220 lines
12 KiB
220 lines
12 KiB
# This function converts a "source" file to something looking good in VuePress,
# adding, replacing and stuff
require "fileutils"
require "net/http"
require "uri"
require "rexml/document"
def process_file(indir, file, outdir, source)
in_frontmatter = false
frontmatter_processed = false
has_source = false
has_logo = false
obsolete_binding = false
og_title = 'openHAB'
og_description = 'a vendor and technology agnostic open source automation software for your home'
if !File.exists?("#{indir}/#{file}") then
puts "process_file: IGNORING (NON-EXISTING): #{indir}/#{file}"
File.open("#{outdir}/#{file}", "w+") { |out|
File.open("#{indir}/#{file}").each { |line|
next if line =~ /^layout: documentation/
next if line =~ /^layout: tutorial/
next if line =~ /^layout: developers/
next if line =~ /^layout: intro/
next if line =~ /^{% include base.html %}/
next if line =~ /\{: #/
next if line =~ /\{::options/
next if line =~ /TOC/
next if line =~ /no_toc/
has_source = true if in_frontmatter && line =~ /^source:/
has_logo = true if in_frontmatter && line =~ /^logo:/
if in_frontmatter && line =~ /^title:/ then
og_title = line.gsub('title: ', '').gsub("\n", "")
if in_frontmatter && line =~ /^description:/ then
og_description = line.gsub('description: ', '').gsub("\n", "").gsub('[', '').gsub(']', '').gsub(/\(http[:\/\-0-9A-Za-z\.]+\)/, '')
if line =~ /^---$/ then
if !in_frontmatter then
in_frontmatter = true
elsif !frontmatter_processed
if !has_source && source then
# Prefer already present source
out.puts "source: #{source}"
elsif !has_source
# Try to determine the source
outdir_parts = outdir.split('/')
outdir_parts[1] = "binding" if outdir_parts[1] == "bindings"
outdir_parts[1] = "transform" if outdir_parts[1] == "transformations"
outdir_parts[1] = "io" if outdir_parts[1] == "integrations"
if (outdir_parts[0] == "addons") then
addon_type = outdir_parts[1]
addon = file.split('/')[0]
source = ""
if addon == "habpanel" then
puts " (add-on is habpanel)"
source = "https://github.com/openhab/openhab-webui/blob/main/bundles/org.openhab.ui.habpanel/README.md"
elsif addon == "zigbee" then
puts " (add-on is zigbee)"
source = "https://github.com/openhab/org.openhab.binding.zigbee/blob/main/org.openhab.binding.zigbee/README.md"
elsif addon == "zwave" && !(file =~ /things/) then
puts " (add-on is zwave)"
source = "https://github.com/openhab/org.openhab.binding.zwave/blob/main/README.md"
elsif !(file =~ /things/) then
puts " (add-on is from openhab-addons)"
source = "https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/blob/main/addons/#{addon_type}/org.openhab.#{addon_type}.#{addon}/README.md"
out.puts "source: #{source}" if source != ""
# For sub-bundles, set the "prev" link to the main add-on
out.puts "prev: ../#{addon.split('.')[0]}/" if addon.include?('.')
# Prev link to the main binding doc for zwave/doc/things.md
out.puts "prev: ../" if file == 'zwave/doc/things.md'
# Add OpenGraph tags
out.puts "meta:"
out.puts " - property: og:title"
out.puts " content: \"#{og_title.gsub('"', '\"')}\""
out.puts " - property: og:description"
out.puts " content: #{og_description}"
in_frontmatter = false
frontmatter_processed = true
# Replace the Jekyll "contribution wanted" include file by custom VuePress markup
line = "[[toc]]" if line =~ /\{:toc/
if line =~ /\{% include contribution-wanted.html %\}/
out.puts "::: tip Contribution Wanted"
out.puts "Please help us improve the documentation! "
out.puts "If you'd like to leave corrections, additions or comments for this article or any other part of this website, please drop a word at:"
out.puts "[Documentation Issue Tracker](#{$docs_repo}/issues)"
out.puts ":::"
# Actions and transformations are currently partly in add-ons, copy the content above the list of add-ons
if line =~ /^More details regarding this and other Transformation services can be found in the individual transformation articles linked below./
out.puts ""
out.puts ":::tip"
out.puts "You can find the available transformation services [here](https://www.openhab.org/addons/#transform)."
out.puts ":::"
out.puts ""
break if line =~ /^## Installable Actions/
# Remove collapsibles in Linux install document and replace them by regular headings
next if line =~ /include collapsible/ && file =~ /linux/
line = "##### " + line if line =~ /^Apt Based Systems/ && file =~ /linux/
line = "##### " + line if line =~ /^Yum or Dnf Based Systems/ && file =~ /linux/
line = "##### " + line if line =~ /^Systems based on/ && file =~ /linux/
# Fix headers for some pages
line = line.gsub(/^##/, "#") if (outdir == "docs/configuration/ui" && (file =~ /basic/ || file =~ /classic/)) || file == 'astro1/readme.md'
# Fix broken links in the package selection article
if outdir == 'docs/configuration' && file =~ /packages/ then
line = line.gsub('(../addons/uis/paper/readme.html)', '(paperui.html)')
line = line.gsub('(../addons/uis/basic/readme.html)', '(ui/basic/)')
line = line.gsub('(../addons/uis/classic/readme.html)', '(ui/classic/)')
line = line.gsub('(../addons/uis/habmin/readme.html)', '(ui/habmin/)')
line = line.gsub('(../addons/uis/habpanel/readme.html)', '(habpanel.html)')
# Handle obsolete bindings
if in_frontmatter && (line =~ /label: / || line =~ /title: /) && outdir == 'addons/bindings' && file =~ /1\// then
addon = file.split('/')[0]
if !$ignore_bindings.include?(addon.gsub('1', '')) && Dir.exists?("#{indir}/#{addon.gsub('1', '')}") then
line = line.gsub("\n", "") + ' (1.x)' if !(line =~ /1\.x/)
if !obsolete_binding then
obsolete_binding = true
out.puts "obsolete: true"
puts " obsolete!"
