Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <> |
.. | || |
id | label | title | type | description | source | since | logo | install |
nest | Nest | Nest - Bindings | binding | [Nest Labs]( developed/acquired the Wi-Fi enabled Nest Learning Thermostat, the Nest Protect Smoke+CO detector, and the Nest Cam. These devices are supported by this binding, which communicates with the Nest API over a secure, RESTful API to Nest's servers. Monitoring ambient temperature and humidity, changing HVAC mode, changing heat or cool setpoints, monitoring and changing your 'home/away' status, and monitoring your Nest Protects and Nest Cams can be accomplished through this binding. | | 1x | images/addons/nest.png | legacy |
{% include base.html %}
Nest Binding
Nest Labs developed/acquired the Wi-Fi enabled Nest Learning Thermostat, the Nest Protect Smoke+CO detector, and the Nest Cam. These devices are supported by this binding, which communicates with the Nest API over a secure, RESTful API to Nest's servers. Monitoring ambient temperature and humidity, changing HVAC mode, changing heat or cool setpoints, monitoring and changing your "home/away" status, and monitoring your Nest Protects and Nest Cams can be accomplished through this binding.
In order to use this binding, you will have to register as a Nest Developer and register a new Product (free and instant).
Make sure to grant all the permissions you intend to use. When in doubt, enable the permission, because you will otherwise have to reauthorize the binding if you later have to change the permissions.
Leave the Redirect URI field blank for PIN-based authorization. At this point, you will have your client_id
(Product ID) and client_secret
(Product Secret).
Once you've created your product as above, paste the Authorization URL into a new tab in your browser. This will have you login to your normal Nest account (if not already logged in), and will then present the PIN. Prepare to copy and paste your values for client_id
, client_secret
and pin_code
in order to configure the binding.
Binding Configuration
This binding can be configured in the file services/nest.cfg
Property | Default | Required | Description |
client_id | Yes | the Product ID for the product you created | |
client_secret | Yes | the Product Secret for the product you created | |
pin_code | Yes | the PIN code that was generated when you authorized your account to allow this product | |
refresh | 60000 | No | Data refresh interval in milliseconds (60000ms is one minute) ⚠️ Setting the refresh aggressively may cause you to hit data rate limits. Nest documentation recommends the refresh not be set lower than 60000 (the default value): "To avoid errors, we recommend you limit requests to one call per minute, maximum." |
timeout | 10000 | No | HTTP request timeout in milliseconds |
Item configuration
The syntax for the Nest item configuration string is explained below.
Nest bindings start with a symbol character to indicate if the item receives values from the API (in binding <
), sends values to the API (out binding >
), or both (bidirectional binding =
The first character is then followed by a section between square brackets ([and ] characters):
where <property>
is one of a long list of properties than you can read and optionally change. See the list below, and then read the Nest API Reference for all specifics as to their meanings.
Since device and structure identifiers are very long, cryptic strings that are hard to learn, binding configurations allow you to use the device's textual name as a reference. Whatever name you see in the web or mobile client is the name you would supply in an Item's binding configuration. So, for example, in order to determine the current humidity detected at the thermostat named 'Living Room', your binding configuration would look like this:
Number NestTStat_humidity "Humidity [%d %%]" {nest="<[thermostats(Living Room).humidity]"}
Handling special characters
With the convenience of using simple names for structures, thermostats and smoke+CO detectors, comes the price of having to handle special characters in the names. Any characters in a name that could interfere with the parsing of the binding configuration string need to be either 1) removed from the device name in your account at, or 2) replaced with "URL-encoded" versions. The characters that have to be replaced are [
, ]
, (
, )
, ,
, .
and +
. Here are some examples:
What you see at | The escaped version to use in the Nest binding |
Dining Room (Ground Floor) | Dining Room %28Ground Floor%29 |
Den Smoke+CO | Den Smoke%2BCO |
123 Main St. | 123 Main St%2E |
Bogota, Colombia | Bogota%2C Colombia |
[Basement] | %5BBasement%5D |
To reiterate, you could change the display names of your devices at, and thereby avoid having to put escaped versions in your binding configuration strings.
