--- layout: documentation title: Windows --- {% include base.html %} # openHAB on Windows The following instructions will guide you through the process of setting up openHAB. This page is structured as follows: {::options toc_levels="2..4"/} - TOC {:toc} ## Prerequisites First, be sure to check that your system has the necessary [prerequisites]({{base}}/installation/index.html#prerequisites). Add the `JAVA_HOME` System Environment Variable in Windows. Navigate to: - Control Panel ➡️ System and Security ➡️ System ➡️ Advanced System Settings ➡️ Environment Variables ➡️ System Variables Create a New System Variable based on your Java installation directory: ![JAVA_HOME](images/JAVA_HOME.png) The directory that openHAB is installed to must **contain no spaces**. On this page, we will be using `C:\openHAB` as an example. ## Installation The openHAB runtime is distributed using a platform-independent zip file. To install it, follow these simple steps: 1. Download the latest Windows Stable or Snapshot ZIP archive file for manual installation from the [Download](https://www.openhab.org/download/) page. 2. Unzip the file in your chosen directory (e.g. `C:\openHAB`) 3. Start the server: Launch the runtime by executing the script `C:\openHAB\start.bat` and wait a while for it to start and complete. ![Karaf_Windows](images/Karaf_Windows.png) 4. Point your browser to `http://localhost:8080`. You should now follow the first installation procedure. ### File Locations Assuming a successful install, you will now have various folders inside `C:\openHAB`: | | Windows Installation | |:--------------------------------:|:-----------------------------| | openHAB application | `C:\openHAB\runtime` | | Additional add-on files | `C:\openHAB\addons` | | Site configuration | `C:\openHAB\conf` | | Log files | `C:\openHAB\userdata\logs` | | Userdata like rrd4j databases | `C:\openHAB\userdata` | | Service configuration | `C:\openHAB\userdata\etc` | ## Backup Make sure that you make regular backups of the **conf** and **userdata** folders, you can zip and unzip these folders too and from openHAB installations (even across most versions). When you have a setup that you are happy with, it would be a good idea to make a backup of the whole `C:\openHAB` folder. Which can be used any time after a failure. ## Updating the openHAB Runtime To start the update process, run PowerShell as an administrator and use the following commands, while replacing `x.x.x` with the wanted openHAB version. Assuming you have openHAB installed in `C:\openHAB`: ```shell cd C:\openHAB . .\runtime\bin\update.ps1 Update-openHAB -OHVersion x.x.x ``` Now that openHAB has updated, you only need to run the above commands again for future versions. ## Starting openHAB as a Service By installing the openHAB process as a service in Windows, you can: - Launch it automatically upon system startup - Run it in the background **Windows Service Installation Steps** 1. Complete the [prerequisites](#prerequisites) and regular [installation](#installation) steps, including the package selection 2. Issue the following two commands in your openHAB console: ```shell feature:install service-wrapper wrapper:install --name "openHAB" --display "openHAB" --description "openHAB Service" ``` ![Wrapper Install_Windows](images/Wrapper_Install_Windows.jpg) 3. Shutdown the openHAB instance by typing `logout` in the currently running console. 4. Update the newly created `C:\openHAB\userdata\etc\openHAB-wrapper.conf` to include all necessary parameters. - Copy all the config text from the below section and paste it in your `openHAB-wrapper.conf`, replacing all existing content. - Adapt the first entry (`OPENHAB_HOME`) to match your openHAB installation directory. ```conf #******************************************************* # openHAB-wrapper.conf for Windows Service Installation #******************************************************* # openHAB installation dir (Adapt this first setting to your system) set.default.OPENHAB_HOME=C:\openHAB # Wrapper Properties set.default.OPENHAB_CONF=%OPENHAB_HOME%\conf set.default.OPENHAB_RUNTIME=%OPENHAB_HOME%\runtime