Add link to material items (#916)

Signed-off-by: Eiko Wagenknecht <>
Eiko Wagenknecht 2021-02-26 18:11:22 +01:00 committed by Yannick Schaus
parent 394d278aea
commit cd72f919aa
5 changed files with 8 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export const OhPlanMarkerDefinition = () => new WidgetDefinition('oh-plan-marker
pi('item', 'Item', 'The item whose state to display on this marker')
.paramGroup(pg('icon', 'Icon'), [
pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use <code>oh:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">openHAB icon</a>) or <code>f7:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>)'),
pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use <code>oh:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">openHAB icon</a>), <code>f7:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>) or <code>material:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Material icon</a>)'),
pb('iconUseState', 'Icon depends on state', 'Use the state of the item to get a dynamic icon (for openHAB icons only)'),
pn('iconSize', 'Icon Size', 'Size of the icon in pixels (40 by default)'),
pt('iconColor', 'Icon Color', 'Color of the icon (for Framework7/Material icons); use expression for dynamic colors')

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export const OhLabelCardDefinition = () => new WidgetDefinition('oh-label-card',
pt('background', 'Background style', 'Background style (in CSS "background" attribute format)'),
pt('fontSize', 'Font Size', 'Font size (e.g. "34px")'),
pt('fontWeight', 'Font Weight', 'Font weight (e.g. "normal" or "bold")'),
pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use <code>oh:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">openHAB icon</a>) or <code>f7:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>)'),
pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use <code>oh:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">openHAB icon</a>), <code>f7:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>) or <code>material:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Material icon</a>)'),
pt('iconColor', 'Icon Color', 'Not applicable to openHAB icons').a(),
pn('iconSize', 'Icon Size', 'Size of the icon in px').a(),
pb('iconUseState', 'Icon depends on state', 'Use the state of the item to get a dynamic icon (for openHAB icons only)').a(),

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export const CellParameters = () => [
pt('title', 'Title', 'Title of the cell'),
pt('subtitle', 'Subtitle', 'Subtitle of the cell'),
pt('footer', 'Footer', 'Footer of the cell'),
pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use <code>oh:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">openHAB icon</a>) or <code>f7:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>)'),
pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use <code>oh:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">openHAB icon</a>), <code>f7:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>) or <code>material:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Material icon</a>)'),
pt('color', 'Highlight Color', 'Color to use when highlighted'),
pt('on', '"On" expression', 'Expression to determine when the card should be highlighted. If blank, determine automatically from the primary bound item if applicable.').a()

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ export const ListItemParameters = () => [
pt('title', 'Title', 'Title of the item'),
pt('subtitle', 'Subtitle', 'Subtitle of the item'),
pt('after', 'After', 'Text to display on the opposite side of the item (set either this or a badge)').a(),
pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use <code>oh:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">openHAB icon</a>) or <code>f7:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>)'),
pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use <code>oh:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">openHAB icon</a>), <code>f7:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>) or <code>material:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Material icon</a>)'),
pt('iconColor', 'Icon Color', 'Not applicable to openHAB icons').a(),
pb('iconUseState', 'Icon depends on state', 'Use the state of the item to get a dynamic icon (for openHAB icons only)').a()

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@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import { WidgetDefinition, pt } from '../helpers'
export const OhTabDefinition = () => new WidgetDefinition('oh-tab', 'Tab', 'Displays a widget in a tab')
pt('title', 'Title', 'The title of the tab'),
pt('icon', 'Icon', 'The icon on the tab: use <code>f7:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>)'),
pt('page', 'Page', 'The page to display').c('page'),
pt('pageConfig', 'Page Configuration', 'The parameters (props) to configure the page, if any').c('props')
pt('title', 'Title', 'Title of the tab'),
pt('icon', 'Icon', 'Use <code>f7:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Framework7 icon</a>) or <code>material:iconName</code> (<a class="external text-color-blue" target="_blank" href="">Material icon</a>)'),
pt('page', 'Page', 'Page to display').c('page'),
pt('pageConfig', 'Page Configuration', 'Parameters (props) to configure the page, if any').c('props')