Kai Kreuzer 723689da72
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Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <>
2018-03-15 21:10:51 +01:00
.. updated generated content 2018-03-15 21:10:51 +01:00

id label title type description since install
seneye Seneye Seneye - Bindings binding This binding integrates the [Seneye aquarium monitoring system]( 2x auto

{% include base.html %}

Seneye Binding

This binding integrates the Seneye aquarium monitoring system.


The seneye monitor monitors what is happening inside your aquarium to ensure that the aquatic life remains healthy. The monitor allows you to continuously track the changes in the water parameters, alerting you to the problems before they affect the fish.

At least one Seneye monitor is required (Home / pond or reef) and the measure results must be synced to the seneye cloud by using a seneye web server (see shop, there is one for wifi and one for a wired network) Each monitor is represented by one seneye thing.

Supported Things

This binding provides one thing type: 'seneye'. You can have multiple seneye devices in your home, just make sure that your aquarium_name is properly set for each seneye thing.


Discovery is not supported, the seneye monitor must be configured manually

Thing Configuration

The following settings must be configured in order to make your seneye binding work:

aquarium_name The name of the aquarium, as specified in
Useful to distinguish multiple seneye installations.
username Your login name for
password Your password for
poll_time How often (in minutes) should the seneye account be checked.


The following channels are supported:

Channel Type ID Item Type Description
temperature String The water temperature
ph String The PH level of the water
nh3 String The level of Ammonia (NH3) in the water
nh4 String The level of Ammonium (NH4) in the water
O2 String The level of oxygene in the water
lux String The lux level of your aquarium lightning, if available
par String The par level of your aquarium lightning, if available
kelvin String The kelvin level of your aquarium lightning, if available
lastreading DateTime The moment when the last readings are received from the monitor
slideexpires DateTime The moment when the current slide will expire

Full example

A manual configuration through a things/seneye.things file could look like this:

Thing seneye:seneye:mySeneye "Seneye" @ "Living Room" [aquarium_name="MyAquarium", username="", password="xxx", poll_time=5]

A manual configuration through a demo.items file could look like this:

String mySeneye_Temperature  "Temp [%s] C"        { channel="seneye:seneye:mySeneye:temperature" }
String mySeneye_PH           "PH [%s]"            { channel="seneye:seneye:mySeneye:ph" }
String mySeneye_NH3          "NH3 [%s]"           { channel="seneye:seneye:mySeneye:nh3" }

The sitemap could look like this:

sitemap home label="My home" {
    Frame label="Aquarium" {
        Text item=mySeneye_Temperature label="Temperature [%.1f °C]" icon="temperature"
        Text item=mySeneye_PH label="PH [%.1f]" icon="water"
        Text item=mySeneye_NH3 label="NH3 [%.1f]" icon="water"