msgid "Author"
msgstr "Forfatter"

#. Textbox header
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.general.description"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#. Section header in the Settings tab
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config"
msgid "Configuration settings"
msgstr "Konfigurasjonsinnstillinger"

#. Displayed in small text below the section header, with an information icon
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.warning"
msgid "Beware: always bear in mind instances of this widget might be existing when altering configuration settings!"
msgstr "OBS: husk alltid, at forekomster av denne widgeten kan eksisterende, når man endrer konfigurasjonsinnstillinger!"

#. Button label
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.add"
msgid "Add setting"
msgstr "Legg til innstilling"

#. Dropdown header
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.type"
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"

#. Dropdown option
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.type.string"
msgid "String"
msgstr "Tekst"

#. Dropdown option
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.type.number"
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Nummer"

#. Dropdown option
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.type.checkbox"
msgid "Checkbox"
msgstr "Avkryssingsboks"

#. Dropdown option
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.type.item"
msgid "Item"
msgstr "Element"

#. Dropdown option
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.type.color"
msgid "Color"
msgstr "Farge"

#. Dropdown option
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.type.choices"
msgid "Choices"
msgstr "Valg"

#. Dropdown option
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.type.icon"
msgid "Icon"
msgstr "Ikon"

#. Dropdown option
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.type.heading"
msgid "Heading"
msgstr "Overskrift"

#. Tooltip displayed when hovering the help icon alongside the ID field
msgctxt ""
msgid "Enter a JSON friendly key for this setting - ideally, use only lowercase letters, digits and underscores. Examples: my_setting, first_item, text_size, font_color"
msgstr "Angi en JSON vennlig nøkkel for denne innstillingen - ideellt, bruk kun små bokstaver, sifre og understrekingstegn. Eksempler: my_setting, first_item, text_size, font_color"

#. Textbox header
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.label"
msgid "Label"
msgstr "Etikett"

#. Textbox header
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.default"
msgid "Default value"
msgstr "Standardverdi"

#. Textbox header
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.choices"
msgid "Choices"
msgstr "Valg"

#. Textbox placeholder
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.choices.hint"
msgid "Comma-separated possible values"
msgstr "Komma-separerte mulige verdier"

#. Textbox header
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.description"
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beskrivelse"

#. Banner displayed when selecting the Icon type for the settings, followed by the defined settings themselves
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.settings.config.icon.hint"
msgid "This will define 2 config elements:"
msgstr "Dette vil definere 2 konfigurasjons elementer:"

#. Tab header
msgctxt "customwidgets.designer.preview"
msgid "Preview"
msgstr "Forhåndsvisning"

#. Dialog box title
msgctxt "widgetgallery.heading"
msgid "Widget Gallery"
msgstr "Widget galleri"

#. Dialog box title (when displaying a repository)
msgctxt "widgetgallery.heading.importrepo"
msgid "Import GitHub Repository"
msgstr "Importer GitHub Repository"

#. Dialog box title (when displaying a community gallery item)
msgctxt "widgetgallery.heading.importgallery"
msgid "Import Gallery Item"
msgstr "Importer gallerielement"

#. Alert banner message
msgctxt "widgetgallery.warning.githubratelimit"
msgid "Warning: rate limiting on the GitHub API will temporarily block further requests!"
msgstr "Advarsel: rate begrensing på GitHub APIet vil midlertidig blokkere flere forespørsler!"

#. Alert banner message (2nd part)
msgctxt "widgetgallery.warning.githubratelimit.wait"
msgid "Wait until this time and try again:"
msgstr "Vent denne tiden og prøv igjen:"

#. Textbox placeholder
msgctxt "widgetgallery.addressbar.hint"
msgid "GitHub repository full name (owner/name) or URL"
msgstr "Fullt navn på GitHub repository (eier/navn) eller URL"

#. Button on the right of the addressbar
msgctxt "widgetgallery.addressbar.go"
msgid "Go"
msgstr "Gå"

#. Suffix displayed after a number, i.e. "24 community contributions"
msgctxt "widgetgallery.toolbar.communitycontributions"
msgid "community&nbsp;contributions"
msgstr "samfunns&nbsp;bidrag"

#. On the right with the sort options
msgctxt "widgetgallery.toolbar.sortby"
msgid "sort by:"
msgstr "sorter etter:"

#. Link to change the sort criteria - keep the non breaking spaces (&nbsp;)
msgctxt "widgetgallery.toolbar.sortby.mostrecent"
msgid "most&nbsp;recent"
msgstr "nyeste"