In order to change the current HVAC mode of the Living room thermostat between off
, eco
, heat
, cool
and heat-cool
, your item would look like:
String NestTStat_hvac_mode "HVAC Mode [%s]" {nest="=[thermostats(Living Room).hvac_mode]"}
When you update or send a command to the item with one of the five possible valid strings, you will change the HVAC mode.
Below are some examples of valid binding configuration strings, as you would define in the your items file. The examples represent the current set of available properties, and for each property, the example shows if it is an in-binding (<
) only (read-only), an out-binding (>
) only (write-only), or a bidirectional (=
) (read/write) binding only. Note, however, that if a read/write property is only authorized for read-only access in the Nest Product you authorized, an attempt to change its value will fail.
In this example, there is a Nest structure called Home
, a Thermostat called Upstairs
, a Smoke/CO Sensor called Master Bedroom
and a Nest Cam called Dining Room
/* Nest binding Items */
DateTime Nest_last_connection "Last Nest Connection [%1$tm/%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" {nest="<[last_connection]"}
/* Structures - change Home to your structure's name */
String NestHome_name "Name [%s]" {nest="=[structures(Home).name]"} // writeable as of 1.9
String NestHome_country_code "Country Code [%s]" {nest="<[structures(Home).country_code]"}
String NestHome_postal_code "Postal Code [%s]" {nest="<[structures(Home).postal_code]"}
String NestHome_time_zone "Time Zone [%s]" {nest="<[structures(Home).time_zone]"}
String NestHome_away "Away [%s]" {nest="=[structures(Home).away]"}
String NestHome_structure_id "Structure Id [%s]" {nest="<[structures(Home).structure_id]"}
Switch NestHome_rhr_enrollment "Rush Hour Rewards Enrollment [%s]" {nest="<[structures(Home).rhr_enrollment]"} // as of 1.9
String NestHome_wwn_security_state "Structure security state [%s]" {nest="<[structures(Home).wwn_security_state]"} // "ok" or "deter"
String NestHome_co_alarm_state "Home CO [%s]" {nest="<[structures(Home).co_alarm_state]"} // as of 1.9
String NestHome_smoke_alarm_state "Home Smoke [%s]" {nest="<[structures(Home).smoke_alarm_state]"} // as of 1.9
/* Thermostats - change Upstairs to your thermostat's name */
Number NestTStat_humidity "Humidity [%d %%]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).humidity]"}
String NestTStat_locale "Locale [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).locale]"}
String NestTStat_temperature_scale "Temperature Scale [%s]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).temperature_scale]"} // writeable as of 1.9
Switch NestTStat_is_using_emergency_heat "Is using emergency heat [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).is_using_emergency_heat]"}
Switch NestTStat_has_fan "Has Fan [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).has_fan]"}
String NestTStat_software_version "Software Version [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).software_version]"}
Switch NestTStat_has_leaf "Has Leaf [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).has_leaf]"}
String NestTStat_device_id "Device Id [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).device_id]"}
String NestTStat_name "Name [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).name]"}
Switch NestTStat_can_heat "Can Heat [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).can_heat]"}
Switch NestTStat_can_cool "Can Cool [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).can_cool]"}
String NestTStat_hvac_mode "HVAC Mode [%s]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).hvac_mode]"}
Number NestTStat_target_temperature_c "Target Temperature [%.1f °C]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).target_temperature_c]"}
Number NestTStat_target_temperature_f "Target Temperature [%.1f °F]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).target_temperature_f]"}
Number NestTStat_target_temperature_high_c "Target Temperature High [%.1f °C]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).target_temperature_high_c]"}
Number NestTStat_target_temperature_high_f "Target Temperature High [%.1f °F]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).target_temperature_high_f]"}
Number NestTStat_target_temperature_low_c "Target Temperature Low [%.1f °C]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).target_temperature_low_c]"}
Number NestTStat_target_temperature_low_f "Target Temperature Low [%.1f °F]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).target_temperature_low_f]"}
Number NestTStat_ambient_temperature_c "Ambient Temperature [%.1f °C]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).ambient_temperature_c]"}
Number NestTStat_ambient_temperature_f "Ambient Temperature [%.1f °F]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).ambient_temperature_f]"}
Number NestTStat_eco_temperature_high_c "Eco Temperature High [%.1f °C]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).eco_temperature_high_c]"} // as of 1.9
Number NestTStat_eco_temperature_high_f "Eco Temperature High [%.1f °F]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).eco_temperature_high_f]"} // as of 1.9
