* Rename collection folders Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <Thomas.Dietrich@tu-ilmenau.de> * Change all occurences of addons and repos Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <Thomas.Dietrich@tu-ilmenau.de> * Add further corrections Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <Thomas.Dietrich@tu-ilmenau.de> * Remove temporary directories after processing Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <Thomas.Dietrich@tu-ilmenau.de> * Reduce addons menus, show current uncond. Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <Thomas.Dietrich@tu-ilmenau.de> * Fix typo Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <Thomas.Dietrich@tu-ilmenau.de> * Remove redundant addons from permalinks Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <Thomas.Dietrich@tu-ilmenau.de> * Sort UI menu entries correctly Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <Thomas.Dietrich@tu-ilmenau.de> * Split maven command Signed-off-by: Thomas Dietrich <Thomas.Dietrich@tu-ilmenau.de> |
.. | ||
readme.md |
id | label | title | type | description | source | since | logo | install |
digitalstrom | digitalSTROM | digitalSTROM - Bindings | binding | The openHAB digitalSTROM binding allows interaction with digitalSTROM devices. | https://github.com/openhab/openhab1-addons/blob/master/bundles/binding/org.openhab.binding.digitalstrom/README.md | 1x | images/addons/digitalstrom.png | manual |
{% include base.html %}
digitalSTROM Binding
The openHAB digitalSTROM binding allows interaction with digitalSTROM devices.
There is also a binding specifically for openHAB 2 here.
digitalSTROM server add-on
- Unzip DigitalSTROM_OPENHAB_ADD-ON.zip
- copy "openhab/openhab.js" to your dss server "/usr/share/dss/add-ons/"
- copy "openhab.xml" to your dss server "/usr/share/dss/data/subscriptions.d/"
digitalSTROM server certificate
The digitalSTROM JSON service interface is limited to the https protocol. For security reasons, creating a self signed cetificate with correct given hostname is requird. Follow these steps:
openssl genrsa -out privkey.pem 1024
chmod 400 privkey.pem
openssl req -new -key privkey.pem -out certreq.csr
Enter your details:
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]: DE // not important
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: NRW // not important
Locality Name (eg, city) []: Gummersbach // not important
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]: dss.local // network name of your dss, important
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []: dss.local // network name of your dss, important
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []: dss.local // network name of your dss, important
Email Address []: // not important
Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request A challenge password []: // not important, press enter
An optional company name []: // not important, press enter
openssl x509 -req -days 9000 -in certreq.csr -signkey privkey.pem -out dsscert.pem
cat privkey.pem >> dsscert.pem
Copy the newly generated certificate onto your digitalSTROM server and import it to java trusted store of your openHAB server by using java keytool.
Keytool usage:
$JAVA_HOME/bin/keytool -importcert -alias <some descriptive name> -keystore <path to keystore> -file <certificate file>
Keytool usage example (OS X):
sudo keytool -importcert -alias DSS -keystore /System/Library/Java/Support/CoreDeploy.bundle/Contents/Home/lib/security/cacerts -file dss.local.pem
- To obtain a loginToken, point your browser to https://dss.local:8080/json/system/requestApplicationToken?applicationName=openHAB
- Store the result in openhab.cfg file
- After receiving the application token you need to enable it in your digitalSTROM configurator under System -> Zugriffsberechtigung
Binding Configuration
The binding can be configured in the file services/digitalstrom.cfg
Property | Default | Required | Description |
uri | Yes | The hostname and port of the digitalSTROM server (dSS); eg. https://dss.local:8080 | |
connectTimeout | 4000 | No | The connect timeout (in milliseconds) |
loginToken | No | A token to allow login without a username and password; required if user and password settings are not specified |
password | dssadmin | No | The username to use for login; required if loginToken setting is not specified |
readTimeout | 10000 | No | The read timeout (in milliseconds) |
refreshinterval | 1000 | No | The refresh interval (in milliseconds) |
user | dssadmin | No | The password to use for login; required if loginToken setting is not specified |
Note: if the loginToken
, user
, and password
settings are all specified, the loginToken
will be used for login.
