301 lines
10 KiB
301 lines
10 KiB
"rule": {
"prefix": "rule",
"body": [
"rule \"${1:rule name}\"",
"description": "Add a quick openHAB textual rule"
"channel": {
"prefix": "chan",
"body": "Channel \"${1:example:channel:id}\" triggered ${2}",
"description": "Channel \"example:channel:id\" triggered - place in 'when' section"
"item changed": {
"prefix": "it",
"body": "Item ${1:Some_Item} changed ${2}",
"description": "Item Some_Item changed - place in 'when' section"
"item changed": {
"prefix": "item-in-rule-changed",
"body": "Item ${1:Some_Item} changed ${2}",
"description": "Item Some_Item changed - place in 'when' section"
"item received command": {
"prefix": "irc",
"body": "Item ${1:Some_Item} received command ${2}",
"description": "Item Some_Item received command - place in 'when' section"
"item received update": {
"prefix": "iru",
"body": "Item ${1:Some_Item} received update ${2}",
"description": "Item Some_Item received update - place in 'when' section"
"system started": {
"prefix": "ss",
"body": "System started",
"description": "System started - place in 'when' section"
"system shuts down": {
"prefix": "ssd",
"body": "System shuts down",
"description": "System shuts down - place in 'when' section"
"time": {
"prefix": "cron",
"body": "Time cron \"${1:cron_expression}\"",
"description": "Time cron expression - place in 'when' section"
"sendCommand": {
"prefix": "sc",
"body": "sendCommand(${1:Item}, ${2:COMMAND})",
"description": "Send command to an item"
"sendBroadcastNotification": {
"prefix": "sbn",
"body": "sendBroadcastNotification(\"${1:Message}\")",
"description": "openHAB Action: Send a broadcast notification e.g. to your phone"
"sendHttpGetRequest": {
"prefix": "sendHttpGet",
"body": "sendHttpGetRequest(\"${1:URL}\")",
"description": "openHAB Action: Sends an GET-HTTP request and returns the result as a String"
"sendHttpPutRequest": {
"prefix": "sendHttpPut",
"body": "sendHttpPutRequest(\"${1:URL}\", \"${2:contentType}\", \"${3:content}\")",
"description": "openHAB Action: Sends a PUT-HTTP request with the given content and returns the result as a String"
"sendHttpPostRequest": {
"prefix": "sendHttpPost",
"body": "sendHttpPostRequest(\"${1:URL}\", \"${2:contentType}\", \"${3:content}\")",
"description": "openHAB Action: Sends a POST-HTTP request with the given content and returns the result as a String"
"sendHttpDeleteRequest": {
"prefix": "sendHttpDelete",
"body": "sendHttpDeleteRequest(\"${1:URL}\")",
"description": "openHAB Action: Sends a DELETE-HTTP request and returns the result as a String"
"createTimer": {
"prefix": "createTimer",
"body": "createTimer(${1:instant}, ${2:procedure})",
"description": "openHAB Action: schedules a block of code to execute at a future time"
"getThingStatusInfo": {
"prefix": "getThingStatus",
"body": "getThingStatusInfo(\"${1:thingUID}\")",
"description": "openHAB Action: Gets status information of the given thing identified by `thingUID`"
"postUpdate": {
"prefix": "pu",
"body": "postUpdate(${1:Item}, ${2:COMMAND})",
"description": "Post update to an item"
"setMasterVolume": {
"prefix": "smv",
"body": "setMasterVolume(${1:volume})",
"description": "Sets the volume of the host machine (volume in range 0-1)"
"increaseMasterVolume": {
"prefix": "imv",
"body": "increaseMasterVolume(${1:percent})",
"description": "Increases the volume by the given percent"
"decreaseMasterVolume": {
"prefix": "dmv",
"body": "decreaseMasterVolume(${1:percent})",
"description": "Decreases the volume by the given percent"
"getMasterVolume": {
"prefix": "gmv",
"body": "getMasterVolume()",
"description": "Returns the current volume as a float between 0 and 1"
"playSound": {
"prefix": "playSound",
"body": "playSound(\"${1:filename}\")",
"description": "Plays the given sound file. The file must be an mp3 or wav and located in ${openhab.home}/sounds"
"playStream": {
"prefix": "pst",
"body": "playStream(\"${1:URI}\")",
"description": "Plays the audio stream at the given url"
"say": {
"prefix": "say",
"body": "say(\"${1:text}\")",
"description": "Says the given text through Text-to-Speech"
"say:v": {
"prefix": "say",
"body": "say(\"${1:text}\", \"${2:voice}\")",
"description": "Says the given text through the given voice (depends on the TTS engine and voices installed)"
"say:v:d": {
"prefix": "say",
"body": "say(\"${1:text}\", \"${2:voice}\", \"${3:device}\")",
"description": "Says the given text through the given voice to the given output device (Mac OSX only)."