Number NestTStat_eco_temperature_low_c "Eco Temperature Low [%.1f °C]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).eco_temperature_low_c]"} // as of 1.9
Number NestTStat_eco_temperature_low_f "Eco Temperature Low [%.1f °F]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).eco_temperature_low_f]"} // as of 1.9
Number NestTStat_away_temperature_high_c "Away Temperature High [%.1f °C]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).away_temperature_high_c]"} // deprecated
Number NestTStat_away_temperature_high_f "Away Temperature High [%.1f °F]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).away_temperature_high_f]"} // deprecated
Number NestTStat_away_temperature_low_c "Away Temperature Low [%.1f °C]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).away_temperature_low_c]"} // deprecated
Number NestTStat_away_temperature_low_f "Away Temperature Low [%.1f °F]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).away_temperature_low_f]"} // deprecated
String NestTStat_structure_id "Structure ID [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).structure_id]"}
Switch NestTStat_fan_timer_active "Fan Timer Active [%s]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).fan_timer_active]"}
DateTime NestTStat_fan_timer_timeout "Fan Timer Timeout [%1$tm/%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" <calendar> {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).fan_timer_timeout]"}
String NestTStat_name_long "Name Long [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).name_long]"}
Switch NestTStat_is_online "Is Online [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).is_online]"}
DateTime NestTStat_last_connection "Last Connection [%1$tm/%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" <calendar> {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).last_connection]"}
String NestTStat_hvac_state "HVAC State [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).hvac_state]"} // as of 1.7.1
String NestTStat_where_id "Where ID [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).where_id]"} // as of 1.9
Switch NestTStat_is_locked "Is Locked [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).is_locked]"} // as of 1.9
String NestTStat_locked_temp_min_f "Locked Temp Min [%s °F]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).locked_temp_min_f]"} // as of 1.9, yes it's a String
String NestTStat_locked_temp_max_f "Locked Temp Max [%s °F]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).locked_temp_max_f]"} // as of 1.9, yes it's a String
String NestTStat_locked_temp_min_c "Locked Temp Min [%s °C]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).locked_temp_min_c]"} // as of 1.9, yes it's a String
String NestTStat_locked_temp_max_c "Locked Temp Max [%s °C]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).locked_temp_max_c]"} // as of 1.9, yes it's a String
String NestTStat_label "Label [%s]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).label]"} // as of 1.9
Switch NestTStat_sunlight_correction_enabled "Sunlight Correction Enabled" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).sunlight_correction_enabled]"} // as of 1.9
Switch NestTStat_sunlight_correction_active "Sunlight Correction Active" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).sunlight_correction_active]"} // as of 1.9
String NestTStat_where_name "Where Name [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).where_name]"} // as of 1.9
Number NestTStat_fan_timer_duration "Fan Timer Duration [%d]" {nest="=[thermostats(Upstairs).fan_timer_duration]"} // as of 1.9
String NestTStat_time_to_target "Time to target temp. [%s min]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).time_to_target]"} // as of 1.9
String NestTStat_time_to_target_training "Time to target training [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).time_to_target_training]"} // as of 1.9
String NestTStat_previous_hvac_mode "Previous HVAC Mode [%s]" {nest="<[thermostats(Upstairs).previous_hvac_mode]"} // as of 1.9
/* Smoke+CO detectors - change Master Bedroom to your Smoke+CO detector's name */
String NestSmoke_name "Name [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).name]"}
String NestSmoke_locale "Locale [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).locale]"}
String NestSmoke_structure_id "Structure Id [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).structure_id]"}
String NestSmoke_software_version "Software Version [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).software_version]"}
String NestSmoke_device_id "Device Id [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).device_id]"}
String NestSmoke_name_long "Name Long [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).name_long]"}
Switch NestSmoke_is_online "Is Online [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).is_online]"}
String NestSmoke_where_id "Where ID [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).where_id]"} // as of 1.9
String NestSmoke_where_name "Where Name [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).where_name]"} // as of 1.9
