Add a persistence configuration page (#1917)
Closes #1463. Refs Refs It is accessible from the add-on settings page and has both a design and a code tab. The design tab allows to set persistence strategies for Items, define cron strategies and set the default strategies. It does not duplicate names for (cron) persistence strategies and filters as well as configs for the same set of Items. All four filters provided by openHAB core (treshold, time, equals/not equals, include/exclude) can be configured. When the user removes a cron strategy or a filter, it is automatically removed from all configs so that there is no API failure (400 Bad Request). No code completion is not provided, but required attributes for filters are automatically set on save to avoid API failure (500 Internal Server Error). A few words about order and sorting: - openHAB Core seems to sort the cron strategies. - Configurations itself are unsorted, they could be sorted alphabetically by the UI. - Items of configuration are sorted by their type (groups before normal Items) as well as alphabetically. -- Signed-off-by: Florian Hotze <> Co-authored-by: J-N-K <>pull/1946/head
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ const InboxListPage = () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "admin-config" */ '../pa
const TransformationsListPage = () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "admin-config" */ '../pages/settings/transformations/transformations-list.vue')
const TransformationsEditPage = () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "admin-rules" */ '../pages/settings/transformations/transformation-edit.vue')
const PersistenceEditPage = () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "admin-config" */ '../pages/settings/persistence/persistence-edit.vue')
const SemanticModelPage = () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "admin-config" */ '../pages/settings/model/model.vue')
const PagesListPage = () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "admin-pages" */ '../pages/settings/pages/pages-list.vue')
@ -237,6 +239,17 @@ export default [
beforeEnter: [enforceAdminForRoute],
async: loadAsync(SemanticModelPage)
path: 'persistence/',
routes: [
path: ':serviceId',
beforeEnter: [enforceAdminForRoute],
beforeLeave: [checkDirtyBeforeLeave],
async: loadAsync(PersistenceEditPage)
path: 'rules/',
beforeEnter: [enforceAdminForRoute],
@ -8,6 +8,15 @@
<f7-block v-if="type === 'persistence'" class="service-config block-narrow">
<f7-block-title medium>
<f7-link color="blue" :href="'/settings/persistence/' + name">
Persistence configuration
<f7-block form v-if="configDescription && config" class="service-config block-narrow">
<f7-block-title medium>
@ -74,6 +83,14 @@ export default {
strippedAddonId: ''
computed: {
type () {
return this.addonId.split('-')[0]
name () {
return this.addonId.split('-')[1]
methods: {
save () {
let promises = []
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
<f7-popup ref="modulePopup" class="moduleconfig-popup">
<f7-link icon-ios="f7:arrow_left" icon-md="material:arrow_back" icon-aurora="f7:arrow_left" popup-close />
Configure strategies and filters for Item(s)
<f7-link v-show="currentConfiguration.items.length > 0" @click="updateModuleConfig">
<f7-block class="no-margin no-padding">
<f7-block-title medium class="padding-bottom">
<item-picker title="Select groups" name="groupItems" multiple="true"
filterType="Group" :value="groupItems" @input="selectGroupItems" />
<f7-list-item>... whose members are to be persisted.</f7-list-item>
<item-picker title="Select Items" name="items" multiple="true" :value="items"
@input="selectItems" />
<f7-list-item>... to be persisted.</f7-list-item>
<f7-block-title medium class="padding-bottom">
<strategy-picker title="Select strategies" name="strategies" :strategies="strategies"
@strategiesSelected="currentConfiguration.strategies = $event" />
<f7-block-title medium class="padding-bottom">
<filter-picker :filters="filters"
@filtersSelected="currentConfiguration.filters = $event" />
import ItemPicker from '@/components/config/controls/item-picker.vue'
import StrategyPicker from '@/pages/settings/persistence/strategy-picker.vue'