Item Configuration
Item bindings must conform to the following format:
See examples below.
The following keys are supported:
dsid // digitalSTROM device id; the shorter dsid, known as S.N: xxxxxxxx (8 letters), is also supported
dsmid // digitalSTROM meter id (dSM)
consumption // optional for metering
timeinterval // timeinterval to initiate a metering job
context // in some cases use context:
zoneid // only in combination with a NumberItem or StringItem for apartment or zone calls
groupid // only in combination with a NumberItem or StringItem for apartment or zone calls
The following are the supported values for the consumption
ACTIVE_POWER // in use with a device or meter -> current power consumption (w)
OUTPUT_CURRENT // only in use with a device -> amperage (mA)
ELECTRIC_METER // only in use with a meter (wh)
The following are the supported values for the context
slat // important if it's a roller shutter: to have a item to control the slats
awning // important for roller shutter: if it's a marquee/awning to show the right icon -> open-close
apartment // in combination with a NumberItem or StringItem to make apartment calls
zone // in combination with a NumberItem or StringItem to make zone calls
Switch Light_GF_Corridor_Ceiling "Ceiling" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
Dimmer Light_GF_Living_Table "Table" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living "Livingroom" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
In case of marquee/awning add the context
key with a value of awning
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living "Livingroom" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001#context:awning"}
For up and down use:
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living_UP_DOWN "Livingroom UP/DOWN" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001"}
Add the context
key with a value of slat
to adjust the slats:
Rollershutter Shutter_GF_Living_UP_DOWN "Livingroom UP/DOWN" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001#context:slat"}
To call apartment or zone scenes use NumberItems or StringItems:
Number|String Apartment_Scene "Apartment Scene" {digitalstrom="context:apartment"}
Number|String All_Apartment_Lights "All lights" {digitalstrom="context:apartment#groupid:1"} //optional add groupid
Number|String Zone_Scene "Room Scene" {digitalstrom="context:zone#zoneid:65535"}
Number|String All_Zone_Lights "All room lights" {digitalstrom="context:zone#zoneid:65535#groupid:1"} //optional add groupid
And add mappings in the .sitemap file:
Selection item=Apartment_Scene label="Apartment Scene Selection" mappings=[65=Panik, 72=Gehen] // here you have to use a valid sceneID
Switch item=Zone_Scene label="Room Scene" mappings=[14=On, 13=Off] // here you have to use a valid sceneID
To poll and/or persist/visualize the curent power consumption (ACTIVE_POWER), use StringItems or NumberItems.
Device consumption
Number Power_Consumption_TV "TV [%d W]" {digitalstrom="dsid:3504175fe000000000000001#consumption:ACTIVE_POWER#timeinterval:60000"} // read device power consumption every 60 seconds
Be aware that the system will work very slow on sensor reading.
The digitalSTROM Basic Concepts document (p. 36) says:
Rule 8 "Application processes that do automatic cyclic reads or writes of device parameters are subject to a request limit: at maximum one request per minute and circuit is allowed."
Rule 9 "Application processes that do automatic cyclic reads of measured values are subject to a request limit: at maximum one request per minute and circuit is allowed."
Circuit consumption
Number Consumption_dSM "dSM [%d W]" {digitalstrom="dsmid:3504175fe000001000000001#consumption:ACTIVE_POWER#timeinterval:3000"} // read power consumption every 3 seconds (it 'works' because here we read cached values)
Apartment consumption
Number Consumption_House "Total house consumption [%s W]" {digitalstrom="dsmid:ALL#consumption:ACTIVE_POWER#timeinterval:3000"}
General metering/consumption note
- The timeinterval only initiates a metering job; there is no guarantee that the worker will start it in this time!
- It is better to read the consumption of meters (dSMs) instead of devices.
At first the system is slow while it learns how to react on specific scene calls (sensor reading). But after some time it will work fast!