DateTime NestSmoke_last_connection "Last Connection [%1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <calendar> {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).last_connection]"}
String NestSmoke_battery_health "Battery Health [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).battery_health]"}
String NestSmoke_smoke_alarm_state "Smoke Alarm State [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).smoke_alarm_state]"}
String NestSmoke_co_alarm_state "CO Alarm State [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).co_alarm_state]"}
String NestSmoke_ui_color_state "UI Color State [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).ui_color_state]"}
Switch NestSmoker_is_manual_test_active "Is Manual Test Active [%s]" {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).is_manual_test_active]"}
DateTime NestSmoke_last_manual_test_time "Last Manual Test Time [%1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <calendar> {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Master Bedroom).last_manual_test_time]"}
/* Nest Cams (available as of openHAB 1.8) -- changing Dining Room to your Cam's name */
String NestCam_device_id "Cam Device ID [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).device_id]"}
String NestCam_software_Version "Cam S/W Version [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).software_version]"}
String NestCam_where_id "Where ID [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).where_id]"} // as of 1.9
String NestCam_where_name "Where Name [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).where_name]"} // as of 1.9
String NestCam_name "Cam Name [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).name]"}
String NestCam_name_long "Cam Name Long [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).name_long]"}
Switch NestCam_is_online "Cam Online [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).is_online]"}
Switch NestCam_is_streaming "Cam Streaming [%s]" {nest="=[cameras(Dining Room).is_streaming]"}
Switch NestCam_is_audio_input_enabled "Cam Audio Input Enabled [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).is_audio_input_enabled]"}
DateTime NestCam_last_is_online_change "Cam Last Online Change [%1$tm/%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_is_online_change]"}
Switch NestCam_is_video_history_enabled "Cam Video History Enabled [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).is_video_history_enabled]"}
String NestCam_web_url "Cam Web URL [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).web_url]"}
String NestCam_app_url "Cam App URL [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).app_url]"}
Switch NestCam_is_public_share_enabled "Cam Public Share Enabled [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).is_public_share_enabled]"} // as of 1.9
String NestCam_public_share_url "Cam Public Share Url [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).public_share_url]"} // as of 1.9
String NestCam_snapshot_url "Cam Snapshot URL [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).snapshot_url]"} // as of 1.9
/* All last_event.* binding config strings require a Nest Aware with Video History subscription */
Switch NestCam_last_event_has_sound "Cam Last Event Has Sound [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_event.has_sound]"}
Switch NestCam_last_event_has_motion "Cam Last Event Has Motion [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_event.has_motion]"}
Switch NestCam_last_event_has_person "Cam Last Event Has Person [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_event.has_person]"}
DateTime NestCam_last_event_start_time "Cam Last Event Start Time [%1$tm/%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_event.start_time]"}
DateTime NestCam_last_event_end_time "Cam Last Event End Time [%1$tm/%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_event.end_time]"}
DateTime NestCam_last_event_urls_expire_time "Cam Last Event URLs Expire Time [%1$tm/%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_event.urls_expire_time]"}
String NestCam_last_event_web_url "Cam Last Event Web URL [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_event.web_url]"}
String NestCam_last_event_app_url "Cam Last Event App URL [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_event.app_url]"}
String NestCam_last_event_image_url "Cam Last Event Image Url [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_event.image_url]"}
String NestCam_last_event_animated_image_url "Cam Last Event Animated Image URL [%s]" {nest="<[cameras(Dining Room).last_event.animated_image_url]"}
/* You can reference a device in a specific structure in the case that there are duplicate names
* in multiple structures. If you have duplicate-named thermostats or smoke+CO detectors in the
* same structure, or duplicate-named structures, you will have to rename them at
Number NestHome_temp "Home temperature [%.1f °F]" {nest="<[structures(Home).thermostats(Dining Room).ambient_temperature_f]"}
Number NestCondo_temp "Condo temperature [%.1f °F]" {nest="<[structures(Condo).thermostats(Dining Room).ambient_temperature_f]"}
Basic Example
The contents of nest.items
and nest.sitemap
demonstrate a possible user interface that's backed by the Nest binding.