import FilterPicker from '@/pages/settings/persistence/filter-picker.vue'
export default {
components: { FilterPicker, StrategyPicker, ItemPicker },
props: ['configuration', 'strategies', 'filters'],
emits: ['configurationUpdate'],
data () {
return {
currentConfiguration: this.configuration || {
items: [],
strategies: [
filters: []
computed: {
groupItems () {
return this.currentConfiguration.items.filter((i) => i.endsWith('*')).map((i) => i.slice(0, -1))
items () {
return this.currentConfiguration.items.filter((i) => !i.endsWith('*'))
methods: {
selectGroupItems (ev) {
this.currentConfiguration.items = ev.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)).map((i) => i + '*').concat(this.items)
selectItems (ev) {
this.currentConfiguration.items = => i + '*').concat(ev.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)))
updateModuleConfig () {
if (this.currentConfiguration.items.length === 0) {
this.$f7.dialog.alert('Please select Items')
this.$f7.emit('configurationUpdate', this.currentConfiguration)
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
<f7-popup ref="modulePopup" class="moduleconfig-popup">
<f7-link icon-ios="f7:arrow_left" icon-md="material:arrow_back" icon-aurora="f7:arrow_left" popup-close />
Configure cron strategy
<f7-link v-show=" && currentCronStrategy.cronExpression" @click="updateModuleConfig">
<f7-block class="no-margin no-padding">
<f7-list-input ref="name" label="Name" type="text" placeholder="Required" :value=""
@input=" = $"
:info="(createMode) ? 'Note: cannot be changed after the creation' : ''"
required validate pattern="[A-Za-z0-9_]+" error-message="Required. A-Z,a-z only" />
<f7-block-title medium class="padding-bottom">
<parameter-cronexpression ref="cronExpression" :configDescription="cronExpressionConfigDescription"
@input="currentCronStrategy.cronExpression = $event" />
import ParameterCronexpression from '@/components/config/controls/parameter-cronexpression.vue'
export default {
components: {
props: ['cronStrategy'],
emits: ['cronStrategyConfigUpdate'],
data () {
return {
createMode: !this.cronStrategy,
currentCronStrategy: this.cronStrategy || {
name: null,
cronExpression: null
cronExpressionConfigDescription: {
label: 'Cron Expression',
name: 'cronExpression',
required: true
methods: {
updateModuleConfig () {
if (!this.$f7.input.validateInputs(this.$$el) && !this.$f7.input.validateInputs(this.$refs.cronExpression.$el)) {
this.$f7.dialog.alert('Please review the configuration and correct validation errors')
this.$f7.emit('cronStrategyConfigUpdate', this.currentCronStrategy)
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
<f7-list class="strategy-picker-container" v-if="filters">
<f7-list-item title="Select filters" :smart-select="disabled !== true && filters.length > 0"
ref="smartSelect" class="defaults-picker">
<select v-if="disabled !== true && filters.length > 0" name="filters" multiple @change="select">
<option v-for="s in filters" :key="s" :value="s"
{{ s }}
<div v-else-if="disabled === true">
{{ value.join(', ') }}
<div v-else-if="disabled !== true && filters.length === 0">
No filters available. Please add them first.
<style lang="stylus">
padding-left calc(var(--f7-list-item-padding-horizontal) / 2 + var(--f7-safe-area-left))
padding 0
display none
export default {
props: ['filters', 'value', 'disabled'],
emits: ['filtersSelected'],
data () {
return {
smartSelectParams: {
view: this.$f7.view.main,
openIn: 'popup',
virtualList: true,
virtualListHeight: (this.$theme.aurora) ? 32 : undefined
methods: {
select () {
const value = this.$refs.smartSelect.f7SmartSelect.getValue()
this.$emit('filtersSelected', value)
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
<f7-popup ref="modulePopup" class="moduleconfig-popup">
<f7-link icon-ios="f7:arrow_left" icon-md="material:arrow_back" icon-aurora="f7:arrow_left" popup-close />
Configure {{ filterType.label.toLowerCase() }} filter
<f7-link v-show="" @click="updateModuleConfig">
<f7-block class="no-margin no-padding">
<f7-list-input ref="name" label="Name" type="text" placeholder="Required" :value=""
@input=" = $"