set.default.OPENHAB_USERDATA=%OPENHAB_HOME%\userdata set.default.OPENHAB_LOGDIR=%OPENHAB_USERDATA%\logs set.default.KARAF_HOME=%OPENHAB_RUNTIME% set.default.KARAF_BASE=%OPENHAB_USERDATA% set.default.KARAF_DATA=%OPENHAB_USERDATA% set.default.KARAF_ETC=%OPENHAB_USERDATA%\etc set.default.PATH=%PATH%;%KARAF_BASE%\lib;%KARAF_HOME%\lib # Java Application wrapper.working.dir=%KARAF_BASE% wrapper.java.command=%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java wrapper.java.mainclass=org.apache.karaf.wrapper.internal.service.Main wrapper.java.classpath.1=%KARAF_HOME%\lib\boot\*.jar wrapper.java.classpath.2=%KARAF_DATA%\lib\wrapper\*.jar wrapper.java.library.path.1=%KARAF_DATA%\lib\wrapper\ # Java Parameters wrapper.java.additional.1=-Dkaraf.home="%KARAF_HOME%" wrapper.java.additional.2=-Dkaraf.base="%KARAF_BASE%" wrapper.java.additional.3=-Dkaraf.data="%KARAF_DATA%" wrapper.java.additional.4=-Dkaraf.etc="%KARAF_ETC%" wrapper.java.additional.5=-Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote wrapper.java.additional.6=-Dkaraf.startLocalConsole=false wrapper.java.additional.7=-Dkaraf.startRemoteShell=true wrapper.java.additional.8=-Djava.endorsed.dirs="%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\endorsed;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\endorsed;%KARAF_HOME%\lib\endorsed" wrapper.java.additional.9=-Djava.ext.dirs="%JAVA_HOME%\jre\lib\ext;%JAVA_HOME%\lib\ext;%KARAF_HOME%\lib\ext" wrapper.java.additional.10=-Dopenhab.home="%OPENHAB_HOME%" wrapper.java.additional.11=-Dopenhab.conf="%OPENHAB_HOME%\conf" wrapper.java.additional.12=-Dopenhab.runtime="%OPENHAB_HOME%\runtime" wrapper.java.additional.13=-Dopenhab.userdata="%OPENHAB_HOME%\userdata" wrapper.java.additional.14=-Dopenhab.logdir="%OPENHAB_USERDATA%\logs" wrapper.java.additional.15=-Dfelix.cm.dir="%OPENHAB_HOME%\userdata\config" wrapper.java.additional.16=-Dorg.osgi.service.http.port=8080 wrapper.java.additional.17=-Dorg.osgi.service.http.port.secure=8443 wrapper.java.additional.18=-Djava.util.logging.config.file="%KARAF_ETC%\java.util.logging.properties" wrapper.java.additional.19=-Dkaraf.logs="%OPENHAB_LOGDIR%" wrapper.java.additional.20=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 wrapper.java.maxmemory=512 # Wrapper Logging Properties wrapper.console.format=PM wrapper.console.loglevel=INFO wrapper.logfile=%OPENHAB_USERDATA%\logs\wrapper.log wrapper.logfile.format=LPTM wrapper.logfile.loglevel=INFO wrapper.logfile.maxsize=10m wrapper.logfile.maxfiles=5 wrapper.syslog.loglevel=NONE # Wrapper Windows Properties wrapper.console.title=openHAB wrapper.ntservice.name=openHAB wrapper.ntservice.displayname=openHAB wrapper.ntservice.description=openHAB Service wrapper.ntservice.dependency.1= wrapper.ntservice.starttype=AUTO_START wrapper.ntservice.interactive=false ``` 5. Open an elevated command prompt and type the following commands: ```text C:\openHAB\userdata\bin\openHAB-service.bat install net start "openHAB" ``` ![Admin cmd](images/Admin_CMD.jpg) ![Wrapper_Start_Windows](images/Wrapper_Start_Windows.jpg) 6. Your openHAB Windows service is now installed and running. Validate proper operations by: - Browsing to [http://localhost:8080](http://localhost:8080) - Verifying that the Windows Service is running and set to Automatic Startup type. Use `services.msc` and find the `openHAB` service. ![Windows Service](images/Windows_Service.jpg) - Logging in with an SSH client to the console (see info below) ### Connecting to the openHAB console You can connect to openHAB's console using the the `C:\openHAB\runtime\bin\client.bat` script on the local machine. Alternatively, you can use a standard SSH client: - Install an SSH client application, e.g., [Putty](https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html), [KiTTY](http://kitty.9bis.net/) or [Xshell 5](https://www.netsarang.com/products/xsh_overview.html) - Setup a session with the following parameters: - Host: - Port: 8101 - Username: `openhab` - Password: `habopen` ![SSH Connection 1](images/SSH_Connection_1.jpg) ![SSH Connection 2](images/SSH_Connection_2.jpg) ![SSH Connection 3](images/SSH_Connection_3.jpg) ![SSH Connection 4](images/SSH_Connection_4.jpg)