Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <> |
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id | label | title | type | description | source | since | logo | install |
tinkerforge | TinkerForge | TinkerForge - Actions | action | The TinkerForge Action service provides direct interaction with some of the TinkerForge devices. | | 1x | images/addons/tinkerforge.png | manual |
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TinkerForge Actions
The TinkerForge Action service provides direct interaction with some of the TinkerForge devices.
The action service depends on the TinkerForge Binding (1.x) being installed and configured. Add at least a hosts configuration value in the binding's configuration.
These action functions are available:
tfClearLCD(String uid)
Clears the display of the LCD with the given uid.
rule "clear lcd" when Item ClearLCD received command ON then tfClearLCD("d4j") end
tfServoSetposition(String uid, String num, String position, String velocity, String acceleration)
Sets the position of a TinkerForge servo with the uid $uid and servo number to the position $position using the speed $speed and acceleration $acceleration.
rule "move servo" when Item MoveServo received command ON then tfServoSetposition("6Crt5W", "servo0", "0", "65535", "65535") Thread::sleep(1000) tfServoSetposition("6Crt5W", "servo0", "-9000", "65535", "65535") Thread::sleep(1000) tfServoSetposition("6Crt5W", "servo0", "9000", "65535", "65535") end
tfDCMotorSetspeed(String uid, String speed, String acceleration, String drivemode)
Sets the speed of a TinkerForge DC motor with the given uid to $speed using the acceleration $acceleration and the drivemode $drivemode.
- speed: value between -32767 - 32767
- drivemode is either "break" or "coast"
rule "move motor" when Item DCMOVE received command ON then var String acceleration = "10000" var String speed = "15000" tfDCMotorSetspeed("62Zduj", speed, acceleration, "break") Thread::sleep(1000) tfDCMotorSetspeed("62Zduj", speed, acceleration, "break") Thread::sleep(1000) tfDCMotorSetspeed("62Zduj", speed, acceleration, "break") Thread::sleep(1000) tfDCMotorSetspeed("62Zduj", speed, acceleration, "break") end
tfDCMotorSetspeed(String uid, Short speed, Integer acceleration, String drivemode)
Sets the speed of a TinkerForge DC motor with the given uid to $speed using the acceleration $acceleration and the drivemode $drivemode.
- speed: value between -32767 - 32767
- drivemode is either "break" or "coast"
rule "move motor" when Item DCMOVE received command ON then var Integer acceleration = 10000 var Short speed = 15000 tfDCMotorSetspeed("62Zduj", speed, acceleration, "break") Thread::sleep(1000) tfDCMotorSetspeed("62Zduj", speed, acceleration, "break") Thread::sleep(1000) tfDCMotorSetspeed("62Zduj", speed, acceleration, "break") Thread::sleep(1000) tfDCMotorSetspeed("62Zduj", speed, acceleration, "break") end
tfRotaryEncoderClear(String uid)
Clears the rotary encoder counter with the given uid.
rule "Clear" when Item Clear changed then tfRotaryEncoderClear("kHv") end
tfLoadCellTare(String uid)
Sets tare on the load cell bricklet with the given uid.Example:
rule "Tare" when Item Tare changed to ON then postUpdate(TareValue, Weight.state) tfLoadCellTare("v8V") end