Comma-separated list of options; if omitted, retrieve the command options from the item dynamically. Use <code>value=label</code> format to provide a label different than the option.
Use a specific <aclass="external text-color-blue"target="_blank"href="">page transition animation</a>
| Option | Label |
| `f7-circle` | Circle |
| `f7-cover` | Cover |
| `f7-cover-v` | Cover from bottom |
| `f7-dive` | Dive |
| `f7-fade` | Fade |
| `f7-flip` | Flip |
| `f7-parallax` | Parallax |
| `f7-push` | Push |
-`actionModal`<small>TEXT</small>_Modal Page or Widget_
Configuration (prop values) for the target modal page or widget
-`actionPhotos`<small>TEXT</small>_Images to show_
Array of URLs or objects representing the images. Auto-refresh is not supported.<br/>Edit in YAML or provide a JSON array, e.g.<br/><code>[ "url1", { "item": "ImageItem1", "caption": "Camera" } ]</code><br/>Objects are in the <aclass="external text-color-blue"target="_blank"href="">photos array format</a> with an additional <code>item</code> property to specify an item to view.
Configuration for the photo browser.<br/>Edit in YAML or provide a JSON object, e.g.<br/><code>{ "exposition": false, "type": "popup", "theme": "dark" }</code><br/> See <aclass="external text-color-blue"target="_blank"href="">photo browser parameters</a> (not all are supported).
Shows a toast popup when the action has been executed. Can either be a text to show or a JSON object including some of the <aclass="external text-color-blue"target="_blank"href="">supported parameters</a>