Thomas Dietrich 826ef4abb4 Distinguish collections, improve update process (#514)
* Rename collection folders

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Change all occurences of addons and repos

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Add further corrections

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Remove temporary directories after processing

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Reduce addons menus, show current uncond.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Fix typo

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Remove redundant addons from permalinks

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Sort UI menu entries correctly

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Split maven command

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>
2017-09-22 21:05:09 +02:00
.. Distinguish collections, improve update process (#514) 2017-09-22 21:05:09 +02:00

id label title type description source since logo install
rfxcom RFXCOM RFXCOM - Bindings binding The binding should be compatible at least with RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz transceiver, which contains both receiver and transmitter functions. The RFXtrx433E is fully compatible with the RFXtrx433, and has in addition the possibility to transmit RFY (Somfy RTS) RF command at the frequency used by Somfy. 1x images/addons/rfxcom.png manual

{% include base.html %}

RFXCOM Binding

The binding should be compatible at least with RFXtrx433 USB 433.92MHz transceiver, which contains both receiver and transmitter functions. The RFXtrx433E is fully compatible with the RFXtrx433, and has in addition the possibility to transmit RFY (Somfy RTS) RF command at the frequency used by Somfy.

The RFXCOM binding currently supports the following packet types:

  • Blinds1
  • Control
  • Current
  • Curtain1
  • Energy
  • Humidity
  • Interface
  • Lighting1
  • Lighting2
  • Lighting4
  • Lighting5
  • Lighting6
  • Factory
  • Interface
  • Rain
  • Rfy
  • Security1
  • Security2
  • TemperatureHumidity
  • Temperature
  • Thermostat1
  • Transmitter
  • Wind

There is also a binding specifically for openHAB 2 here.

Table of Contents

RFXCOM Devices

The RFXtrx433 device is a very versatile transceiver that can send and receive information to and from a wide number of compatible devices from different brands and manufacturers.

Supports RF 433 Mhz protocols like: HomeEasy, Cresta, X10, La Crosse, OWL, CoCo (KlikAanKlikUit), PT2262, Oregon e.o.

Suitable for receiving e.g. following 433.92MHz sensors:

  • Cent-a-meter, Electrisave, OWL ampere and power meters, Alecto, Cresta, Fine Offset, Hideki, LaCrosse, Oregon, Rubicson, TFA, Viking weather sensors,
  • Avidsen, Chacon, NEXA, Flamingo, Blyss, Proove smoke detectors,
  • Atlantic Meiantech, Visonic, X10 alarm sensors,
  • Oregon scales,
  • Maverick BBQ Rubicson sensors
  • Keeloq, HCS301 based sensors (Security2 protocol)
  • Chacon, Home Easy, COCO, NEXA, X10, Flamingo FA500R remote controls.

And suitable for controlling e.g. following 433.92MHz devices:

  • ANSLUT, BBSB, Blyss, Brennestuhl, Chacon, COCO, DI.O, ELRO, Energenie, Eurodomest, Flamingo, HomeEasy, Pulse, Inter Techno, K ambrook, COCO, LightwaveRF, Livolo, Mercury, NEXA, Phenix, Proove, risingsun, Sartano, Siemens, X10, XDOM dimmers / switches,
  • Byron SX, Select Plus doorbell,
  • A-OK, Bofu, Ematronic, Hasta, RAEX, Rohrmotor24, Roller Trol, Somfy (RFY), Yooda shutter / awning motors,
  • Harrison, Forest curtain motors,
  • Kingpin, Media Mount, Proluxx projection,
  • Avidsen, Chacon, NEXA, Flamingo, Blyss, Proove smoke alarms with siren,
  • Mertik Maxitrol fireplace,
  • Aoke relay,
  • TRC02 RGB, MDREMOTE LED strip controller,
  • Smartwares radiator valve.

And with the RFXtrx433E suitable for controlling e.g. following 433.42MHz devices:

  • Somfy RTS,
  • ASA

See RFXtrx User Guide for the complete list of supported sensors and devices and firmware update announcements.

Whilst the range of supported devices is impressive, not all of them are compatible with the binding for openHAB yet

Binding Configuration

The binding can be configured in the file services/rfxcom.cfg.

