# This will clone https://github.com/openhab/openhab-docs # and migrate content into the website with some changes require "fileutils" require "net/http" require "uri" require "rexml/document" # require "nokogiri" $docs_repo = "https://github.com/openhab/openhab-docs" $docs_repo_root = $docs_repo + "/blob/master" $docs_repo_branch = "final" $esh_repo = "https://github.com/eclipse/smarthome" $esh_repo_root = $esh_repo + "/blob/master/docs/documentation" $version = nil require_relative "./.vuepress/process_file.rb" require_relative "./.vuepress/process_main_docs.rb" require_relative "./.vuepress/add_placeholders.rb" if (Dir.exists?("docs")) then puts ">>> Removing processed docs" FileUtils.rm_rf("docs") end if (Dir.exists?("addons/integrations")) then puts ">>> Removing processed addons" FileUtils.rm_rf("docs") end process_main_docs(".") add_placeholder_pages() if (ARGV[0] && ARGV[0] == "--delete-sources") then puts ">>> !!! Deleting source files - for ephemeral clones only!" ["administration", "appendix", "community", "configuration", "developers", "installation", "tutorials"].each { |d| FileUtils.rm_rf(d) } end # Regenerate the classic iconset docs #puts ">>> Generating iconset" #system("ruby generate_iconset_doc.rb #{docs_source_dir}/_addons_iconsets classic #{docs_source_dir}/_data docs/configuration/iconsets")