--- layout: tutorial-advanced --- {% include base.html %} # Installing the extensions Introduction ============== Setting up the Z-Wave protocol inside openHAB 2 requires two steps: - Z-Wave binding install - HABmin install In this chapter: - I have chosen to download the latest night build, as HABmin 2 is in a beta phase, Z-Wave binding install ====================== We install Z-Wave binding _before_ HABmin as HABmin relies on the first one. Installing this binding is quite straightforward. It is to be done through the Paper UI of openHAB. * Open your browser web at `http://localhost:8011`, you should see the following screen: ![OpenHab 2 Welcome screen](images/Accueil_Openhab.png) * Click on __Paper UI__ tile, you should see the following screen: ![](images/paper_ui_welcome.png) * In the left column, select __Extensions__. The list of the bindings appears. ![](images/extensions_bindings.png) * Scroll down to Z-Wave binding, click on __install__ (at the right). ![](images/extensions_z_wave.png) * After some times, the Z-Wave binding is installed and the display has changed. The logo of the binding is now blue, and "uninstall" has replaced "install". ![](images/extension_z_wave_installed.png) > After a reasonable wait, if the progress bar is still on the screen and nothing else has changed on the display, try to refresh the page. HABmin install ====================== --- * This section is so far centred on Mac OS. It must be modified in order to cover Linux and Windows.* --- We install HABmin _after_ the Z-Wave binding as HABmin relies on the last one. HABmin is not yet integrated to the Karaf architecture. So, we have to install it manually. * Search for the latest build of HABmin 2 at the address [https://github.com/cdjackson/HABmin2/tree/master/output](https://github.com/cdjackson/HABmin2/tree/master/output) * Click on the org.openhab.ui.habmin_2.0.0.SNAPSHOT-0.1.4.jar link, this screen appears: ![](images/habmin_download_1.png) * At the left on the screen __click on the RAW__ button. Other way of downloading HABmin2 will corrupt the software. ![](images/habmin_download_2.png) * The download finished, back to the terminal, at the openHAB> prompt: ``` cal:openHAB admin$ ./start.sh Launching the openHAB runtime... __ _____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ / / / / | / __ ) / __ \/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ /_/ / /| | / __ | / /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / / __ / ___ |/ /_/ / \____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/_/ /_/_/ |_/_____/ /_/ 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT Hit '' for a list of available commands and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command. Hit '' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown openHAB. openhab> ``` * stop openHAB by keyboarding logout and enter : ``` openhab> logout ``` * A few seconds after, the terminal prompt is displayed : ``` openhab> logout cal:openHAB callas$ ``` * Move the HABmin software from the _download_ folder to the _addon_ folder ``` cal:openHAB callas$ mv ../Downloads/org.openhab.ui.habmin_2.0.0.SNAPSHOT-0.1.4.jar addons ``` > Time for a trick > > _org.openhab.ui.habmin 2.0.0.SNAPSHOT-0.1.4.jar_ can be a little difficult to type. Terminal allows us to use auto completion to avoid that : > just type the beginning, i.e.: `mv ../Downloads/org.op` and press the tab key. Terminal will complete the name for you. Launching openHAB for the second time ==================================== We are going to launch openHAB for the second time, in order to check that our install is successful. * In the terminal window, type ./start.sh ``` cal:openHAB callas$ ./start.sh ``` * Messages are displayed, wait until the "openhab>" prompt appears. ``` cal:openHAB admin$ ./start.sh Launching the openHAB runtime... __ _____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ / / / / | / __ ) / __ \/ __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ /_/ / /| | / __ | / /_/ / /_/ / __/ / / / __ / ___ |/ /_/ / \____/ .___/\___/_/ /_/_/ /_/_/ |_/_____/ /_/ 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT Hit '' for a list of available commands and '[cmd] --help' for help on a specific command. Hit '' or type 'system:shutdown' or 'logout' to shutdown openHAB. openhab> ``` * Without closing the terminal, open your favorite web browser and type the following url: `http://localhost:8011`, you should see the openHAB welcome screen, __with a new UI__ : __HABMIN__. ![](images/OpenHab_Admin_welcome.png) > Which browser should I use ? > Safari is supported by openHAB, but the fact is the browser used by the openHAB developer community - and by the owner of the ZWave plugin - is Google Chrome. > I recommend then Google Chrome, as openHAB 2 is in a beta phase.