Key Default Required Description
serialPort Yes the serial port on the host system where RFXCOM controller is connected, e.g. COM1 on Windows,/dev/ttyS0 on Linux or /dev/tty.PL2303-0000103D on Mac.
NOTE: On Linux, should the RFXCOM device be added to the dialout group, you may get an error stating the the serial port cannot be opened when the RfxCom plugin tries to load. You can get around this by adding the openhab user to the dialout group like this: usermod -a -G dialout openhab. Also on Linux you may have issues with the USB if using two serial USB devices e.g. RFXcom and ZWave. See the wiki page on symlinks.
setMode No can be used to configure RFXCOM controller to listen to various receiver protocols. This is very useful because the receiver will become more sensitive when only the required protocols are enabled. Example: 0D000000035300000C2F00000000. You can use the RFXmngr application found in the Downloads section of the RFXcom website (Windows only) to get the valid configuration command. Command must be a 28 characters (14 bytes) hexadecimal string. You can also use RFXmngr to get the Device Ids needed to bind each item to openHAB.

Item Configuration

The syntax for "in" bindings (updating item states):


The syntax for "out" bindings (sending commands to items):


DeviceId must be provided in decimal

RFXmngr and the openHAB logging outputs may display something like this example from a HomeEasy wireless wall switch.

Packet Length   = 0B
Packettype      = Lighting2
Subtype         = AC
Id              = 00130FE2
Unitcode        = 11
Command         = Off
Dim level       = 0%

You wouldn't be forgiven for thinking the <DeviceId> is 00130FE2 but this is not the Id you need.

This is the correct <DeviceId> but it is in the wrong (hexadecimal) format. You need to convert it to decimal, using a tool like You simply put the HEX 00130FE2 in the correct field and press convert.

Use the converted decimal number (easy to identify as it won't contain any letters) as the <DeviceId>.

So continuing with the above example. The displayed Id in HEX was 00130FE2 this is converted into DEC 1249250. Also for this packettype (Lighting2) you need to join the Unitcode 11 to the <DeviceId>, so finally the binding for the item is:

Switch    Wall_Switch_FF_Office    {rfxcom="<1249250.11:Command"}

Finding the correct DeviceId for your items

If you want to add cheap 433 MHz devices like PT2622 remotes, contacts, sensors or wireless outlets and don't know the correct values, you can start openHAB in debug mode, press the buttons on the original remote or act on the sensor.

To pair the entry-level wireless remote outlets (Elro, Intertechno, Intertek, Pollin, ...) you can do the following:

  • Enable Lighting4 protocol using the RFXMgr or setMode
  • Run openHAB in debug mode
  • Press a button on the original remote controller (here I press A ON) and read the DeviceId Id and the pulse width Pulse from the output:
[DEBUG] [.b.r.internal.RFXComConnection:148  ] - Data received:
- Packet type = LIGHTING4
- Id = 1285
- Command = ON
- Pulse = 318

You can use these values to configure the binding to receive and send data.

Alternately, you can enable DEBUG logging for the logger named org.openhab.binding.rfxcom.

Some devices like Oregon Thermo Hygrometer changes the <DeviceId> every time you remove the batteries. When you change your batteries you will have to get the new <DeviceId> and update the item.

PacketType.SubType Examples

Packet <PacketType>.<SubType> Examples
Lighting1 SensorId.UnitCode B.1 or B.2 or B.0 (note 1)
Lighting2 SensorId.UnitCode 636602.1 or 636602.0 (note 1)
Lighting4 SensorId 1285
Lighting5 SensorId.UnitCode 636602.1
Lighting6 SensorId.GroupCode.UnitCode 257.B.1 or 64343.B.2 or 636602.H.5
Curtain1 SensorId.UnitCode P.1 (note 2)
TemperatureHumidity, Current, Energy etc SensorId.UnitCode 2561
Security2 S2_SensorId S2_12567
RfyMessage Id1.Id2.Id3.UnitCode (note 3)


  1. Where "0" would control all items on device,
  2. See the RFXcom documents/manual for more information
  3. See the RFXcom documents/manual, for defining the Ids and Unit code, you should pair the RFXcom with your somfy motor using RFXMgr program