"if": {
"prefix": "if",
"body": "if( ${1} ) {\n\t${2}\n}",
"description": "Simple if statement"
"if else": {
"prefix": "ife",
"body": "if( ${1} ) {\n\t${2}\n} else {\n\t${3}\n}\n",
"description": "Simple if else statement"
"logDebug": {
"prefix": "logDebug",
"body": "logDebug(\"${1:loggerName}\", \"${2:message}\")",
"description": "logDebug(String loggerName, String format, Object... args)"
"logInfo": {
"prefix": "logInfo",
"body": "logInfo(\"${1:loggerName}\", \"${2:message}\")",
"description": "logInfo(String loggerName, String format, Object... args)"
"logWarn": {
"prefix": "logWarn",
"body": "logWarn(\"${1:loggerName}\", \"${2:message}\")",
"description": "logWarn(String loggerName, String format, Object... args)"
"logError": {
"prefix": "logError",
"body": "logError(\"${1:loggerName}\", \"${2:message}\")",
"description": "logError(String loggerName, String format, Object... args)"
"persist": {
"prefix": "persist",
"body": "${1:Item}.persist",
"description": "<item>.persist - Persists the current state"
"lastUpdate": {
"prefix": "lastUpdate",
"body": "${1:Item}.lastUpdate",
"description": "<item>.lastUpdate - Query for the last update timestamp of a given item."
"historicState": {
"prefix": "historicState",
"body": "${1:Item}.historicState(${2:AbstractInstant})",
"description": "<item>.historicState(AbstractInstant) - Retrieves the historic item at a certain point in time"
"changedSince": {
"prefix": "cs",
"body": "${1:Item}.changedSince(${2:AbstractInstant})",
"description": "<item>.changedSince(AbstractInstant) - Checks if the state of the item has (ever) changed since a certain point in time"
"updatedSince": {
"prefix": "updatedSince",
"body": "${1:Item}.updatedSince(${2:AbstractInstant})",
"description": "<item>.updatedSince(AbstractInstant) - Checks if the state of the item has been updated since a certain point in time"
"maximumSince": {
"prefix": "maximumSince",
"body": "${1:Item}.maximumSince(${2:AbstractInstant})",
"description": "<item>.maximumSince(AbstractInstant) - Gets the Item with the maximum value (state) since a certain point in time"
"minimumSince": {
"prefix": "minimumSince",
"body": "${1:Item}.minimumSince(${2:AbstractInstant})",
"description": "<item>.minimumSince(AbstractInstant) - Gets the Item with the minimum value (state) since a certain point in time"
"averageSince": {
"prefix": "averageSince",
"body": "${1:Item}.averageSince(${2:AbstractInstant})",
"description": "<item>.averageSince(AbstractInstant) - Gets the average value of the state of a given item since a certain point in time."
"deltaSince": {
"prefix": "deltaSince",
"body": "${1:Item}.deltaSince(${2:AbstractInstant})",
"description": "<item>.deltaSince(AbstractInstant) - Gets the difference value of the state of a given item since a certain point in time."
"previousState": {
"prefix": "previousState",
"body": "${1:Item}.previousState()",
"description": "<item>.previousState() - Retrieves the previous item (returns HistoricItem).\n<item>.previousState(true) - Retrieves the previous item, skips items with equal state values and searches the first item with state not equal the current state (returns HistoricItem)."
"sumSince": {
"prefix": "sumSince",
"body": "${1:Item}.sumSince(${2:AbstractInstant})",
"description": "<item>.sumSince(AbstractInstant) - Retrieves the sum of the previous states since a certain point in time. (openHAB 1.8)"
"concurrency guard": {
"prefix": "concurrency",
"body": [
"import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock",
"var java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock lock = new java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock()",
"rule ConcurrentCode",
"\tItem ${1:Item} received update",
"\ttry {",
"\t\t// do stuff (e.g. create and start a timer ...)",
"\t} finally{",
"description": "If a rule triggers on UI events it may be necessary to guard against concurrency."
"Telegram action": {
"prefix": "telegram",
"body": "val telegramAction = getActions(\"telegram\",\"telegram:telegramBot:$1\" )",
"description": "Add telegram action"