:info="(createMode) ? 'Note: cannot be changed after the creation' : ''"
required validate pattern="[A-Za-z0-9_]+" error-message="Required. A-Z,a-z only" />
<f7-block-title medium>
<config-sheet ref="config-sheet" :parameter-groups="[]" :parameters="filterConfigDescriptionParameters"
:configuration="currentFilter" />
import ConfigSheet from '@/components/config/config-sheet.vue'
export default {
components: { ConfigSheet },
props: ['filter', 'filterType', 'filterConfigDescriptionParameters'],
emits: ['filterUpdate'],
data () {
return {
createMode: !this.filter,
currentFilter: this.filter || {
name: null
methods: {
updateModuleConfig () {
if (!this.$refs['config-sheet'].isValid()) {
this.$f7.dialog.alert('Please review the configuration and correct validation errors')
if ( === 'includeFilters') {
if (this.currentFilter.upper <= this.currentFilter.lower) {
this.$f7.dialog.alert('The lower bound value must be less than the upper bound value')
this.$f7.emit('filterUpdate', this.currentFilter,
@ -0,0 +1,696 @@
<f7-page @page:afterin="onPageAfterIn" @page:beforeout="onPageBeforeOut">
<f7-navbar :title="newPersistence ? 'Create persistence configuration' : 'Edit persistence configuration'"
<f7-nav-right v-if="isEditable">
<f7-link @click="save()" v-if="$" icon-md="material:save" icon-only />
<f7-link @click="save()" v-if="!$">
Save<span v-if="$device.desktop"> (Ctrl-S)</span>
<f7-toolbar tabbar position="top">
<f7-link @click="switchTab('design', fromYaml)" :tab-link-active="currentTab === 'design'" class="tab-link">
<f7-link @click="switchTab('code', toYaml)" :tab-link-active="currentTab === 'code'" class="tab-link">
<!-- Design Tab -->
<f7-tab id="design" @tab:show="() => this.currentTab = 'design'" :tab-active="currentTab === 'design'">
<!-- Skeletons for not ready -->
<f7-block v-if="!ready" class="block-narrow">
<f7-col class="modules">
<f7-block-title medium style="margin-bottom: var(--f7-list-margin-vertical)">
<f7-list class="skeleton-text skeleton-effect-blink">
<f7-list-item />
<f7-block-title medium style="margin-bottom: var(--f7-list-margin-vertical)">
<f7-list class="skeleton-text skeleton-effect-blink">
<f7-list-item />
<!-- Default Strategies -->
<strategy-picker title="Default Strategies" class="skeleton-text skeleton-effect-blink" />
<f7-block-title medium style="margin-bottom: var(--f7-list-margin-vertical)">
<div v-for="ft in filterTypes" :key="">
{{ ft.label }}
<f7-list class="skeleton-text skeleton-effect-blink">
<f7-list-item />
<f7-block v-if="ready" class="block-narrow">
<f7-col v-if="!isEditable">
<div class="padding-left">
Note: {{ notEditableMgs }}
<f7-col class="modules">
<!-- Configuration -->
<f7-block-title medium style="margin-bottom: var(--f7-list-margin-vertical)">
<f7-list :media-list="isEditable" swipeout>
<f7-list-item v-for="(cfg, index) in persistence.configs" :key="cfg.items.join()"
:title="cfg.items.join(', ')"
:footer="cfg.strategies.join(', ')" :link="isEditable"
@click.native="(ev) => editConfiguration(ev, index, cfg)" swipeout>
<f7-link slot="media" v-if="isEditable" icon-color="red" icon-aurora="f7:minus_circle_filled"
icon-ios="f7:minus_circle_filled" icon-md="material:remove_circle_outline"
@click="showSwipeout" />
<f7-swipeout-actions right v-if="isEditable">
<f7-swipeout-button @click="(ev) => deleteModule(ev, 'configs', index)"
style="background-color: var(--f7-swipeout-delete-button-bg-color)">
<f7-list v-if="isEditable">
<f7-list-item link no-chevron media-item :color="($theme.dark) ? 'black' : 'white'"
subtitle="Add configuration" @click="editConfiguration(undefined, null)">
<f7-icon slot="media" color="green" aurora="f7:plus_circle_fill" ios="f7:plus_circle_fill"
md="material:control_point" />
<!-- Strategies -->
<f7-block-title medium style="margin-bottom: var(--f7-list-margin-vertical)">
<!-- Cron Strategies -->
<f7-list :media-list="isEditable" swipeout>
<f7-list-item v-for="(cs, index) in persistence.cronStrategies" :key="" :title=""
:footer="cs.cronExpression" :link="isEditable"
@click.native="(ev) => editCronStrategy(ev, index, cs)" swipeout>
<f7-link slot="media" v-if="isEditable" icon-color="red" icon-aurora="f7:minus_circle_filled"