#. Link to change the sort criteria - keep the non breaking spaces (&nbsp;)
msgctxt "widgetgallery.toolbar.sortby.mostliked"
msgid "most&nbsp;liked"
msgstr "mest&nbsp;likte"

#. Link to change the sort criteria - keep the non breaking spaces (&nbsp;)
msgctxt "widgetgallery.toolbar.sortby.mostpopular"
msgid "most&nbsp;popular"
msgstr "mest&nbsp;populære"

#. Link to change the sort criteria - keep the non breaking spaces (&nbsp;)
msgctxt "widgetgallery.toolbar.sortby.mostdiscussed"
msgid "most&nbsp;discussed"
msgstr "mest&nbsp;diskutert"

#. Prefix before the author's name
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.authorby"
msgid "by"
msgstr "av"

#. Suffix displayed after a number, i.e. "24 posts on this topic"
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.forumposts"
msgid "post(s) on this topic - discuss on"
msgstr "innlegg på dette emnet - diskuter på"

#. Label of the big green button when nothing to import
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.nothingtoimport"
msgid "Nothing to import"
msgstr "Ingenting å importere"

#. Label of the big green button when 1 widget was found
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.importwidget"
msgid "Import Widget"
msgstr "Importer widget"

#. Label of the big green button when 2 or more widgets were found
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.importwidgets"
msgid "Import {} Widgets"
msgstr "Importer {} Widgets"

#. Label of the big blue button when there is a referenced GitHub repo
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.gotorepository"
msgid "Go to the repository"
msgstr "Gå til repository"

#. Displyed in orange inside the big green button after a number, when some widgets are already present
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.toupdate"
msgid "to update"
msgstr "å oppdatere"

#. Little white button label with a down caret
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.showdetails"
msgid "Show details"
msgstr "Vis detaljer"

#. Little white button label with a up caret
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.hidedetails"
msgid "Hide details"
msgstr "Skjul detaljer"

#. Little white button label
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.downloadzip"
msgid "Download ZIP"
msgstr "Last ned ZIP"

#. 1. Prefix of the explanation in the expanded details section
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.widget.hint.prefix"
msgid "This"
msgstr "Denne"

#. 2a. Name of a community contribution
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.widget.hint.communitycontribution"
msgid "community contribution"
msgstr "samfunns bidrag"

#. 2b. Name of a community contribution
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.widget.hint.repository"
msgid "repository"
msgstr "repository"

#. 3. Suffix of the explanation in the expanded details section
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.widget.hint.suffix"
msgid "contains the following widgets; you can import them individually:"
msgstr "inneholder følgende widgets; du kan importere dem enkeltvis:"

#. Explanation in the expanded details section
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.widget.hint.nowidgets"
msgid "No widgets were found (*.widget.json files)! Please report this."
msgstr "Ingen widgets ble funnet (*. widget.json filer)! Vennligst rapport dette."

#. Explanation in the expanded details section
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.widget.hint.checkrepo"
msgid "The widgets are likely in the referenced GitHub repository. Click the 'Go to the repository' button to open it."
msgstr "Widgetene er sannsynlig i det refererte GitHub repo'et. Klikk på 'Gå til repo'et' knappen for å åpne det."

#. Green button in the expanded details section
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.widget.import"
msgid "Import widget"
msgstr "Importer widget"

#. Orange button in the expanded details section
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.widget.update"
msgid "Update widget"
msgstr "Oppdater widget"

#. Disabled button in the expanded details section after a widget was imported/updated
msgctxt "widgetgallery.details.widget.imported"
msgid "Widget imported!"
msgstr "Widget importert!"

#. Alert banner, followed by a technical exception message
msgctxt "widgetgallery.error"
msgid "Error:"
msgstr "Feil:"

#. Dialog box title
msgctxt "widgetgallery.widgetsdetected.dialog.title"
msgid "Existing widgets detected"
msgstr "Eksisterende widgets oppdaget"

#. Dialog box message
msgctxt "widgetgallery.widgetsdetected.dialog.message"
msgid "Warning: please confirm you wish to update <nbexisting> existing widgets, overwriting any eventual changes made locally! If unsure, cancel and click Show details to review the list of affected widgets."
msgstr "Advarsel: vennligst bekreft at du ønsker å oppdatere <nbexisting> eksisterende widgets og samtidig overskrive eventuelle lokale endringer! Dersom du er usikker, avbryt og klikk Vis detaljer for å se listen med påvirkede widgets."