355 lines
13 KiB
355 lines
13 KiB
"name": "openhab",
"displayName": "openHAB",
"description": "Robust tool for openHAB textual configurations. Includes code snippets, syntax highlighting, language server integration and more.",
"version": "0.4.1",
"publisher": "openhab",
"icon": "openhab.png",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/openhab/openhab-vscode.git"
"engines": {
"vscode": "^1.30.0"
"categories": [
"Programming Languages",
"activationEvents": [
"main": "./client/out/extension",
"contributes": {
"menus": {
"editor/title": [
"when": "resourceLangId == openhab",
"command": "openhab.basicUI",
"group": "navigation"
"view/title": [
"command": "openhab.command.refreshEntry",
"when": "view == openhabItems",
"group": "navigation"
"command": "openhab.command.refreshEntry",
"when": "view == openhabThings",
"group": "navigation"
"view/item/context": [
"command": "openhab.command.showInPaperUI",
"when": "view == openhabItems"
"command": "openhab.command.showInPaperUI",
"when": "view == openhabThings && viewItem == thing"
"command": "openhab.command.copyName",
"when": "view == openhabItems"
"command": "openhab.command.copyName",
"when": "view == openhabThings"
"command": "openhab.command.items.copyState",
"when": "view == openhabItems && viewItem != statelessItem && viewItem != statelessGroup"
"command": "openhab.command.items.addToSitemap",
"when": "view == openhabItems"
"command": "openhab.command.things.addItems",
"when": "view == openhabThings"
"command": "openhab.command.items.addRule",
"when": "view == openhabItems"
"command": "openhab.command.things.copyUID",
"when": "view == openhabThings"
"command": "openhab.command.things.docs",
"when": "view == openhabThings && viewItem == thing"
"keybindings": [
"when": "resourceLangId == openhab",
"command": "openhab.basicUI",
"key": "ctrl+alt+o",
"mac": "cmd+alt+o"
"commands": [
"command": "openhab.searchCommunity",
"title": "openHAB: Search in Community Forum"
"command": "openhab.openKaraf",
"title": "openHAB: Open Karaf console"
"command": "openhab.command.showInPaperUI",
"title": "Show in Paper UI"
"command": "openhab.command.items.addRule",
"title": "Create a Rule"
"command": "openhab.command.items.addToSitemap",
"title": "Insert into Sitemap"
"command": "openhab.command.copyName",
"title": "Copy Name"
"command": "openhab.command.items.copyState",
"title": "Copy State"
"command": "openhab.command.things.copyUID",
"title": "Copy UID"
"command": "openhab.command.things.addItems",
"title": "Create Items from Channels"
"command": "openhab.command.things.docs",
"title": "Binding documentation"
"command": "openhab.command.refreshEntry",
"title": "Refresh",
"icon": {
"light": "resources/light/refresh.svg",
"dark": "resources/dark/refresh.svg"
"command": "openhab.basicUI",
"title": "openHAB: Open Basic UI",
"icon": {
"light": "./images/oh_color.svg",
"dark": "./images/oh.svg"
"configuration": {
"type": "object",
"title": "openHAB Configuration",
"properties": {
"openhab.useRestApi": {
"type": "boolean",
"default": true,
"description": "Connects to openHAB REST API if set to true. If not, Items tree view and things tree view are disabled."
"openhab.host": {
"type": [
"default": "openhabianpi",
"description": "Specifies the URL or IP address for the openHAB preview. (Use 'localhost' when developing locally)"
"openhab.port": {
"type": [
"default": 8080,
"description": "Specifies the port for the openHAB preview."
"openhab.remoteLspPort": {
"type": [
"default": 5007,
"description": "Specifies the port where openHAB is running its Language Server."
"openhab.remoteLspEnabled": {
"type": [
"default": true,
"description": "Enables communication with Language Server of openHAB instance."
"openhab.username": {
"type": [
"default": "",
"description": "(optional) Specifies the Basic Auth username for accessing the openHAB preview/REST API"
"openhab.password": {
"type": [
"default": "",
"description": "(optional) Specifies the Basic Auth password for accessing the openHAB preview/REST API"
"openhab.paperPath": {
"type": [
"default": "paperui",
"description": "(optional) If you're using openHAB2 build from before 9th Jan 2017, change this parameter to 'ui'"
"openhab.karafCommand": {
"type": [
"default": "ssh openhab@%openhabhost% -p 8101",
"description": "Directly log into openHAB Karaf console. Note that this option is available only if you exposed Karaf console."
"openhab.sitemapPreviewUI": {
"type": [
"default": "basicui",
"description": "(optional) Choose between `basicui` and `classicui` for the sitemap preview panel"
"openhab.itemCasing": {
"type": "string",
"default": "camel",
"enum": [
"markdownDescription": "Choose how the `Create Items from Channels` command generates Item names. Use `camel` for `CamelCase` or `snake` for `Upper_Snake_Case`."
"languages": [
"id": "openhab",
"aliases": [
"extensions": [
"configuration": "./language-configuration.json"
"grammars": [
"language": "openhab",
"scopeName": "source.openhab",
"path": "./syntaxes/openhab.tmLanguage.json"
"viewsContainers": {
"activitybar": [
"id": "openhab",
"title": "openHAB",
"icon": "images/oh.svg"
"views": {
"openhab": [
"id": "openhabItems",
"name": "Items",
"when": "resourceLangId == openhab"
"id": "openhabThings",
"name": "Things",
"when": "resourceLangId == openhab"
"snippets": [
"language": "openhab",
"path": "./snippets/openhab.json"
"language": "openhab",
"path": "./snippets/openhab_items.json"
"language": "openhab",
"path": "./snippets/openhab_rules.json"
"language": "openhab",
"path": "./snippets/openhab_rules_designpattern.json"
"language": "openhab",
"path": "./snippets/openhab_rules_typeconversions.json"
"language": "openhab",
"path": "./snippets/openhab_sitemaps.json"
"iconThemes": [
"id": "openhab",
"label": "openHAB",
"path": "./fileicons/openhab-icon-theme.json"
"scripts": {
"compile": "tsc -b",
"watch": "tsc -b -w",
"postinstall": "cd client && npm install && cd ../serverJS && npm install && cd ..",
"test": "cd client && npm test && cd ../serverJS && npm test && cd ..",
"clean": "rm -rf node_modules && rm -rf **/node_modules && rm -rf **/out",
"pruneProduction": "npm prune --production && cd client && npm prune --production && cd ../serverJS && npm prune --production && cd ..",
"build": "npm run clean && npm install && npm run compile && npm run test && npm run pruneProduction",
"package": "npm run build && vsce package",
"publish": "npm run build && vsce publish"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/form-data": "^2.2.1",
"@types/lodash": "^4.14.119",
"@types/node": "^8.10.0",
"@types/request": "^2.48.1",
"@types/request-promise-native": "^1.0.15",
"jest": "^23.6.0",
"request-promise-native": "^1.0.5",
"typescript": "^3.2.2"