The items file assumes your structure is called "Home," your thermostat is called "Dining Room," and you have two Nest Protects called "Upstairs" and "Basement." Change these to match how your devices are named at
String home_away "Home/Away [%s]" <present> { nest="=[structures(Home).away]" }
DateTime dining_room_last_connection "Last Connection [%1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <calendar> {nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).last_connection]"}
String dining_room_hvac_mode "HVAC Mode" <climate> { nest="=[thermostats(Dining Room).hvac_mode]" }
String dining_room_temperature_scale "Temperature Scale [%s]" { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).temperature_scale]" }
Number dining_room_ambient_temperature_f "Ambient Temperature [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).ambient_temperature_f]" }
Number dining_room_ambient_temperature_c "Ambient Temperature [%.1f °C]" <temperature> { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).ambient_temperature_c]" }
Number dining_room_humidity "Humidity [%d %%]" <humidity> { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).humidity]" }
Number dining_room_target_temperature_f "Target Temperature [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="=[thermostats(Dining Room).target_temperature_f]" }
Number dining_room_target_temperature_low_f "Minimum Temperature [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="=[thermostats(Dining Room).target_temperature_low_f]" }
Number dining_room_target_temperature_high_f "Maximum Temperature [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="=[thermostats(Dining Room).target_temperature_high_f]" }
Number dining_room_away_temperature_low_f "Minimum Away Temp. [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).away_temperature_low_f]" }
Number dining_room_away_temperature_high_f "Maximum Away Temp. [%.1f °F]" <temperature> { nest="<[thermostats(Dining Room).away_temperature_high_f]" }
String basement_smoke "Smoke Status [%s]" <smoke> { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Basement).smoke_alarm_state]" }
String basement_co "CO Status [%s]" <co> { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Basement).co_alarm_state]" }
String basement_state "Status Color [%s]" { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Basement).ui_color_state]" }
DateTime basement_last_connection "Last Connection [%1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <calendar> {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Basement).last_connection]"}
String upstairs_smoke "Smoke Status [%s]" <smoke> { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Upstairs).smoke_alarm_state]" }
String upstairs_co "CO Status [%s]" <co> { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Upstairs).co_alarm_state]" }
String upstairs_state "Status Color [%s]" { nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Upstairs).ui_color_state]" }
DateTime upstairs_last_connection "Last Connection [%1$tm/%1$td/%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS]" <calendar> {nest="<[smoke_co_alarms(Upstairs).last_connection]"}
The sitemap will show the ambient temperature in the same scale (C or F) that the thermostat is set to. It will only show the away temperature range if the structure is currently in away mode. It will show the single setpoint if the thermostat is either in "heat" or "cool" mode, or will show the low and high setpoints if the thermostat is in "heat-cool" (auto) mode. The smoke+CO detectors show their status colors in the same color as the Nest Protect's light ring.