# Expand <!--list-subs--> comments with a list of links
# (https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome/issues/5571)
if line =~ /<!--\s*list-subs\s*-->/ then
sub_addons = get_subs_links(file.split('/')[0], indir)
sub_addons.each { |sub|
out.puts "- [#{sub[1]}](../#{sub[0]}/)"
# Replace links to generated docs in ZWave's things.md by links to the internal viewer
line = line.gsub(/]\((.*)\/(.*)\)/, '](../thing.html?manufacturer=\1&file=\2)') if file == 'zwave/doc/things.md'
# Misc replaces (relative links, remove placeholder interpreted as custom tags)
line = line.gsub('http://docs.openhab.org/addons/uis/paper/readme.html', '/docs/configuration/paperui.html')
line = line.gsub('http://docs.openhab.org/addons/uis/habpanel/readme.html', '/docs/configuration/habpanel.html')
line = line.gsub('http://docs.openhab.org/addons/uis/habmin/readme.html', '/docs/configuration/habmin.html')
line = line.gsub('http://docs.openhab.org/addons/uis/basic/readme.html', '/docs/configuration/ui/basic/')
line = line.gsub(/http:\/\/docs\.openhab\.org\/addons\/(.*)\/(.*)\/readme\.html/, '/addons/\1/\2/')
line = line.gsub('http://docs.openhab.org/', '/docs/')
line = line.gsub('/addons/io/', '/addons/integrations/')
line = line.gsub("{{base}}/", "./docs/")
line = line.gsub("{{docu}}/", "./docs/")
line = line.gsub("(images/", "(./images/")
line = line.gsub("src=\"images/", "src=\"./images/")
line = line.gsub("]:images/", "]:./images/")
line = line.gsub("](doc/", "](./doc/")
line = line.gsub("(diagrams/", "(./diagrams/")
line = line.gsub("./docs/tutorials/beginner/", "/docs/tutorial/")
line = line.gsub("./docs/", "/docs/")
line = line.gsub("<activeState>", '\<activeState\>')
line = line.gsub("<passiveState>", '\<passiveState\>')
line = line.gsub("(?<!`)<dimension>(?!`)", '\<dimension\>')
line = line.gsub("<TransformProgram>", '\<TransformProgram\>')
line = line.gsub("<FlahshbriefingDeviceID>", '`<FlahshbriefingDeviceID>`') if file =~ /amazonechocontrol/
line = line.gsub("<SerialNumber>", '<SerialNumber>') if file =~ /airvisualnode/
line = line.gsub("<version>", '<version>') if file =~ /caldav/
line = line.gsub("by <step>", 'by `<step>`') if file =~ /ipx8001/
line = line.gsub("<BR>", '<BR/>')
line = line.gsub("'<package name>:<widget ID>'", '`<package name>:<widget ID>`') if file =~ /lametrictime/
line = line.gsub("<mac address of bridge>", '`<mac address of bridge>`') if file =~ /milight/
line = line.gsub("<mac>", '`<mac>`') if file =~ /milight/
line = line.gsub("<type of bulb>", '`<type of bulb>`') if file =~ /milight/
line = line.gsub("<IP-Address of bridge>", '`<IP-Address of bridge>`') if file =~ /milight/
line = line.gsub("<bulb>", '`<bulb>`') if file =~ /milight/
line = line.gsub("<zone>", '`<zone>`') if file =~ /milight/
line = line.gsub("[](", '[here](') if file =~ /powermax1/
line = line.gsub("<n>", '<n>') if file =~ /rfxcom/
line = line.gsub(" <value> ", ' <value> ') if file =~ /zibase/
line = line.gsub("<username>", '<username>') if file =~ /zoneminder/
line = line.gsub("<password>", '<password>') if file =~ /zoneminder/
line = line.gsub("<yourzmip>", '<yourzmip>') if file =~ /zoneminder/
line = line.gsub(" <chatId> ", ' <chatId> ') if file =~ /telegram/
line = line.gsub(" <token> ", ' <token> ') if file =~ /telegram/
line = line.gsub("<regular expression>", '\<regular expression\>')
line = line.gsub('src="images/', 'src="./images/') if outdir =~ /apps/
line = line.gsub('](/images/', '](./images/') if outdir =~ /google-assistant/
line = line.gsub(/\{:(style|target).*\}/, '') # Jekyll inline attributes syntax not supported
out.puts line
# Add the components for the versions dropdown and the edit link
out.puts '<EditPageLink/>'