icon-ios="f7:minus_circle_filled" icon-md="material:remove_circle_outline"
@click="showSwipeout" />
<f7-swipeout-actions right v-if="isEditable">
<f7-swipeout-button @click="(ev) => deleteCronStrategy(ev, index)"
style="background-color: var(--f7-swipeout-delete-button-bg-color)">
<f7-list v-if="isEditable">
<f7-list-item link no-chevron media-item :color="($theme.dark) ? 'black' : 'white'"
subtitle="Add cron strategy" @click="editCronStrategy(undefined, null)">
<f7-icon slot="media" color="green" aurora="f7:plus_circle_fill" ios="f7:plus_circle_fill"
md="material:control_point" />
<!-- Default Strategies -->
<strategy-picker title="Default Strategies" name="defaults" :strategies="strategies"
:value="persistence.defaults" :disabled="!isEditable"
@strategiesSelected="persistence.defaults = $event" />
<!-- Filters -->
<f7-block-title medium style="margin-bottom: var(--f7-list-margin-vertical)">
<div v-for="ft in filterTypes" :key="">
{{ ft.label }}
<f7-list :media-list="isEditable" swipeout>
<f7-list-item v-for="(f, index) in persistence[]" :key="" :title=""
@click.native="(ev) => editFilter(ev, ft, index, f)" swipeout>
<f7-link slot="media" v-if="isEditable" icon-color="red" icon-aurora="f7:minus_circle_filled"
icon-ios="f7:minus_circle_filled" icon-md="material:remove_circle_outline"
@click="showSwipeout" />
<f7-swipeout-actions right v-if="isEditable">
<f7-swipeout-button @click="(ev) => deleteFilter(ev,, index)"
style="background-color: var(--f7-swipeout-delete-button-bg-color)">
<f7-list v-if="isEditable">
<f7-list-item link no-chevron media-item :color="($theme.dark) ? 'black' : 'white'"
:subtitle="'Add ' + ft.label.toLowerCase() + ' filter'"
@click="editFilter(undefined, ft, null)">
<f7-icon slot="media" color="green" aurora="f7:plus_circle_fill" ios="f7:plus_circle_fill"
md="material:control_point" />
<f7-col v-if="isEditable && !newPersistence">
<f7-list-button color="red" @click="deletePersistence">
Remove persistence configuration
<!-- Code Tab -->
<f7-tab id="code" @tab:show="() => { currentTab = 'code'; toYaml() }" :tab-active="currentTab === 'code'">
<f7-icon v-if="!isEditable" f7="lock" class="float-right margin"
style="opacity:0.5; z-index: 4000; user-select: none;" size="50" color="gray"
:tooltip="notEditableMgs" />
<editor v-if="currentTab === 'code'" class="persistence-code-editor"
mode="application/vnd.openhab.persistence+yaml" :value="persistenceYaml" @input="onEditorInput"
:read-only="!isEditable" />
<style lang="stylus">
overflow-x hidden !important
.config-sheet, .parameter-group
margin-top 0 !important
display none
.item-media .icon
color var(--f7-theme-color)
margin-bottom 0
margin-top 0
display block
top calc(var(--f7-navbar-height) + var(--f7-tabbar-height))
height calc(100% - 2 * var(--f7-navbar-height))
width 100%
import DirtyMixin from '../dirty-mixin'
import YAML from 'yaml'
import CronStrategyPopup from '@/pages/settings/persistence/cron-strategy-popup.vue'
import StrategyPicker from '@/pages/settings/persistence/strategy-picker.vue'
import ConfigurationPopup from '@/pages/settings/persistence/configuration-popup.vue'
import FilterPopup from '@/pages/settings/persistence/filter-popup.vue'
import cloneDeep from 'lodash/cloneDeep'
import fastDeepEqual from 'fast-deep-equal/es6'
const filterInvertedParameter = {
advanced: false,
description: 'Whether to invert the above filter, i.e. persist values that do not equal the above values or are outside of the specified range',
label: 'Inverted',
name: 'inverted',
required: false,
type: 'BOOLEAN'
export default {
mixins: [DirtyMixin],
components: {
'editor': () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "script-editor" */ '@/components/config/controls/script-editor.vue')
props: ['serviceId'],
data () {
return {
newPersistence: false,
persistence: {},
savedPersistence: {},
persistenceYaml: '',
ready: false,
loading: false,
currentTab: 'design',
currentConfiguration: null,
currentCronStrategy: null,
currentFilter: null,
predefinedStrategies: ['everyChange', 'everyUpdate', 'restoreOnStartup'],
// Filter configuration is completely based on these definitions, when adding new filters, no code needs to be updated.