Known Values for PacketType.SubType

<PacketType>.<SubType> Description ValueSelector
LIGHTING1.X10 working Command
LIGHTING1.ARC working Command
LIGHTING1.AB400D Untested
LIGHTING1.EMW200 Untested
LIGHTING1.IMPULS working Command
LIGHTING2.AC working Command, DimmingLevel
LIGHTING2.HOME_EASY_EU working Command,DimmingLevel
LIGHTING4.PT2262 working Command
LIGHTING5.LIGHTWAVERF working Command, DimmingLevel
LIGHTING5.IT working Command
LIGHTING6.BLYSS working Command
CURTAIN1.HARRISON Harrison curtain rail, e.g. Neta 12 Shutter
TEMPERATURE.La Crosse TX17 working
TEMPERATUREHUMIDITY.TFA_TS34C__CRESTA Working Temperature, Humidity, HumidityStatus, BatteryLevel, SignalLevel
TEMPERATUREHUMIDITY.VIKING_02035_02038 Working Temperature, Humidity, Humidity status, Signal level, Battery level
SECURITY2 working
e.g. JFL SHC3.0
THERMOSTAT1 Digimax 210 working Temperature, SetPoint, Contact
ENERGY.ELEC1 Owl CM113 Working Channel1Amps, Channel2Amps, Channel3Amps
ENERGY.ELEC2 Owl CM160 Working InstantAmps, TotalAmpHours
RFY.RFY Working Shutter

Value Selectors

<ValueSelector> Item type Values Notes
RawData String Full message in hex.
Data String Message without header. Since 1.9.0.
SignalLevel Number
DimmingLevel Dimmer UP, DOWN, PERCENTAGE
Temperature Number
Humidity Number
HumidityStatus String
BatteryLevel Number
Shutter Rollershutter OPEN, CLOSE, STOP
Voltage Number
SetPoint Number
Pressure Number
Forecast Number
RainRate Number
RainTotal Number
WindDirection Number
WindSpeed Number
Gust Number
ChillFactor Number
InstantPower Number
TotalUsage Number
Voltage Number
InstantAmps Number
TotalAmpHours Number
Channel1Amps Number
Channel2Amps Number
Channel3Amps Number
Status String
Mood Number
Contact Contact
Contact1 Contact
Contact2 Contact
Contact3 Contact


Weather Station

Number OutdoorTemperature { rfxcom="<2561:Temperature" }
Number OutdoorHumidity { rfxcom="<2561:Humidity" }
Number RainRate { rfxcom="<30464:RainRate" }
Number WindSpeed    { rfxcom="<19968:WindSpeed" }


Switch Btn1 { rfxcom="<636602.1:Command" }
Number Btn1SignalLevel { rfxcom="<636602.1:SignalLevel" }
Dimmer Btn1DimLevel { rfxcom="<636602.1:DimmingLevel" }
String Btn2RawData { rfxcom="<636602.2:RawData" }
Switch ChristmasTreeLights { rfxcom=">636602.1:LIGHTING2.AC:Command" }
Rollershutter CurtainDownstairs { rfxcom=">P.1:CURTAIN1.HARRISON:Shutter" }
Rollershutter ShutterBedroom { rfxcom=">" }


Switch swMotion { rfxcom="<4541155:Motion" }
Number MSensor_Bat { rfxcom="<4541155:BatteryLevel" }


Switch swWallController { rfxcom="<1285:Command" } // receive wireless wall switch
Switch pCoffeeMachine { rfxcom=">1285.315:LIGHTING4.PT2262:Command" } // control wireless outlet

LIGHTING5.IT (Flamingo FA500, Flamingo FA500S/2, Flamingo FA500S/3)

Switch fa500_remote_A { rfxcom="<2622466.1:Command" } 
Switch fa500_remote_B { rfxcom="<2622466.2:Command" }
Switch fa500_remote_C { rfxcom="<2622466.3:Command" }
Switch fa500_remote_D { rfxcom="<2622466.4:Command" }

// Note: does not mimic the remote but uses another subtype and code which 
// should be learned to the socket separately 
Switch virtual_fa500s_switch_1 { rfxcom=">2061.1:LIGHTING5.IT:Command" } 
Switch virtual_fa500s_switch_2 { rfxcom=">2061.2:LIGHTING5.IT:Command" }


Number RFXTemp_Living { rfxcom="<30515:Temperature" } 
Number RFXTemp_LivingSP { rfxcom="<30515:SetPoint" }
Contact RFXTemp_LivingRoom_Stat { rfxcom="<30515:Contact" }


Switch Light1 { rfxcom=">3155730.3:LIGHTING5.LIGHTWAVERF:Command"}
Dimmer Light2 "Light2 [%d %%]" { rfxcom=">3155730.4:LIGHTING5.LIGHTWAVERF:DimmingLevel"  }


Number Button_MoodSwitch { rfxcom="<15942554.16:Mood" }

OWL CM160 Energy Monitor

Number Owl_InstantAmps { rfxcom="<63689:InstantAmps"}
Number Owl_TotalAmpHours { rfxcom="<63689:TotalAmpHours"  }

OWL CM113 Energy Monitor

Number Owl_Amps { rfxcom="<35072:Channel2Amps" }