Kai Kreuzer e1111ef5f5
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Signed-off-by: Kai Kreuzer <>
2017-07-27 17:15:26 +02:00
.. updated generated content 2017-07-27 17:15:26 +02:00

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isy ISY ISY - Bindings binding This is a openHAB binding for the Universal Devices ISY 994i router and PLM. Universal Devices offers a Java SDK for 1x manual

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ISY Binding

This is a openHAB binding for the Universal Devices ISY 994i router and PLM. Universal Devices offers a Java SDK for external programs to communicate with the router. Alternatives include an extensive REST API. See details at

Items Configuration with ISY Binding Details

The following settings can be added to the Items definition.

  • ctrl - Controller address in the format "x.y.z.w". This can be the address of a ISY Insteon Scene. Insteon addresses use the first three bytes and the last byte identified a particular capability of the device.
  • type - This can be used to select device types with special configuration needs. See the "Device Types" section below.
  • cmd - Specific ISY control to send to the ISY router as a command, ST is the default if left out
  • addr - The Insteon address to monitor for the change. A scene does not report a status change, only the devices in the scene do. Specify the controller of the scene here. Defaults to the controller address if left out

Device Types

You can specify a specific device type to let the binding know that a device is a special type. This is done using the "type=" configuation item in the binding.

There are currently 3 types available:

  • thermostat - required to perform temperature calculations properly
  • lock - locks use the security command instead of the normal off/on commands
  • heartbeat - several battery powered sensors send a heartbeat. This is just a ST (status) with value 255, and it means that the sensor is still alive. To make rules easier, you can define these as type=heartbeat with an item type of DateTime, and it will update with the current time every time the heartbeat is received. You can then check the item using a rule to see if the DateTime item is too old.

Item Examples

    /* Insteon-enabled thermostat.  Note "type=thermostat" to ensure proper temp calculations, and cmd=CLISPH to use the ISY setpoint heat value instead of status */
    Number Temperature_Indoor "Inside [%.2f °F]" <temperature> (All) {isy="ctrl=,type=thermostat,cmd=ST"}
    Number Temperature_Setpoint		"Desired Temperature [%.2f °F]" <temperature> (All) {isy="ctrl=,type=thermostat,cmd=CLISPH"}

    /* Regular ISY scene id #12220, but look at device 30.CB.66.1 to get the scene status */
    Switch Light_Hallway2 "Hallway" <switch> (GroundFloor,Lights) {isy="ctrl=12220,addr=30.CB.66.1"}
    /* Regular ISY device, controlled directly (won't update scenes!)
    Switch K_DiningRoom_Light "Dining Room Light" (GroundFloor,Lights) {isy="ctrl=F.C3.7C.1"}

    /* ZWave lock.  Note type=lock (makes it use the security commands necessary). The second (Number) entry watches the BATLVL value, which battery-powered devices use to report battery level in percent */
    Switch BDoorLock "Back Door Lock" <lock> (Locks) {isy="ctrl=ZW004_1,type=lock"}
    Number BDoorLock_Battery "Back Door Lock Battery [%d]" <battery> (Locks,BattLevels) {isy="ctrl=ZW004_1,cmd=BATLVL"}

    /* Insteon FanLinc, set up with a Keypadlinc.  4 scenes - Off, Low, Med, High */
    Switch LR_Fan_Off "LR Fan Off" (ISYScenes) {isy="ctrl=4622,addr=1c.e2.d1.3", autoupdate="false"}
    Switch LR_Fan_Low "LR Fan Low" (ISYScenes) {isy="ctrl=20771,addr=1c.e2.d1.4", autoupdate="false"}
    Switch LR_Fan_Med "LR Fan Med" (ISYScenes) {isy="ctrl=22031,addr=1c.e2.d1.5", autoupdate="false"}
    Switch LR_Fan_High "LR Fan High" (ISYScenes) {isy="ctrl=11187,addr=1c.e2.d1.6", autoupdate="false"}

    /* Insteon water sensor - it has 3 subdevices: 1 = dry, 2 = wet, 4 = heartbeat
       The heartbeat device sends an "ON" (255) ST code as a heartbeat.  With type=heartbeat, the binding
       sends a DateTime value.  You can use a rule to check that DateTime to see if you have received
       a heartbeat recently */
    Contact Water_Heater_Dry "Water Heater Sensor [MAP(]" (Sensors) {isy="addr=25.AD.4F.1"}
    DateTime Water_Heater_Heartbeat "Water Heater HB [%1$td.%1$tm.%1$tY %1$tH:%1$tM]" (Sensors) {isy="addr=25.AD.4F.4", type=heartbeat}

The transform file ( for the water sensor is:


ISY Binding Configuration

The following settings configure the ISY binding in the openhab.cfg file.

  • isy:refresh=60000 # refresh interval in milliseconds (optional, defaults to 60000 [1 minute])
  • isy:upnp=true # if true, use UPNP to communicate with the ISY 994i
  • isy:uuid=uuid:%your_uudid% # UUID of the ISY router
  • isy:ip=192.168.x.x # the hostname of the ISY router
  • isy:port=80 # the port of the ISY router
  • isy:user=user # the user of the ISY router
  • isy:password=password # the password of the ISY router