// However, please note that some validation and checks are in place for some filter types in save(), editFilter(), saveFilter() and filter-popup.vue
filterTypes: [
name: 'thresholdFilters',
label: 'Threshold',
configDescriptionParameters: [
advanced: false,
description: 'Difference to last stored value that must be exceeded to persist a new value',
label: 'Value',
name: 'value',
required: true,
type: 'DECIMAL'
advanced: false,
description: 'Whether the difference is relative (i.e. in percent)',
label: 'Relative',
name: 'relative',
required: false,
type: 'BOOLEAN'
advanced: false,
description: 'Unit of the given value, only used for UoM Items and if relative is disabled',
label: 'Unit',
name: 'unit',
required: false,
type: 'STRING'
name: 'timeFilters',
label: 'Time',
configDescriptionParameters: [
advanced: false,
description: 'Amount of time that must have passed since the last value has been persisted',
label: 'Value',
name: 'value',
required: true,
type: 'DECIMAL'
advanced: false,
description: 'Time unit (defaults to seconds <code>s</code>)',
label: 'Unit',
name: 'unit',
required: false,
type: 'STRING'
name: 'equalsFilters',
label: 'Equals/Not Equals',
configDescriptionParameters: [
advanced: false,
description: 'Enter values separated by comma (use point <code>.</code> as decimal point), e.g. <code>one, two, three</code>, to be persisted',
label: 'Values',
name: 'values',
required: true,
type: ''
name: 'includeFilters',
label: 'Include/Exclude',
configDescriptionParameters: [
advanced: false,
description: 'Lower bound of the range of values to be persisted',
label: 'Lower Bound',
name: 'lower',
required: true,
type: 'DECIMAL'
advanced: false,
description: 'Upper bound of the range of values to be persisted',
label: 'Upper Bound',
name: 'upper',
required: true,
type: 'DECIMAL'
advanced: false,
description: 'Unit of the given bounds, only used for UoM Items',
label: 'Unit',
name: 'unit',
required: false,
type: 'STRING'
notEditableMgs: 'This persistence configuration is not editable because it has been provisioned from a file.'
computed: {
isEditable () {
return this.newPersistence || (this.persistence && this.persistence.editable === true)
strategies () {
return this.predefinedStrategies.concat( =>
filters () {
let names = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.filterTypes.length; i++) {
const filterTypeName = this.filterTypes[i].name
if (this.persistence[filterTypeName]) names = names.concat(this.persistence[filterTypeName].map((f) =>
return names
watch: {
persistence: {
handler: function (newPersistence, oldPersistence) {
if (!this.loading) { // ignore initial rule assignment
this.dirty = !fastDeepEqual(this.persistence, this.savedPersistence)
deep: true
methods: {
onPageAfterIn () {
if (this.ready) return
if (window) {
window.addEventListener('keydown', this.keyDown)
onPageBeforeOut () {
if (window) {
window.removeEventListener('keydown', this.keyDown)
initializeNewPersistence () {
this.newPersistence = true
this.persistence = {
serviceId: this.serviceId,
configs: [],
defaults: [
cronStrategies: [
name: 'everyMinute',
cronExpression: '0 * * ? * *'
name: 'everyHour',
cronExpression: '0 0 * * * ?'
name: 'everyDay',
cronExpression: '0 0 0 * * ?'
