Thomas Dietrich 826ef4abb4 Distinguish collections, improve update process (#514)
* Rename collection folders

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Change all occurences of addons and repos

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Add further corrections

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Remove temporary directories after processing

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Reduce addons menus, show current uncond.

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Fix typo

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Remove redundant addons from permalinks

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Sort UI menu entries correctly

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>

* Split maven command

Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <>
2017-09-22 21:05:09 +02:00
.. Distinguish collections, improve update process (#514) 2017-09-22 21:05:09 +02:00

id label title type description since install
dmx DMX DMX - Bindings binding The DMX binding integrates DMX devices. There are different output devices supported as well as Dimmers and Chasers. 2x auto

{% include base.html %}

DMX Binding

The DMX binding integrates DMX devices. There are different output devices supported as well as Dimmers and Chasers.

Each output device (bridges) is representing exactly one universe, each thing is bound to a bridge. At least one bridge and one thing is needed for the binding to work properly.

Supported Things


Two DMX over Ethernet devices are supported as DMX output: ArtNet and sACN/E1.31. The ArtNet bridge can only be operated in unicast mode (broadcast mode is not supported as the specification recommends using it if more than 40 nodes are connected, which is unlikely in the case of a smarthome). The sACN bridge supports both, unicast and multicast.

Additionally Lib485 devices are supported via the Lib485 bridge.


The most generic thing is a dimmer. A dimmer can contain one or more DMX channels and be bound to Switch, Dimmer and Color items (Color item is supported if at least three DMX channels are defined). If more than one DMX channel is defined, the item will be updated according to the state of the first DMX channel (or the first three, in case of the Color item).

The second supported thing is a chaser. It can contain one or more DMX channels and bound to Switch items only. If the thing receives an ON command all running fades in all channels are either suspended (if resumeAfter is set to true) or cleared and replaced with the fades defined in this thing. An OFF command stops the fades and either restores the previously suspended fades (if resumeAfter is set to true) or just holds the current values. If any of the DMX channels in a chaser receives a command from another thing, the status of the chaser is updated to OFF. Chaser things define a control channel that can be used to dynamically change the chasers fade configuration.


Discovery is not supported at the moment. You have to add all bridges and things manually.

Thing Configuration

Since the brightness perception of the human eye is not linear, all bridges support applycurve, a list of channels applycurve that have a CIE 1931 lightness correction (cf. Poynton, C.A.: “Gamma” and its Disguises: The Nonlinear Mappings of Intensity in Perception, CRTs, Film and Video, SMPTE Journal Dec. 1993, pp. 1099 - 1108) applied. This list follows the format of the thing channel definition. This is used regardless of the thing(s) that are associated to the channel.

All bridges can make use of the refreshrate option. It determines at what frequency the DMX output is refreshed. The achievable refresh rate depends on the number of channels and the output type. A value of 0 disables the output, the default value is 30 Hz.

ArtNet Bridge (artnet-bridge)

The ArtNet bridge has one mandatory configuration value: network address (address). The network address defines the IP address of the receiving node, it is also allowed to use a FQDN if DNS resolution is available. If necessary the default port 6454 can be changed by adding :<port> to the address. Multiple receivers can be added, separated by a comma.

The universe (universe) can range from 0-32767, this value defaults to 0.

There are two more configuration values that usually don't need to be touched. The address and port of the sender will be automatically selected by the kernel, if they need to be set to a fixed value, this can be done with localaddress. The format is identical to the receiver address. Unlike DMX512-A (E1.11), the ArtNet standard allows to suppress repeated transmissions of unchanged universes for a certain time. This is enabled by default and will re-transmit unchanged data with a fixed refresh rate of 800ms. If for some reason continuous transmission is needed, the refreshmode can be set to always, opposed to the default standard.

Lib485 Bridge (lib485-bridge)

The Lib385 bridge has one mandatory configuration value: network address (address). This is the host/port where lib485 is running. This can be an IP address but it is also allowed to use a FQDN if DNS resolution is available. If necessary the default port 9020 can be changed by adding :<port> to the address. The default address is localhost. Multiple receivers can be added, separated by a comma.

sACN/E1.31 Bridge (sacn-bridge)

The sACN bridge has one mandatory configuration value: transmission mode (mode). The transmission mode can be set to either unicast or multicast, where the later one is the default value. If unicast mode is selected, it is mandatory to define the network address (address) of the receiving node. This can be an IP address but it is also allowed to use a FQDN if DNS resolution is available. If necessary the default port 5568 can be changed by adding :<port> to the address. Multiple receivers can be added, separated by a comma.