sitemap nest label="Nest"
Frame label="Home" icon="house" {
Switch item=home_away mappings=[home="Home",away="Away"]
Frame label="Dining Room Thermostat" {
Text item=dining_room_ambient_temperature_f visibility=[dining_room_temperature_scale=="F"]
Text item=dining_room_ambient_temperature_c visibility=[dining_room_temperature_scale=="C"]
Text item=dining_room_humidity
Switch item=dining_room_hvac_mode mappings=[heat="Heat",cool="Cool","heat-cool"="Auto",off="Off"]
Text item=dining_room_away_temperature_low_f visibility=[home_away=="away",home_away=="auto-away"]
Text item=dining_room_away_temperature_high_f visibility=[home_away=="away",home_away=="auto-away"]
Setpoint item=dining_room_target_temperature_f label="Target Temperature [%.1f °F]" minValue=50 maxValue=80 step=1 visibility=[dining_room_hvac_mode=="heat",dining_room_hvac_mode=="cool"]
Setpoint item=dining_room_target_temperature_low_f label="Minimum Temperature [%.1f °F]" minValue=50 maxValue=80 step=1 visibility=[dining_room_hvac_mode=="heat-cool"]
Setpoint item=dining_room_target_temperature_high_f label="Maximum Temperature [%.1f °F]" minValue=50 maxValue=80 step=1 visibility=[dining_room_hvac_mode=="heat-cool"]
Text item=dining_room_last_connection
Frame label="Basement Nest Protect" {
Text item=basement_smoke valuecolor=[basement_state=="green"="green",basement_state=="gray"="gray",basement_state=="yellow"="yellow",basement_state=="red"="red"]
Text item=basement_co valuecolor=[basement_state=="green"="green",basement_state=="gray"="gray",basement_state=="yellow"="yellow",basement_state=="red"="red"]
Text item=basement_last_connection
Frame label="Upstairs Nest Protect" {
Text item=upstairs_smoke valuecolor=[upstairs_state=="green"="green",upstairs_state=="gray"="gray",upstairs_state=="yellow"="yellow",upstairs_state=="red"="red"]
Text item=upstairs_co valuecolor=[upstairs_state=="green"="green",upstairs_state=="gray"="gray",upstairs_state=="yellow"="yellow",upstairs_state=="red"="red"]
Text item=upstairs_last_connection
I also created co*.png, smoke*.png, humidity.png and other icons by copying existing icons:
cp shield.png co.png
cp shield-1.png co-ok.png
cp shield-0.png co-warning.png
cp shield-0.png co-emergency.png
cp shield.png smoke.png
cp shield-1.png smoke-ok.png
cp shield-0.png smoke-warning.png
cp shield-0.png smoke-emergency.png
cp softener.png humidity.png
cp present.png present-home.png
cp present-off.png present-away.png
cp present-off.png present-auto-away.png
Opening Windows, set the Thermostat to away-mode to save Energy
This rule assumes that the windows are all Contact
Items, are all in a Group called GWindow
, and that the members are Bedroom2ZoneTripped
... StairsWindowsZoneTripped
per the list below.
rule "Windows Opened (any)"
Item Bedroom2ZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item Bedroom3ZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item FamilyRoomZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item GuestBathZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item KitchenZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item LivingRoomZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item MasterBath1ZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item MasterBath2ZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item MasterBath3ZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item MasterBedroomZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN or
Item StairsWindowsZoneTripped changed from CLOSED to OPEN
if (GWindow.members.filter(s|s.state==OPEN).size == 1) {
Closing Windows, set the Thermostat to home-mode when all windows are closed
As the counterpart of the above rule, set the Thermostat to home
once all the windows are closed.
rule "Windows Closed (all)"
Item Bedroom2ZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item Bedroom3ZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item FamilyRoomZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item GuestBathZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item KitchenZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item LivingRoomZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item MasterBath1ZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item MasterBath2ZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item MasterBath3ZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item MasterBedroomZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED or
Item StairsWindowsZoneTripped changed from OPEN to CLOSED
if (GWindow.members.filter(s|s.state==OPEN).size == 0) {
Known Issues
- The binding initiates outbound TCP connections to the Nest infrastructure on port 9553 (however, which outbound ports are used is determined dynamically by the Nest cloud service and may be different from 9553). If the log shows "Connection timed out" or "Exception reading from Nest: Could not get data model", ensure that outbound connections are not being blocked by a firewall.
- Multiple instance support (allowing the binding to access multiple Nest accounts at once) is not implemented because doing so might conflict with Prohibition 4 of the Nest Developer Terms of Service: "Aggregate control of Nest products, services, or Customer Data across multiple households except to the extent Nest permits control of multiple homes in a single Nest account."
- The Nest API rounds humidity to 5%, degrees Fahrenheit to whole degrees, and degrees Celsius to 0.5 degrees, so your Nest app will likely show slightly different values from what is available from the API.
- There is currently a bug where attempting to update an Item with a binding configuration of this form will not work:
Number NestCondo_temp "Condo Temperature [%.1f °F]" {nest="=[structures(Condo).thermostats(Dining Room).target_temperature_f]"}
While this form should work:
Number NestCondo_temp "Condo Temperature [%.1f °F]" {nest="=[thermostats(Dining Room).target_temperature_f]"}