// Dynamically add empty arrays for all filter types defined in the filterTypes object
this.filterTypes.forEach((ft) => { this.persistence[] = [] })
this.ready = true
load () {
if (this.loading) return
this.loading = true
this.$oh.api.get('/rest/persistence/' + this.serviceId).then((data) => {
this.$set(this, 'persistence', data)
this.savedPersistence = cloneDeep(this.persistence)
this.loading = false
this.ready = true
}).catch((e) => {
if (e === 404 || e === 'Not Found') {
this.loading = false
this.ready = true
} else {
save (noToast) {
if (!this.isEditable) return
if (this.currentTab === 'code') this.fromYaml()
// Ensure arrays for all filter types defined in the filterTypes object are existent
this.filterTypes.forEach((ft) => {
if (!this.persistence[]) this.persistence[] = []
// Ensure relative is set on threshold filter, otherwise the save request fails with a 500
this.persistence.thresholdFilters.forEach((f) => {
if (f.relative === undefined) f.relative = false
// Ensure inverted is set for equals and include filter, otherwise the save request fails with a 500
this.persistence.equalsFilters.forEach((f) => {
if (f.inverted === undefined) f.inverted = false
this.persistence.includeFilters.forEach((f) => {
if (f.inverted === undefined) f.inverted = false
// Update the code tab
if (this.persistenceYaml) this.toYaml()
return this.$oh.api.put('/rest/persistence/' + this.persistence.serviceId, this.persistence).then((data) => {
this.dirty = false
if (this.newPersistence) {
this.newPersistence = false
this.ready = false
if (!noToast) {
text: 'Persistence configuration saved',
destroyOnClose: true,
closeTimeout: 2000
}).catch((err) => {
text: 'Error while saving persistence configuration: ' + err,
destroyOnClose: true,
closeTimeout: 2000
deletePersistence () {
`Are you sure you want to delete persistence configuration for ${this.serviceId}?`,
'Delete persistence configuration',
() => {
this.$oh.api.delete('/rest/persistence/' + this.serviceId).then(() => {
this.$f7router.back(`/settings/addons/persistence-${this.serviceId}/config`, { force: true })
showSwipeout (ev) {
let swipeoutElement =
ev.cancelBubble = true
while (!swipeoutElement.classList.contains('swipeout')) {
swipeoutElement = swipeoutElement.parentElement
if (swipeoutElement) {
editConfiguration (ev, index, configuration) {
if (!this.isEditable) return
this.currentConfiguration = configuration
const popup = {
component: ConfigurationPopup
url: 'configuration-config',
route: {
path: 'configuration-config',
}, {
props: {
configuration: this.currentConfiguration,
strategies: this.strategies,
filters: this.filters
this.$f7.once('configurationUpdate', (ev) => this.saveConfiguration(index, ev))
saveConfiguration (index, configuration) {
const idx = this.persistence.configs.findIndex((cfg) => cfg.items.join() === configuration.items.join())
if (idx !== -1 && idx !== index) {
this.$f7.dialog.alert('A configuration for this/these Item(s) already exists!')
this.saveModule('configs', index, configuration)
editCronStrategy (ev, index, cronStrategy) {
if (!this.isEditable) return
this.currentCronStrategy = cronStrategy
const popup = {
component: CronStrategyPopup
url: 'cron-strategy-config',
route: {
path: 'cron-strategy-config',
}, {
props: {
cronStrategy: this.currentCronStrategy
this.$f7.once('cronStrategyConfigUpdate', (ev) => this.saveCronStrategy(index, ev))
saveCronStrategy (index, cronStrategy) {
const idx = this.persistence.cronStrategies.findIndex((cs) => ===
if ((idx !== -1 && idx !== index) || this.predefinedStrategies.includes( {
this.$f7.dialog.alert('A (cron) strategy with the same name already exists!')