The universe (universe) can range from 1-63999, this value defaults to 1.

There are some more configuration values that usually don't need to be touched. The address and port of the sender will be automatically selected by the kernel, if they need to be set to a fixed value, this can be done with localaddress. The format is identical to the receiver address.

Unlike DMX512-A (E1.11), the E1.31 standard allows to suppress repeated transmissions of unchanged universes for a certain time. This is enabled by default and will re-transmit unchanged data with a fixed refresh rate of 800ms. If for some reason continuous transmission is needed, the refreshmode can be set to always, opposed to the default standard.

Chaser Thing (chaser)

There are two mandatory configuration values for a chaser thing: the dmxid and steps.

The dmxid is a list of DMX channels that are associated with this thing. There are several possible formats: channel,channel,channel,... or channel/width or a combination of both.

The steps value is a list of steps that shall be run by the chaser. The format of a single step is fadetime:value,value2, ...:holdtime, two or more steps are concatenated by step1|step2|.... In textual configuration line-breaks, spaces and tabs are allowed for readability. The fadetime is used for fading from the current value to the new value. In contrast to the dimmer thing, this is an absolute value. The hold time defines how long this step shall wait before advancing to the next step. A value of -1 is used to hold forever. Both times are in ms.

An optional configuration value is resumeafter. It defaults to false but if set to true, the original state of the channel (including running fades) will be suspended until the chaser receives an OFF command.

Dimmer Thing (dimmer)

The only mandatory configuration value for a dimmer thing is the dmxid, a list of DMX channels that are associated with this thing. There are several possible formats: channel1,channel2,channel3,... or channel/width or a combination of both.

The fadetime option allows a smooth fading from the current to the new value. The time unit is ms and the interval is for a fade from 0-100%. If the current value is 25% and the new value is 75% the time needed for this change is half of fadetime. Related is the dimtime option. It defines the time in ms from 0-100% if incremental dimmming is used.

Advanced options are the turnonvalueand the turnoffvalue. They default to 255 (equals 100%) and 0 (equals 0%) respectively. This value can be set individually for all DMX channels, the format is value1,value2, ... with values from 0 to 255. If less values than DMX channels are defined, the values will be re-used from the beginning (i.e. if two values are defined, value1 will be used for channel1, channel3, ... and value2 will be used for channel2, channel4, ...). These values will be used if the thing receives an ON or OFF command.


Type-ID Thing Item Description
brightness dimmer Switch, Dimmer controls the brightness of the channels
color dimmer Color allows to set the color of the dimmer
control chaser String allows to change the chaser steps
switch dimmer,chaser Switch turns the channel/chaser ON or OFF
mute (all bridges) Switch mutes the DMX output of the bridge

Note: the string send to the control channel of chaser things has to be formatted like the steps configuration of the chaser thing. If the new string is invalid, the old configuration will be used.

Note: the colorchannel is only available on dimmer things that have a channel count of three or a multiple of three.

Full Example

This example defines a sACN/E1.31 bridge in unicast mode which transmits universe 2 and three things: a three channel dimmer used to control a RGB light, a single channel dimmer which will turn on only to 90% if it receives a ON command and a chaser which changes the colors like a traffic light.


Bridge dmx:sacn-bridge:mybridge [ mode="unicast", address="", universe=2] {
 dimmer rgb    [ dmxid="5/3", fade=1000]
 dimmer single [dmxid="50", fade=1000, turnonvalue="230" ]
 chaser ampel  [dmxid="10,12,13", steps="100:255,0,0:1000|100:255,255,0:500|100:0,0,255:1000|100:0,255,0:500]"] 


Color MyColorItem "My Color Item" { channel="dmx:dimmer:rgb:color" }
Dimmer MyDimmerItem "My Dimmer Item" { channel="dmx:dimmer:single:brightness" }
Switch MyChaserItem "My Chaser Item" { channel="dmx:dimmer:chaser:ampel" }


sitemap demo label="Main Menu"
    Frame {
        // Color
        Colorpicker item=MyColorItem
        // Dimmer
        Switch item=MyDimmerItem
        Slider item=1MyDimmerItem
        // Chaser
        Switch item=MyChaserItem