this.saveModule('cronStrategies', index, cronStrategy)
deleteCronStrategy (ev, index) {
// Remove cron strategy from configs, otherwise we get a 400
const csName = this.persistence.cronStrategies[index].name
this.persistence.configs.forEach((cfg) => {
const i = cfg.strategies.findIndex((cs) => cs === csName)
cfg.strategies.splice(i, 1)
this.deleteModule(ev, 'cronStrategies', index)
editFilter (ev, filterType, index, filter) {
if (!this.isEditable) return
this.currentFilter = filter
// Stringify values array from equals filter
if ( === 'equalsFilters' && filter) filter.values = filter.values.join(', ')
const popup = {
component: FilterPopup
url: 'filter-config',
route: {
path: 'filter-config',
}, {
props: {
filter: this.currentFilter,
filterType: filterType,
filterConfigDescriptionParameters: filterType.configDescriptionParameters
this.$f7.once('filterUpdate', (ev, ftn) => this.saveFilter(ftn, index, ev))
saveFilter (filterTypeName, index, filter) {
const idx = this.filters.findIndex((f) => f ===
if (index === null && idx !== -1) {
this.$f7.dialog.alert('A filter with the same name already exists!')
// Convert comma separated string to array for equals filter
if (filterTypeName === 'equalsFilters') filter.values = filter.values.split(',').map((v) => v.trim())
// Ensure that the filter type array exists.
// Even though the arrays are created when a new persistence config is initialized, we need this for existing, old configs.
if (!this.persistence[filterTypeName]) this.persistence[filterTypeName] = []
this.saveModule(filterTypeName, index, filter)
deleteFilter (ev, module, index) {
// Remove filter from configs, otherwise we get a 400
const filterName = this.persistence[module][index].name
this.persistence.configs.forEach((cfg) => {
const i = cfg.filters.findIndex((f) => f === filterName)
cfg.filters.splice(i, 1)
this.deleteModule(ev, module, index)
saveModule (module, index, updatedModule) {
if (index === null) {
console.debug(`Adding ${module}:`)
} else {
console.debug(`Updating ${module} at index ${index}:`)
this.persistence[module][index] = updatedModule
deleteModule (ev, module, index) {
let swipeoutElement =
if (!this.isEditable) return
ev.cancelBubble = true
while (!swipeoutElement.classList.contains('swipeout')) {
swipeoutElement = swipeoutElement.parentElement
this.$f7.swipeout.delete(swipeoutElement, () => {
console.debug(`Removing ${module}:`)
this.persistence[module].splice(index, 1)
onEditorInput (value) {
this.persistenceYaml = value
this.dirty = true
toYaml () {
const toCode = {
configurations: this.persistence.configs,
cronStrategies: this.persistence.cronStrategies,
defaultStrategies: this.persistence.defaults
this.filterTypes.forEach((ft) => {
toCode[] = this.persistence[]
this.persistenceYaml = YAML.stringify(toCode)
fromYaml () {
if (!this.isEditable) return false
try {
const updatedPersistence = YAML.parse(this.persistenceYaml)
this.$set(this.persistence, 'configs', updatedPersistence.configurations)
this.$set(this.persistence, 'cronStrategies', updatedPersistence.cronStrategies)
this.$set(this.persistence, 'defaults', updatedPersistence.defaultStrategies)
this.filterTypes.forEach((ft) => {
this.$set(this.persistence,, updatedPersistence[])
return true
} catch (e) {
return false
keyDown (ev) {
if ((ev.ctrlKey || ev.metaKey) && !(ev.altKey || ev.shiftKey)) {
switch (ev.keyCode) {
case 83:
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
<f7-list class="strategy-picker-container" v-if="strategies">
<f7-list-item :title="title" :smart-select="disabled !== true" :smart-select-params="smartSelectParams"
ref="smartSelect" class="defaults-picker">
<select v-if="disabled !== true" :name="name" multiple @change="select">
<option v-for="s in strategies" :key="s" :value="s"
{{ s }}
<div v-else>
{{ value.join(', ') }}
<style lang="stylus">
padding-left calc(var(--f7-list-item-padding-horizontal) / 2 + var(--f7-safe-area-left))
padding 0
display none
export default {
props: ['title', 'name', 'strategies', 'value', 'disabled'],
emits: ['strategiesSelected'],
data () {
return {
smartSelectParams: {
view: this.$f7.view.main,
openIn: 'popup',
virtualList: true,
virtualListHeight: (this.$theme.aurora) ? 32 : undefined
methods: {
select () {
const value = this.$refs.smartSelect.f7SmartSelect.getValue()
this.$emit('strategiesSelected', value)
Reference in New Issue